Biblical diversity vs. secular diversity

– Greetings, I’m Dr. Harold D. Lewis Sr., Vice President of Biblical Diversity, servin’ outta the national office in Orlando, Florida of the Converge movement. One of the questions I get asked often as I go around the Converge community facilitating biblical diversity workshops and seminars, Dr. Lewis, what’s the difference between biblical diversity

And secular diversity? Let that question sink in. What’s the difference between biblical diversity and secular diversity? Very good question and I’m goin’ to try and unpack it for you right now. Let’s start with the premise, first and foremost, that biblical diversity is a God idea.

Ah, let me say that again, biblical diversity is a God idea. Man did not concoct this idea about biblical diversity, however, they did co-opt it and went into a general kind of diversity, played with that diversity. God’s love letter, his word, the scripture, are littered with a number of texts

That talks about biblical diversity and God’s eternal expectation on how we should get along on the planet, not just as baptized and born again believers, but humanity in general. So let’s answer the question. What’s the difference between biblical diversity and secular diversity? Here it is, I’m afraid a mess up someone’s theology,

But it is what it is. Biblical diversity is predicated upon the word of God. Secular diversity is predicated upon the ways of the world. Biblical diversity submits only to God’s theocracy. Theocracy, yes, see God has a kingdom and in his kingdom he is a king and is not subject

To popular opinion or polls. Whereas secular diversity submits to government democracy. All you have to do is put a bill in place and folks vote on the bill and then whether or not God’s word commands it or not, people go contradiction towards it. Biblical diversity yields only to the commandments of God

Where secular diversity yields to polls, politician, and popular opinion. Case and point, in our world, we have all these different laws that are bein’ legislated how we should govern ourselves as, not only, general constituents in the country as citizens, but also regulatin’ the church. But God’s word specifically defines

How we should treat each other. God’s word specifically defines how we should not trespass against each other’s property, each other’s families. God’s word is distinct, the divinely distinguished, between biblical diversity and secular diversity. And so when we look into the world, the church is supposed and is called to be counter culture.

Counter culture, whatever racial tension that’s goin’ on in the world, we shouldn’t have that same racial tension in the church. We oughta come together on the Matthew chapter number 18 we talked about if you have ought against a brother or sister, go to that brother, one on one.

If that doesn’t work, take another disciple with you. If that doesn’t work, bring them before the council or the body and if that doesn’t work, bring them before the congregation. Biblical diversity, again, is predicated upon God’s word. Secular diversity is predicated upon the ways of the world. Until the next time.

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