The Message of the Resurrection – Dr. Charles Stanley

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Next on “In Touch,” “The Message of the Resurrection.” Dr. Charles Stanley: When we began the ministry in Russia, I wanted to be sure to go there and be sure we started it right and made all the preparation necessary. And one of the things I wanted to do was to go to Red Square

And visit Lenin’s tomb because I had been there about thirty years before, and the lines were so long, they said it would be about a two-hour wait before I could get in, so I walked away and thought, “Well, maybe one of these days.” This time there were no lines.

I walked in between a number of guards and there was a sign that said “No Talking.” I stood there gazing upon the lifeless corpse of a man, encased air-tight into a–in a glass covering, and stood there for a few moments and felt the despair,

The gloom, and thought to myself: here lies the lifeless corpse of a man who did not believe in God, who caused a bloody revolution, who put his whole nation in bondage, who caused bloodshed and death all across the world, and who left his followers with a shattered dream.

And worse than that, he left them with absolutely no hope of life beyond this one. I walked out of that place and stood there and turned around and thought for a few moments about another tomb I’d been in. This one, the crowds were still there,

And I waited till everyone was gone late that afternoon, and I walked into this tomb, not to look for a lifeless corpse because I knew He wasn’t there. I knew that I was walking into a tomb that was absolutely empty, and that’s why I’d come.

I thought to myself: what a difference in these two tombs, one of them is still filled and having to be guarded, a lifeless corpse. The other one is pure stone, nobody, no guards, no signs to keep me quiet. What an awesome difference in these two tombs, in these two men.

One of them is the message of gloom and despair and failure. The other is the message of hope and assurance and absolute eternal success. Which message had you rather hear? Which message had you rather believe? For me, I’ll choose the message from the second tomb,

The one in Jerusalem, the tomb of the Son of God. And I want you to turn, if you will, to Luke chapter twenty-four, and let’s read what happened, how He got placed there, and how He didn’t stay there very long at all. Twenty-fourth chapter of Luke, first verse,

“But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, and when they had entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

And it happened that while they were perplexed about this, behold, two men suddenly stood near them in dazzling apparel; and as the women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, ‘Why do you seek the living One among the dead?

He is not here, but He has risen. Remember how He spoke to you while He was still in Galilee, saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’ And they remembered His words, and returned from the tomb and

Reported all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.” My friend, the best news the world could possibly hear is found in verse six. He is not here, but He has risen. This is the greatest news the world has ever heard because,

You see, if that were not true, you and I would have absolutely no hope and assurance of life after this one. What I’d like to do in this message is simply explain to you what is the real message of the resurrection? It isn’t simply the fact that Jesus died on the cross and

Somebody placed Him in their tomb and sealed it up and Romans that were there to guard it, and simply the fact that the rock, the stone was rolled away and suddenly His body was not there. That is the event. These are the things that took place.

But what is the message of the resurrection? So whether you’re a believer or not, I want you to listen carefully. The first thing that I understand about the message of the resurrection is this: that our Christ, Jesus Christ the Son of God who is our Savior and our Lord and

Our master, the Son of God is alive. He is not dead. You’ll recall that He told His disciples in that sixteenth chapter of Matthew, one of the first times He began to explain to them about the fact that He was going to have to die, here’s what He said to them.

“From that time Jesus Christ began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.” And you’ll recall that was so obnoxious to them that Peter rebuked Him.

And then also in the seventeenth chapter following the Mount of Transfiguration experience, the scripture says in verse twenty-two, “And while they were gathering together in Galilee, Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men; and they will kill Him,

And He will be raised on the third day.’ And they were deeply grieved.” So, what you find is all through the Gospels, you find one reference after the other of Jesus telling His disciples, “I’m going to have to die, but I’m not going to stay dead, I’m going to rise from the dead.”

And that is exactly what happened because on that morning when they came to prepare for His body, or to add the spices, they didn’t think it was probably done because it was done so quickly, He wasn’t there. And my friend, the world needs to hear the truth,

That the God whom you and I serve, the living God, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is not buried in a tomb. He is not here, it is His absence, not His presence but His absence that causes us to rejoice. Now somebody says, “Well, then where is He?

Where is He if He’s not there?” I’ll tell you where He is, the Bible’s very clear about where He is. So, if you’ll turn to Hebrews chapter ten for a moment. Let’s look at this passage, Hebrews chapter ten. The Bible tells us everything you and I need to know.

