The Human Nature Of Jesus Christ. ||Sermons By Pastor Stephen Bohr.

Well greetings to everyone the subject of our study during this hour is thoughts on the human nature of christ this is a very solemn and very important message i would like to pray as we start to ask for the lord’s blessing father in heaven we come before your awesome

Throne in the powerful name of jesus our intercessor we ask that you will be present through the ministry of your spirit that you will bless this presentation help us understand that it is possible to overcome through divine power thank you for hearing our prayer for we ask it in jesus name amen

On february 17 through 19 2015 the biblical research institute of the general conference held a symposium in the city of medellin colombia the symposium was for all pastors administrators and teachers of the entire country most of the members who serve on the bri committee of the general conference were there

To present papers on different theological issues that were facing the church at that time and still face the church the organizers of the symposium invited me to make two presentations on the human nature of christ however they never asked me beforehand what i believed about the subject at the symposium i presented the

Post-labcerian view and nothing short of an earthquake ensued the tumult occurred because the overwhelming majority of those who were present believe that christ took the sinless nature of adam before the fall things got so testy that one of the representatives of the biblical research institute who for several years served as its director

Stood up before the plenary session of over 600 delegates to pacify the turbulent waters he said that my presentation was very well done and that it was one of two views that are held presently by scholars in the seventh-day adventist church however he lamented that someone did not present the

Opposing view to the view that i had presented he underlined that the church had no official position on the human nature of christ and therefore both views pre-lapserian and post-lapsarian were equally acceptable the waters were calmed somewhat several days later another member of bri who did not participate in the symposium

But shared the view that i have called me and said the following at our meeting this morning at the general conference we got a report that you had an excellent presentation on the human nature of christ in the city of medellin many of the thoughts that i’m going to

Share are from that symposium as well as from a book which i consider to to be the best on the human nature of christ it’s called touched with our feelings a very important book the subtitle is a historical survey of adventist thought on the human nature of christ and the author is gene

Searcher it’s a book that has been out of print however you can obtain copies from secrets unsealed let me tell you something about the author gene searcher before he died he was the director of the biblical research institute of the euro africa division as well as division secretary

He served as theology professor in several seventh-day adventist universities he also had his book published this book by the review and herald in the year 1999 which means that at that time it was not deemed heretical the book is a historical and theological study of how the seventh-day adventist church

Changed its view of christology in the decade of the 1950s dr searcher was an accomplished scholar he also wrote a book called the nature and destiny of man on anthropology a book that was acclaimed internationally by non-adventist scholars as we approach this subject we want to ask several questions and i’ll go through

Them quickly i’m trying to synthesize two presentations in one what do we mean by a sinful and a sinless human nature is it a sin to have a sinful nature or is sin allowing the sinful nature to express itself in sinful acts thoughts and words in what way does the roman

Catholic view of original sin differ from the adventist concept that we inherit the sinful a sinful nature now we all agree that jesus is 100 percent god and 100 man however the critical question is this what kind of humanity did jesus take when he came to this earth did he

Take the human nature of adam before the fall or did he take his nature after the fall what did ellen white mean when she wrote that jesus had no evil propensities towards sin in our last presentation we heard quite a bit about this is it possible to gain a total victory over sin

While we are living in sinful flesh would it be fair for jesus to expect that we follow his example if he had a different human nature than we do will god have an end time generation that will totally overcome sin in sinful flesh when will jesus remove the sinful nature from his people

Will god’s people continue sinning in words acts and thoughts after the close of probation will we be able to send our sins to the heavenly sanctuary after the close of probation is there biblical corroboration that confirms that ellen white was right when she said that god’s people will

Have to live in the time of trouble without an intercessor or mediator and finally the last question will the last generation be different than any previous generation now there’s uh there are some aspects that are not negotiable when we come to this subject first while jesus was on earth he was 100

God and 100 man but he never used his own divine power to conquer temptation he always depended on the divine power of his father second it is possible for us to overcome as jesus overcame if we depend on the same power that he did the sinless example of jesus is attainable

