[ENG SUB]Full Movie “Devil Snake”《魔蛇》4K | 动作片 | 原版无删减 |#网络电影🎬

Get up Over there come Dad, don’t forget what you promised me Nothing bad will happen if we know Please become a heavenly teacher please Cheng Tianshi Didn’t I say the Heavenly Master was over a hundred years old Don’t look like Yeah, it looks a little young What the hell is that

Act like a fraud What are you talking about Don’t disturb the work broken propriety offering sacrifice offering I don’t think young master really has a basilisk Keep jumping Two fat to save the child la Ha, ha, ha, ha The village head was indeed wise Please invite the heavenly master except for the Basilisk

You’re the only one who talks so much The basilisk has been destroyed decapitate Hahaha the village head is mighty The village head is mighty The village head is mighty The village head is mighty The village head is mighty The village head is mighty Young master ha ha Why is there only one child

Here it is Children’s clothes The head of the village was mighty The head of the village is mighty The village head is mighty This is my home Is anyone at home? Xiaoming mother What happened? Did you get hurt no What about my sister? Small cloth Xiao En Oh, my God

We really didn’t lose your baby We don’t know where to find it for you That’s you No, no, no, no Give it back Why are you being so unreasonable, aunt Who is this You said we lost it for you You’re a terrible kid. Look at you

I’m telling you, if you do that again, I’m gonna kill you Two fat ah ah ah The aunt We don’t know what happened to you But you have to tell us what’s going on, okay What’s the difference between these guys and those bandits Young master’s things are almost packed Where’s my pocket watch

Come on, come on hahaha I don’t think it’s any of our business, Sir They didn’t say anything about remembering the baby Maybe we should go I think if we have to, let’s say we’re sorry I think Miss Mubai is very nice I don’t know if you’re stupid It’s not about going back now

We’re being treated like a monkey by people who are crazy about us No, no, no Otherwise, that woman will have us both on her hands This is clearly a formula Is the Master of Heaven here Ah, come on in. day Ah heavenly master Uh, you’re Feng Ping. Feng Ping. I’m Feng Ping

Today the sacrifice at the sight of God is wrong Ah, I feel that you are the master of Heaven Not the same person The way is deep It makes me so fascinated What do you want from me I want to ask for peace

Ping an Fu Yes, yes, yes, yes. My wife is pregnant Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah I want to keep Zhang safe and protect their mother and son safe It better be a fat boy Hold on a second. All right, all right, all right Hey, here, here, here Ouch Thank Heaven Oh, good heavens

Well, then I’ll go thank God What fire halberds are there How can I eat it Look, look, look, look I’ll give you a peace sign What a blessing this is This is what I begged from the heavenly Master You must have brought it with you Make sure you have a big fat boy

Big fat boy every day You don’t like big boys with girls I like them both Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Have a drink Hey, you keep goldfish I raise big fish Cheat on you well A surname You said we really caught a basilisk that many times The village chief says so

The elder brother What’s wrong? Don’t move. Oh, you dare to say I’ll punch you if you believe me Well, who is afraid of who Ouch, show me Compare to compare ah Ah ah That’s pretty exciting The snake is huge in size Snake scales are hard as iron

Beyond the reach of my village’s snake catcher Village head Liu master villagers If I’m not mistaken This is the legendary Titanoboa What kind of python It’s an ancient boa constrictor It doesn’t matter how long the python is Pull it straight to the provincial capital and get some dynamite like I said

Mining is getting bigger and bigger now Not without some dynamite Village head Village head Dead people. Dead again Vin stay here and watch Go, go, go Just ahead ah Here it is ah How did that happen? Uh, everybody, keep up the good work OK

We’d have gotten rich the day we blew up the mine Ha, ha, ha, ha Careful, careful, careful. It doesn’t move Yeah, what’s in it Go inside and have a look. Ha ha ha I haven’t seen so many snakes in a long time Yeah, we got rich. Yeah Ah, so many