And so somebody says, “Well, where is the Lord Jesus Christ? Where is the Son of God? If He rose from the dead, then where is He?” And the scripture says in chapter ten of Hebrews verse twelve, “But He, having suffered one sacrifice,” that is His life, “for sins for all time, sat down

At the right hand of God.” Our resurrected Christ is seated at the Father’s right hand. That’s where He is. And what is He doing? Well, the scripture tells us exactly what He’s doing because it tells us in the seventh chapter of Hebrews, verse twenty-five, “Hence also He is able to save forever those

Who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for us.” Where is He? He’s at the Father’s right hand. What is He doing? Making intercession for us. Well, what is He doing besides interceding and sitting as our advocate? The Bible says in chapter fourteen of John,

If you want to turn there for a moment. Here’s something else He’s doing. He said to His disciples in this fourteenth chapter, “Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you;

I am going to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I’m coming again, to receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” What is He doing? Seated at the Father’s right hand, interceding for us, acting as our advocate,

Like our attorney before the Father. And at the same time, He is preparing Heaven for us and He is doing that until He is finished, and the next thing, or the last thing I would say is simply this, and that is He’s waiting for the Father’s plan to be complete and

Then He’s coming back for all of us who are His children. So where is He? Seated at the Father’s right hand. But there’s another place that He is, and that is He is not only seated at the Father’s right hand, but He is living on the inside of every single child of

God in the presence of the Holy Spirit who sealed us and indwelt us the moment we received Him as our Savior. Turn to the fifteenth chapter of John to the most graphic picture that Jesus could possibly have painted for us and painted for

His disciples to remind us forever that He is with us, and also to tell us and to explain to us the intimate relationship that He has with every single one of His children. You’ll recall that He says in this first verse of John

Fifteen, “I am the true vine, My Father is the vinedresser. He’s the one who takes care of Him. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bring forth more fruit. You are already clean because of the

Words which I have spoken to you.” Now watch verse four and five. “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you,” that is bear fruit, “unless you abide in Me.”

Watch this, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who is abiding in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.” What is He saying? Simply this. Lord Jesus Christ who is the risen Lord,

One of the first message, the basic bottom line message of the resurrection is this: that Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God is alive, seated at the Father’s right hand, making intercession for us, serving as our adequate–as our advocate, preparing heaven for us, and at the same time

Living on the inside of every single one of those of us who have trusted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. We can say in the very beginning, the message of the resurrection is: our Christ is indeed very much alive and eternally alive. The second message of the resurrection is this: that our

Sins have been forgiven and we are absolutely eternally secure in Him. If you’ll recall, He says He came to give His life a ransom for many. He came to seek and to save that which is lost. Look, if you will, in Ephesians chapter one. Ephesians chapter one, beginning in this very first chapter,

Paul talks about how we have been chosen in Christ. And then he says in verse seven, “In Him,” that is in Christ Jesus, “we have redemption,” that is His death purchased our salvation, “through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” You’ll recall also in First Peter,

Chapter one, when he is describing what Jesus has done for us, here’s what he says in First Peter chapter one, and beginning in verse eighteen, “Knowing that you and I were not redeemed,” or saved, “with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your

Forefathers, but with the precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.” What is the message of the resurrection? Message of the resurrection is that our sins have been forgiven. The message of the resurrection is that you and I are eternally secure in Him.

But is that all the message of the resurrection? No, it’s not, because we, too, are going to experience a bodily resurrection. So, I want you to turn to First Corinthians fifteen. Let’s look at this for a moment, and I want us to look at these verses. First Corinthians fifteen.

Jesus called this resurrection a resurrection unto life. And so in this fifteenth chapter, he gives us some things here that I want us to notice. We also are going to experience a bodily resurrection. Now, when is that going to happen? Here’s what he tells us in verse twenty-three of chapter fifteen.

He says, “But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming.” Here’s what he’s saying. The first person to be resurrected from the dead and to live forever is the Lord Jesus Christ. Those whom Jesus Christ raised from the dead in His day died.

So they died. But Jesus Christ is the one who raised from the dead and lives forever. And so, the message here is this. That all of us who are His children, we too are going to have a bodily resurrection. With all that in mind, this has–takes on a little different meaning now.

John chapter six. What did we read? He said in verse thirty-seven, that the–He says, “All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out. For I have come down from heaven,

Not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me, I,” listen to this now, He says I, “lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.” He said I lose nothing.

He says in a twinkling of an eye, these bodies are going to be resurrected, listen, fashioned like unto the body of the Son of God. His body was absolutely, totally glorified. When you and I, listen, when we leave this earth and this body

Leaves this earth, these bodies are going to leave this earth perfectly transformed, absolutely in the glory of the Son of God Himself. That’s the message of the resurrection. Man, listen, He says I’m not going to lose anything but raise it up on the last day.

This is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son, believes in Him, may have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day. He’s speaking of the body, because we’ll already be with Him. Raise him up on the last day. Raise up these bodies of ours.

Not going to lose anything. Bodies will be transformed just like He said. What’s the message of the resurrection? Every single one of us who knows Christ as our Savior, we too are going to experience a resurrection. Now, not only that, but heaven is going to be our eternal home.