Three the temptations of jesus were far greater than the ones that adam faced or we face adam was not tempted to turn stones into bread adam did not bear the sins of the world upon himself adam was not pursued 24 7 365 by satan the temptations of jesus were infinitely greater

Than the temptations that we face so as ellen white says we can imitate the example but we cannot copy the example because his temptations were far greater than ours finally the fourth issue that is non-negotiable is that jesus never cultivated evil tendencies towards sin he never felt inclined to sin

In fact he recoiled from temptation the instant that temptation came now there are dangers lurking with both views on the one hand those who believe in total victory over sin before the close of probation are always in danger of falling into the deadly errors of perfectionism and fanaticism thinking highly of themselves and

Criticizing others for not reaching their high plain of spirituality however the danger on the other side is to take sin lightly and to justify it because of our inherited and cultivated tendencies the danger of this site is to teach that man’s human nature is so powerful that not even god’s omnipotent enabling grace

Can give us total victory over it those who say that it is not possible to totally overcome sin before the close of probation are not really saying that sinful human nature is weak but rather that god is not powerful enough to help us overcome it they are saying perhaps inadvertently that our sinful

Flesh is more powerful than the enabling power of god those who are closest to perfection can never say i have arrived in fact those who are most holy in the sight of god even those who will go through the time of trouble are those who feel the most sinful

Because they are constantly beholding the perfect beauty of christ’s character and how much sin cost in gethsemane and on the cross like isaiah when they contemplate the holiness of jesus they will say i am undone like peter they will say depart from me for i am a sinful man

Like paul they will exclaim who shall deliver me from this body of death like holy daniel they will say we have sinned now there’s a very important point let’s not attempt to defend the indefensible by saying that the adventist church has always believed that jesus took the nature of adam before the fall

It is a documented fact that the seventh-day adventist church in its majority has changed its christology and it was changed in the middle of the 20th century from a post-lab syrian view to a pre-lab syrian view as i learned in the symposium in medellin most scholars in our theological schools and seminaries

And probably most of our administrators and pastors have embraced the new christology it’s interesting that jones and wagener of 1888 fame taught that jesus took human nature after the fall in fact waggoner suggested that we consider the genealogy of jesus in order to determine the human nature that jesus took

Upon himself among the ancestors of jesus was lying abraham david the adulterer and murderer and manasseh the idolater jesus received the sinful fallen nature of his human ancestors but he never sinned in that sinful nature jones wrote that jesus possessed the passions and tendencies of sinful flesh

But he never participated in those sins it is vital to understand the difference between having the passions and tendencies and yielding to those passions and tendencies a.t jones wrote in general conference bulletin 1895 page 328 the following words the flesh of jesus christ was our flesh

And in it was all that is in our flesh all the tendencies to sin that are in our flesh were in his flesh drawing upon him to get him to consent to sin but of course jesus never consented to the tendency w prescott uh whose view ellen white enthusiastically endorsed

Wrote the following although jesus christ took sinful flesh flesh in which we sin he took that flesh and emptying himself and receiving the fullness of god himself god was able to keep him from sinning in that sinful flesh so that although he was manifested in sinful flesh god by his spirit dwelling

In him kept him from sinning in that sinful flesh on october 31 1895 ellen white heard elder prescott preach a sermon on the word made flesh and enthusiastically endorsed his uh presentation catholics and many protestants teach the doctrine of original sin the basic idea is that we are born sinners

Because adam bequeathed the guilt of his original sin to us in other words we are guilty because as descendants of adam we inherit adam’s sinful flesh according to this view if jesus had been born with the same sinful nature as the rest of humanity he would have been sinful by birth in

Such a case jesus would have needed a redeemer there is no doubt that everyone in this world is born with a sinful human nature that is to say the pull of sin dwells in each descendant of adam and that power or pull entices us to commit actual sins jesus had the pull

But jesus did not sin is sin a state of being or is say sin a choice we sin because we choose to act speak or think contrary to the revealed will of god sin is to allow our fallen human nature to act in opposition to the will of god