Hey, hey, hey, listen to me, listen to me Even if you take it all back How much that could be worth When we blow up the mine And then you’ll know what that means Made a fortune Right, right, right Feng Brother is right. Yeah, yeah. What’s it called, Feng Brother

I have to call him Boss Feng Boss Feng Boss Feng Boss Feng Boss Hey, here you go. hahahaha Uh-oh, help ah Ah ah ah Ah ah Help! Help! These are the ones the Basilisk stole earlier The Basilisk! Isn’t the Basilisk dead Why are there snakes? Ah ah

Uh-huh, go back, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go A Wen Awen Awen Where’s the rock? What’s going on The stone is missing. Who is it? Can’t hear me, Man I wonder if he passed out hahaha Basilisk. Basilisk

The Basilisk is here again the Basilisk What happened to the Basilisk Look for the heavenly Master So many people have died Seek the master of Heaven Find the Heavenly Master Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing Let’s not let anyone sleep Come on, come on, come on

There is a big snake in our village Why don’t you go back and close your doors and Windows Put some worms on it to remember What are you afraid of? I am blessed by God Heavenly master The master of Heaven knows nothing Oh, come on, come on You read too much

The teachings of the Heavenly Master are profound Hey, move. Move. Move There may be connected water under this well I don’t think so But there is a river near the village I don’t know if I can get by Put the villagers on alert Ten steps to one port Every two hours

Sprinkle the torch with realgar Be especially careful around this well angel That’s a basilisk Will the usual methods work All methods return to their original nature What works is good Is everyone with me on this Do what the master tells you Hurry up, hurry up Oh, no, no, no. Come on

Come on, come on Looks like you’re a liar You know a little bit about it I’m a serious angel and I’m crazy No matter what today Thanks for the hum anyway I share the blame Sir, are we still looking for the baby? Go Uncle Cheng, you have to make decisions for me

The engagement drink we talked about Uncle Cheng left without saying a word How am I supposed to live with that Oops Your father and I are brothers despite our differences There’s no way out of this match report Come in The report master has a message What news? Found Changzhou Well, not really

But word from the sheriff’s department is someone’s seen the young Marshal Bring people in Hey, I’m not gonna Sue. I’m not gonna Sue. Go, I’m not gonna Sue Ouch Big handsome little teacher is wrong I don’t Sue I don’t Sue You have seen the city Misunderstanding misunderstanding

I knew that man was your son I dare not go to the police to report him What’s wrong with you being honest will You hide anything from this girl and you’ll be damned I said I said Yesterday, when the young man was out telling a fortune Here comes the young master Don’t run

Here we go. Here we go Come on, come on Up and down Don’t run comrade Where did you go? I think it went that way Get on your side of the road Come on! banana Hurry up Catch them This gentleman I see your impression is black There’s gonna be a lot of blood

Well, it’s a coincidence that I saw your own blood loss nonsense How can there be a sophisticated ha Master though hit me in the body But I feel his deep love for me Don’t worry, captain Really, no, no, no, no, no, no Which means that son of a bitch

You mean Master Cheng he hit you The guy who took your stuff and your food Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no It’s the young master’s friendly way to borrow it It’s all small stuff Out of the way. Out of the way It really doesn’t matter hahaha

The young master found a shoe Let me see It’s bigger than your face ah What is it? Keep your voice down Ah ah Help! Help! Ah ah Help, help, help, help Help! Young master ah Ah ah ah Young master, are you all right? Get up I’m waiting for your shoulder, Sir

The more meat you have, the more nonsense you talk Walk fast Be careful fast Walk fast Come on, come on this way Hurry in This way Get up Go this way ah Well, the tiger didn’t catch up I can’t. I have to take a break Let’s go hide in this hole Ah ah

Ah, ah, ah ah ah Oh, help! He can’t get in basilisk There really are bear monsters What demon You take a closer look It was clearly a snake OK Let’s try again See if there’s another way out Take a walk Be careful, everybody. Go ahead and look Young master, be careful.

