Angelic Battle: The Fall of Satan Movie // War in Heaven

In the last episode we discussed many things regarding satan’s location we’ve looked at his tactics and how he is still currently deceiving the world we saw how unlike popular opinion Satan is not underground no he’s still out there and still actively trying to deceive the world and when you realize that Satan is

Not locked up underground but he’s still around actively trying to mislead the masses he began to realize why the only truth that you can trust is biblical truth now the last video inevitably brought up more insights to discuss so today we are going to address many questions

Regarding the fall of Satan the origin of Nephilim and the angelic wars in heaven stay tuned so one thing that we’ve looked at in the past video was how in Revelation chapter 12 it speaks of how there will be an angelic battle in the heavens when Satan and his fallen

Angels are thrown down into the earth realm in essence after this battle takes place Satan and his fallen angels will no longer be able to roam the heavens and we see that in revelation 12 verse 8 as it says and they lost their place in heaven so after this battle Satan and

His fallen angels will no longer have a place in the heavens to roam now automatically when you hear the word heaven we often think of the throne room of God right we only think of the high high heaven however in this verse we see that the Greek word for heavens here can

Often refer to the sky as well it can refer to the atmosphere and even the universe and so this is why many interpret this passage as referring to when Satan will ultimately lose his ability to roam and traverse the universe apparently this is what will happen after this battle he will lose or

Be dethroned from that ability now this is interesting because many of us either believe that the angelic battle in Revelation 12 happened before the world began or that it refers to something that will happen in the future and so those are usually the two sides either

It was a past thing or it’s a future thing so how can we investigate that well one thing we can do to have more clarity on this is to see if there is anything in the Bible that indicate it’s that Satan is currently roaming the universe then we will know if this

Battle took place in the past or if it is a future event now of course in the previous video we did see how Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12 that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the cosmic powers over this present darkness and against

These spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places so this verse clearly shows that the forces of evil are currently in the heavenly places now this right here is a translation from the ESV version um however if you are looking at the King James Version you

Would see that it reads that the Satanic forces are aware in high places so to get down to the bottom of this we really need to look at the original Greek words that were used and you know one thing that we have to remember is that the

Bible was not written in the English translation as that we have today or even the English translations that we have had for centuries the Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew and the New Testament was originally written in Greek and the amazing thing is God has so graciously allowed our generation to

Have Bible tools that allow us to investigate their original Hebrew and Greek words scholars have recovered many ancient manuscripts some of the earliest existing copies and placed the original words that were used in these Bible tools that we can all access and so this is this is huge

You see many who are against God and the Bible will say things like this they will say how can you trust the Bible you know there are so many different translations it’s not accurate and some verses have been changed you know I’m sure you’ve heard that argument they

Will say how can you trust this thing where there’s so many different variances but now you can respond to them how that argument doesn’t really hold up anymore because today we can ourselves see the original Hebrew and Greek words we can do the research and see what the original words were and so

In our generation that argument is outdated so if we want to see you know what does it mean when it says that the satanic forces are ruling up in the heavenly places all we have to do here is see what the original Greek word for heavenly places is so here I’m on the

Blue letter Bible site we’re looking at the King James Version and as it says in verse 12 you know that we war against the satanic forces the spiritual wickedness we’re in high places and so what we want to do is see what is the original Greek word that was used for

High places well let’s go to tools here and we see that when we scroll down the word that was translated into the word high is the word there protineus and that bar Aeneas refers to what existing in the heavens things that take place in heaven the celestial regions

And the interesting thing is in the King James Version this same greek word was used for the word heavenly many times in the scripture we see that it was used for heavenly here it was used for heavenly anjaan in the 1st Corinthians and Ephesians so this word usually

Refers to things heavenly in fact the only time it’s ever used for high is just in that one passage and so this is why it is still accurate to say domain of where these spiritual forces of darkness are are in high or you can say heavenly places because that same

Word there is used to translate the word heavily and so in this instance because the Greek word refers to the heavenly realm it is more accurate to have a perspective of the domain of darkness of the domain of Satan as not some place underground where his ruling but ruling