The message of the resurrection is that heaven is our home. Because Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go to prepare a place for you, I’m coming again to receive you to Myself, that where I am there you may be also.”

Now, if we had time, we could talk a lot of things about what the Bible says about heaven. But you see, the most important thing about heaven is not what the streets are made of and whether they’re going to be castles, or whether they’re going to be something else.

That’s not even the issue. The issue’s this. The issue is that God’s there. The throne of God’s there. Jesus is there. The issue is that we’re going to be there. We’re, listen, we’re going to be serving Him, worshipping Him, praising Him, living with Him and living with

Our loved, listen, all that Almighty God has provided for us, listen, you and I can believe it because Christ rose from the dead, which validates everything He said. If He had not risen from the dead, we’d say, “Well, you know, other people have made all kind of

Promises, and we can look in their Bibles and see all of these things, but how do we know? Listen, the fact that He rose from the dead, listen, that’s proof. Listen, because that’s the final test. That is the ultimate proof that He’s the Son of God, the ultimate proof that He’s divine,

The ultimate proof of His promises to be true. And He says that He’s provided a heaven for us, and that’s where every single person whose name is written in the Lamb’s book of life is going to spend eternity. But I want to tell you something else about the resurrection,

A wonderful, wonderful truth about the resurrection, and that’s this: that you and I, listen, we have the promise that we’re going to meet our loved ones there. And we’re going to know them. Where do you get that? Well, in the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians,

For example, he says we’re going to know even as we are known. When he said in First Thessalonians, that when Jesus Christ comes, we’re, listen, He’s bringing those who have passed on before, our loved ones, with Him. Then we too shall be caught up together.

And he says, “To meet them in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” He didn’t have to say that. Now, what–why would He have said we’re going to meet them in the air if we weren’t going to know them? And the truth is, it wouldn’t be heaven if there

Were all faceless creatures. We’re going to know each other. We’re going to have some kind of relationship that I don’t think anybody can fully understand. But it will be a wonderful relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We’ll have an absolute perfect relationship with one another.

That relationship is going to be to such a degree of intimacy and such a degree of pure holiness, that you and I couldn’t possibly understand on this earth, contained in these physical bodies with our emotions and our sinfulness, how you could relate to someone so absolutely in such a heavenly fashion.

But that is exactly what’s going to happen. We’re going to know each other. We shall know even as we are known. And we absolutely shall be no doubt and unquestionably perfectly known in heaven. Well, there’s just one other message of the resurrection I want to share, and that’s this.

When I look at this chapter and I see the events that took place and all about the tomb and all of these things and the spices and all the rest, and this is where people get hung up usually. That’s not the message of the resurrection. That’s the event of the resurrection.

The message of it is this. The message of the resurrection is because Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is living on the inside of every single one of us who is His children, we can face all the tomorrows with confidence and assurance and perfect peace,

That no matter what we have to face, we will be victorious. We will, because this earth is full of strife and stress and strains and violence and harm and hurt and shame. And because it is full of sorrow and pain, and because our valleys are oftentimes very long and very

Deep, and because our pathway oftentimes is full of pain and hurt and disappointments and discouragements. The message of the resurrection is this: you and I don’t walk through a single valley. We don’t walk through a long–along any pathway of life, no matter how hurtful and how painful,

Without the presence of the Son of God to enable us, strengthen us, help us, guard us, guide us, empower us, and cheer us on our way. That this life is not what it’s all about. This is just part of the journey. And at some point out there, when this journey is ended,

The Son of God who rose from the dead, who made us all these wondrous promises, is going to be standing there waiting for us to fulfill His last awesome promise. “I will come again to receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”

He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me.” If you’re willing to pray a simple prayer and mean it with all of your heart, your eternal destiny can be changed in less than sixty seconds.

Your name will be written in the Lamb’s book of life within the next minute. And if that’s what you want, would you pray this prayer to Almighty God? Heavenly Father, I do believe the testimony of scripture, that Jesus Christ is your eternal Son.

I believe He went to the cross and died for my sins. I confess to You that I’m a sinner. I need Your forgiveness. I’m asking You to save me. I’m trusting You to do it right now. I accept the forgiveness of my sins. I accept Your gift of salvation.

I accept You as my personal Savior, in Jesus’s name, amen. If you’ve prayed that prayer, your name is written, never to be erased in the Lamb’s book of life, and God has a place for you in heaven. ♪♪♪

#Message #Resurrection #Charles #Stanley

R.C. Sproul: The Resurrection of Christ

That will be glory when we see him in the power of the resurrection. Let’s pray. Our Father and our God, as we consider now the mighty work that you performed by the power of the Spirit to raise Him from the tomb.

