The Message of the Resurrection – Dr. Charles Stanley

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Next on “In Touch,” “The Message of the Resurrection.” Dr. Charles Stanley: When we began the ministry in Russia, I wanted to be sure to go there and be sure we started it right and made all the preparation necessary. And one of the things I wanted to do was to go to Red Square

And visit Lenin’s tomb because I had been there about thirty years before, and the lines were so long, they said it would be about a two-hour wait before I could get in, so I walked away and thought, “Well, maybe one of these days.” This time there were no lines.

I walked in between a number of guards and there was a sign that said “No Talking.” I stood there gazing upon the lifeless corpse of a man, encased air-tight into a–in a glass covering, and stood there for a few moments and felt the despair,

The gloom, and thought to myself: here lies the lifeless corpse of a man who did not believe in God, who caused a bloody revolution, who put his whole nation in bondage, who caused bloodshed and death all across the world, and who left his followers with a shattered dream.

And worse than that, he left them with absolutely no hope of life beyond this one. I walked out of that place and stood there and turned around and thought for a few moments about another tomb I’d been in. This one, the crowds were still there,

And I waited till everyone was gone late that afternoon, and I walked into this tomb, not to look for a lifeless corpse because I knew He wasn’t there. I knew that I was walking into a tomb that was absolutely empty, and that’s why I’d come.

I thought to myself: what a difference in these two tombs, one of them is still filled and having to be guarded, a lifeless corpse. The other one is pure stone, nobody, no guards, no signs to keep me quiet. What an awesome difference in these two tombs, in these two men.

One of them is the message of gloom and despair and failure. The other is the message of hope and assurance and absolute eternal success. Which message had you rather hear? Which message had you rather believe? For me, I’ll choose the message from the second tomb,

The one in Jerusalem, the tomb of the Son of God. And I want you to turn, if you will, to Luke chapter twenty-four, and let’s read what happened, how He got placed there, and how He didn’t stay there very long at all. Twenty-fourth chapter of Luke, first verse,

“But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, and when they had entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

And it happened that while they were perplexed about this, behold, two men suddenly stood near them in dazzling apparel; and as the women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, ‘Why do you seek the living One among the dead?

He is not here, but He has risen. Remember how He spoke to you while He was still in Galilee, saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’ And they remembered His words, and returned from the tomb and

Reported all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.” My friend, the best news the world could possibly hear is found in verse six. He is not here, but He has risen. This is the greatest news the world has ever heard because,

You see, if that were not true, you and I would have absolutely no hope and assurance of life after this one. What I’d like to do in this message is simply explain to you what is the real message of the resurrection? It isn’t simply the fact that Jesus died on the cross and

Somebody placed Him in their tomb and sealed it up and Romans that were there to guard it, and simply the fact that the rock, the stone was rolled away and suddenly His body was not there. That is the event. These are the things that took place.

But what is the message of the resurrection? So whether you’re a believer or not, I want you to listen carefully. The first thing that I understand about the message of the resurrection is this: that our Christ, Jesus Christ the Son of God who is our Savior and our Lord and

Our master, the Son of God is alive. He is not dead. You’ll recall that He told His disciples in that sixteenth chapter of Matthew, one of the first times He began to explain to them about the fact that He was going to have to die, here’s what He said to them.

“From that time Jesus Christ began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.” And you’ll recall that was so obnoxious to them that Peter rebuked Him.

And then also in the seventeenth chapter following the Mount of Transfiguration experience, the scripture says in verse twenty-two, “And while they were gathering together in Galilee, Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men; and they will kill Him,

And He will be raised on the third day.’ And they were deeply grieved.” So, what you find is all through the Gospels, you find one reference after the other of Jesus telling His disciples, “I’m going to have to die, but I’m not going to stay dead, I’m going to rise from the dead.”

And that is exactly what happened because on that morning when they came to prepare for His body, or to add the spices, they didn’t think it was probably done because it was done so quickly, He wasn’t there. And my friend, the world needs to hear the truth,

That the God whom you and I serve, the living God, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is not buried in a tomb. He is not here, it is His absence, not His presence but His absence that causes us to rejoice. Now somebody says, “Well, then where is He?

Where is He if He’s not there?” I’ll tell you where He is, the Bible’s very clear about where He is. So, if you’ll turn to Hebrews chapter ten for a moment. Let’s look at this passage, Hebrews chapter ten. The Bible tells us everything you and I need to know.