Or roaming around in heavenly or high places so if Satan and his forces are currently roaming around in the heavenly realm has revelation 12 verse 8 happened yet because it clearly says that when he and his forces are thrown down they will lose their place in the heavens hmm so

You see why this this is causing some now to wonder if the battle in Revelation 12 has happened and you know that’s something that we looked at in the previous episode and I mentioned how I can understand why some would say that the fall of Satan is a future event

Because clearly we see that he’s roaming the heavens we end still deceiving the world I mean you can look at the world and see how there’s so much satanic activity it’s obvious that he is still active he’s not completely locked away however I can also see the other

Perspective that says that he already fell from heaven as we know Jesus said that he saw Satan fall as lightning correct and we know that Satan roams throughout the earth seeking who he can devour so what do we say in response to this well I want to first say that we greatly

Appreciate your comments because your comments have been so insightful and we love how the Holy Spirit is working through you to reveal things and insight to you as well because with this last video there were a few comments that I thought were so interesting regarding

This and I’m a few of you commented and mentioned something very interesting you said what if the angelic battle in Revelation 12 what if it’s not just a singular one-time event what if the angelic battle in Revelation 12 is a prophetic summary of the angelic wars that have been taking place over the

Ages and so I thought about that and you know after some pondering I I think that is another good perspective actually some of you mentioned how yes you know initially Satan was kicked out of the heavens with his fallen angels for having pride and having evil intentions

And ever since then he has been in numerous battles with the Archangel Michael and the other Angels of Light some of you even quoted the Book of Daniel chapter 10 which speaks of how the Archangel Michael was in an angelic battle with the forces of darkness even

Back then and also we saw in the book of Job how Satan was not completely cast out of the heavens because he was able to worm his way into the high heaven so that he could approach God for the purpose of trying to accuse a job and so

It does seem as if there has been an ongoing conflict between the angels of darkness and angels of light for thousands of years and if that is the case it would make sense if the angelic battle depicted in Revelation 12 is perhaps a summary of when Satan is first

Kicked out of heaven and then it tells of these frequent angelic battles that he has as he tries to accuse the people of God and finally in the passage we see that there will come a moment when Satan is ultimately kicked out of the heavenly realms and is only

Allowed around the earth realm so yeah I would say that that position is a worthy argument to add into the equation of perspectives and so again we’re opening up the floor you know what do you think about that point of view please share in the comments how you consider this and

How you interpret revelation 12 now I do think that there is more evidence within the text that indicates that this angelic battle in Revelation 12 likely did not completely take place before creation and I think if you look at revelation 12 verse 9 there’s an indicator of that look at what it reads

And the Great Dragon was thrown down that ancient serpent who has caught the devil and Satan the deceiver of the whole world he was thrown down to the earth and his angels were thrown down with him verse 10 and I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now the salvation

And the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down who accuses them day and night before our God so here we see that it says that he was thrown down as

One who accuses the people of God and that he was accusing believers before God day and night so if this event here happened before humanity was even created who would he have been accusing right so you see why some scholars are saying that this is not

Just a past event because we clearly see here that he has been accusing us the brothers and sisters before God and then he has thrown down and this is similar to how as we saw in the previous episode Satan was trying to accuse job even though job was a righteous man Satan

Approached God to try to call out job and to say that job would curse God if he was inflicted with pain and so it seems that even since the days of Job Satan has had this ability to not only wander the earth but also to wander

The heavens as the accuser and so this is very interesting look at what it says in verse 11 as it explains how he was dislodged from the heavens and they the Saints have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony for they loved not their lives

Even unto death therefore rejoice o heavens and you who dwelled in them but woe to you o earth and sea for the devil has come down to you in great wrath because he knows his time is short so here it seems that one of the reasons

That Satan will be thrown down is not just because of an angelic battle but also because of what the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the people of God’s testimony so we again see that this must not refer to what happened before creation because you are involved

With the dislodging of Satan now of course before creations Satan obviously has some type of falling out with God we know that but here we see that he has ultimately expelled by the blood of the Lamb and by the testimony of God’s people and that is big because

