Who is Satan? – The Devil Explained

The devil the bane of human existence. The personification of evil, appearing in some from in almost every human religion and thought. The problem of evil is a touchstone of any religion. From our direct confrontation with evil results suffering, and thus endless questions about the meaning of life.

That is why all religions have to give a proper answer regarding the origin, nature and end of evil. The general pattern in Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism is to consider evil as the effect of spiritual ignorance. But in many ancient religions, pantheistic religions and Judaeo-Christian religions evil has a face.

Anthropologists say that the story of religion starts with animism – the concept that all people, animals, plants, water, air, the world and the heaviness are all spiritual beings. Anthropologists state that this was a means for man to interpret and understand the meaning of life and the world around them.

These Ancients also often believed in evil spirts, often people who could not find rest in the afterlife spirit and that disturbing the natural order of things brought pain and was the cause of evil and pain in the world.

This system of belief still exists in some parts of the world, notably Africa, and it led naturally to the pantheism found in ancient societies like Greece and Rome. And it also led naturally to the eastern spiritualist religions as well. In eastern religions the concepts of animism lead naturally to the concept that physical

Matter was bad and the spiritual was good. In these religions pain is caused by attachment to the harsh physical world and to truly gain power and perfection is to escape physical existence. Meanwhile this animistic thought lead to the concept that beings were the cause for all the pain and destruction in the world.

In many ancient religions such as the religions of the Aztecs, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans evil was explained through the imperfections of the gods and by gods of chaos and destruction who manifested evil. In many of these ancient religions good and evil were at war with each other and this

Led to dualistic religions such as Zoroastrianism where good (Ahura Mazda) and Evil (Angra Mainyu) oppose each other. Angra Mainyu – meaning evil spirit attempts to undermine god’s creation by creating death and tempting mankind to sin. Anthropologists often state that these religions owe Zoroastrianism for the concepts of heaven

And hell and Satan, but naturally Christians, Jews and Muslims would not accept this view. This brings us to the Judeo- Christian religions Jews, Chrisitans and Muslims explain evil entering the world through the creation account but all of them view the devil very differently.

Devil comes from the Greek word diabolos, “slanderer,” or “accuser” which is a translation of the Hebrew word Satan. Judism has an unclear view of the devil and view in judism vary from just being a metaphor to being an opposer to God.

Some Jews even think of satan as being an agent of Gods or even someone who acts as a courtroom prosecutor. The word satan appears numerous times in the Hebrew bible, but often it is unclear whether it is an evil spirit or an agent of god.

Forinstance in 2 Samuel 24:1 god tells David to have a census and 1 Chronicles 21:1 says that god did it. In the book of Job Satan speaks to god concerning Job and seems to be acting as ‘devils advocate’ no pun intended.

But it is clear that satan is an evil force in other passages like 1 king 22 and in the book of samual in the from of a evil spirt harassing saul. In Christianity satan is more clearly a fallen angel and an opposer to God.

The new testament interprets passages of the old and identifies the snake in the garden as being the devil. Romans (16:20) and revelation (Rev. 12:9; 20:2). Satan acts as an antagonist to Jesus, attempting to tempt him in the wilderness and unlimitly leading to Jesus death by insiting Judis to betray him.

But in this instance satan is acting according to Gods plan possibly without knowing it. The Devil in the end times will attempt one last rebellion but will usimitly fail. The devil is sometimes called Lucifer, particularly when describing him as an angel before his

Fall, although the reference in Isaiah 14:12 to Lucifer, or the Son of the Morning, is a reference to a Babylonian king. The new testament allows for this though, as it often adds second meanings to passages outside of their original context forinstace Psalm 22 which is originally about king David,

Is interpreted to be about Jesus in the new testament. In Islam the devil is often known as Iblis. Iblis also likely comes from the same root as the word devil, but Muslim scholars often link it to an Arabic word meaning ‘without hope’.

Iblis is mentioned in the Quranic narrative about the creation of humanity. When God created Adam, he ordered the angels to prostrate themselves before him. All did, but Iblis refused and claimed to be superior to Adam out of pride.[Quran 7:12] Therefore, pride but also envy became a sign of “unbelief” in Islam.

Thereafter Iblis was condemned to hell, but God granted him a request to lead humanity astray, knowing the righteous will resist Iblis’ attempts to misguide them. To summrise devils appear in many religions in the from of evil spirits or evil in general Some religions use the devil as a metaphor for evil

Some religions believe evil is caused by the physical world and our attachment to it Judaism has varied ideas about the devil, but usually identify him as an evil spirit or a metaphor Christianity and Islam both believe that Satan is a fallen angel or angelic creature who was guilty of pride.

In Christianity the angel wanted to be as great as God In Islam the angelic Jinn wanted to be greater than man What are your thinking on the topic of satan?

#Satan #Devil #Explained

The Birth of Jesus Christ | Christmas Story for Kids | Animated Children’s Bible Stories Holy Tales

This is the story of how Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world was born the story begins in a place called Nazareth Nazareth was a quiet sleepy little town where most people were farmers and shepherds in this town there lived a young  Jewish woman named Mary

She was a very obedient  and God fearing woman she helped her parents in the field and did her chores in the house she was kind and helpful to everyone and people liked her very much Mary was going to get married soon to a good and honest man named Joseph

A few days before Mary’s engagement she had a visitor he was a very special guest an angel sent by God from heaven the holy angel Gabriel visited her in her room and called her in her sleep when Mary opened her eyes

She saw a heavenly figure bathed in a pool of white light floating beyond her window it wore bright white robes and had big silver wings fluttering behind him at first she thought she was dreaming but later when she heard the angels voice she realised this was no dream Mary do not be afraid

I am Gabriel God has sent me to you he loves you and you have been chosen for something very special your kind heart and pure soul is of great value to the Lord you are fortunate that God has chosen you above everyone else for this special task I’m not afraid

I’m honour to know that God has chosen me to carry out his wish I am lucky to be a favour to God bless you Mary God is pleased with you I have come to tell you that soon you will have a son

He will be a great King one day and he will be loved by everyone he will be called the son of God Mary was at first shocked at what Gabriel had to say however she remained calm and listened to everything that the angel had to say then she spoke to Gabriel

But how was this possible I’m not yet married do not be afraid Mary the Spirit of the Lord will take over you and you will be blessed with a son he will be called the Son of God he will do great things for the people

He will be hailed as the king of  Jews and the Savior of mankind I’m grateful for whatever the Lord has done for me I’m happy to have as a wish come true through me the Lord is with you Mary you are blessed go in peace

Gabriel then left the house of Mary and returned to heaven in a few days Mary became pregnant in those days it was very unusual for a girl to become pregnant before marriage however Mary explained everything to Joseph about the angel and God’s wish and the son they were going to have

Joseph was a good man and he accepted everything he married Mary in a few days in those days the king of the land announced a census he wanted every citizen of his country to be counted and documented since Joseph was actually from Bethlehem he had to go there to be counted

Bethlehem was a long way from Nazareth Joseph and Mary had a long and difficult journey ahead to Bethlehem there were no cars or other means of transportation except for a donkey the whole journey had to be made by foot Mary sat on a donkey and Joseph walked behind them