If sin is not a matter of nature but rather of choice then jesus could have inherited our sinful human nature without becoming a sinner jesus remained sinless because the very moment the temptation came he chose by a decision of his will to obey god and never allowed sinful human nature to control

His actions his inheritance was like ours but his choices were different ellen white confirmed this point of view she wrote there are thoughts and feelings suggested and aroused by satan that annoy even the best of men but now listen to this but if these thoughts and feelings are not cherished if they

Are repulsed ellen white says that jesus recoiled when he was tempted if they are repulsed as hateful the soul is not contaminated with guilt and no other is defiled by their influence powerful statement here’s another one by faith and prayer all may meet the requirements of the gospel

No man can be forced to transgress listen carefully now his own consent must first be gained the soul must purpose the sinful act before passion can dominate over reason or iniquity triumph over conscience temptation however strong is never an excuse for sin messages to young people page 67.

Here’s one more the son of god in his humanity wrestled with the very same fierce apparently overwhelming temptations that assail men temptations to indulge of appetite to presumptuous venturing where god has not led them and to the worship of god of this world to sacrifice an eternity of bliss for

The fascinating pleasures of this life everyone will be tempted but the word declares that we shall not be tempted above our ability to bear so we do not inherit the guilt of our ancestors because we receive a sinful nature from them we are only guilty when we personally

Choose to respond to the pleadings of our sinful nature notice deuteronomy chapter 24 and verse 16 fathers shall not be put to death for their children nor shall children be put to death for their fathers a person shall be put to death for his own sin ezekiel chapter 18

Verse 20 adds its testimony the soul who sins shall die the son shall not bear the guilt of the father nor the father bear the guilt of the son the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself now i’m going to skip

One statement because we have very brief time let’s go now to the way in which the christology of the adventist church has changed let’s examine first of all a portion of the 1947 edition of bible readings for the home and by the way it is the same all the way back to the

Year 1914 in bible readings for the home we’re going to go to section 4 chapter 39 the title is a sinless life question number six question number six in bible readings for the home says this how fully did christ share our common humanity now comes the answer from hebrews 2 17. wherefore in

All things it behold him to be made like unto his brethren that is like us that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to god to make reconciliation for the sins of the people so that’s the biblical answer now there’s an explanatory note

In the 1947 edition it reads like this in his humanity christ partook of our sinful fallen nature if not then he was not made like unto his brethren was not in all points tempted like as we are did not overcome as we have to overcome and is not therefore the complete and perfect

Savior man needs and must have to be saved the idea that christ was born of an immaculate sinless mother inherited no tendencies to sin and for this reason did not sin removes him from the realm of a fallen world and from the very place where help is needed

On his human side christ inherited just what every child of adam inherits a sinful nature on the divine side from his very conception he was begotten and born of the spirit and all this was done to place mankind on vantage ground and to demonstrate that in the same way everyone who is

Born of the spirit may gain like victories over sin in his own sinful flesh thus each one is to overcome as christ overcame without this verse birth there can be no victory over temptation and no salvation from sin what a powerful note this is however in 1949 the review on herald requested

Professor d.e reebok who was teaching at the seminary in washington dc to review the text of bible readings for the home with the intent of publishing a new edition and in the 1949 edition the note that we read was deleted ralph larson in his book the word made flesh documented how ellen

White repeatedly wrote that jesus took our sinful nature and gives multiple quotations from adventist authors before 1949 who wrote the same it is indeed tragic that after the church had existed for 90 years suddenly a change was made leroy froome explained the reason for the deletion of the note

I read coming up on this unfortunate note that is reebok on page 174 in the study about the sinless life he that is reebok recognized that this was not true so the inaccurate note was deleted and has remained remained out in all subsequent printings elder froome and other leaders of the church wanted

The evangelicals to recognize the seventh-day adventist church as a bonafide mainstream denomination and in order to accomplish this they saw the need to discard the idea that christ took the sinful nature of adam yet without committing sin according to donald gray barnhouse in an article that he published our seventh-day adventist

Christians in the eternity magazine he had told walter martin the following they had among their number that is adventist certain members of their lunatic fringe even as there are similar wild-eyed irresponsibles in every field of fundamental christianity between 1955 and 1956 18 meetings took place between evangelicals and seventh-day adventist leaders