And so somebody says, “Well, where is the Lord Jesus Christ? Where is the Son of God? If He rose from the dead, then where is He?” And the scripture says in chapter ten of Hebrews verse twelve, “But He, having suffered one sacrifice,” that is His life, “for sins for all time, sat down

At the right hand of God.” Our resurrected Christ is seated at the Father’s right hand. That’s where He is. And what is He doing? Well, the scripture tells us exactly what He’s doing because it tells us in the seventh chapter of Hebrews, verse twenty-five, “Hence also He is able to save forever those

Who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for us.” Where is He? He’s at the Father’s right hand. What is He doing? Making intercession for us. Well, what is He doing besides interceding and sitting as our advocate? The Bible says in chapter fourteen of John,

If you want to turn there for a moment. Here’s something else He’s doing. He said to His disciples in this fourteenth chapter, “Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you;

I am going to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I’m coming again, to receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” What is He doing? Seated at the Father’s right hand, interceding for us, acting as our advocate,

Like our attorney before the Father. And at the same time, He is preparing Heaven for us and He is doing that until He is finished, and the next thing, or the last thing I would say is simply this, and that is He’s waiting for the Father’s plan to be complete and

Then He’s coming back for all of us who are His children. So where is He? Seated at the Father’s right hand. But there’s another place that He is, and that is He is not only seated at the Father’s right hand, but He is living on the inside of every single child of

God in the presence of the Holy Spirit who sealed us and indwelt us the moment we received Him as our Savior. Turn to the fifteenth chapter of John to the most graphic picture that Jesus could possibly have painted for us and painted for

His disciples to remind us forever that He is with us, and also to tell us and to explain to us the intimate relationship that He has with every single one of His children. You’ll recall that He says in this first verse of John

Fifteen, “I am the true vine, My Father is the vinedresser. He’s the one who takes care of Him. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bring forth more fruit. You are already clean because of the

Words which I have spoken to you.” Now watch verse four and five. “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you,” that is bear fruit, “unless you abide in Me.”

Watch this, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who is abiding in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.” What is He saying? Simply this. Lord Jesus Christ who is the risen Lord,

One of the first message, the basic bottom line message of the resurrection is this: that Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God is alive, seated at the Father’s right hand, making intercession for us, serving as our adequate–as our advocate, preparing heaven for us, and at the same time

Living on the inside of every single one of those of us who have trusted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. We can say in the very beginning, the message of the resurrection is: our Christ is indeed very much alive and eternally alive. The second message of the resurrection is this: that our

Sins have been forgiven and we are absolutely eternally secure in Him. If you’ll recall, He says He came to give His life a ransom for many. He came to seek and to save that which is lost. Look, if you will, in Ephesians chapter one. Ephesians chapter one, beginning in this very first chapter,

Paul talks about how we have been chosen in Christ. And then he says in verse seven, “In Him,” that is in Christ Jesus, “we have redemption,” that is His death purchased our salvation, “through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” You’ll recall also in First Peter,

Chapter one, when he is describing what Jesus has done for us, here’s what he says in First Peter chapter one, and beginning in verse eighteen, “Knowing that you and I were not redeemed,” or saved, “with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your

Forefathers, but with the precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.” What is the message of the resurrection? Message of the resurrection is that our sins have been forgiven. The message of the resurrection is that you and I are eternally secure in Him.

But is that all the message of the resurrection? No, it’s not, because we, too, are going to experience a bodily resurrection. So, I want you to turn to First Corinthians fifteen. Let’s look at this for a moment, and I want us to look at these verses. First Corinthians fifteen.

Jesus called this resurrection a resurrection unto life. And so in this fifteenth chapter, he gives us some things here that I want us to notice. We also are going to experience a bodily resurrection. Now, when is that going to happen? Here’s what he tells us in verse twenty-three of chapter fifteen.

He says, “But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming.” Here’s what he’s saying. The first person to be resurrected from the dead and to live forever is the Lord Jesus Christ. Those whom Jesus Christ raised from the dead in His day died.

So they died. But Jesus Christ is the one who raised from the dead and lives forever. And so, the message here is this. That all of us who are His children, we too are going to have a bodily resurrection. With all that in mind, this has–takes on a little different meaning now.

John chapter six. What did we read? He said in verse thirty-seven, that the–He says, “All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. For I have come down from heaven,

Not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me, I,” listen to this now, He says I, “lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.” He said I lose nothing.