That’s a lot of snake eggs Watch your back go Watch your back These are Xiao Ann’s shoes Did Dre find it sorry This is all we found impossible No, we’re not. Ann just got lost He is sure to come back You promised you’d find it for me

You go find it. You go find it sorry We tried our best. I don’t believe it. You promised to help me find him What are you looking for Must be dead. Ah, ah, ah Wake up. You promised. I’m begging you Young Master, he can’t stand the wind ah Ah ah ah Ah ah

Ah Sir We need to pack up and get out of here I have a bad feeling about this Can’t walk This matter It’s not as easy as you think Yeah, it can’t be that simple Let’s get going Can’t walk I just haven’t figured it out yet What the hell is going on here

You’re crazy to remember What else to do It’s a good thing I stayed behind Not afraid of him not coming Yeah, well, it’s just getting bigger and bigger How to end it I’m afraid. I’m afraid of nothing Isn’t there a fake monk I think that kid’s got a little something left

If he can help us get rid of the Basilisk everything If not I’ll give him up as a fake monk Put it all on him Oh, this. That’s not good. Besides If you hadn’t dug up the mine It wouldn’t have caused so much trouble I dig mine without permission Besides

You’re in on the mining, too this Is the best way Have you thought it through, Sir What’s wrong? sorry sorry Why would you say that? nothing Is there something wrong with you What are you two just staring at Don’t talk You son of a bitch get out of here

I’ll go to the young lady Ai ink white Miss Black white I need you to get in there Big lady here Afraid of what happens to me Please come in, Miss Mu Everybody’s standing by the door All right, you take a boat I’m your fiancee I can’t believe you’re hiding out here

I said the lady you may have misunderstood I’m actually right with him I just like him. What’s wrong What do you think I’m worse than him Even if Even if he’s in better shape than me Well, then you can’t run away You have no idea how embarrassed I am ah ah

Father of a child Ah ah The village head What’s the matter, chief We saw this big snake when we first came out Ouch Such a snake You guys come with me Come with me, everybody Everybody follow Angel out Come out Come out Come out The serpent continues to kill

You have to give us an answer That’s it. Can not shoot Don’t be afraid We seek the Lord of Heaven There had never been a basilisk in the village before It was his arrival that brought the demon here antithesis Fundamental statement I think you all want to get out of here

Dad, what are you doing here Take them back to Yuer It’s none of your business Take them back Oh my God, go home Liar You never caught the Basilisk The basilisk is still killing people everywhere You need to give us an answer If you hadn’t dug a hole and dropped a snake bomb

How did this happen A man is inferior to a snake When are we gonna stop listening to him He is nothing but a liar Liar. Yeah. Yeah. cheater cheater Liar, liar, liar Don’t you give me any more nonsense I’ll put a bullet in your great-aunt’s head and get out of here

Let’s all take it easy It’s too dangerous out there right now You guys go back. Dad, take them home All right, all right. Hey, go back, go back. Go back Go back, go back, go back Go back to the gang Let’s go. Let’s go Go back. Go back

These soldiers bully the weak and fear the hard Do you think so You keep an eye on the baby I’ll tell you he’s a liar You don’t believe me Watch the baby Every time you see a moment this big It’s not like what we’re hiding It’s too late for you to run

Ah ah Run, run, run Go, go, get in there. A fast horse is big and fast Come on, come on Open the door Heavenly master Heavenly master ah Open the door for us to go in and hide Get out of here and open the door dad Open the door Open the door

No, no, no Take it quickly. Take it quickly Move out of the way Come on up Young Master seems to be quiet Run fast Run, run, run Ah ah, run away, daughter-in-law What’s the matter? Who’s coming What? Let’s let’s run for our lives, but There’s so much stuff we haven’t packed yet

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Hurry up, hurry up, third mother ah Come on. It’s him. Go It’s him. Go ah ah Dad and dad Dad and dad go Daddy walked and walked Ah ah daughter-in-law daughters-in-law fast Somebody get up here and help me out Come up to the dorm ah