And our leaders assured evangelicals and now i quote from eternity magazine the majority of the denomination has always helped and and i’m going to add this in parentheses so we can understand the rest of the statement have always held the humanity assumed by christ to be sinless holy and

Perfect despite the fact that certain of their writers have occasionally gotten into print with contrary views completely repugnant to the church at large absolute untruth you can read all the statements before 1949 and you’ll find that they say that christ inherited the sinful human nature in the book questions on doctrine leroy froome

Included only quotations that supported his point of view and ignored the overwhelming witness of those who contradicted his view many of his supporting quotations were taken out of their legitimate context and he added subtitles that certainly misled the evangelicals to think that adventists had always believed that jesus took the sin the sinless

Nature of adam before the fall another one of the leaders of that time r.a anderson wrote the following our lord partook of our limited human nature but not our corrupt carnal nature with all its propensities to sin and lust in him was no sin either inherited

Or cultivated as in common as is common to all the natural descendants of adam he added when the incarnate god broke into human history and became one with the race it is our understanding that he possessed the sinlessness of the nature with which adam was created in eden the environment in which jesus

Lived however was tragically different from that which adam knew before the fall saw there was a difference in environment but jesus had the sinless nature of adam that adam had before the fall it’s interesting that the seventh-day adventist bible commentary prepared by 40 seventh-day adventist theologians between 1953 and 1957

Has no vestige of the new christology in spite of the fact that the book questions on doctrine was published in 1957 also during this period selected messages volume 1 was published many pages speak about the message of jones and wagner in 1888 and in that volume you find no indication

Of the new christology according to roman catholic theology a baby is born guilty of original sin and therefore they must be baptized to re to remove the makula as quickly as possible the biblical and spirit of prophecy view is different we believe that we inherited the consequences of adam’s sin

His sinful human nature but god does not hold us guilty until we choose to sin adventist theology teaches that we inherit a sinful human nature that is slanted towards sin and for this reason god makes us participants of the divine nature in order to overcome sin in sinful flesh

The more we yield to the pull of our sinful human nature the stronger that nature becomes in other words the nature that we feed becomes strong and the nature that we starve becomes weak jesus had a sinful nature but he starved the sinful nature to death

Now what does the bible have to say about the human nature of christ let’s read romans 1 3 and 4. paul a bond servant of jesus christ called to be an apostle separated to the gospel of god which he promised before through the prophets in the holy scriptures concerning who his son christ

Jesus christ our lord who was born of the seed of david according to the flesh let’s go to romans chapter 8 verses 1 to 3. there is therefore no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus who do not walk according to the flesh by the way the word walk when it’s used

Figuratively in the bible it’s talking about behavior or conduct so in other words who did not conduct himself who did not act according to the flesh but according to the spirit that’s because jesus has had a sinful nature but the spirit led him to resist the inclinations of that sinful nature

Verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh god did by sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh

On account of sin he condemned sin in the flesh in what kind of flesh we just read in the likeness of sinful flesh verse 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit that word

Likeness there is very interesting that jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh the greek word is homomati and it’s used three times in the new testament three critical points really all three of them refer to the incarnation the first is of course romans 8 verse 3 the second

Is in hebrews 2 17 and the third is in philippians chapter 2 and verse 7. each time homayomati is used it refers to similarity not difference clearly jesus was not identical to us in what way was jesus different than us was he different because he took adam’s nature before the fall

Or was he different for another reason the book of hebrews tells us that jesus was made in all things like unto his brethren but there’s one exception and that is that jesus never sinned and hebrews makes that same clarification in hebrews chapter 4. in other words jesus had sinful flesh like ours

But he did not he was not altogether like us because he never allowed that inclination or that evil propensity to manifest itself in sin he was so much under the control of the holy spirit that he recoiled from evil his human nature certainly was not like that of adam before the fall

Because then the word likeness could not be used because jesus would have been different not like ellen white wrote in steps to christ page 93-94 speaking about jesus he is a brother in our infirmities in all points tempted as we are but as the sinless one his nature recoiled from evil