He says in a twinkling of an eye, these bodies are going to be resurrected, listen, fashioned like unto the body of the Son of God. His body was absolutely, totally glorified. When you and I, listen, when we leave this earth and this body

Leaves this earth, these bodies are going to leave this earth perfectly transformed, absolutely in the glory of the Son of God Himself. That’s the message of the resurrection. Man, listen, He says I’m not going to lose anything but raise it up on the last day.

This is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son, believes in Him, may have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day. He’s speaking of the body, because we’ll already be with Him. Raise him up on the last day. Raise up these bodies of ours.

Not going to lose anything. Bodies will be transformed just like He said. What’s the message of the resurrection? Every single one of us who knows Christ as our Savior, we too are going to experience a resurrection. Now, not only that, but heaven is going to be our eternal home.

The message of the resurrection is that heaven is our home. Because Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you, I’m coming again to receive you to Myself, that where I am there you may be also.”

Now, if we had time, we could talk a lot of things about what the Bible says about heaven. But you see, the most important thing about heaven is not what the streets are made of and whether they’re going to be castles, or whether they’re going to be something else.

That’s not even the issue. The issue’s this. The issue is that God’s there. The throne of God’s there. Jesus is there. The issue is that we’re going to be there. We’re, listen, we’re going to be serving Him, worshipping Him, praising Him, living with Him and living with

Our loved, listen, all that Almighty God has provided for us, listen, you and I can believe it because Christ rose from the dead, which validates everything He said. If He had not risen from the dead, we’d say, “Well, you know, other people have made all kind of

Promises, and we can look in their Bibles and see all of these things, but how do we know? Listen, the fact that He rose from the dead, listen, that’s proof. Listen, because that’s the final test. That is the ultimate proof that He’s the Son of God, the ultimate proof that He’s divine,

The ultimate proof of His promises to be true. And He says that He’s provided a heaven for us, and that’s where every single person whose name is written in the Lamb’s book of life is going to spend eternity. But I want to tell you something else about the resurrection,

A wonderful, wonderful truth about the resurrection, and that’s this: that you and I, listen, we have the promise that we’re going to meet our loved ones there. And we’re going to know them. Where do you get that? Well, in the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians,

For example, he says we’re going to know even as we are known. When he said in First Thessalonians, that when Jesus Christ comes, we’re, listen, He’s bringing those who have passed on before, our loved ones, with Him. Then we too shall be caught up together.

And he says, “To meet them in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” He didn’t have to say that. Now, what–why would He have said we’re going to meet them in the air if we weren’t going to know them? And the truth is, it wouldn’t be heaven if there

Were all faceless creatures. We’re going to know each other. We’re going to have some kind of relationship that I don’t think anybody can fully understand. But it will be a wonderful relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We’ll have an absolute perfect relationship with one another.

That relationship is going to be to such a degree of intimacy and such a degree of pure holiness, that you and I couldn’t possibly understand on this earth, contained in these physical bodies with our emotions and our sinfulness, how you could relate to someone so absolutely in such a heavenly fashion.

But that is exactly what’s going to happen. We’re going to know each other. We shall know even as we are known. And we absolutely shall be no doubt and unquestionably perfectly known in heaven. Well, there’s just one other message of the resurrection I want to share, and that’s this.

When I look at this chapter and I see the events that took place and all about the tomb and all of these things and the spices and all the rest, and this is where people get hung up usually. That’s not the message of the resurrection. That’s the event of the resurrection.

The message of it is this. The message of the resurrection is because Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is living on the inside of every single one of us who is His children, we can face all the tomorrows with confidence and assurance and perfect peace,

That no matter what we have to face, we will be victorious. We will, because this earth is full of strife and stress and strains and violence and harm and hurt and shame. And because it is full of sorrow and pain, and because our valleys are oftentimes very long and very

Deep, and because our pathway oftentimes is full of pain and hurt and disappointments and discouragements. The message of the resurrection is this: you and I don’t walk through a single valley. We don’t walk through a long–along any pathway of life, no matter how hurtful and how painful,

Without the presence of the Son of God to enable us, strengthen us, help us, guard us, guide us, empower us, and cheer us on our way. That this life is not what it’s all about. This is just part of the journey. And at some point out there, when this journey is ended,

The Son of God who rose from the dead, who made us all these wondrous promises, is going to be standing there waiting for us to fulfill His last awesome promise. “I will come again to receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”

He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me.” If you’re willing to pray a simple prayer and mean it with all of your heart, your eternal destiny can be changed in less than sixty seconds.