It was even more difficult for Mary since  she was going to give birth to her baby after many many days of walking through the desert Joseph and Mary finally reached Bethlehem it was getting very dark when they reached the town they desperately needed a place to rest and spend the night

But all the inns were full and nobody  would give them space to spend the night Joseph walked all over the town knocking at the doors of houses and shops one after the other but nobody would allow them to come in Mary was about to give  birth and it was important

That she had a safe and comfortable place for the baby and herself Joseph and Mary kept feeling hopeless after searching for a while Joseph found an empty barn built for cows there was plenty of fresh straw there Joseph used the straw and managed to make a bed for Mary

Later in the night something magical happened Mary gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Joseph made a small bed of fresh straw in the manger and laid him there it was warm and comfortable and  the baby slept happily in the manger Mary was happy that the predictions of the Angels had come true

Jesus Christ the Savior of this world was born in a humble manger that same night while Joseph and Mary were looking for a place to stay the night not very far away two shepherds were out looking for their sheep on a hill

suddenly they were blinded by a bright light from the sky they opened their eyes to find a beautiful angel in front of them with long golden hair and silver wings she wore a shimmering white and gold dress which sparkled in the moonlight

The Shepherd’s did not know how to react and were amazed then the angel spoke to them do not be afraid I have come to give you good news tonight in the town of Bethlehem a baby boy has been born his name is Jesus

He will be known as a Savior of the world you will know it is Jesus when you see a baby boy wrapped in the clothes in the manger go to the world’s and just everybody know of this happy news let everybody know that Jesus the Savior of the Jews was born today

Go in peace now and spread the good news the shepherds were happy and shocked at the same time they were overjoyed at the fact that a Savior was born and they ran towards Bethlehem to find baby Jesus

The king of the Jews who had been born in a humble manger when they eventually found the baby in the manger in Bethlehem they praised him and bowed down in worship on the night that Jesus was born three wise men were travelling on their camels across the desert

Suddenly their felt a flash of light come down on them they looked up at the sky and they saw a bright star it was a kind of star that they had never seen before the three wise men were aware of the prophecy of Jesus

They were waiting for the Star of Bethlehem to appear and when they saw it they were overjoyed it meant that the Savior of the world and the king of the Jews was born at the time of Jesus birth the country was under the rule of King Herod

Who was a very selfish and evil king when the three wise men informed King Herod of the star they had seen in the sky in what it meant King Herod was worried that he would lose his kingdom to this baby boy

He told the Wise man to find the baby Jesus and let him know where the baby was although the king informed the wise men that he wanted to find the baby so he could go and worship Him Herod was actually plotting to kill the child

He feared that Jesus would grow up to overpower him someday the three wise men followed the star for several days and found baby Jesus in the manger they were surprised to find the future king of Jews lying in a barn

They found the barn in which Jesus was born a few days after he was born finally the star stopped right over the manger they smiled at Mary and bowed down in reverence to the new baby they had brought gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh for the baby

These were very valuable gifts and only given to Kings it was highly unusual for anybody to give these precious things to a newborn baby however this was no ordinary baby and the wise men fully understood the purpose of Jesus’s birth and so now you know the story of Christmas

And how the mighty Savior of the world started his journey on earth the story shows us that great things can have small and humble beginnings

#Birth #Jesus #Christ #Christmas #Story #Kids #Animated #Childrens #Bible #Stories #Holy #Tales

PASSOVER and the RESURRECTION – Isaiah’s New Exodus

Passover or the Feast of Freedom is the foundational feast of the Jewish people. In it, we remember God’s loving kindness in saving his people from bondage in Egypt and creating Israel as a nation. All that so that God himself would dwell among His people

And give us His Word in order to bless all nations. But could it be that this feast actually alludes to an even greater salvation yet to come? In the story of the crossing of the Red Sea. Moses encourages his nation to trust God. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

Then, after God saves them from the Egyptians, it says. When Israel saw the great power which the Lord had used against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and they believed in the Lord and in His servant, Moses. But this would not be the

Last time at which God was gracious towards his people. God spoke to the Prophet Isaiah in Chapter 52 about a totally new exodus. Be cheerful, shout joyfully. Together you ruins of Jerusalem for the Lord has comforted His people. He has redeemed Jerusalem.

The Lord has buried His holy arm in the sight of all nations so that all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of our God. Isaiah prophesied that God would restore the nation of Israel, that He would save them from their enemies, grant them peace and security.

However, this time the salvation will not only include a physical redemption. Rather, it will include a spiritual redemption reaching the whole world. And this is what Isaiah talks about in the next chapter. Chapter 53. All of us, like sheep, have gone astray. Each of us has turned to his own way.

But the Lord has caused the wrongdoing of us all to fall on Him, just like the Passover lamb. Isaiah prophesied that the servant of the Lord would give his life to save his people. In chapter 53, The Salvation that the servant of the Lord brings to

Israel is not from Egypt or from the plague of the first born. Rather, it is the salvation from our personal sinfulness. The salvation God offers to us is from our guilt. After Isaiah describes the death of the servant, he continues to prophesy that he would prolong his days.

How can it be the only way the servant of the Lord can prolong his days after his death is through His resurrection? No wonder that when we quote these verses to our Jewish brethren, they think we quote from the New Testament. But the Hebrew Bible states clearly

That the Messiah had to suffer and die to redeem his people. But he doesn’t remain in the grave. He rises and grants forgiveness of sins and justifies the sinner by the knowledge of the righteous one. My servant will justify the many. In first Corinthians 15, Paul boldly declares

That if the Messiah has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain. Your faith also is in vain. If the Messiah has not been raised, in other words, since the beginning of the faith in Yeshua, the Messiah, his resurrection stood as the cornerstone, the very foundation

Upon which the truth of Yeshua stands or falls. If you’re sure did not rise up from the dead, then his death is meaningless. We are still in Egypt without a savior. Guilty before God and slaves to sins, bondage. The disciples did not expect the resurrection of Yeshua.

They thought and hoped that he would free Israel from the Egyptians of that time, the Romans. They thought he would strike them and drive them out of the land. They missed part of the message of the prophets. They thought that the idea of a crucified

Messiah is a failing Messiah at best, or worse, a false messiah whom they would need to replace with another Moses who would deliver them from the Romans against all odds. And in contrast to their initial expectations after Yeshua’s death. Something happened. The disciples began to insist that

Yeshua, in fact, rose from the dead and conquered death. They began to proclaim their message in Jerusalem, in the very place where Yeshua was crucified and buried, where everyone could go and check if the tomb was in fact empty. Not only did they proclaim the message boldly,

But they were ready and willing to suffer and even die for it. And most of them did. The significance of the resurrection is that it validates Yeshua’s message. His gospel is true. Yeshua claimed to be God himself, who came to free us from sin, to cleanse us from our guilt and justify us.

The resurrection is the proof that his radical claims about his identity and work were true. Moreover, his resurrection gives us hope and assurance that this life is not all that there is. The death is not the end. On the basis of Yeshua’s resurrection, the New Testament proclaims that anyone

Who puts his faith in him will rise up from the dead to everlasting life. But the fact is, Messiah has been raised from the dead. The first fruit of those who are asleep for since by a man death came, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead.