That certain sign that you have given by which the whole world is judged. We pray that we may see the full import of that moment in history when you raised Him from the grave. For we ask it in Jesus’ name – Amen.

Just a couple of days ago I was reading an article in the newspaper about the recently discovered bones of Jesus, which I refer to as the journalistic phase and sensational phase of theology. To get the press’ attention in religion the more bizarre the proposition is, the more attention they give it.

I was somewhat surprised at the beginning of the article than the writer indicated that this recent assertion had be responded to by scholarly archeologists with a certain amount of scorn, revealing it for the absurdity that it was.

So I was beginning to warm up to this journalist, thinking “wow, finally we find one that fights for the angels.” Then he went on to give the results of the most recent poll in which he said 78 % of Americans (and that is how we determine truth you know – by counting noses.)

Believe in the resurrection of Jesus. The author inserted a little extra phrase there. He said “78% of Americans believe in the myth of the resurrection of Jesus.” He just couldn’t hold it back. He had to get it in there. The myth of resurrection.

One of the oldest questions if not the oldest question of theology was the one asked by Job “if a man dies shall he live again?” And before we get to the New Testament answer to that question as set forth by the greatest

Apologist of the Christian church, the apostle Paul, I want to spend a little bit of time in background to refer your attention to two watershed events that radically changed the world in the decade of the 70’s. But I am not thinking of the 1970’s. I am not even thinking of the 1870’s.

But I am thinking of the 1770’s where most Americans believe the most important watershed event took place in that decade when some disgruntled colonists on this side of the ocean rose in protest against certain illegal procedures by parliament by declaring their independence, and inaugurating this country’s birth as an independent nation.

But I believe that something else happened in that same decade in Europe that had even far greater ramifications then the American Declaration of Independence. It was the work of a single man in Prussia who was a professor whose chief at the University of Cornisburg was the field of Astrophysics.

And he had contributed significantly by way of essays in the 18th century to the discipline of astro-physics. But his real claim to fame that catapulted him into international significance, this name who never traveled more than a hundred miles from his birth place and who was know

To take a walk every afternoon at exactly the same time, and was so punctual, indeed punctilious, was he that the villagers would check their timepieces by the afternoon stroll of this gentleman whose name ironically was Emmanuel, which hardly meant God with us, but came to mean “God unknown to us.”

This man was Emmanuel Kant who in the decade of the 70’s of the 18th century wrote the most definitive and comprehensive critique of the classical arguments for the existence of God in his book that was titled The Critique of Pure Reason, in which Emanuel Kant set

The bar for the centuries to follow for religious agnosticism. As a scientist he argued that we can not move from the visible world to the invisible world as the apostle Paul declares that not only can, but do in the first chapter of Romans.

He said we can’t move from the physical to the metaphysical, from the phenomenal world, as he called it, to the pneumenal world, which was the residence of God, the self, and the thing in itself. And so this critique of the classical arguments for the existence of God, given by Kant in

An effort not to save theology but to save science from the skepticism of David Hume, was as I say a watershed moment in western history because thereafter there was a seemingly un-breechable rift between science and theology.

But though Kant is known for ushering God out of the front door of the house, he ran around to the kitchen and opened the back door and tried to let God in through that entrance by the route not of metaphysical pursuit, but by reason of practical thinking.

Kant was very much concerned about morality and ethics. By the way when he considered his skeptical stance on the knowing of God, the one argument that he felt was most impressive was the argument to design. It was that which he could not explain.

But he was concerned with the study of man, that it would seem that in the heart of every human being there was this universally present sense of duty, or sense of “oughtness.” For which, he is famous for identifying as the categorical imperative.

It was Kant’s Germanic version of the golden rule if you will. But then he asks this question from a practical view point. Thinking transcendentally, what would the necessary conditions be to make this sense of oughtness, this sense of duty which provokes the pangs of conscience in human beings; what

Would be transcendentally necessary for this sense of duty to be meaningful? That is, he asked the question: What would have to be for ethics to be meaningful? And his concern, as I say, was practical. Because what he was concerned about was the survival of civilization.

And he understood that without some sense of ethics civilization can not survive for very long, as some of the other speakers have already addressed. And so, as he pondered that question: What would be necessary for ethics to be meaningful? He said the first thing is that there would have to be justice.

Because if there is no justice, then in the final analysis the person who acts according to this sense of ethic, this sense of duty would be involved in a fool’s errand in an exercise of meaninglessness. So, for ethics to be meaningful there must be justice.

And so then he looked around and he says that in the phenomenal world in which I live I notice that justice does not always prevail. And people were asking then as the Old Testament sages were asking “Why do the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer?”

And Kant said for justice to be true we must survive the grave. And not only must we survive the grave, in order for justice to prevail, but there must be beyond the grave to ensure justice a judge who would meet out and dispense pure justice.