Your name will be written in the Lamb’s book of life within the next minute. And if that’s what you want, would you pray this prayer to Almighty God? Heavenly Father, I do believe the testimony of scripture, that Jesus Christ is your eternal Son.

I believe He went to the cross and died for my sins. I confess to You that I’m a sinner. I need Your forgiveness. I’m asking You to save me. I’m trusting You to do it right now. I accept the forgiveness of my sins. I accept Your gift of salvation.

I accept You as my personal Savior, in Jesus’s name, amen. If you’ve prayed that prayer, your name is written, never to be erased in the Lamb’s book of life, and God has a place for you in heaven. ♪♪♪

#Message #Resurrection #Charles #Stanley

The Significance of the Birth of Jesus – Dr. Charles Stanley

Dr. Charles Stanley: Well, the manger scene with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, with a few animals in the barn is a scene that most of us have thought about and have seen and have talked about all the, these many, many years. But today, this very sacred scene has become a target.

And when I think about the manger scenes that have been placed in different places, earlier in this century, it was more often seen than today. And little by little, the manger scene has been discarded because some people objected. And they saw that as a target.

The most important event in the history of all humanity, a target of people who hate God, hate religion, who are agnostic or totally unbelievers, it’s become a target. Then, it became a political issue. And so, that today, you see less and less scenes of the Mary and

Joseph, Jesus, and all the rest that you and I know about. So, they go to court. They do all kind of things to remove the manger scene. But think about this, God placed the first manger scene here and no matter what somebody says or does or what kind of laws they

Pass, the effects of the manger scene will still be here when Jesus comes no matter what they try to do. And, when I understand what really happened in that spot, that place, wherever it may be, and there are manger scenes all over the country today, regardless of what people try to do.

So, I want us think about it in light of let’s look into a little deeper look at that because there’s more there than simply Mary and Joseph and the shepherds who came. And so when you look at that scene, you realize that there’s more to it than meets the eye.

So, I want us to look at it. It was the most significant birth in the world–the most significant thing that had happened up until that time. Because it was that moment in time when God came to earth in the form of a baby to live among men; to grow up; live in a

Carpenter shop; learn to be a carpenter. One day laid aside His apron maybe and His tools and walked out to change the world. That makes it a very, very significant scene. So when you look at it, it’s easy to say, “Well, we’ve seen this for years.” But what does it represent?

It’s a reminder of your salvation. It’s a reminder that you don’t have to worry about dying. It’s a reminder that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. And it’s a reminder that all of your blessed assurance is not because of anything you and I have done, but simply respond to

The truth of the message of the gospel which began pictorially right there in that situation. And then, when you begin to look at what the Scripture says about Him, I want us to look at the Colossians chapter one for a moment because here is an awesome description of what this

Manger scene is all about in this first chapter. Speaking of Jesus, “In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins. This is what was happening. He is–watch this now–“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and

On earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things have been created through Him and for Him.” That is, in that scene is the baby we just described. “The image of the invisible God; the firstborn of all creation.”

And then the Scripture says He, “He is,” not was, but “He is before all things; and in Him all things hold together.” That is, in that cradle lay a baby that everything we have just read about was true of Him. People criticize that scene.

That scene is a picture of the most significant thing that has ever happened until the cross, the crucifixion and the resurrection. So the Scripture says, “He is before,” listen to that–not was, “He is before all things. In Him all things hold together.

He is also head of the body, the church, He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,” that is resurrection, “so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all

Things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of the cross; through Him, I say, whether things in earth or things in heaven.” That’s what happened and that’s what that scene represents. Now that’s an awesome description of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, when somebody sort of recklessly says, “You ought to

Take that thing out of your yard, or that’s just religious stuff.” No, it’s not just religious–it’s reality. It’s eternal reality. When you read that passage in Colossians chapter one and recognize and ponder over those words about who Jesus is and what happened that night He was born, we should all bow before

That scene to say, “Thank You, thank You, dear God for giving to us the Son of God.” And so, when you think about it, was that something insignificant? The most significant thing that had ever happened since the creation of the world–the coming of God in the person of a

Baby, to dwell among men; and one day to die on a cross, resurrect and ascend to Heaven; and one day He’s coming back. Everything about all of it is sacred to all of us whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Who all have to go back to the Scripture to say here’s what happened. And the reason I’m saved and my name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life because God chose to come to earth in the form of a babe, lay down His life on the cross, pay my sin-debt in full,

Even before I was born. Think about this. Our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. And think about this. Not to any of our credit. Think about it. That all of your life you will live and the blessings of God you’ll receive, and the forgiveness of sin is yours.