Four as in Adam all die. So also in Messiah, all will be made alive. The gift of salvation is given freely. We receive it through faith, through putting our trust in the Savior of Israel. Yeshua, notice that in the story of the Exodus.

Or more specifically in the crossing of the Red Sea, the nation of Israel did not need to do anything to merit their salvation from the Egyptians. Their own power could not stop the Egyptian army God alone, granting them freedom and salvation. They only needed to step in faith towards the water.

As the author of Hebrews puts it by faith, they pass through the Red Sea as through dry land. All people, Jews and Gentiles, are guilty before God and find themselves separated from Him due to their personal sinfulness. In Hebrew, the word sin comes from the same root

As missing the mark in our inherent sinfulness as humans. We miss God’s mark, but through Yeshua, as death and resurrection, he opened a new way to enter into an eternal relationship with God through faith. Yeshua was delivered over because of our wrongdoings and was raised for our justification.

This relationship cannot be broken since it is established upon the perfect sacrifice of the ultimate Passover lamb. The sacrifice of Yeshua. Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world for by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. So what about you?

Have you put your faith in Yeshua? If not, today is the day of salvation. If you want to receive forgiveness of sins, eternal life and a living relationship with your loving creator, simply talk to your Heavenly Father in your own words. He listens and that is the meaning of prayer. Rejoice with us.

For He is risen. He is risen indeed.


Why Doesn’t God Stop Evil?

You see what the atheist has to say, he’s got to be able to prove that it is impossible or improbable for God to have a morally sufficient reason for permitting these facts of suffering, and that’s a burden of proof which is so

Heavy that no atheist has ever been able to sustain it. [Moderator] Explain that, because the question I was going to ask you is let’s talk about this subject of faith, which is where I was going, so you jumped right where I was headed. When they say

That, okay, explain that idea that you just entered into. [Craig] Take someone’s little daughter dying of leukemia, or getting run over by an automobile. We don’t see why that happened, and we wonder why wouldn’t a sovereign God intervene to stop it? And what the atheist has to say is that it’s either

Impossible or it’s highly improbable that God could have a morally justifying reason for allowing that to occur, but there’s no way given our finitude, our limits in space and time, for being able to make that kind of a claim with any justification. God’s morally sufficient reason for allowing your daughter’s

Death might not emerge until 300 years from now, maybe in another country. Every event that occurs sends a ripple effect through history so that the consequences of any event are simply incalculable and incomprehensible for finite, local persons. So the atheist is making a claim here which is just completely unsustainable;

There’s no way for him to show that it’s improbable or impossible that God has a morally sufficient reason for allowing this evil to occur, and therefore his argument really has no intellectual credibility. It’s a purely emotional argument. [Moderator] And it’s a compelling one, isn’t it?

[Craig] Emotionally compelling, but not intellectually compelling. [Moderator] Correct, and so when somebody says in that moment, in immense pain, I don’t care what good he can bring out of this, [yes] I reject him. And we hear that a lot, [sure] C.S. Lewis drifted towards saying that in his Grief Observed, and

God, when God hears us say those kind of things, okay, his response is one of understanding. Scripture says he too has been tempted in every way, even as we were. [yes] And so God doesn’t shut us off when we

Say that. [Craig] No no, no I think that’s absolutely right. Look at the Psalms, how the psalmist expresses anger toward God, and God where are you, why are you allowing this, why am I going through this? I think the lesson of

The Psalms is come to God with your hurt and your pain and your anger and don’t try to stifle it and suppress it. Let it out and he’ll listen to you. [Moderator] He’ll listen, and if you’ll let him, if you’ll listen to him, as Christopher Hitchens

Acknowledged he gives the only consistent logically constructed plausible answer that frankly even Hitchens acknowledged; you know what? Christianity alone solves this problem. [Craig] Yeah, I remember Bertrand Russell, the great atheist philosopher, once said that no one can sit at the bedside of a dying

Child and believe in God, but when Jan and I were in Paris we met a young minister who was trained and now worked in counseling dying children. And I thought to myself: counseling dying children, what would Russell have said to those children? What could he say? Too bad?

Tough luck? That’s all the naturalist has got to say. As you say it’s theism, it’s belief in God, that provides a hope and a reason for the suffering that its redeemed, whereas in atheism we’re locked in a world that is filled with gratuitous and unredeemed suffering, and there is no hope of escape.

#Doesnt #God #Stop #Evil

Queen of Hell – Mother of Demons – Bride of Satan

Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained.  In today’s video, we’re going to discuss Lilith,   the queen of hell, mother of  demons, angel of prosti.tution,   killer of pregnant women and infants, Adam’s first  wife, and seducer of men. We’re going to start off  

By looking at a couple of allusions to her in  the Old Testament. Following that, we’re going   to look at early influences that originated in  Mesopotamia, and finally, we’re going to look at   the tide of information presented in various  works published throughout the Middle Ages. Let’s get into it.

Lilith barely features in scripture: she’s  absent from the Quran and doesn’t appear in   the New Testament; it’s only in the  Old Testament that she’s included,   and even then, her inclusion depends either  on the translation or on the interpretation.

In the Book of Genesis, which is the first book  of the Old Testament that describes the Cosmogony   (the creation of the universe) and the  anthropogony (the origination of humanity),   the creation of women is described  twice, each with different wording,  

Which has led to some interesting theories and  stories that endeavor to reconcile the two. The first instance reads as follows: “So God created man in his own image,   in the image of God created he him;  male and female created he them.”

One interpretation of this passage is that  God created the first man and the first woman   simultaneously, which, by this  reckoning, places it at odds   with the second instance in which the  creation of the first woman is described. Here’s the passage that  describes the second instance:

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon  Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs,   and closed up the flesh instead thereof; and  the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man,  

Made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.  And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones,   and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called  Woman, because she was taken out of man.” To reconcile the two accounts, one version, such  as the one given in the Alphabet of Ben Sira,  

Which we’ll expand on later, explains that  the woman created at the same time as Adam   in the first passage is a different person  than Eve, the woman created from Adam’s rib   in the second passage. Moreover, this version  holds that the woman created in the first passage  

Is actually Lilith, making her Adam’s first wife.   Again, we’ll cover this part of lilith’s  story in greater detail later in the video. The other mention of Lilith in the Old  Testament is given in the Book of Isaiah,   though her inclusion by name depends  on the language and the translation.

In the JPS parallel Hebrew and English version  of the Tanakh, Isaiah 34:14 reads as follows: “And the Wild-cats shall meet with the jackals,  and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; yea,   the night-monster shall repose there,  and shall find her place of rest.”