That would mean that your proclamation of the gospel is a part of the ultimate dislodging of Satan you see why he doesn’t want the gospel to spread you see why he doesn’t want videos like this to get out because the more he is exposed the closer he is to being

Expelled so I believe the puzzle is starting to fit together because if the Battle of revelation 12 climatically will conclude when Satan is dislodged completely from the heavenly realms and then comes into the earth realm we can see why right after he is thrown to the

Earth he’s furious and as it says in revelation 12 wrote to the earth the devil has come down to you in great wrath because he knows that his time is short and then after that what does he do he empowers the Antichrist to rise

And this is why we see that in the very next chapter in Revelation 13 the Antichrist comes onto the scene now something else that I briefly want to mention here is right after it says that Satan was thrown down to the earth look what it reads in revelation 12 verse 9

He was thrown down to the earth and his angels were thrown down with him and I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down who

Accuses them day and night before our God and so if we look at the Greek words behind this passage it says the so today era has come the Dunamis this is power so today that refers to salvation and the word salvation there can mean salvation which we know salvation we

Have in Christ and salvation refers to what deliverance safety deliverance from the molestation of enemies this is how that word is often used in scripture to refer to really being rescued anyway so when it says that now that Satan has been dislodged from his position he’s basically saying now the people of God

Can experience deliverance and they can experience power and the what the authority of his Messiah interesting and of course you know there are many ways that you can interpret this but I think one perspective to consider is that after Satan is thrown out and loses all of his level of authority in the

Heavenly realms that likely will be the beginning of what the tribulation because he will be thrown down to the earth the Antichrist will rise and what happens towards the beginning of the tribulation the rising of the two witnesses when the power of God as it was shown in the book of Acts

And the days of Moses and Elijah once again comes into the world to war against evil so it is possible that the deliverance and the power and authority that will come after Satan is dislodged and completely thrown down is a reference to the power and authority

That the witnesses of God will walk in thereafter and so we actually did a documentary on the two witnesses and I recommend watching that especially part two and Fatt you could just start with part two because I feel that that is in far more detailed it looks at not just

The olive trees of the house of Judah and the house of Israel but also it looks at the two lampstands in detail and that is critical and so please check that out if you would like to know more about the two witnesses so yes it is interesting how after Satan is

Ultimately removed from his position that there is this empowerment that comes to God’s people and that seems to line up with what we know will happen during the time of the two witnesses now we still have more things to walk through here in the text because if the

Ultimate fall of Satan happens right prior to the time of the tribulation well what about Isaiah 14 some of you mentioned I was there 14 which speaks of how Satan will be thrown into hell will that happen has it already happened when will it happen let’s look at it so

Isaiah 14 some people interpret Isaiah 14 as being something that possibly happened in the past but I think in light of what we have just looked at here that it is so possible that Isaiah 14 is a prophecy of what will happen in the future so

Let’s look at Isaiah 14 verse 13 here is what the prophet Isaiah says concerning Satan you said in your heart I will ascend to heaven above the stars of God I will set my throne on high I will sit on the Mount of Assembly in the far

Reaches of the North you said that I will ascend above the heights of the crowds I will make myself like the Most High so here Isaiah’s really forecasting the doom of Satan and he explains how at one point Satan became very prideful and God pretty much calls him out on that and

Says no no yes you want it to be like the Most High and ascend above the angelic host but no you are brought down to Sheol to the far reaches of the pit so if this is a prophecy about the doom of Satan what is Sheol welcoming look at the

Original Hebrew word for Sheol and of course I believe in the King James Version that would have been translated as either the grave or hell or even the pit but the actual Hebrew word used there’s shiho and that is often referred to as the underworld sometimes it is

Translated as a grave the pit I’m usually it’s used as the Old Testament designation for the abode of the Dead the Greek equivalent of it is Hades or the world of the Dead so it says that Satan will be thrown into Sheol is he referring to just a grave

Well or is he referring to some underworld the abode of the Dead well let’s look at the context of how it is used so it says he’ll be thrown down to Sheol to the far reaches of the pit those who see you will stare at you and ponder