And your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Not one single one of us can take any credit for any of that. So, at Christmas, if there was more to give than ourselves, we should give it. And giving presents to other people will remind us we’ve

Already received the greatest present we’ll ever be able to receive. The gift of the Son of God as our Savior, Lord, Master and the hope and the promise of Heaven forever and ever and ever. That’s ours. [congregation applauding] And think about this. You can’t determine a person’s value by their surroundings.

And if you’ll think about Jesus–wasn’t born in a palace. You’d think the Son of God should be born in a palace–no. He was born in a little crib. So, you can’t look at their surroundings. Bethlehem–where was that? A small town. And no one who walked into a stable like that would

Possibly believe that God was lying there. They couldn’t possibly believe that. That Holy God chose to come to earth in the form of a babe–virgin born. And so, the interesting thing to me is that people who want to criticize the virgin birth and sort of make fun of it and say,

“Well, that’s impossible.” What do we say? Yes! Yes, yes, yes, it’s impossible. No, that would take a miracle. Yes, it’s a miracle because it’s God at work on a human level that man could not understand. It was God coming to earth in the form of a babe to grow up

Like any other little boy except sinless, and one day lay down His life in order that you and I would have eternal life. Can they explain it? No. And I think one of the reasons they want to get rid of it is because it’s so overwhelming. They can’t explain it. Watch this.

It’s their pride–they can’t explain how a baby could give them eternal life. They don’t, they can’t explain how God operates. And so you and I have so much to be grateful for. And when I meet people like that it doesn’t get me upset. I feel sorry for them, for the simple reason–listen–they can

Have this awesome mind that can explain, invent, you name it, and they can’t conceive of God becoming a child, a baby. God growing up, dying on a cross, being resurrected, and returning to the Father, writing our name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. They don’t understand that.

I do, I understand why they don’t understand. One of the reasons they don’t understand is they don’t want to. Naturally, if I want to live a sinful life, I don’t want to believe all that stuff. So, I understand why they’re foolish; why they are very

Foolish not to consider the fact that the birth of Jesus Christ was a reality. And the fact that He walked among men was a reality. That He died upon a cross was a reality. And that He died in order to save us from our sins was a reality.

That He rose from the dead is a reality. Sits at the Father’s right hand as the judge of all mankind. Listen. If I didn’t want to live a godly life, I wouldn’t want to believe that. But I’m sorry friend, it’s the truth. And what you look with disdain, is your only hope

Of eternal life. So be wise. Think about this. Just think about, just possibly if it’s truth–what does it mean to you? Christmas is not about packages. It’s not about eating. It’s not about fun. It’s about God. It’s about Jesus. It’s about the cross. It’s about the Resurrection. It’s about hope. It’s about assurance.

Unless this was Jesus the Son of God, unless He did die on the cross paying our sin-debt in full as an atonement, it’s meaningless. But thank God it is all the truth–the eternal truth of God prepared before the foundation of the world. So, it’s a significant time, far more serious than people

Take it. And so, when I think about that and I think about the fact that God made His greatest revelations to us in such a lowly in such a lowly fashion. Think about this. He could have made Jesus some great emperor. He could have made Jesus some great king.

There were kings; there were emperors; there were all kinds of important people. But think about what God did. Shocked the world. He rose from the grave and all of us who have accepted Him as our Savior, God changed our life. And if somebody says, “Well how, how do you know you’re saved?”

You can explain it. You have assurance in your heart. Why? Because it’s a promise of Almighty God. We have a relationship with this Jesus. And we have a relationship with Almighty God. Everything was changed the moment Jesus Christ was conceived in the body of the Virgin Mary.

And His life from thereafter has changed everything. This was an event in time that changed everything. And to all of us who are wise enough to accept Christ as our Savior, He gave us the promise of eternal life. So, when I think about the fact that God revealed all of this

To a bunch of shepherds. He also does some other things that we don’t expect. Think about this. He made it possible for you to go to heaven and He called it being born again. And so, He made it simple enough that if you and I confess,

Repent of our sins, and place our trust in that baby born in Bethlehem and grew up to be a carpenter, the Son of God, the Messiah, who sits at the Father’s right hand. He made it so simple so that you and I could understand salvation. Think of that.