Night monster is indistinct and ambiguous, but  many other translations, either of the Tanakh or   of the Old Testament, have seen various monsters  and animals substituted in, including: Lilith,   night specter, night creature, night hag,  Lamia (a female monster of Greek origin that  

Preys on children), night bird, and screech  owl. This last is especially interesting   because it parallels a detail of the Queen of the  Night plaque, which is nearly 4,000 years old,   made in ancient Babylon sometime between  1800 – 1750 BCE. It depicts a winged woman  

With talons for feet standing on two lions  flanked by a perched owl on either side.   Who this figure is isn’t known for certain, but  the list of possibilities has been whittled down   to just a few candidates: Ishtar,  goddess of war and sexual love,  

Ereshkigal, ruler of the underworld, or the  demon Lilitu, who became later known as Lilith. And this takes us into the part of the  video that looks at Lilith’s origins. Lilith, a female demon infamous for  preying on infants and pregnant women,  

And for copulating with sleeping men, thereby  birthing a plethora of demons into the world, is   a central figure in Jewish demonology. You could  say that Lilith, as conceptualized in Jewish lore,   is but one expression of an archetype, that of  the demon who targets infants and pregnant women,  

That seems to rear its head across cultures and  millenia, particularly in the near East. If this   is tracked backwards through time, it looks as  though Lilith’s origins can be connected back   to ancient Mesopotamia. She briefly  features in the Epic of Gilgamesh,  

A Sumerian work, and she’s identified with Lilu  and Lilitu, respectively, male and female spirits   of ancient Babylon – both of them notorious for  attacking infants and women in labour. Another   figure who shares this MO is Lamashtu, either  a goddess or demon, who endangered women during  

Childbirth and even abducted infants as they  suckled at their mother’s breast. In appearance,   she was a hideous amalgamation of many animals,  having the head of a lion, the talons of a bird   of prey, the teeth of a donkey, a body covered in  hair, blood-stained hands, and long fingers with  

Long nails. Another variety of demon germane  to Lilith is the Ardat-Lili, which rendered   men impotent as a sort of revenge for itself not  being able to copulate. Sometimes women were also   targeted and rendered infertile. In appearance  it looks like a wolf with a scorpion’s tail.

Much of the best known information surrounding  Lilith comes from the Alphabet of Ben Sira,   a work thought to have been written sometime in  the Geonic period, which lasted from the late   sixth to the mid-eleventh centuries CE. The third  part describes Ben Sira recounting 22 stories to  

Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. One of these  gives an alternative anthropogeny. Rather than   Eve being created from one of Adam’s ribs, it  describes Lilith, not only as the first woman,   but also as being created from the earth just as  Adam was. Unfortunately, their relationship is  

Characterized by acrimony and incessant fighting,  and ultimately, Lilith refuses to submit to Adam;   so she invokes God’s name and flies  away. Three angels, Senoy, Sansenoy   and Semangelof, are sent after her, and they  eventually catch up with her; but she negotiates  

Her way out of the encounter, promising to be  repelled by any amulets bearing their likeness,   which is why thereafter such amulets were used to  ward her off, safeguarding those she preyed on:   pregnant women and infants. Furthermore, she also  accedes to 100 of her children perishing each day. 

Here’s a quote that describes this: “He also created a woman, from the earth, as He   had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith.  Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight.   She said, ‘I will not lie below,’ and he said, ‘I  will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you  

Are fit only to be in the bottom position, while  I am to be the superior one.’ Lilith responded,   ‘We are equal to each other inasmuch as  we were both created from the earth.’   But they would not listen to one another.  When Lilith saw this, she pronounced the  

Ineffable Name and flew away into the air…. The angels left God and pursued Lilith, whom   they overtook in the midst of the sea… They told  her God’s word, but she did not wish to return.   The angels said, ‘We shall drown you in the sea.’ “‘Leave me!’ she said. ‘I was created only to  

Cause sickness to infants. If the infant is male,  I have dominion over him for eight days after   his birth, and if female, for twenty days.’ “When the angels heard Lilith’s words, they   insisted she go back. But she swore to them by  the name of the living and eternal God: ‘Whenever  

I see you or your names or your forms in an  amulet, I will have no power over that infant.’”  In one account, after the fall of man, which  resulted in the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the  

Garden of Eden, the first man and the first woman  became separated for 130 years. During that time,   Lilith returned to Adam and copulated with him in  his sleep; supposedly the son that resulted from   their coupling turned into a frog. Another  account, the one given by Rabbi Eliezer in  

The Book of Adam and Eve, claims that at one time  Lilith was bearing Adam 100 children per day. The   Zohar depicts Lilith as “a hot fiery female who at  first cohabited with man”, who “flew to the cities  

Of the sea coast” when Eve was created. The cabala  portrays her as the demon of Friday, who appears   as a naked woman with a snake’s tail for legs.  Another description maintains the nude upper body,   but gives her a column of fire for legs. And in  Talmudic Lore, Lilith is presented as an immortal  

Demon who will continue to plague mankind until  God eradicates evil from the face of the earth. Eventually, a profusion of early traditions  coalesced, and from them emerged two predominant   activities associated with Lilith: the strangling  of newly born children and the seduction of men.  

Regarding the latter, it was thought that  anytime a man woke up with wet undergarments,   made so by the nightly discharge of seed, it was  indicative of Lilith having paid them a visit   and seducing them in their sleep. And in this she  was thought so prolific that a virtually infinite  

Number of demonic spawn were attributed to her,  said to be her brood – legions upon legions   sired by unwitting men as they slept. Apparently,  people were so wary of her erotic powers   that in some Jewish communities it was commonplace  for sons not to accompany their father’s as their  

Bodies were laid to rest in graveyards, sparing  them the shame of bearing witness to all their   demonic half-blood siblings, those conceived when  Lilith seduced the father. Because of this, In the   Zohar as well as other sources, Lilith is known  by many colourful appellations that denigrate  

For lasciviousness and wantonness. These include:  the black, the wicked, the false, and the harlot.  In Zoharaistic cabal, Lilith, along with  Eisheth Zenunim, Naamah, and Agrat bat Mahlaht,   three angels of prostitution, was one of the  consorts of Samael, a figure with many identities,  

Not all of them evil, depending on the version;  among them were: the great serpent with 12 wings,   a prince of hell, and another name for Satan,  especially in Jewish lore. As conceptualised in   Kabbalism, Lilith was given preeminence, becoming  the principal and permanent partner of Samael –  

Basically, in effect, crowned queen of hell. And that’s it for this video! If you enjoy the   content please LIKE the video  and SUBSCRIBE to the channel As always, leave your video suggestions down below

#Queen #Hell #Mother #Demons #Bride #Satan

Why You Need Jesus As Your Substitutionary Atonement — @MyNameIsJackieHill

How are you saints i heard about 1200 of you i said how are you  saints okay because i’ve seen about 50 of y’all   getting starbucks all day so i know you’re woke  uh i i i say this every tgc conference that i  

Have the opportunity to teach it i i need to let  you know i’m from a country called black church   okay you might have heard me say that before  what that means is when someone is speaking or   teaching it’s not a monologue it’s a conversation  okay so when when i say something that moves  

You in your spirit you have the right and  the authority and the permission to talk   back to me you can clap you can speak in the  tongue just find a translator but don’t throw don’t throw no shoes though okay you can do  everything else but don’t throw your shoes  

Up here unless i like them throw the other  one and i’m gonna take it take it back home   please turn in your bibles to genesis chapter 22. say amen when you got it sorry to get verse one it says after these things  god tested abraham and said to him abraham and he  

Said here i am he said take your son your only  son isaac whom you love and go to the land of   moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering  on one of the mountains of which i shall tell you  