He endured struggles and torture of soul in a world of sin his humanity made prayer a necessity and a privilege he found comfort and joy in communion with his father and if the savior and if the savior of men the son of god felt the need to prayer of prayer how much more

Should feeble sinful mortals feel the necessity of fervent constant prayer let’s read now hebrews chapter 2 11-18 we’re dealing with texts that speak about the human nature of christ it says there in verse 11 for both he who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified notice that this is talking about

Believers it is talking about people who have accepted jesus christ not a common sinner who has not been born again for both he who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one for which reason he is not ashamed to call them brethren saying i will declare your name to my

Brethren that is those who have been converted to jesus christ those who have a new nature the nature given by the holy spirit i will declare your name to my brethren in the midst of the assembly i will sing praise to you and again i will put my trust in him

And again here am i and the children whom god has given me and now notice verse 14 in as much then as the children that is us have partaken of flesh and blood he himself likewise there you have the word likewise shared in the same that through death he might destroy him

Who had the power of death that is the devil and released those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage for indeed he does not give aid to angels but he does give aid to the seed of abraham which he couldn’t do

If he had adam’s nature before the fall folks it continues in verse 17. therefore in all things he had to be made like here’s the homo yomata again like his brethren and light doesn’t mean difference it means similarity he had to be made like his brethren now we’re going to notice that

The apostle paul makes a clarification when he says all things there’s one exception so let’s continue reading therefore in all things he had to be made like his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to god to make propitiation for the sins of the people

For in that he himself has suffered being tempted he is able to aid those who are tempted hebrews 14 gives us the difference between jesus and us for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but was in all points you remember he was tempted in all

Things we just read in hebrews chapter 2 he was tempted in all points as adam was that’s not what it says he was tempted in all points as we are yet without sin that is the difference between jesus and us now let’s go to philippians chapter 2 verses 6 through 8.

Jesus made himself of no reputation taking the form of a bond servant and coming here’s the third use of the word homayomata and coming in the likeness of men did jesus just come like men but he wasn’t a real man when it says that he that he had the

Likeness of man it means that he was a real man so it says jesus made himself of no reputation taking the form of a bond servant and coming in the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of

Death even death of the cross now let’s go to james chapter 1 14 and 15. this is really really interesting because it describes the process of sin james chapter 1 verses 14 and 15 let no one say when he is tempted that’s point number one that i want us

To notice let no one say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted by evil nor does he himself tempt anyone but each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed and now notice the next point then when desire

Has conceived the sinful act hasn’t come about yet but the person has has inclined himself to the temptation then when desire has conceived or has been yielded to it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown brings forth death now let’s take a look take a look

At the stages that we find in these verses first of all you have the temptation at this point sin has not been conceived second you have yielding to the sinful dire desire or the sinful propensity that is the moment when sin is what conceived then you have the birth

Of sin then you have the growth of sin and eventually you have death at which of these stages did jesus defeat sin was it at the point of yielding no jesus defeated sin at the first point when the sin came when the temptation came rather jesus immediately rejected the temptation he

Did not play with it he was not inclined he didn’t have a tendency to commit that sin which eventually conceived sin and leads to birth of sin and leads to the growth of sin and eventually leads to death the bible defines what sin is first john 3 verse 4 in the king james

Version whosoever committeth sin transgress this awful also the law for sin is the transgression of the law in other words sin is not something that we are guilty of when we are born sin is a choice it’s a choice to disobey god’s will to disobey god’s law

Ellen white adds in the book faith and works page 56 now we want to understand what sin is that it is the transgression of god’s law this is the only definition given in the scriptures now let’s talk about evil propensities for a few moments what are evil propensities basically

They are inclinations to sin that have been strengthened by sinful indulgence the propensity itself is not sinful until we give in to the propensity ellen white explained that jesus took the fallen nature but not corrupted by sin because he never allowed the propensity to express itself he never was inclined to sin