Over you it says he will be thrown down to Sheol and there are there individuals or spirits or souls who will stare and ponder for Satan and we’ll say is this the man who made the earth tremble who shook the kingdoms is this the one who made the

World like a desert and overthrew its cities and who did not let the prisoners go home this is the guy now it says that he was thrown down to a shield right and he was thrown down to the far reaches of the pit where is that where is that

Located well in the last episode we looked at how the fallen angels who sinned back in Noah’s day were sent where to Tartar oh and to taro in the Greek refers to the deepest abyss of Hades which again often is often referred to as the underworld and we saw

How the Apostle Peter wrote that some of the fallen angels who were locked up in the deepest abyss of the underworld and so that same language is used here as isaiah prophesized that satan will ultimately be thrown into the far reaches of Sheol which many interpret as the underworld so the ultimate question

Is when does that happen when will he be thrown into the abyss of Sheol well again we see that in the isaiah 14 through 16 he is thrown down and when he is thrown into this pit there are individuals there who see him and ponder

Over him like his is this this is the satan the great deceiver and so this seems to indicate that when he is thrown into Sheol or the poor the underworld that this is not something that happened before creation because when he is thrown there there are individuals there

Questioning and pondering over him that has to indicate that this is a prophecy of a future event it’s a prophecy summarizing why he was cast out of heaven and it then prophesizes his ultimate doom were one day he will be thrown into the abyss the hid the

Deepest abode of Sheol so when will that happen if it hasn’t happened in the past when will it be well let’s look at Satan’s timeline so at one point Satan he was in heaven he was a beautiful angelic being and then at some point he began to realize

That and pride and jealousy possessed him jealousy of God and so he had a falling out with God and after that he and the fallen angels that he convinced to take his side were kicked out of the highest heaven and were allowed to roam the earth and the heavens now just as

We’ve seen before even after he was kicked out sometimes he would visit heaven to try and accuse the people of God like he tried to do with Jobe but we know the day will come when he is completely banned from the heavenly realms when Michael the Archangel defeats him

And then Satan will be thrown to the earth Satan will empower the Antichrist and after the Antichrist rises and creates chaos we know that then Jesus will return And once Jesus returns look at what revelation says will happen to Satan bin revelation 20 verse 1 and I saw an angel coming down out of heaven having the key to the abyss and holding in his hand a great chain verse 3 and he threw him

Into the abyss and locked and sealed it over him to keep him from deceiving the nation’s anymore until the thousand years were ended after that he must be set free for a short time so basically we see here that at this point when Jesus returns then Satan will be thrown

Where into the abyss Now if you’re reading along the King James Version it may read that he was cast into the bottomless pit but again you know if you look at the original Greek word there the bottomless pit there is translated from the Greek word abyssal which is where we get the word

Abyss and so even in the King James Version really all versions the root word there is abyss and what does that refer to refers to of course the obamas pit and it is used in the Bible to refer to often the lowest parts and the earth were the realm of the Dead especially

The boat of demons there are some who would argue that this is actually within the core of the earth or in the center of it so we actually do have a video that explores where Sheol or Hades and the abyss might be in our earth so

Please check that out it is call hell explain part 2 so I wanted to show that yes the word from boundless pit here is abyss and so we see that in Revelation he will be thrown into the abyss or the lowest parts of shield and that aligns

Perfectly with the prophecy in Isaiah 14 which says he will be brought down to the far reaches of the pit and then it says that those who see him will almost be in shock they will almost mock him like this is the guy who deceived the world so there you have it very

Interesting and of course if you have researched this please share your insights as well now it’s time to go into depth on a few things because after the recent video there were a few questions and a few comments which led of course to more Bible study and more

Prayer and more research and so we have something that we need to look at here and it regards the Nephilim now in the previous video we looked at a few theological perspectives on the Nephilim demons and fallen angels and we started by examining Genesis 6 Genesis 6

Tells the story of how the sons of God had children with human women and that led to the women giving birth to Nephilim and whenever you do research on Genesis 6 and you look into theological commentaries when it begins to interpret the Nephilim most theologians will often