So abraham rose early in the morning  saddled his donkey and took two of his   young men with him and his son isaac and he  cut the wood for the burnt offering and rose   and went to the place of which god had told  him on the third day abraham lifted up his eyes  

And saw the place from afar then abraham said  to his young men stay here with the donkey i   and the boy will go over there and worship and  come again to you and abraham took the wood of  

The burnt offering and laid it on isaac his son  and he took in his hand the fire and the knife so   they went both of them together and isaac said to  his father abraham my father and he said here i am  

My son he said behold the fire and the wood  but where is the lamb for a burnt offering   abraham said god will provide for himself the lamb  for a burnt offering my son so they went both of  

Them together when they came to the place of which  god had told him abraham built the altar there   and laid the wood in order and bound isaac his son  and laid him on the altar on top of the wood then  

Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to  slaughter his son but the angel of the lord called   to him from heaven and said abraham abraham and  he said here i am he said do not lay your hand on  

The boy or do anything to him for now i know that  you fear god seeing you have not withheld your son   your only son from me and abraham lifted up his  eyes and looked and behold behind him was a ram  

Caught in a thicket by his thorns horns and  abraham went and took the ram and offered it   up as a burnt offering instead of his son so  abraham called the name of that place the lord  

Will provide as it is said to this day on the  mount of the lord it shall be provided let’s   pray lord i thank you for this moment thank  you for your word i thank you for your spirit  

I thank you for your church i thank you for our  feelings and our emotions and how they are so   involved in the way we read your scriptures i pray  that you would do whatever it is that you want to  

Do with us in this moment i pray that you would  help me that you would use me that you would speak   in jesus name amen this narrative opens up  with the words after these things god tested  

Abraham i think before we even get to the nature  of the test we need to know something about the   one being tested we are introduced to abram his  original name in genesis 12. when out of nowhere  

God calls abram an idol worshiper to leave his  home leave his family leave his country and then   god gives abram a promise he tells them that he  will make him a great nation and that all the   families of the earth shall be blessed through  him we also learn some about his wife’s arrive  

And how she is barren they have no children which  makes god’s promise a smidge complicated because   if abram is going to be a nation then abram needs  a child in genesis 15 god speaks to abram again  

This time he expands on his original promise he  made he tells abram he’s going to give him a son   but not only that god gets all built now the  science guy on him and tells him to head outside  

Look at the stars and that the amount of stars  he sees is the amount of offspring abram will   have this is a big promise because remember abram  ain’t got no kids sarah’s womb is bearing barren  

So abraham is like god how i know that’s going  to happen this is the jhp version by the way so god backs up his promise by entering into  a covenant with abel a covenant is a promise   made between two parties to perform certain duties  one party might promise to share their resources  

Their strength and protection while the other  party promises their loyalty if abram were one   of us hypothetically speaking and he wanted  to buy a house in 2022. he would have to get   a realtor get on zillow redfin whatever’s  your your thing find a house hopefully his  

Credit score is in order that’s a word for some of  y’all know some of y’all in the 500s god is able   he’s able to do exceedingly and abundantly  above all we can never ask i think his lender  

Would then have to give him a decent loan to  purchase the house when it’s time to close on   the house he would sit down with a lawyer with  a realtor they would give him a big old stack of  

Papers for him to sign these papers and contracts  between him and the bank he’s getting the loan   from the contracts have a bunch of words but the  bank is basically saying hey we promise to give  

You this money you promise to give us the money  back if you don’t you’re going to be homeless so   when you purchase a home then you are entering  into a loose kind of covenant both parties  

Are making a promise to do a certain thing and  if one party fails to keep that promise there’s a   consequence in abram’s cultural context covenants  weren’t ratified by signing a bunch of contracts   they were a little bit more dramatic than that  what would happen is that uh they would get  

Some particular animals who would be killed sliced  in half laid side by side creating a path for both   parties to walk through the bodies by making a  covenant this way the parties were reenacting what  

Would happen to them if they didn’t do what they  said they would do is them saying if i don’t keep   my promise to you let me be put to death like  these dead animals that i just walked through   to establish his covenant with abram  then god has abram get a heifer  

A goat a ram two birds basically the whole  meat section of the grocery store and abram   cuts the animals in half except the birds because  that’s odd and lays them side by side usually both   parties that are ratifying the covenant would walk  through the animals but this time shockingly abram  

Isn’t awake for the ceremony abram goes into a  deep sleep similar to the one that adam went into   in genesis 3 and the bible says that a great and  dreadful darkness came over him but what i don’t  

Want you to do is take this as a abram laying  down and taking a nap taking going to bed it’s   probable as some commentators say that he is made  unconscious by god’s presence and as that happens   god manifests himself as a smoking  fire pot and a flaming torch and god  

Himself walks in between the dead animals  god himself all alone walks in between   their bodies walks in between their blood and  by doing so god is saying that he is putting   his very own nature on the line so as to make  sure that this covenant is maintained remember  

Abram asked god to give him evidence that god  was going to do what he said he would do and god   responded by saying if i don’t give you what  i promised you the blood will be on my hands  

Now that didn’t convince abram that god was worthy  to be trusted i don’t know what else god could do   moving forward you might be thinking okay now god  then showed up as a pot in the torch and walked  

Through some heifer blood sari is definitely  going to get pregnant next week but nope abram   and sarah just get old and older and older making  god’s promise seem that much more impossible   in genesis 17 when abram is 99 and sarai is 90  god shows up again adding even more specificity to  

His promise he tells abram that sarah will have a  son from her own womb whose name will be isaac in   genesis 18 god shows up again and tells abram now  named abraham that this time next year god will  

Give him a son sarai now called sarah was being a  little nosy don’t know if you remember the story   she heard what the lord had said and the text  says that by this time the way of women had  

Ceased with sarah what does that mean it means  sis ain’t got no time in the month no more okay her uterine lining ain’t shedding  nothing but dust she ain’t used always she ain’t had kotex in her cabinet in decades and now god is saying it’s a  women’s conference i can say that

Now god is saying she’s going to give birth  to a son which is absolutely crazy so sarah   laughs she like god must don’t know how old i am  how in the world am i going to have a whole baby  

This is one of my favorite parts of the bible  the lord says to abraham because sarah had   laughed when god said what he has said uh  god says why does sarah laugh is anything   too hard for the lord to which sarah responds  like she ain’t talking to god i didn’t laugh

Then god was like no but you did  let’s be clear but in all seriousness i think we all need to remember the reality of  god and that there is nothing too hard for him   all of us have something in our life  where this truth needs to be applied  

It may be the salvation of a family  member the restoration of a marriage   deliverance from addiction the opening of a  barren womb the resources to adopt the power   to forgive the ability to put to death your  favorite sins whatever it is god can do it  

Because this is the thing god is not like anyone  you have or will ever know he has no limitations   he is the one that made the heavens and the earth  he is the one who has all power he is completely  

Sovereign always strong and never tired but  unbelief will move you to construct a god in   your own image and therefore you will start  to believe that either god has a weakness and   cannot do the impossible or that god isn’t good  and therefore he won’t do the impossible for you  