And he went on to say: Well, what would the necessary conditions be for such a judge to ensure the distribution of justice? And he said, well first of all that judge would have to perfectly righteous and above reproach.

Because if the judge on the other side were an unjust judge then we would have no guarantee of the victory of justice and therefore no foundation for a meaningful ethic. Then he went on to say that judge would not only have to be righteous but we would also have to be omniscient.

Because for a judge to execute perfect justice, he would not only have to be just himself, but he would have to be free from being misinformed. A just judge could be responsible for a miscarriage of justice if he erred in his understanding of the case.

Then he went on the say that even if you say that you had a perfectly righteous omniscient judge, those two conditions would not guarantee the triumph of justice, because it would be possible that that perfect, just, and omniscient judge could give the correct sentence, but be powerless to carry it out.

So that judge in the next world would also have to have all power and authority within himself to guarantee justice. You see where Kant is going? He’s saying though on the basis of theoretical thought we can’t affirm the existence of God,

Metaphysically, never the less on the basis of practical considerations for a meaningful ethic we must assume the existence of God. Otherwise life is meaningless. And so we must live as if there were a God. Now that as it were, was the dyke that held back the full torrents of skepticism for a

Few years at the end of the enlightenment. But there were cracks in that dyke that soon gave way. And a metaphysical and ethical Katrina happened in western theoretical thought. Now, that is by way of introduction. Now, I’d like to show some parallel thinking that goes on between Kant and the apostle

Paul by looking at the fifteenth chapter of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. Hear the word of God, in chapter fifteen, verse twelve. And I don’t know which is going to come to an end first, my message or my voice. So far the voice is losing. But we read in the text.

“Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead?” That’s the question. If Christ has proclaimed that God has raised Him from the dead, how is it that some of

You (and he is writing to people in the church who were trying to have a Christianity without resurrection.) say that there is no resurrection from the dead. Now, what follows is a particular kind of argument. It is a particular form of debate common to ancient philosophers and one that was used

Regularly by the apostle Paul as an apologist. It is called the “ad hominum” form of argumentation. Now, be careful. Some of you studied logic in college or in high school perhaps. And you learned to identify certain fallacies of reasoning, both formal and informal.

And one of the most frequent informal fallacies is the fallacy of reasoning called “ad hominum abusive.” That is where if you can’t attack the cogency of a man’s argument, you attack the man. You say how can you believe what this speaker says when he is an adulterer.

Well, even adulterers who do not live the truth can from time to time argue cogently. And so the man’s character does not vitiate the man’s argument. But we do that all the time, particularly in the criminalization of politics as we witness everyday in Washington D.C.

So there is a fallacious form of argument that is called “ad hominum abusive.” And frequently to save breath and time, there is a kind of short hand that refers to that fallacy by simply calling it the “ad hominum” fallacy without qualifying it by the term “abusive.”

Now, I mention all this for this reason. There is another form of “ad hominum” reasoning that is a sound form and that is a form that has been in use by philosophers from time immemorial. And that is simply arguing to the man.

And that means that I step into the shoes of my opponent. We stipulate at the beginning agreement on certain premises, and now I take my opponent’s premise and I say “I grant you, your premise. But let’s see where this premise goes out of logical necessity.”

And so I take my opponents argument to its logical conclusion showing that if his premise is sound and true his conclusion will be absurd. Again going back to Zeno the ancient philosopher; this form of argument was called “reduxio ad absurdum” – arguing from the opponents premise, taking it to its logical conclusion

And showing by a resistless logic that the conclusion would be absurd. That is exactly what the apostle Paul is doing here with these folks in Corinth who are denying the resurrection. And they say there is no resurrection of the dead. That is a universal negative. That means it admits to no exceptions.

It is universal in the sense that it encompasses everybody because no on escapes it. It is called a universal negative because it is articulated in the negative form. If, let’s go now, there is no resurrection of the dead. That is premise A – no resurrection of the dead.

If that is true, then what else would be true? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised, obviously. We get that from the laws of necessary inference. If there is a universal negative, there can not be one positive.

So if there is no resurrection, than that means Christ can not have been raised. So, let’s see where that leads us. If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is in vain. So let’s face facts the apostle is saying.

Let’s not live like Alice in Wonderland in some kind of religious dream world. If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is an exercise in futility. I’m wasting my breath. I’m wasting my time. We’re all here wasting our time at a conference like this, if Christ has not been raised.

And not only is my preaching an exercise in meaninglessness, my faith is useless and worthless as is yours. Your faith is in vain, because you’ve invested your trust and your hope and your faith in a man whose man have just been dug up along with Mary Magdalene’s so recently.

Not only that but we are found, he says, to be misrepresenting God. Because we’ve said and testified that it is God who has raised Him from the dead. And if He has not been raised from the dead, then we ought to change the name of our church

To Jehovah’s False Witnesses because we have been attributing the power of this resurrection of Jesus to God. And that attribution is a false one. ”We have testified about God that He raised Christ, whom He did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised.”