Mention how this is similar to the language that is found in the Book of Enoch well the Book of Enoch as we know is an ancient Israelite document that speaks of how long ago angelic beings who were referred to as the sons of God mated with humans which produced these

Nephilim and so I think at this point we all are familiar with what the Book of Enoch says but how would you interpret Genesis 6 if you stick solely to the Bible what would it mean by sons of God here well one thing that you can do is

Cross-reference so all you have to do here is type in sons of God and let’s see what that pulls up and so of course in the Old Testament sons of God in Genesis 6 verse 2 this is referring to the sons of God saw the daughters of

Humans let’s see we see the sons of God also in job 1 6 look what it reads it says now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among with him so in this context the sons of God

Refers to angelic beings and then Satan tried to worm his way among them also we see in job 2 1 it says and there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves to the Lord and Satan also try to come among with him so again this

Sons of God refers to the end jug beings and job 30 seven it says where were you when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy so of course we know this is referring to angelic beings as well now one day we’re gonna

Get into the New Testament and it’s usage of the sons of God because it flips things around and says basically how we as the children of God can also be included in this but in the Old Testament the sons of God here primarily is used to refer to as we see in the

Context angelic beings and so even if you’re not looking at extra biblical ancient texts you can reasonably come to the conclusion that the sons of God here are also likely referring to the same thing as sons of God usually refers to angels and this is why many theologians

Interpret this sons have got here as referring to angels and so let’s read verse 1 when human beings began to increase a number on the earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful and they married any of

Them as they chose then the Lord said my spirit will not contain him with humans forever for they are mortal and their days would be 120 years and in verse 4 it says the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when

The sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children they were the heroes of old men of renown the King James Version actually interprets is very well to say mighty they were creatures of strength

So this is where people have questions and concerns and it causes a lot of rift and confusion and hard contemplations because you have to wonder how is it possible for angels to have children with humans right like clearly it seems to indicate that the sons of God which we see in the Old

Testament usually the first angels saw the daughters of humans and then had children by them which produced Nephilim why did that happen and how did it happen do angelic bodies have the ability to reproduce and if so why right we know if they weren’t supposed

To do that why would they even have to be given that type of a body that’s one of the big questions that many ask and I think it’s a great question you know why would Angela given that ability of they were not purposed for it

And I I guess you know my best shot at thinking through that is we we do have to remember that angels are not like ghosts right they’re not just disembodied spirits they are spiritual beings you know you are a spiritual being we all have a spirit but we just

Happen to live in a human body angels are also spirits but they live in a angelic spiritual body a ghost or a spirit is something that is just spirit but no physical no body at all and so angels aren’t like that they do have bodies but a spiritual body and a

Spiritual body is a type of body that is very unique we looked at in the last video how often it can be invisible sometimes it can even go through objects but it can also take on physical form if it wants to and we see this numerous times in Scripture in Sodom and Gomorrah

There were angels who took on physical form and once they did some of the men in that region started to lust after them If you also see how angels often take on some type of physical form whenever they are trying to deliver a message to the people of God and one of the biggest i opening accounts is what is written in the book of hebrews chapter 13 look at

What it reads do not forget to show hospitality to strangers for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without even knowing it Wow so here the writer of Hebrews says that basically you better be careful how you treat people Because angels have the ability to take on human form and you may actually be interacting with an angel so this is what the angelic body can do spirits don’t have a body they can’t just morph into human form demons cannot do that they have to try to possess a

Human body they can’t just create their own body and start showing up places but a spiritual body can do that and so if angels can take on human form at will we see why their body could possibly take on human form if it wanted to and perhaps even produce a child with it

Because apparently with the angelic body there’s not really any limitation as far as what their physical body could do however as we see here if a human and an angel were to interact in that way a Nephilim would be produced and they are described as people that are mortal

Absolutely but a bit different and larger in size now if you were to look at the King James Version in Genesis 6:4 instead of the word Nephilim it will read Giants so if you were reading the King James Version how would you have known that this is actually referring to