Which isn’t to say though everything  we ask of god he is obligated to do   god is god so he has the right to move however  and whenever and wherever he pleases but the   challenge is this to believe that god is god  which means god can answer my impossible prayers  

And god can give me an impossible  faith to still trust him if he doesn’t   is anything too hard for the lord in genesis 22  or 21 the impossible happens it says the lord   visited sarah as he had said and the lord did  to sarah as he had promised and sarah conceived  

And bore abraham a son in his old age at the  time of which god had spoken god is not a liar   so by quickly walking through genesis chapter  12 to genesis 21 we are clear on three things  

God has promised to make a nation out of  abraham that all families of the earth will   be blessed through him and that god will do this  through abraham seed isaac with that in mind now   when we get to genesis 22 the first two verses  should be shocking it says after these things god  

Tested abraham and said to him take your son  your only son isaac whom you love and offer him   there as a burnt offering if you’re like me the  first time i read this passage i was like now god  

You promised this man that all nations of  the earth will be blessed through his seed   isaac you don’t make covenants you don’t walk  through blood and became pots and stuff and now   you’re telling him to sacrifice the son he done  waited decades for not only that god’s promise  

To abraham hinges on isaac being alive it’s  crazy but what helps us to give us some pause is   the beginning of this verse and how it begins by  saying that this is a test the concept of testing  

Is all throughout scripture usually it’s explicit  like in exodus when god said he allowed israel to   be in the wilderness for 40 years to test them or  in luke 4 when it says that the holy spirit led  

Jesus in the wilderness to be tested god tests for  two reasons usually to reveal and to refine when a   test is used to reveal something what is exposed  is whatever is in your heart testing reveals  

What you really believe if you really have faith  if there are a few idols hiding in a corner   somewhere a little pride that you didn’t know you  had which is such a merciful thing for god to do   because i don’t know if you know this we  tend to think really highly of ourselves  

The natural state of the sinner as described in  romans 1 is that we think we are wise when we are   full so we may have a self-conception that has  nothing to do with reality but also we can get  

Therapy we can take enneagram tests enneagram  three wing four and b as be as self-aware as   possible and even then it is impossible for you  to discern everything about yourself so in god’s   sovereign compassion he will allow your kids  to act up so you can see how impatient you are  

He’ll let your money get funny so you can discern  your greed or your distrust in god’s provision   tests reveal but tests also refine peter  said in first peter 1 6 though now for   a little while if necessary you have been  grieved by various trials so that the tested  

Genuineness of your faith more precious than gold  that perishes though it is tested by fire imagine   who you’d be if you didn’t go through anything if  your faith was never challenged if life never got   hard intense if you never had any angst or  confusion or anxiety about what to do or where  

To go and and who to trust without the refiners  fire what would the quality of your life look like   i can bet that it might be easier but  would it be fruitful why because tests   purify your faith it is only fire that refines  gold and it is only trials that will refine  

You and yes i know trust me no discipline seems  enjoyable at the time but it will yield the   peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who  are trained by it circling back to genesis 22   since this narrative is fr as a test we can know  that whatever god is doing with abraham it will  

Reveal something to him and reveal something out  of him and what greater test is there for abraham   than for god to tell him to sacrifice his son the  son he loves note that this is the first mention  

Of the word love in the bible which is really  fascinating to me that it’s set in the context of   sacrifice and not self-centeredness but that’s a  completely different conversation anyone one thing   about this test is that if you’re  familiar with abraham’s story at all  

If you followed his life up until this point you  know that this test actually isn’t unfamiliar   do you remember when god commanded abraham in  the beginning in genesis 14 what he commanded   him to do he told him to leave his country leave  his family leave his home and go where god wanted  

Him to go abraham then is well acquainted with  god telling him to sacrifice stuff that he loves   since abraham was called he was repeatedly tested  so even though sacrificing isaac is an extreme   test god didn’t start there he has been readying  abraham’s faith so as the test got more intense he  

Had the stamina to endure it charles spurgeon said  this he said the lord knows how to educate you up   to such a point that you can endure in your  years to come what you could not endure today  

Just as today he may make you stand firm under a  burden which ten years ago would have crushed you   into dust perhaps this is the reason you don’t he  read anything about abraham pushing back or asking  

Questions he just he just gets up and obeys verse  three abraham rose early in the morning saddled   his donkey and took two of his men with him and  his son isaac and they cut the wood for the burnt  

Offering and arose and went to the place of which  god had told him in other words abraham obeyed   immediately why because he had faith the writer  of hebrews says that faith is the assurance of  

Things hoped for the conviction of things not seen  another way to see it is that faith is an inner   certainty regarding things you cannot see that  engages your will leading you to act in relation   to what you believe i’ll say it again because  y’all taking notes faith is an inner certainty  

Regarding things you cannot see that engages your  will leading you to act in relation to what you   believe for example you ever seen one of those  team-building exercises called the trust fall   it’s weird basically one person stands on  a platform with their eyes clock closed and  

Their arms folded looks like they’re  about to die beneath them behind them   are co-workers or their team standing in the line  with their arms out ready to catch not the bouquet   but the person the reason it’s a trust fall is  that the person on the platform can’t see nobody  

Can’t see the people behind them so they have  to trust what they cannot see but it wouldn’t   be enough for them to just say they trusted their  team like yeah i trust you and stay there that’s   not good enough words are easy trust is actually  realized when the person chooses to fall backwards  

The inner certainty gave them confidence that  their team would catch them even though they   couldn’t see them and that certainty engaged  their will which was why they chose to fall i   use this example because faith cannot be separated  from behavior faith is at work in abraham because  

Remember god has made him a promise and isaac  is a pivotal piece of that promise is isaac dies   the promise does too the irrationality of it all  doesn’t seem to hinder abraham though i think any  

Rational person would be like um god this test  ain’t it there has to be another way tell people   to steal my donkeys and burn down my tents but  don’t make me sacrifice my son but the thing  

Is abraham isn’t like me he doesn’t barter with  god he is certain that god is going to do what   he said he would do because he is god so because  he believes and trusts god he behaves accordingly  

It says that he woke up early in the morning  cut the wood that he would sacrifice his son on   and he goes to the place that god told him to  go to then we finally get an idea of what’s in  

Abraham’s mind in verses five and six look at  it it says on the third day abraham lifted up   his eyes and saw the place from afar then abraham  said to his young men stay here with the donkey  

I and the boy will go over there and worship  and come again to you do you hear his faith   somewhere in between god telling him to sacrifice  isaac and him getting the wood he has concluded   that after he has killed his son isaac is  going to come back how does he know that  

Who or what is he trusting to make  him so certain it’s simple he believes   god not merely the promise of god but the person  of god because the promise is only trustworthy   because the one who made the promise cannot lie  so so it’s the very nature of god that abraham has  

Considered and in so doing he has reckoned that  because god cannot lie he is obviously going to do   something to ensure that isaac ultimately doesn’t  die the writer of hebrews said this by faith   abraham when he was tested offered up isaac  and he who had received the promises was in  

The act of offering up his only son of whom it was  said through isaac shall your offspring be named   he considered that god was able even to raise  him from the dead wait we are in genesis 22 right  