He has to keep rubbing our noses in the consequences there. “For if the dead are not raised,” if you missed it the first time and the second time, not even Christ has been raised. “And if Christ has not been raised your faith is futile. And you are still in your sins.”

You are still in it. You are contained in sin. You are still enmeshed in sin. You are still in jail to sin without bail; because our justification does not end with the cross, but Jesus was raised for our justification. The resurrection is God’s apologia, certifying to the world that He accepted atonement that

Jesus made on the cross. But if He is not raised from the dead you’re still in your sins. You see, you look at the world religions today, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism; the thing that they don’t have is an atonement and because they don’t have an atonement.

You can’t expect them to have a resurrection either. It wouldn’t cause any crisis of faith for any Muslim to dig up the bones of Muhammad. Muhammad is dead. Buddha is dead. Confucius is dead. But Christianity stands or falls with a resurrected Jesus. And that is what Paul is saying here.

If he is not raised, your faith is nonsense and you are still in your sins. Not only that, those also who have fallen asleep in Christ, (let’s face it) our beloved ones, our husbands, our wives, our children, our parents, our friends who have died in the faith have perished.

That’s the grim reality if there is no resurrection from the dead. If in this life only we have hoped in Christ we of all people, are the most to be pitied. I say to the enemies of the Christian faith; if you don’t like what we preach; if you don’t

Like what we teach, don’t be mad at us. Pity us. Because if we are preaching a false doctrine of resurrection, if we are conjuring up a hope with no real foundation for it, then we forfeit much of the fun, supposedly, of this world, where you only go around once.

And you might as well go around and get all the gusto you can because you are on a fast pace to oblivion, to perishing without hope. It is a pitiable condition to be in. That is why the Bible says without Christ you are without hope.

So, I am just going to stop for a second and consider what Paul has just done here. Paul has drawn for us a ghastly picture of the consequences of no resurrection, no life after death. He is saying that if there is no resurrection then life itself under the sun is meaningless.

As Kant understood, your ethic, your sense of duty, your conscience is meaningless and without ethics of our society, civilization can not last. You are doomed ultimately to barbarianism, which our nation right now is rushing toward with such a velocity one wonders if anything other than the direct intervention of God

Will ever restrain it and stop it. Dostoevsky understood what Kant was arguing for in his practical reasoning that if there is no God, all things are permitted. The post-modernist understands that if there is not God and since there is no God and since

There is no resurrection from the dead, then what is left are personal preferences. Which can only be maintained if enough of you can exercise power for your complete liberty, you will make is right by your might. For you know of know other recourse.

What Kant was saying was this, since the alternative to life after death is so grim, since the alternative to life after death would make ethics impossible except for the fool. And since life without ethics is meaningless, we must live as if there is a God.

Talk about a justification for using religion as a bromide or as a crutch against facing meaninglessness. Here it is with a vengeance. Didn’t I say this put up a dyke that only lasted a little bit of time in western civilization?

A guy like Nietzsche comes along, and says: hey, let’s quit playing Alice in Wonderland. I’m not going to affirm the existence of God or the existence of life after death simply because the alternatives are grim and unbearable. Why don’t we just face it? There is not God. There is no afterlife.

There is no meaning. We are left with the nothingness, the nihil, the abyss of absurdity. This motion was seconded by Jean Paul Sartre, particularly in his little monograph, which title gave to the world his final evaluation of human existence: Nausea. That’s the end of human existence: Nausea.

Albert Camus said the only serious question left for philosophers left to examine is the question of suicide, because we are overwhelmed with the pressing and oppressing reality of the absence of God and the absence of hope. So you see Kant’s arguments didn’t stand up for the next generation.

They said “Kant gird up your loins like a man, face the inevitable. Quit trying to argue for the practical necessity of believing in God. And some can look at what Paul is doing here as the same thing.

Where he is saying if there is no resurrection your faith is in vain, your false witnesses, you preaching is an exercise in futility. But Paul does not argue for the resurrection on the basis of the hopelessness of life without it.

Yes, in the section I just read he agrees with Kant that without it life is hopeless, but that is not the foundation for his assertion that Christ is risen. He goes on to talk about the analogy that exists in nature with animals and plants and grass and human beings.

That you put a seed in the ground and before the life can come out of the ground there is a sense in which, at least metaphorically, that seed must die. It must rot to such a point that it releases and germinates the essence of life within it.

And in like manner, when our bones go into the ground, they await their final metamorphosis where God takes that which was mortal, sewn in mortality, is raised in immortality, sewn in corruption, raised in incorruption. And this analogy that the apostle uses in this same chapter closely resembles the argument

That Plato had used centuries before in arguing for life after death based upon analogies drawn from nature. When you think of the almost infinite varieties of life forms on this planet, it is hard to imagine that our life form, as high as it is, is the zenith of all life in the universe.

