A Fully Catholic Life? Or a Secular One, With Patches of Catholic?

– We don’t often so much have Catholic cultures, but we have secular cultures with Catholic patches. And so, what I mean by that is what we celebrate, what we spend our time on, what we get dressed up for, what we prioritize in our free time is often the same things as everybody else.

Right? And so, we’ll go to mass or we’ll say some prayers, but that’s kinda the thing we do over here and then for the most part, what we’re listening to, all that, it’s really pretty much the same as everybody else, because the faith hasn’t really sunk in.

And so the image I had is, like, we don’t want… We don’t want our faith in the… Yeah, we don’t want the faith to respond to and sink into our lives like chocolate chips in some cookies, right? So it’s like, oh, here, there might be a lot of chocolate chips,

But they’re sort of scattered. You want it, like… The yeast, you want it in everything, right? And it gets in there and it’s deep and it animates everything. – Thanks so much for watching this segment from the Poco A Poco Podcast. If you wanna watch a full show, head on right over here.

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