The Interfaith Community at Rochester (long version)

The Interfaith Chapel is the center for religious and spiritual life on campus for students, faculty and staff. We have people who come here who believe a particular thing and are affiliated with particular religious tradition and we also have folks who come here for our activities who have no particular

Religious affiliation. We’ve been doing Interfaith on this campus in this chapel for forty years and when the chapel was first built Interfaith was Christian and Jewish and in that forty-plus years it’s now a much bigger tent than it was in the beginning. We have a sort of two-fold focus here. We’re

Supporting those who feel committed to a particular religious tradition but we also promote Interfaith engagement. We currently have 10 different religious groups that are affiliated with the chapel. We’ve got Muslim and Jewish and several Christian and Buddhist and Hindu and we have student groups that are

Affiliated with the chapel and a very active one in interfaith engagement, The Student Association for Interfaith cooperation and they’re the group that pretty much ties together all the other groups and gets them to do Interfaith programming together. So, tonight we’re hosting an event with Doctor Sevak

Whose a local Interfaith Religious Leaders so I’m greeting people as they come in and just try to gather people who are interested in Interfaith to hear from a local community leader and to

Connect with the campus. In the word Interfaith dialogue is a very new word, in fact. 1989 and I will give you some history. So when you hear this word, what it means to you. Understanding to learn from each other instead of trying to keep face that the other people they’re wrong. I love bringing people of different

Religious traditions and students of no tradition together to find the things they have in common and the things that they value together. University of Rochester Christian Fellowship has been around about twenty seven or twenty eight years at this point. I just like to sing and I love to seek God here. Every

Nation. We are usually the most diverse ministry on campus as far as religious groups or Christian groups that are here but we cover every corner of the earth and it’s a wonderful time because we bring all that together, that melting pot, and I’d like to

Say that we have a little slice of heaven here on earth. So what we’re going to do for tonight is hold an informational session for Hijabi for a Day which is an event that’s a part of our annual Islam Awareness week and allows students opportunity to wear

A head scarf or supportment plan in support of and solidarity of women on campus who choose to wear the headscarf as a part of their faith. Hijab or covering self is one

Of the most obvious and most seen thing about Islam and Muslims. Islam Awareness Week is all about promoting tolerance, respect understanding and that applies beyond religion. That applies to everything, I hope that this is a lee-way for people

To approach each other, talk to each other and understand each other a little bit better Cru has a weekly meeting that meets once a week on Thursday nights. A typical weekly meeting starts with about 15 minutes of socializing then it goes

Into an activity, some kind of game, some kind of get to know you activity. Ohhhh! We want to be a community where students are really caring for one another. A place where we can be real honest and vulnerable about our lives and we want

To be a community where all that’s possible because we believe a relationship with God is possible through Jesus Christ and tonight at the Interfaith Chapel, we are holding a Interfaith Thanksgiving banquet with the guest speaker, Chris Stedman, from Yale University where he is the Executive Director of the Yale Humanist Community.

I am on the SAKE mailing list. I just really like their events and I really like all the, like, religious co-operation of learning about different religions, so yeah! We have the Roman Catholic Newman Community and the Protestant Chapel Community. Both of these communities have been here

On this campus for fifty years. They just hit their fifty year anniversaries last year. So the Catholic Newman Community is the largest single denomination on campus. We service about sixteen hundred Catholics on campus, thirty percent of the population and we sponsor over a hundred

And twenty programs each year that engage in spiritual to social to the academic and discovered faith and reason together. Many people see faith as opposed to reason, as if it’s an either or option and here on a Science campus we definitely take this stance that they’re very compatible. PCC is a multi-denominational

Group of kids from all different Protestant Christian backgrounds. Some of them from backgrounds that are not Protestant Christian who have all come together to worship and be a church on campus here. Also, like pretty much all faith groups, once you’ve captured the fact that we’re eating you capture the

Essential part of our group. Thank you God for giving us food. Thank you God for giving us friends. For the food we eat and the friends we meet, thank you God for giving us food. We do a lot of food in the Chapel. People can get free meals here several

Nights a week with one religious community or another. Food’s important here because obviously students like to eat and actually religious students often have religious restrictions on what they can eat so one thing they learn they start doing interfaith etiquette is learning about each other’s dietary

Restrictions and how to be hospitable to one another. All religious cultures have special foods and so often they will do things were there something special to a particular tradition that’s being served and others get to sample that and enjoy it too.

Having Diwali dinners, this is a yearly event we usually do around the fall time. It changes every year based on the calendar. We do this usually in Douglas Dining Hall and we’ve been preparing for this ever since the start of school.

Actually the light kind of symbolizes the victory of good over evil and that’s why we’re here today, not just food, vegetables or food, vegetables for everyone so we can celebrate the good over evil. Great people. Great food. It’s just a good time to celebrate a good event. Happy Hanukah . Happy Hanukah everybody. Now doughnuts and latkes against the wall. You can line up and enjoy some doughnuts, latkes on both sides. We’re going to eat latkes.

We’re going to have sufganiyan, which are doughnuts and we’re going to have fun. We got the lights, the Menorah, which is symbol of Freedom and we are going to have hundreds of students pause in the middle of finals and see what is important to celebrate the

Holiday of Hanukah together as a community. (Singing) I love bringing people of different religious traditions and students of no tradition together to find the things that they have in common and the things that they value together and engaging in conversation and discovering that they

Can make friends across lines of division that they didn’t think they could make friends. We’re so grateful to be part of that community to get to dialogue and and really work towards Interfaith Collaboration. God created us as we

Are so God didn’t want us to be one single nation so if he had willed, he would have done so but he did not. It’s important that people, regardless of faith and belief come together and you know

Take the time to learn about what the other person believes in and I think UofR’s great for starting that initiative and I’ve had a great experience working with people from the Interfaith Cooperation and hope

To do so again in the future. A production of the University of Rochester. Please visit us on-line and subscribe to our channel for more videos.

#Interfaith #Community #Rochester #long #version

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