It could be, but what are the odds. But again Paul does not rest his case on analogies drawn from the butterfly or the seed. But why does assert the reality of the resurrection? At the beginning of the chapter, he reminds his readers of something.

He says “I would remind you brothers of the gospel. I want to remind you of the gospel that I preached to you which you received in which you stand and by which you are being saved.

If you hold fast to the word I preach to you unless you believed in vain, for I delivered to you as a first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures.” Now that was a compelling this to the Jew of the first century.

And it ought to be compelling to us. I said yesterday, or the day before that the two major tasks of apologetics is the defense of the existence of God, and secondly the defense of the scriptures as the word of God. And Paul now appeals to the scriptures.

“Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day, in accordance with the scriptures.” So, Paul’s first line of apologetics is an appeal to sacred scripture. He is saying I believe in the first instance, in the resurrection of Christ because the

Word of God proclaims it. That is why I said it is so vital that we address this question of the veracity and authenticity and trustworthiness of the scriptures, because if you have that, the rest is easy. “That He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.”

And then listen to this, “and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve, then He appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive. Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all as to one untimely

Born, He appeared also to me.” When Peter wrote to the church he says “My brethren we declare to you not cleverly conceived myths and fables. What we declare to you is what we have seen with our eyes, and heard with our ears.”

We are not declaring to you, an unsubstantiated theory or even a religious proposition that we learned in Sunday School. We are declaring something of which we had an empirical experience. We saw it. We heard it. We beheld His glory on the plain of history. And this is what Paul is recounting here.

He is saying that He appeared to Cephas – that is to Peter, then to the twelve. He appeared. Again it is not like the disciples in the story of the resurrection, and the disciples ran to the tomb on Sunday morning and the stone was rolled away and they ran inside

The tomb and they found the grave cloths still in such beautiful arrangement. But there was no Jesus. There was no body – nobody. NO BODY there. There was nobody home. And then they came back and they scratched their heads. And they said “what happened to the body? We found an empty tomb.

What could that possibly mean?” And they figured it out. “Oh it must mean that He is risen so let’s go tell everybody that He is risen and let’s start celebrating Easter Sunday based on an inference drawn from an empty tomb.” No.

It is not the empty tomb that created the faith of the early church. It was the appearance of the risen Christ. He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. Well, these two could have cooked this up among themselves. But Paul says “wait a minute.

He appeared to more than five hundred at one time, most of whom are still alive. Go and ask them.” That’s their story and they are sticking to it. Eye witnesses, five hundred of them. We have more witnesses from history to the resurrection of Christ than we had to the life of Plato.

Then He appeared to James and to all the apostles, but what I am writing to you my dear friends in Corinth is not something that I believe on the basis of hearsay. It is good hearsay. These are good witnesses who told me this. I trust James. I trust Peter.

I trust the twelve, and you understand my credentials that I was the number one enemy of this new Christian sect that was running around proclaiming that Christ was raised from the dead. I was dragging them from prison, breathing out fire.

But last as all, “as one born out of due time, He appeared unto me.” See, the text that I just read to you was written by an eye witness to the resurrection. You are going to have to decide whether this is a credible witness or not.

Now, the one reason why the newspaper reporter says that this is a myth is not because he thinks that Paul was an idiot and fell out of the stupid tree and hit head on every branch along the way, or that he was just an uneducated fanatic from the first century.

They understand that Paul was the most educated man in Palestine when he wrote this apologia for the resurrection of Christ. His scholarly credentials were impeccable. The reason why the newspaper reporter would say it is a myth is because judging from our

Twenty first century understanding of biology, if there is anything we know now that primitive pre-scientific people in the first century didn’t know is that when people die they stay dead. And that it is impossible for the dead to rise.

Given that it is impossible for the dead to rise, then obviously the New Testament story of the resurrection of Jesus has to be a myth. What else could it possibly be? And calling it a myth is being kind, it could be an outright lie; if it’s impossible for the dead to rise.

What a different view of reality and of life we find in the New Testament, where there the impossibility according to the New Testament writers was for Him not to rise. The impossibility the premise in the New Testament is that it was impossible for death to hold Him.

And it is true that if there is any universal finding of experimental empiricism it is that when people die, they stay dead. But if there is anything more universally in our experience it is that when those people who died and stay dead, are people who are sinful people.

Now what happens if you get a people who is not sinful? Now what happens to the premise? Biblically, morality, “thanatos” death itself is inseparably tied to sin. It is the soul who sins that dies. So that if the New Testament testimony is true, that there was in Christ no sin, why

Would anyone expect Him to die. I can’t even believe – the real thing that is hard to believe is that He would die at all on the cross. And He couldn’t even die on the cross if it weren’t first that He took upon Himself the imputation of our sin.

