Now Lucifer who is tied with some very heavy chains was lying on his back with  the other rebellious angels in the Lake of Fire they were tied there by the archangels  Michael and his colleagues as punishments for their Insurrection against the almighty God Â
They found themselves under such severe punishment because Lucifer who was one of the top angels in  heaven and in fact the greatest and most glorious angel in heaven fell out with God when he became  so powerful that he thought he could unseat God and become the boss of Heaven you may well know Â
The story of Lucifer and how he was expelled from Heaven due to his pride and was cast down to the  Earth where he later transformed into Satan the Devil with the other rebellious angels Â
Well there are a lot of background stories that you may not find in the Bible in this video I will  be using the book one of Paradise Lost which was written by John Milton to give you the background  story of what really transpired in the spiritual World during the transformation of Lucifer to Â
Satan and the other evil angels well God did not find such dissident attitude funny and directed  Michael and the other loyal archangels to deal with the issue but Lucifer who was still not ready  to plead for forgiveness was still determined to stand against God the result of the impasse Â
Was the first recorded war in heaven which was the war between the good and the evil angels  and of course Lucifer and his angels who were the evil angels were defeated there were the  disadvantaged side apart from the fact that God was with Michael and his angels Lucifer was also Â
Outnumbered by two to one now John Milton said that they were cast straight into hell first  this assertion is contrary to Revelation 12 verses 7 to 12 in the Bible which says  now War arose in heaven Michael and his angels fighting against the Dragon and the dragon and Â
His angels fought back but he was defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven  and the Great Dragon was thrown down that ancient serpent who is called the devil and Satan the Â
Deceiver of the whole world he was thrown down to the Earth and his angels were thrown down with him  and I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of Â
Our God and the authority of his Christ have come for the accuser of our brothers has been  thrown down who accuses them Day and Night Before Our God and they have conquered him by the blood Â
Of the lamb and by the word of their testimony for they loved not their lives even unto death  therefore Rejoice O heavens and you who dwell in them but woe To You O Earth and Â
Sea for the devil has come down to you in great Wrath because he knows that his time is short  well the Paradise Lost also talked about Lucifer ending up on the earth so it is kind  of still leading to same thing Paradise Lost described Satan as a gigantic creature that Â
Is compared to a Titan or the Leviathan who is the Beast of the Seas himself lying on the lake  the next in command to Satan is Beelzebub he is Satan right-hand man  the chains in which they were restricted with has made them become more evil Â
They were transformed for the worst through the severe punishment God has meted on them  one will expect that such a punishment will make Satan and his lieutenants remorseful so  that they will seek to change their ways but alas it made them more hardened and challenged Â
To still move against the interest of God on the Earth in fact Satan declared that it is better to  reign in Hell than to serve in heaven so Satan was so interested in power that he was ready to Â
Forgo all the Privileges he had in heaven to the expected Authority he will wield in hell  now Satan made effort to break free from his restraints and emerge from the flames  he soars to a desolate plane where Beelzebub follows then the other Fallen Angels respond Â
To Satan’s call from the plane by rising from the lake and flying to their leader one by one  the principal Devils that are currently in control of hell are listed by Milton as they appear moloch  kimos Balaam asteroth astart asterath Dagon rimin Osiris Isis auris Mammon and Belial Â
A formal catalog of demons includes an introduction to each monster  Milton makes it abundantly apparent that only God has given these Fallen Angels the freedom  from their bonds that they believe they have achieved on their own Satan was able Â
To gather a large army of fallen angels that is impressive but do their recent ignominious defeat  Satan knew he has a lot to do if he must be successful in his second attempt at opposing God  the devil then addresses the fallen angels and rallies them for the task ahead of them on the Â
Earth since Satan also had the ability for motivation talks he told them that  they should not be cast down in their hearts because they still have power and that their  purpose will be to oppose God on the Earth this is their time for war they are at war with the Â
Creatures of God here on the Earth the devil host of Angels were motivated by his speech and  they started building the capital city of their hellish Dominion right away at mammon’s command  they located mineral deposits in the highlands of hell and swiftly began to establish a metropolis Â
They construct a massive tower that ultimately comes to represent Pandemonium the capital of Hell  under the guidance of their architect molsaber the demon Army’s erratic movements are likened  to a massive swarm of bees they all gather for the first Grand parade once the construction Â
Was completed and the capital is finished Milton underlines in the prologue of his book that his  subject will be man’s Rebellion to God’s will meaning that not only Adam but all of humanity  from the beginning to the end has disobeyed God he does say that the bigger man who rescued everyone Â
From the initial Disobedience will be a part of his subject additionally he intends to use  eternal Providence to justify the ways of God to men Milton uses the word justify to indicate more  than merely an explanation he also intends to show that God’s treatment of man is just Â
Milton’s declaration that he will compose and pursue a purpose that has never been attempted  before supports the assumption that he was not troubled by any illusion of modesty in order to  achieve this goal Milton’s prayer to the Muse What In Me Is dark or illumin is the only truly Â
Moving passage in this prologue Milton will later address his blindness more explicitly  in the prologue that opens book three Milton makes no reference of Satan in this prologue  or indication even though he is the poem’s principal character but not its true subject Â
Satan is initially seen in the beginning of the book sleeping in the bottom of hell  the great theological epic puts Satan in the Forefront introduces him first and in numerous  ways makes him the story’s protagonist this is so because despite the fact that Satan is a likable Â
Figure who faces overwhelming odds Milton does not desire his audience to have sympathy for him  a fact Milton’s original audience would have been more aware of the ironies inherent in  Satan’s conflicts and his remarks about power than his present audiences The Authority that Â
Satan claims and believes he has is fictitious only God can give him the ability to act and his  battle with god is already over the audience of old are aware as Milton’s lines confirms  that Satan’s conflict with God had already been decisively lost before the book begins Â
To the current audience Satan may appear heroic as he struggles to create a heaven out of hell  the authority to act on God’s behalf not their own is given to Satan and the other Demons by God  additionally Satan is at his most alluring at this point in the story Â
He recently descended from heaven where he held the position of closest Angel to God  the celestial Radiance he had in heaven has not yet disappeared  the reader will see that Satan’s personality and appearance deteriorate as the poem goes on  Milton’s writing is thoughtfully organized to highlight the effects of Satan’s Deeds Â
Following Satan’s departure from the Flaming Lake the list of demons follows an epic pattern  of identifying Heroes however in this case the list is of antagonists this particular  list appears to be a deliberate parody of book two of the iliad’s listing of Greek vessels Â
And heroes by Homer of order to explain why so many of the Gods in paganism exist today Milton  uses the catalog to enumerate a large number of Fallen Angels these beings were formerly among  the Angels who revolted against God as a result the reader may not immediately link Christianity Â
With names like Isis Osiris ball and others but rather with a pre-christian pagan belief  the two most significant Devils on the list are Beelzebub and Belial the building of pandemonium  the seed of hell is the last chapter of book once in book two both contain a considerable amount of Â
Accidental humor both times the Devils appear to be seized by a sense of civic pride and act on the  principle that hell is horrible but with a few modifications we can make it a lot better even  attractive the mindset of the mayor of a tiny town that was overlooked by the interstate is Â
Revealed in both Mammon and the Demonic architect malsaber both of them appear to believe that hell  could become so nice with changes that people would desire to leave the main objective of  Milton here however is to make pandemonium a term he invented from the Latin pan all Â
In demonium the capital of hell for the demons overall Milton paints a picture of hell that at  least in the first few volumes appears to have more than one essence thank you for your support
#Paradise #Lost #War #Angels #Building #Pandemonium #Hell