Nephilim well again you know we can easily investigate that all we have to do is just go to where it says tools here and we see that the original hebrew word there for giants was what nafeel which is where we get the word Nephilim and this is one of the reasons why these

Bible tools are so great if you were to type in to see the word Giants here you will see that it says Giants in Genesis 6:4 we know that refers to Nephilim but if you were to go to Deuteronomy 2:11 it says Giants but to go a little bit

Deeper you would have seen that in that instance of the word Giants is actually the Hebrew word Rafa II which is completely different from what a Nephilim is and we are truly blessed that we live in a generation where we conceived the original Hebrew and Greek words because

Now we can see what the original author meant when he wrote the word Giants we know here it refers to Nephilim here it refers to Rafa which is really about just large beings but here it gets more specific as to what was the makeup of these beings so

Again this is a great resource it’s free and this is the blue letter Bible site so definitely make use of these and so now that we have looked at the sons of God and the Nephilim we can tackle a very troubling fault ok so some have asked this question and I have pondered

It myself if the Nephilim who were produced in Noah’s day were killed in the flood why is it that they seemingly show up again at other parts of the Bible big question because we know that these creatures they were killed in the flood right and certainly none of them were on Noah’s

Ark to survive that so how did they come back well this investigators So again we’re in the kingdom version here we know that the Giants here in Genesis 6:4 that refers to the Hebrew word the net field which is where we get Nephilim we know that in deuteronomy 2:11 that instance of the word Giants refers to a rough ie which is a different context

Also Deuteronomy 2:20 that refers to the Giants Rafa eat this is also different so what we want to do is find out are there any instances of the word Nephilim other than just what is shown here in Genesis 6:4 well when we go to numbers 1333 we see that there are giants

Mentioned here let’s see what the original hebrew word for there was ah so this instant of the word Giants is again where we’re looking for the Nephilim we want to see what the context of this is so we know that now here is referring to the Nephilim so here in the book of

Numbers the people of Israel were on the verge of entering the promised land and before they could enter Moses commanded some of them to go and spy the land to make sure that it was safe for entry and when these spies went out to view the land there they saw Nephilim and they

Were frightened and they were scared they returned to Moses and look at what they said they returned to Moses and said and there we saw the Giants which we know are Nephilim the sons of anak which come from the Giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so

Worried in their sight so this is interesting you know they reported that they saw the Nephilim the Giants and whether or not they actually saw the original Nephilim or not we see that these here the sons of anak were the descendants of the Nephilim and so if

That is the case it must indicate that at some point after the flood the Nephilim must have returned if they ended up having descendants and children who were living in the promised land so how is that possible how is that possible well there are a couple of

Theories about this one is that possibly the Nephilim survived the flood not sure how that might have happened some theories or that perhaps the Fallen Angels took some of the Nephilim z– away before the flood came and then brought them back that’s one theory the second theory is that perhaps the

Nephilim were reproduced after the flood hmm so which is it yeah I had to do some research on this but thankfully some of you provided insight in the comments and a few of you pointed out something that was pretty evident right there in the text so let’s look at it

Genesis 6 verse 4 the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them so right here it says in Genesis that yes the Nephilim were around the days of Noah but then even after the

Days of Noah they were still around and also afterward how did that happen how did that happen it says it and also afterwards when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them the ordering of the text is so critical

It says that they were here in Noah’s day and afterwards how when the sons of God had children with human women that is huge because what that means is that even after the flood even after apparently some of the Fallen Angels had been locked away for sinning with women

Apparently it happened again and I assume it wasn’t on a massive scale but we do see that after the flood some of those fallen angels were likely up to the same thing making appearances on the earth interfering with humanity and even producing Nephilim which is why we see

Them again around the time of Moses and so this is not an insignificant thing because this would mean that it is possible that even after the flood as long as fallen angels are around they still could interact with people you see how that would drastically change things because the question becomes if fallen

Angels were able to produce Nephilim even after the flood are they able to do it again even now that is the question and I will say this I will say you know if you look at the very last scene of the previous episode there is a message