Having taken our sin, then He met the necessary condition for human mortality. Apart from that the second Adam would never have died. But having paid that price, and finished that work, the Father raised Him from the tomb for our justification.

I can’t remember which speaker said what in this conference there were so many wonderful things said. But, this was God’s proof of the person of Jesus. Paul debated with the philosophers in Athens at the Areopagus, and I mentioned that when

He debated with the stoics and the epicureans he called attention to their monument to an unknown god. The philosophers were hedging their bets just in case they missed one. Paul said “What you worship in ignorance I proclaim to you in power.

For the God who made the world and everything in it being Lord of heaven and earth does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands as if He needed anything since He Himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.”

If you stumble at the resurrection, the recovery of life from the death let me take you back earlier. How about the beginning of Jesus’ life? How about the beginning of your life? How about the beginning of anybody’s life? How about life itself? Why is there life at all in this universe?

When we understand as Ravi so eloquently pointed out the necessary conditions for life can not be found in us. You did not create your own life. There was a time when you were not. There was a time when all of us were not.

But the only one who has the power of life in and of Himself eternally, the power of being in and of Himself eternally, the power of motion in and of Himself eternally, is the eternal self-existent living God who is the author of life, and the author of death.

He has the keys of life and death in His hands. And if the one who creates life in the first place in His Son can call a rotting corpse like Lazarus out of the tomb, so the same author of life can call His Son who touching

His humanity is now dead and bring Him back to life. What is so hard about that to believe? It is the opposite that is impossible. If there is such a thing as life in this universe, how can you attribute to the source of life

The fountain of life, the essence of life, the impossibility of bringing Jesus back to life and bringing you back to life? Paul goes on to say in Athens. “We ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man.

The times of ignorance God overlooked, the former days.” Let me just stop here and insert something. A few minutes ago I said that the assumption of the newspaper writer is that the story of the resurrection must be a myth because resurrection is impossible.

And we know that by our sophisticated postmodern understanding of biology. And those poor people in the first century, pre-scientific, unsophisticated, people living in Palestine had no problem with the resurrection of Jesus because they saw resurrections all the time.

Every week they could go out to the cemetery and see somebody or other getting up out of a tomb. Let me tell you what folks. It was as foreign to the experience of first century man that a dead man would come out of the tomb, as it is today.

That’s why Thomas said “I’m not going to believe it just because you guys think you saw something. I’m not going to believe it unless I see the wounds, and unless I can put my finger in His hands.” And when that man showed up before Thomas and said “Here Thomas, put your fingers

In my hand. Touch me.” You know the Bible doesn’t say whether Thomas ever did. I don’t think he did. He didn’t have time to. He was on his knees. And he was saying “my Lord and my God.” No apologist was ever more sophisticated than the one who wrote “Sometimes it causes me

To tremble, were you there? Were you there when He rose up from the grave?” Sometimes it makes me shout “Glory, Glory.” You better believe glory. That’s why we’re here today folks. I hate to tell Al that it is Saturday and not Friday.

Would you believe an apologist that doesn’t even know what day it is? Somebody said it was impossible for us to make mistakes. But, here is the final point that I want you to get, the former times of ignorance God has overlooked, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent.

Because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom He has appointed and of this He has given assurance to all by raising Him from the dead. There is no other sign that will be given to you except the sign of Jonah.

And if you don’t believe that sign you are in trouble because God has already set the day to judge the world. And His patience is not infinite. God as an evangelist never ever issues an invitation. That is something we do. God never invites people to receive Jesus. He commands them.

He commands all men everywhere to repent and to come to Jesus because He has proven that Jesus is the one through whom He will judge the world. How has God proven that? By raising Him from the dead. Well you say “I wasn’t there, so I can’t holler glory.

Other people God, but unless I see I’m not going to believe it. You’re going to have to send Jesus back again into my neighborhood, put Him to death again, and then raise Him for me to see. ” Too late. Too bad, He does it once for all.

And if that is not enough for you, you are in trouble. God is going to judge you by that historical act of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe in the resurrection, not because the alternative is grim. We believe the resurrection because of the Biblical testimony of it’s reality in time and space.

Paul ends this section by saying “Therefore” Here is the conclusion. “Be steadfast. Be steadfast. Immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord for now you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” Your preaching is not in vain. Your faith is not in vain.

Your labor is not in vain because God has raised Him from the dead. And George Frederick Handel knew the only appropriate response to that was to say what? Hallelujah. Let’s pray. Father how we thank you for the testimony of scripture to the reality of resurrection

That transcends all levels of mythology and in which we find our hope and our justification. Amen

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