Jesus did not speak in terms above people’s heads. He talked about things that they understood. And He talked about sheep, and He talked about life. He talked about death and talked about relationships. He made it possible for us to understand how God thought, because He was God in the flesh.

He didn’t make anything difficult. You say, “Well, I don’t always understand everything the Bible says.” Probably all of us would have to say there are some things we don’t fully understand. We don’t fully understand miracles unless we’re willing to give God the credit that He has the power to perform them.

So, God has made all of these things possible so that even a child. And I think about one morning Becky was five years of age and she said to me after breakfast, she says, “Dad, would you pray with me? I want to receive Jesus as my personal Savior.” Five years old.

My first thought was, “Now, Becky, do you understand this?” And so, I began to talk to her a little bit and she assured me that she understood that Jesus died on a cross for her sins. And think about a five-year-old girl concerning about sin.

Died for her sins and that if she would confess her sins, she would be saved. Well, I was with her this week and she said, “I remember you kneeling by my bed with me and I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my heart. I’ve never doubted that.”

Think about the world, and all the wisdom of the world. Think about what God did. He made it possible for children as well as adults to understand enough about forgiveness; to pray and to have eternal life at a very, very young age. Think about how complicated we make things today.

I think of the computer, for example. So many things about it are so difficult. God made the most important thing in all of our lives very simple. “If you’re willing to confess to Me, that is to agree with Me that you’re a sinner.

If you’re willing to ask Me to forgive you of your sins. If you’re willing to ask Me to forgive you on the basis that I died and paid your sin-debt in full, that I would save you forever.” Think about how wise that was, how wise God is.

He didn’t intend for it to be complicated. He intended for it to be simple so that even a child could understand forgiveness; and that the cross was payment– the shed blood. And that this Jesus rose from the grave and He’s seated at the Father’s right hand. Then here’s what He did.

He sent the Holy Spirit to convict us, to help us to see what sin was in our life, to identify sin in our life, in order to be able to be saved very early in life. I was twelve. My daughter was five. And I think Andy was about eight or something like that.

Think about that. Watch it. Your eternal future; your eternal future hinged on one decision you made–trusting Jesus Christ as your Savior. You talk about an awesome God. God–born as a babe, placed in a manger, not in a palace. Growing up in a normal home whose mother was criticized

Because it didn’t look like she was very pure. Look at all the things God did that were so unnatural when we think about holiness. Every event was holy. Every event was righteous. Because that’s who God is. He doesn’t operate on the basis of what we think.

He operates on the basis of perfection, holiness, righteousness, purity, truth. He operates on the basis of truth. So, when the Bible says, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” That’s so true. People, people can’t understand this whole Christian life unless they’re born again; unless there’s a transformation

In their life. And when they do, everything changes. Because the ways of God and the ways of man differ. And when we look at the story of Jesus and His birth, it’s unlike anything that we would think of today. So, we have become mentally brainwashed.

We have to have computers and all the things that go with that. And all this information–think about this. All the information you, you can touch this key or that key and anything you want to know you can find out. We think we invented all of that.

God knew all about that when Mary gave birth to Jesus. He’s known about it all the time. And you know what? Think about this. As wise as we think we are we’re so brilliant about so many things that the most important thing that ever happened was very simple.

A woman gave birth to a child who was the Savior of the world; who died on a cross; who rose from the dead; who sits at the Father’s right hand. And that’s the only thing we’ll ever learn that will get us to Heaven. He made it so simple. [congregation applauding]

And I think about–God doesn’t do His work necessarily all the time through people who are great and great minds and so forth. But whoever, who was Mary? Some little girl from Nazareth. Who was Joseph? Some fellow out there. And look what God did through them. Watch this carefully.

Don’t ever underestimate what God wants to do in your life. He may want to do something in your life then you think, “Who am I?” Can you imagine how shocked Mary was when she found out that she was pregnant? And probably how scared to death she was, except that God had

Spoken to her. If you try to fit your life into the world’s mold, you miss life at its best. When you surrender your life to Jesus and tell Him that whatever He wants to do with your life is fine with you. You surrender your life to Him.