In other words there was never a if you please the conception of sin which ultimately leads to committing the sin we find this very interesting statement manuscript 57 1890 here’s the test to christ here the test to christ was far greater than that of adam and eve for christ took our nature

Fallen but not corrupted and would not be corrupted unless he received the words of satan in place of the words of god clear absolutely clear statement ellen white repeatedly underlined that jesus took adam’s fallen nature but that that nature never expressed itself in sinful acts the sinful human nature was ever under

The control of the holy spirit jesus jesus never toyed with temptation he never wondered should i do it or shouldn’t i do it the very moment that the temptation came the holy spirit led him instantly to reject it in this way jesus condemned sin in sinful flesh

To use the childbirth analogy of james when temptation came to jesus he never allowed it to conceive and therefore sin was never born a propensity is a tendency or an inclination to sin is the inclination or tendency sinful no if the propensity is under the control of the holy spirit

The propensity is not sinful inherent propensities to sin become evil propensities only after giving into temptation and the more we give in the stronger the sinful propensity becomes now i’m going to go to the next section what did ellen white have to say about the kind of nature

That jesus took upon himself when he came to this earth unfortunately we don’t have time probably to read all these statements all of them are powerful by the way if you if you are watching you’ll be able to get all of my notes from the three presentations as well as the notes of

Many of the other speakers maybe all of them so contact secrets unsealed what kind of nature according to ellen white did jesus take upon himself notice this in taking upon himself man’s nature in its fallen condition can you argue with that was it before the fault no in taking

Upon himself man’s nature in its fallen condition now notice christ did not in the least participate in its sin sinful nature with without sinning he was touched with the feeling of our infirmities that’s the title of this book and was in all points tempted like as we are

And yet he knew no sin we should have no misgivings in regard to the perfect sinlessness of the human nature of christ why was the human nature of christ in this it was sinless because he didn’t sin folks it wasn’t different than the nature that we receive in another statement ellen white wrote

Wrote the great work of redemption could be carried out only by the redeemer taking the place of fallen adam with the sins of the world upon himself he would go over the ground where adam stumbled he would bear a test infinitely more severe than that which adam failed to endure notice the statements

Fallen adam where adam stumbled and where adam failed to endure he would overcome a man’s account and conquer the tempter that through his obedience his purity of character and steadfast integrity his righteousness might be imputed to man that through his name man might overcome the foe on his own account here’s another one

Which is very well known it would have been an almost infinite humiliation for the son of god to take man’s nature even when adam stood in his innocence in eden notice if jesus had taken the nature of adam before the fall it would have been an almost infinite humiliation but now

Notice there’s a but but jesus accepted humanity when the race had been weakened by 4 000 years of sin like every child of adam he accepted the results of the working of the great law of heredity what these results were were is shown in the history of his earthly ancestors he came

With such a heredity to share our sorrows and temptations and to give us the example of a sinless life i’m going to skip the next quotation that i have and i’m going to go to the following one after that adam was tempted by the enemy and he failed now notice this

It was not indwelling sin which caused him to yield for god made him pure and upright in his own image he was as faultless as the angels before the throne there were in him no corrupt principles no tendencies to evil speaking about adam but now knowledge christ

But when christ came to meet the temptations of satan he bore the likeness of sinful flesh wow here’s another one in our humanity christ was to redeem adam’s failure but when adam was assailed by the tempter none of the effects of sin were upon him he stood in the strength of perfect manhood

Possessing the full vigor of mind and body he was surrounded with the glories of eden and was in daily communion with heavenly beings it was not thus with jesus when he entered the wilderness to cope with satan for 4 000 years the race had been decreasing in physical strength

In mental power and in moral worth and christ now this is really amazing and christ took upon him the infirmities of degenerate humanity only thus could he rescue man from the lowest depths of degradation let me read a few more in christ where united the divine and

The human the creator and the creature the true notice this the nature of god whose law had been transgressed and the nature of adam the transgressor met in jesus what was the nature that met in jesus the divine nature and what the one of adam the transgressor

The son of god and the son of man here’s another one think of christ’s humiliation he took upon himself fallen suffering human nature degraded and defiled by sin because sin sinful human nature is degraded by sin but you only become a sinner when you actually sin she continues he took our sorrows