There and that is why I always say that when you watch these episodes you know it’s not something that you can just have in your ear you got a visually tuned in because the imagery there is very purposeful and there is a quote at the end of the last episode from Christ

About what will take place on earth right before his return look at what it says Matthew 24:37 as it was in the days of Noah so would it be at the coming of the Son of Man so what does that mean some people interpret this to refer to

How in the days of Noah there was fallen angel activity and so possibly even in the end times leading up to Christ returns there will be more fallen angel activity that’s one view i personally am not sure what could happen but i do lean towards this verse

Certainly hinting that just as it was wicked and noah’s day and in lots day it will be very wicked on the earth prior to his coming absolutely will fallen angels have some part in that we will see you will see Many of them who sent back in Noah’s they were locked up in Tartarus we explored that in the last video but we know that Satan and his fallen angels some of them are still deceived in the world that we have pretty much clarified with these past couple of presentations

Here looking at the text can they return into what capacity we will see but it is something to think about it is something to discuss and would love your insights on this and what you feel the Holy Spirit is speaking to you this is a ministry where you are involved people

Are reading your comments and that is critical that is very critical and so now that we have gone over these things we can now begin full production on the next episode which will cover the Holy Spirit activity of the first century church it will be a very important

Presentation and if you would like to have some input with it please consider joining us on patreon with patreon you are not only able to give and contribute to these projects but you are also able to be a part of the process you’re able to provide feedback and even raise

Awareness of issues that we can discuss in upcoming episodes and so it’s a great opportunity for involvement and so thank you for watching and the next episode is coming soon god bless You

#Angelic #Battle #Fall #Satan #Movie #War #Heaven

Did Jesus Diminish His Divine Power to Become Human?

On Friday we ended the week talking about the physical origins of Jesus and how the miraculous conception happened biologically today we move to a question of what divine attributes were necessary for Christ to lay down in order to take up his humanity the question comes from Matthew in Vienna the capital of Austria

Hello Matthew thank you for writing in dear pastor John thank you for all your work over the years of ministry my small group recently considered the subject of Jesus’s divinity and humanity I looked through desiring God’s resources and found a sermon that you delivered way

Back in 1981 in that sermon on Luke 2:52 you say this quote our text has important implications for understanding the divinity of Christ it helps us understand what Paul meant when he said though he was in the form of God he did not count equality with God a thing to

Be grasped but emptied himself taking the form of a bondservant as Philippians 2 verses 6 & 7 one of the things Christ emptied himself of was omniscience you said later regarding the attributes of God you said this quote they were his potentially and thus he was God but he

Surrendered their use absolutely and so he was man in quote now the question is how do you now understand Philippians 2 verses 6 to 8 and Luke 2 verse 52 do these texts really necessitate that some attributes of the eternal divine nature of Jesus must have been given up or laid

Down at his incarnation pastor John what would you say to Matthew well I’m glad this question is asked and I’m glad they quote my old sermon because the first thing I would say is that I would speak today with more precision and care than

I did in those sentences I as I as I read those I went back and read them in context I thought oh that’s that was not very careful when we say things about Jesus Christ after the incarnation of the eternal divine Sun we have to be careful not to

Give the impression that the divine nature of Christ has the same limitations that the human nature of Christ does and I don’t think I made that distinction clear enough in 1981 I would not want to say for example that Christ in His divine nature emptied himself of any essential divine

Attribute and I think omniscience is an essential divine attribute so when in Matthew 24:36 Jesus says that not even the Sun knows the time of Jesus return I take him to mean that the Son Jesus Christ considered in his human nature operates with a kind of limitation but

Not the divine nature now I know that sounds weird that sounds strange and it is strange it is strange because the union of two natures in one person one divine and one human is beyond our experience and will always be beyond our personal experience we’re never gonna be

God and we we may expect it to sound strange so how then do I understand Philippians 2:5 2:8 and the emptying of himself let me read the verses so we all have it in in front of us though he was in the form of God he did not count

Equality with God a thing to be grasped grasped but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant and being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even death on a so verse six you have the pre-existent