You may not ever have a big job. The world may not know about you. But when you surrender your life to Him, here’s what you have. You have the best. Now, If anybody had said to my mother, “Rebecca, you gave birth to Charles and, the Father took your husband away when he was

Just nine months of age–that was best.” My mother nor any other woman in their might, right mind would agree with that. But God knew what He was doing. He makes no mistakes. It took me a long time to convince my mom that God didn’t make a mistake.

Say, “Mom, suppose I’d had a father and I’d had a lot of good things in life and things would have been easier for me. But what did He do? He just left me with you and just the two of us. You remember when we lived in one room?

And it was difficult and you only made nine dollars and ten cents for forty hours of work. You remember how many hours you worked and day after day after day. And somebody had to keep me and you remember all the things you went through and–” And sometime my mom would tear up

And I’d say, “You know what? All that was perfect. All that was good. Because what it did, it made you and me absolutely depend upon God for everything. So whenever that’s true, that’s good. God doesn’t operate the way we operate. His ways are higher than our ways.

And His grace and goodness and love and mercy we’ll never deserve. So, it may be that today it’d be good for you to look back in your life and think about maybe the hard times you had and, or your parents had and maybe you haven’t had a lot of things that

Your friends have had and so forth. Remember this. God doesn’t make any mistakes. No mistakes. He does what the wisdom of only God could possibly do. He doesn’t make any mistakes. And you know what? God hasn’t made any mistakes in your life. He hasn’t. He’s allowed things that you don’t like. Naturally.

He’s allowed things that cause you hurt and pain and suffering. But the moment you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, He put you on a high level. That does not mean that you won’t suffer and hurt. And sometimes accuse God of mistreating you.

But the truth is, He’s watching over you, caring for you. And if you look to the world to help you understand what God’s doing in your life, you’ll probably never understand it. He saved you. None of us can say, “Well, I understand why God saved me.” No you don’t. No you don’t.

You understand what happened maybe when He saved you. But why did God what about your neighbor? He didn’t chase– hadn’t saved him. Some of your friends, people you work with–some of them are not saved. You’ve talked to them about Jesus–they’re still not saved. We’re all dependent upon this resurrected Christ.

Born in a manger to His own a stranger as the song goes. They never understood. So, Christmas is an awesome time of a mighty God of awesome love, who does things we’ll never understand. And who did something we will never be able to explain fully.

He took this little girl from Nazareth and this little guy Joseph. He did something miraculous in their lives, and He’s been changing lives ever since. Now, if you’re not a Christian, you may not have understood all this. But let me just say this to you. You’ll never understand unless you’re willing to understand.

Unless you’re willing to at least acknowledge the fact this Jesus has transformed the world. This Jesus is unlike any other person born. This Jesus is the way to God. And you can never find anything to criticize Him for legitimately, because He was perfect. Who else would go to a cross for your sins?

Only the Son of God. Who else would forgive you for all the dirty, nasty stuff you’ve done and thought about? Only the Son of God. You either have Jesus and His forgiveness or one day you stand before God and be judged for your unbelief and your sinfulness.

If you’re willing to join the ranks of God’s children by confessing your sins and surrendering your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. No matter what happens to you from this moment on, when you

Die, the Bible says, “Absent from the body, present with the Lord. For those who die without Christ, absent from the body– judgment.” It’s an awesome, awesome opportunity. And remember this. There is no other way to be saved, to be forgiven– no other way. Except a man be born again–unless God transforms

Your life, no other way. I don’t know what you’ve heard, what you’ve believed. It’s either Jesus or eternal separation from God. And think about how patient He’s been with you so far. The wisest thing you can do, if you’ve never trusted Christ as

Your Savior, whoever you are, wherever you are is to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins. Surrender your life to Him and let Him change your eternal destiny. We’re saved by faith, by the grace of God, through faith. Amen? congregation: Amen. Dr. Stanley: Father, we thank You that You

Don’t do it our way. Thank You that You did it Your way. Thank You for grace, love, mercy, kindness–all that You can just pour into our lives day after day. Thank You for the Crucifixion, the Resurrection. And thank You that You’ve promised to come back.

Thank You that You’ve promised to come back one of these days and call us home to be with You. Whether it’s individually or that day that the Lord Jesus Christ descends from Heaven with His holy angels to rapture His Church, the Body of Christ.

We just want to say today, Lord Jesus, we love You. Don’t always understand but we love You. We praise You. We adore You. And we pray that You’ll so work in all of our lives that those who meet us will meet the Lord Jesus Christ. In whose name we pray, amen.

#Significance #Birth #Jesus #Charles #Stanley