Bearing our grief and shame he endured all the temptations wherewith man is beset some people say well jesus was tempted from outside but not from inside no it’s this statement he knows how strong are the inclinations of the natural heart and he will help in every time of temptation

And then we have ellen white’s comment about the latter that came from heaven to earth christ is the latter that jacob saw the base resting on the earth and the topmost round reaching to the gate of heaven to the very threshold of glory if that now listen

To this carefully if that ladder had failed by a single step of reaching the earth we should have been lost but christ reaches us where we are he took our nature not adam’s nature our nature and overcame that we through taking his nature might overcome made

In the likeness of sinful flesh he lived a sinless life so he had sinful flesh but he lived a sinless life now by his divinity he lays hold upon the throne of heaven while his by his humanity he reaches us he bids us by faith in him attained to

The glory of the character of god therefore are we to be perfect even as our father which is in heaven is perfect now let’s notice the next one we’re running out of time you know they gave us less time than i’m usually used to but let’s go for it

The son of god was assaulted at every step by the powers of darkness after his baptism he was driven of the spirit into the wilderness and suffered temptation for 40 days and then ellen white speaks about letters that have been sent to her letters have been coming into me

Affirming that christ could not have had the same nature as man for if he had he would have fallen under similar temptations if he now ellen white explains if he did not have man’s nature he could not be our example if he was not a partaker of our nature

He could not have been tempted as man has been if it were not possible for him to yield to temptation he could not be our helper it was a solemn reality that christ came to fight the battles as man in man’s behalf his temptation and victory tell us that humanity must copy the

Pattern man must become a partaker of the divine nature let me just read the last one that i have here in my notes what love what amazing condescension the king of glory proposed to humble himself to fallen humanity he would place his feet in adam’s steps he would take adams

He would take man’s fallen nature and engage to cope with the strong foe who triumphed over adam he would overcome satan and in thus doing he would open the way for redemption for the redemption from the disgrace of adam’s failure and fall of all those who would believe on

Him can we have the same overcoming power that jesus had let me just read you a couple of statements sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the third person of the godhead who would come with no modified energy but in the fullness of divine power

It is the spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought out by the world’s redeemer it is by the spirit that the heart is made pure through the spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature christ has given his spirit as a divine power to overcome all

All what to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil wow i’m going to skip the next one and i’m going to go to the one after that the tempter’s agency is not to be accounted an excuse for one wrong ad satan is jubilant when he hears the professed

Followers of christ making excuses for the deformity of character it is these excuses that lead to sin there is no excuse for sinning a holy temper a christ-like life is success accessible to every repenting believing child of god now i’m going to read a final statement from ellen white

It has three parts but it’s the one single statement let’s read the first part that has to do with us this is uh from the book the great controversy page 623 first part deals with us now while our great high priest is making atonement for us we should seek to become perfect in

Christ how perfect not even by a thought could our savior be brought to yield to the power of temptation not had a sinful nature but not even by a thought would jesus yield to temptation and then she explains about us satan finds in human hearts some point where he can gain a foothold

Some sinful desire is cherished ah this is where the sinful tendency is what it’s strengthened because we yield to the tendency so once again satan finds in human hearts some point where he can gain a foothold some sinful desire is cherished by means of which his temptations assert their power in other words

Sin is conceived if you please so that’s us now let’s know let’s notice about jesus second part of this single statement but christ declared of himself the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me satan could find nothing in the son of god that will enable would

Enable him to gain the victory he had kept his father’s commandments and there was no sin in him that satan could use to his advantage and so you say well one case is us and the other case is jesus let me read the last third part of this statement amazing

This is the condition what she just described about jesus not even by a sinful thought this is the condition in which those must be found who shall stand in the time of trouble the last generation will be a generation with sinful natures until this corruptible body is transformed at the coming of jesus

They will have the sinful nature totally under the control of the holy spirit because during the time of trouble there will not be a mediator or an intercessor for sin may the lord strengthen us may we pray for the spirit that he might give us victory over sin You

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