Christ before incarnation in the form of God which the next phrase defines as equality with God then in verse 7 you have him taking the form of a servant in the likeness of men and I think just as the term form of God in verse 6 does not

Mean less than God because of the term equality with God in the same way the term form of a servant or likeness of man in verse 7 does not mean less than human but rather equal with all humans that is a real human nature upshot

Christ is very God and very man and in between those two statements you have this famous phrase he emptied him self what does that mean I don’t think it means that Christ in His divine nature became less than fully divine in other words he didn’t empty himself of deity

One of the reasons I don’t believe that is what Paul meant is because he says the very opposite in Colossians 2:9 he said for in him in Christ the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily you know you even wondered whether he use the word fullness there parceling say he

Didn’t he didn’t empty himself of that he not empty he’s not only not empty he’s full he’s full of deity the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily in Jesus so I don’t think he emptied himself of anything that constitutes the essence of deity I think the best clue for how to think

About the emptying probably comes from John 17:5 where Jesus says father glorify me in your presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed so John had already said in John 5:18 that the Jews recognized that Jesus was making himself equal with God so on the one hand the

Incarnate Christ in the Gospel of John has a divine nature he’s fully God on the other hand there were aspects of his glory which he had laid aside and that’s why he’s praying father restored to me the glory I had with you before the foundation of the world and I think that

Would include at least the privileges of deity that stand between the divine Christ and the shame and degradation and suffering and death of the cross that’s the point that’s the point of Philippians 2:58 that he moved from such height to such shameful degradation on our behalf and that’s the mindset

We’re supposed to have as we serve others but then again and I need to qualify and say it would be a mistake to say that he laid aside all of the divine glory in becoming man because in John 1:14 it says the word became flesh and

Dwelt among us and we behaved see we have seen his glory glory as of the only son from the father full of grace and truth so there was a divine glory in the Incarnate Christ for those who had eyes to see but the fullness of divine glory I think

Would have incinerated sinners and blinded everyone and this he emptied himself of maybe the best way to say it is that what whatever stood between the fullness of the divine glory before the Incarnation and the suffering and shame and degradation and death of the cross whatever stood between there that had to

Be laid aside so that he could he could do it and the the only thing I would say now with regard to Luke 2:52 which was mentioned in the quest Jesus increased in wisdom and stature in favor would God a man the only thing I’d say there is Jesus was in his human

Nature fully man and therefore he grew he grew up through the stages of childhood like other humans and yet without sin Paul says in 1st Timothy 2:5 there is one God and there is one mediator between God and men the man human Christ Jesus so in his divine nature Christ was

Fully God in his human nature he was fully man in his divine nature he had all the essential attributes of God during his incarnation and in his human nature he was finite and could therefore grow in wisdom and stature just just by way of conclusion no book in the Bible

Exalts the deity of Christ better than the book of Hebrews of the son he says your throne O God is for ever and ever Hebrews 1:8 and no book stresses the humanity of Christ for the sake of his sympathy with with our weaknesses like Hebrews does chapter 4 verse 15 we we do

Not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses but one who in every respect was tempted like we are therefore in this Advent season let us do exactly what Hebrews 4:16 says let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive

Mercy and find grace to help in time of need we we have a great divine and human Savior amen what a profound mystery here and beautifully approachable – thank you Pastor John for that answer Matthew thinks for the very good question thank you to everyone who listens thank you for

Making the podcast part of your Advent season this year you can subscribe to our audio feeds and search our past episodes in our archive and even reach us by email with the question of your own even questions about maybe something you’ve seen in an old John Piper sermon

That you would love to have clarified by him you can do all of that through our online home at desiring God org forward slash ask Pastor John well there’s a great danger in worshiping gifts more than the gift giver that of course is idolatry and this topic is especially

Important in a season of gift-giving like this one that we’re in the midst of so how do we love the giver more than his gifts and of course we’re talking about our relationship to God and God as the giver that is next as we ask and answer some Christmas related questions

And the podcast of this year I’m your host Tony ranky thanks for listening we’ll see you next time you

#Jesus #Diminish #Divine #Power #Human