Amen no yes okay so we are centuries before  elijah raises a widow’s son from the dead   we are we are centuries more for when jesus  raised lazarus easter ain’t on abraham’s radar   he don’t got a clue about pastel outfits and shiny  white shoes there has yet there has yet to be an  

Empty tomb for him to base his faith on so how  is it then that abraham knew the very concept of   resurrection was even possible i think that before  abraham rose early in the morning while he thought  

About what god was calling him to do and that it  meant that he have to put his son to death i think   i think abraham remembered his own body and  how god had brought life from death before  

So surely he could do it again unless you think  i’m just making up stuff i want you to remind   your romans 4 19 which says this he abraham did  not weaken in faith when he considered his own  

Body which was as good as dead or when he  considered the barrenness of life or lifelessness   of sarah’s womb the word dead here literally  means corpse-like so then god had to resurrect   their bodies in a real sense so as to give  them the power to create life in the form of  

Isaac abraham had the audacity to say that  he and isaac would go worship and return   because he remembered that god had did it before  in 1953 this guy by the name of henry malaysian   went in for brain surgery to treat his  epilepsy during the procedure the doctor  

Removed a piece of henry’s brain affected  his memory especially his short-term memory   and one recording a doctor doing a study this  on netflix by the way i ain’t making it up a doctor doing a study on the brain in  memory asked henry if he remembered what  

He did yesterday henry said i don’t know the  doctor asked him again what he did that morning   henry said i don’t remember that either then they  asked him if he knew what he’d do tomorrow to   which henry responded whatever is beneficial you’d  expect henry to have some kind of loose schedule  

I’m gonna wake up i’m gonna get some coffee  i’ma watch the news but he didn’t because   henry couldn’t tell you what he would do tomorrow  because he couldn’t remember what he did yesterday   he answered the question the way that he did  because the portion of henry’s brain that was  

Removed affected henry’s ability to make new  memories and since henry couldn’t remember the   past he had no context for how to imagine  his future without his memories henry had   no expectation when abraham thought about the  sacrifice that he had to make in the future  

He remembered the resurrection in the past and  that if god could do a miracle then then god   could do a miracle now almost all of us have  a hard time trusting god to do what he said  

He would do in his word through his son and  it might be because we have a memory problem   how quickly we forget that he made the heavens and  the earth that he split the sea and delivered his  

People out of bondage how he brought life from a  dead womb we forget how faithful he’s been to us   and our family how he’s provided for us when we  didn’t even ask how he’s protected us from all  

Kinds of mess but when trials show up now all of  a sudden is i don’t know if god is going to come   through i don’t know if god is going to do this  i don’t know if god is going to do that i don’t  

Know if god is going to show up hasn’t god always  showed up hasn’t god always been good hasn’t god   always been faithful just because you change your  mind every six seconds doesn’t mean that god does  

He is the same god today as he was yesterday  some of us don’t need to fast we need to remember   and it isn’t isn’t this true that the word  of god has provided for us 66 books worth  

Of memories of who god is and how god works which  will inform our faith so that we can obey without   hesitation because abraham has faith in his  god he is willing to sacrifice his only son the text says abraham took  the word of the burnt offering  

And laid it on his son isaac he took in his hand  the fire and the knife and they went both of them   together to the place that god had told  him i want to be clear about something   a burnt offering was a total sacrifice there  were other offerings that would allow you  

To sacrifice an animal and the priest  could take a portion of it home to eat   but a burnt offering was the one offering where  the whole animal was totally consumed the process   went something like this as described in leviticus  1 a male animal without blemish was taken  

The offerer would lay his hand on the animal which  was symbolic of the transferring of the offer   ascends onto the sacrifice an act of atonement  then they’d kill the animal blood would be   collected and thrown on the altar then the animal  would be cut into pieces and arranged on the wood  

Then the animal would be burned and totally  consumed and as the smoke of the animal   rose towards heaven it was said to be a pleasing  aroma to the lord and god told abraham to do that  

To his son the son he loved if this were not a  test god’s character would be questionable at best   seeing that god himself said that human sacrifice  was detestable in deuteronomy 12 and 18.   but since it is a test sacrificing isaac or at  least being willing to do it resolves god of any  

Guilt and refines abraham of any potential sin  this test solidifies abraham’s loyalty to god   over and above love for his son it is clear  that abraham has a deep affection for isaac   god even acknowledges it by saying take  your son your only son isaac whom you love  

And this love is natural this love is good  we should love our children they are good   gifts from a creative god but how easy it is  to take these good gifts and make them god   isaac was special he was the promised  child the seed through whom the whole world  

Would be blessed abraham had parted ways with  his son ishmael years earlier so this was the   only son he had and maybe god knew abraham’s  potential abraham was an idol worshiper before   he was called so it wouldn’t have been out of  character for him to worship something other than  

God maybe god knew that the son he loved could  become the lord he worshiped so to set him free   from any inkling of idolatry god had to put him in  a position to choose and he did he built the altar

He laid the wood he took some rope and wrapped  it around his son’s body so he couldn’t move   and i can only imagine the pain because it  wouldn’t be a sacrifice if it didn’t hurt   a sacrifice isn’t a sacrifice  if it doesn’t cost you something  

This body on this altar is his boy who  he saw every day ate dinner with every   night on the altar he probably looked at  him and saw his own features in his face   alongside fear but either way even with all the  faith in the world sacrificing what you love is  

Devastating but even then god must be worthy of it  all and abraham knows that so with inner certainty   engaging his will leading him to act in a way that  is relative to what he believes he takes the knife  

Ready to slaughter his son then he hears his  name verse 11 abraham abraham and he said   here i am he said do not lay your hand on  the boy or do anything to him for now i know   that you fear god seeing you have not  withheld your son your only son from me  

If there was any doubt who abraham’s god was  this moment made it clear god had refined   abraham’s heart removing any other allegiances  and now he’d revealed it to for god to say   i know that you fear god this anthropomorphic  language god knows everything so it doesn’t  

Mean that god didn’t know it it means that  god is affirming that abraham’s faith is real   and isn’t that what we all want the affirmation  that our faith is authentic because there are   those who will present themselves before jesus  with a bunch of evidence for why they deserve  

Glory did not prophesy in your name did not cast  out demons and perform miracles on your name i   think some of us in this room we would say god  did not preach and expose at the passage correctly  

Did not tithe didn’t i go to seminary and  lead worship and go on mission trips and   vote though certain ways surely that’s proof  of my faith all of which looks impressive   it looks like power it looks like the fruit of  faith but jesus turns to these kinds of people  

And calls them workers of lawlessness god forbid  you have to wait till judgment to find out who   you really are but the irony of it is this the  very act of looking to what you’ve done for jesus  

As evidence of that you know jesus might be the  proof that you don’t because the truly faithful   ones know that they have never done anything  apart from jesus so when they stand before god   they stand before him like the men and the parable  of the talent saying this is what i’ve done with  

What you have given me and do you know what  the master will say to them he’ll say well done   my good and faithful servant and that  is the point of everything my friends   when all the tests and all the trials and all  the pain and all the angst and all the discipline  

And all the suffering is over the point of it  all is that the god of the glory the judge of   the universe the one who cannot lie seated on the  judgment say will say i know that you fear god  