Aah, let’s go, let’s go ah Ah ah Oh, are you all right Come on, daughter, Dad You go first Why is your girl so crooked There are too many people you can’t control. Uh-huh Big sister Miss Miss go Go, go, go why There’s no going back to this village Home is gone, too

Mother this is the home of the snake I’m afraid Xiaoping is not afraid. Mother’s cloth Mother is here How could this be so good Don’t get mad. Don’t get mad Don’t move my breath In my opinion The serpent must have been brought here by the fake priest Son of a bitch

Look for me. Look for me. Look for me My brother was shot Dad caught him I mean, I’m a real bully It’s just a guy trying to mess with me angel You’re the fucking worst Heavenly Master Oh heavenly master Oh heavenly master It’s so nice to meet you You have to save us

Ah, the basilisk is dead in our village Basilisk is a piece of crap Where does this old world come from in the middle of the day Oh, go, go, go. I’m telling the truth Have you seen Shaoxing Cheng See? Maybe he went back Let’s go back and look for it We see

And people died, too Heavenly master Help us with the recipe ah Well, it can’t hurt to check it out Oh, thank you so much Thank you. Thank you. Tell me about it Why did Dre leave What about the mines and the snake bombs I think you know better than anyone

I-i don’t know. I don’t know Sacrifice children Split hole Intentional homicide Find at random Enough to shoot you 100 times You’re a dead duck When the troops arrive, they’ll grab you all I’ll see if you can tell me I said everybody calm down It’s no use talking about it now

Why don’t you find a place to hide Yeah, I know. Well, where can we go now My house is gone You can’t hide out here Yeah, it’s not safe in these woods Folks, let’s go wherever we can Go cave cave Caves are pretty safe, aren’t they? Yeah

So where do you want to go Come on, everybody. Come on, come on fast ah Ah ah Ah ah Come on, come on Run fast Big brother follow I wrong I am guilty. Ah ah You have to go, young lady Be careful, Li Feng Come on, come on. Come on. Guys, slow down.

Ah ah ah Go, go, go, go, go, go, go Go, go, go, go fast Go, go, go, go, go Go, go, go fast Come on, hold on tight Hold on tight, everybody Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up Ah ah Ah ah Wife, give me a hand I am so touched, aunt

Don’t give birth to your daughter-in-law Aunt is coming Just go away and leave me alone Just leave me alone and go Your fucking hands Their hands! Get in there Ah, their hands Come on Come on, wife. ah Ah ah Daughter-in-law daughter-in-law must not be a big fat boy Uh-oh, no. Come back Don’t

Monster animal ah Enchanting come on Eat me Ah ah Ah ah ah ah Get in there. Get in there Go, go, go, go, go, go Hurry up Go, go, go fast Go, go, go Go, go, go fast fast Jump, jump, jump ah Ah ah ah Ah ah You come in first, young master

Ah ah ah Ah ah Ah ah ah Ah ah Ah ah Oh, do it, Sir The second Artillery Corps Prime minister The second Artillery Corps ah The Great Wall The second Artillery Corps Naive hate Hate is you Ah ah Two fat Ah, the village head Yeah, the head of the village Ah ah

The village chief was killed by this hypocrite He is nothing but a liar He was the one who brought the Basilisk He’s also responsible for the death of my brother You are nothing but a liar Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar cheater I wonder if you could have a conscience

Changzhou to save us Snakes have eaten his hands. Can’t you see He didn’t attract the snake Will you all wake up Moon girl Stop talking I admit I am a liar. I’m not even a priest, okay I shot the snake on the day of the sacrifice What’s your hatred Come at me

You heard what he said I see who dares Who dare bully my aunt Cheng Zhou And I destroyed his whole family mubai Cheng Zhou Do you hate me that much I’d rather hide out here and be a priest I have nothing to do with your marriage I am Mubai identified you

Only you will not marry Hey, I said calm down. Calm down Now is not the time to talk about it We have to do something fast Or we’re all gonna die here What do you suggest we do I think I have an idea

The village chief left some explosives when he blew up the mine Fried The medicine ah We can blow up the beast with these explosives Hey, it’s not Boss Liu I thought you knew there was explosives in there Yeah, yeah You can rest assured How do you know? is

I can’t help it if you misunderstand me Well, we didn’t misunderstand Boss Liu you want to blow up that one here I can’t do that You need to use this bomb here This thing is going to collapse Yeah, what do you do when it freezes If it blows up, I

I fear I shall never see my humble child again It’s okay. Okay, then I’ll find a way to draw the snake out It’s not like you said it would be easy You lead or I lead Whoever is with whom is going to die Who dares? Yeah, who dares I’ll go ah

Girl, you’re crazy One of us has to go I know the mines here I’ll go What are you doing? dad what Now is not the time to do what Dad says I’m not trying to be brave I know about the mines here I’ll go with you Among these people

I have the best skill Chengzhou you can’t go These people are not worth the risk I don’t want to see so many people It’s all the same as the ear Zhengzhou is too dangerous I’m worried about you. Just stay here Protect yourself Come on, I’m right here Come on, fuck me

The snake seems to be gone Really want to Let’s go. Let’s go ah Come on, come on Is it good? Is it good and Come on, come on This is paternal retribution It’s a hell of a fairy The gods must not come to me I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it

It was all your fault What the fuck are you doing We did it all What were you doing when we smashed it We’re in this together now No one can run away It’s none of my business. I’m going to tell the village chief I can’t dig. I can’t dig

You tell the fucking village chief Why don’t you tell the fucking village chief how we got rich Chief, I told you to snitch Oh, I fucking pissed me off Make you snitch Make you snitch ah ah Fengfeng Ge I’m not gonna say anything I’m not gonna say anything

You leave me alone, Brother Feng Why are you still staring Let’s put them both in their coffins Hey, all right, all right. Maybe the mine should just stop What does this have to do with mines It was the basilisk But now people are dying What if someone just tracked it down

Just sit on the wizard Find a heavenly master to sacrifice and get rid of the basilisk It has happened The serpent will be destroyed Still remember When you were little you I play with my dad Peek-a-boo ah I I’m going to hide I’m going to hide in a you

Where you won’t find it Finally Finally Ah ah dad ah dad ah We played peekaboo together Oh dad, wake up Move on the rate Hit me with a python that big Where is the rabbit? Don’t come to your rescue I got a fucking pussy Keep up Grow up Grow up Young man’s cloth

Young master look for young master look for young master Go, Sir. Young, young, young, young, young Young, young, young, young, young, young, young Son of a bitch Bear Get the hell out of here bear ah longevity longevity longevity longevity longevity You’re not going to die longevity Son of a bitch less

Handsome young handsome Young marshal Young master Come on, get the young man out of here Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng It’s good to be alive. It’s good to be alive You little son of a bitch You dare run around me again I’m gonna break your fucking legs if you can believe it ah

Look how anxious the wooden girl is Ah dad This is the girl of the Moon Grand marshal Cheng Zhou is all right Nothing happens to me mother ah Ah ah You mustn’t hurt him Ha ha Ha ha Xiaoping Ha hahaha Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha Ha ha Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah The opponents are all gone Get out of here, snake Come and go Let’s go to dinner good Let’s eat and drink. All right, all right Chen Da Tianshi Come and help the baby get a name Mubai, give me the baby Then you have a heavenly master

I don’t have a name yet You know what? Let’s make a wish together May the world No harm May all the creatures of the world Can find a home May there be no more harm in this world May all creatures find their own home Feng Ping our baby is one month old

He’s a big fat kid Did you see that

#ENG #SUBFull #Movie #Devil #Snake魔蛇4K #动作片 #原版无删减 #网络电影

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