Verse 13 and abraham lifted up his eyes and  looked and behold behind him was a ram caught   in a thicket by his stars and abraham went and  took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering   instead of his son so abraham called the  name of that place the lord will provide  

This moment right here is an  act of substitutionary atonement   instead of isaac being sacrificed  the ram is killed in his place   with substitution one person takes the place of  another bearing the penalty that we reserved for   someone else if isaac was killed as a burnt  offering a few things would have happened  

He would have experienced the death and thus  he would have been separated from his father   he also would have experienced the desecration  of his body as it burned in the fire   and all of this would have happened at  the hands of his father it is because  

God provided the ram that saved isaac from death  separation and destruction but there’s a problem   with all of this sacrificing the burnt offering  functioned as atonement abram and isaac were both   sinners and the wages of sin is dead god’s  justice had to be satisfied by virtue of blood  

Being spilled a life being taken either their  own life or somebody else’s life so the realm   was not only sacrificed instead of isaac before  isaac but even then the ram wasn’t good enough   why because hebrew 10 4 says it is impossible  for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin  

Meaning that this ram though it was a sacrifice it  wasn’t a sufficient one if anything this ram was a   shadow pointing forward to a better sacrifice  one that would not be accomplished by jehovah  

Providing a ram in a bush but by jehovah jireh  providing his son in the flesh and who is this son   i’ll tell you first of all the son was  born to a woman by virtue of a miracle  

His mother wasn’t barren but she was a virgin  named mary who by all accounts should not have   been able to get pregnant seeing as though she  had not been with a man but because nothing is   too hard for the lord she conceived by  the power of the spirit the son grew up  

Learned obedience through what he suffered  being tested by the devil to turn stones   into bread and to worship and thus love  anything more than god but he resisted   every single time to which god publicly affirmed  that his son’s faith was real by saying that this  

Is my beloved son with whom i am well pleased by  then or but then the scenario for which the son   habit was born came to pass the night before the  son had prayed to his daddy prayed to his father  

Said that he wanted this cup to pass from him  he was in a position where he had to choose he   had to choose either his will or his father’s will  and he did this son was made to carry his own wood  

On his own back as he walked toward the top of  a mountain and while up there this son’s body   was secured to the woods so that he couldn’t  move the people said if you are the son of god  

Come down the cross what they didn’t understand  is if he came down they would have had to go up   in his place not dying for them but receiving  the penalty of death that belonged to us because  

It’s easy to forget that since i was born a sinner  and the wages of sin is death that if jesus did my   sins i would have had to pay for my own that even  if i sinned once that meant i deserve the judgment  

That through this death i would be eternally  separated from the life of the father that i would   endure the the pain and the desecration of eternal  destruction and that all of this would happen   at the hands of god the father but for these  people to tell jesus to come down the cross  

They clearly didn’t realize that if he came down  there would be no substitution and that the reason   he stayed is because he loved them to death maybe  they didn’t remember that day when abraham was   asleep and god himself walked through a line  of death walked through blood making it known  

That he was going to keep his promise and do you  know what on the cross god got blood on his hands   god became man so that he could die so as to  maintain a covenant relationship with his people  

There he was god in the flesh being killed like  an animal being slaughtered like the animals   that he walked through becoming a lamb that he  promised to be and there were no rams this time   there was no voice to cry out from heaven to  stop it there was only silence and then those  

Three hours and the dreadful darkness of god’s  presence was the only begotten son whose very own   father was pleased to crush him jesus became  sin so that you could be declared righteous   jesus died so that you could have life jesus  was bruised so you could be healed jesus rose  

From the dead so that you could too that is  the beauty of substitution jesus is the ram   and the bush and jesus is the son who returned  from the dead to worship with his daddy and now   it is through this son jesus that all  who have faith in his name are called  

The sons and daughters of abraham and look at us a  people from every tribe and every tongue and every   nation a church that has lasted for centuries  with millions of saints that have gone before  

Us and who will come after us and if you just look  into the crowd don’t we look like stars what god   promised to abraham in genesis 12  has been realized in us the children   of the promise is there anything too hard for  the lord lord we thank you for this day we thank  

You for your faithfulness we thank you for your  nature and how you have revealed it through christ   by the spirit in the scriptures we pray god that  this would be more than words that this would be  

More than knowledge that it would actually inform  the way we do life the way we love people the way   we engage on social media the way we engage with  our families and our friends in our local churches  

I pray that it even changes the way we pray that  we would pray with power that we will pray with   confidence knowing that we are praying to a good  and a faithful god we love you in jesus name amen

#Jesus #Substitutionary #Atonement #MyNameIsJackieHill

Is Jesus Divine? 30% of “Evangelicals” Say No.

NICHOLS: You know, you’ve heard people say—I’ve heard people say all sorts of things about who Christ is. And in our State of Theology survey, one of the statements that we put on the survey directly gets at who Jesus Christ is.

And the statement is this: “Jesus was a great teacher, but he is not God”. Now, when we put that survey to the general U.S. population, 52%—that’s the majority—agree with that statement. That’s to say that the majority of Americans espouse a heretical view of the person of Christ.

And this is a truly crucial, essential doctrine, because the person of Christ is behind the work of Christ. When we’re talking about the work of Christ, we’re talking about the gospel. And without the true gospel, people are lost, and they are without hope in this world, and they are facing eternal damnation.

There could be nothing more important than getting the doctrine of the work and person of Christ right. And as this survey shows, there’s a lot of false understanding and confusion out there about who Christ is. But what’s even more tragic about this survey is that we put that same question to evangelicals.

Now, when you hear us use that term of “evangelicals” in this survey, let me explain to you what that means. It’s not someone just simply checking a box. We actually attached at the end of the survey four questions which have historically served as sort of a grid to identify evangelicals.

There’s a question regarding biblical authority; a question regarding the necessity of evangelism; there’s a statement regarding who Christ is and His atoning death on the cross; and then, fourthly, the exclusivity of Christ, that only faith in Christ can lead to salvation.

So, people who strongly affirm all four of those, they get considered “evangelicals.” We can pull that data out separately and analyze that. And here’s the tragedy. When it comes to that statement, “Jesus was a great teacher, but he was not God,”

Thirty percent, three out of 10, almost a third of evangelicals agree with that statement. So here are folks who want to say, “Yes, we must have the death of Christ in order to be saved. It is absolutely necessary for this work of Christ.”

But then they turn around, and they’re just so confused that they affirm a heretical view of who Christ is. What are we to do with this? What’s the takeaway? All of this underscores the importance of our studying the doctrine of Christology and teaching the doctrine of Christology.

We just can’t assume that folks sitting in our churches and the Christians we know and our family will just “get it” by osmosis. We have to be intentional and programmatic about teaching this cardinal doctrine. Because if this survey tells us anything, it tells us that we’ve got a lot of work

To be doing.

#Jesus #Divine #Evangelicals

On the Function of Christ’s Human & Divine Natures in the Atonement

I was wondering if you could clear this up for me. So… argues that Christ’s suffering was equivalent to our eternal damnation on account of the infinite dignity of Christ. So he appeals to the divine nature of Christ and that absolves the issue. But earlier this morning you mentioned that when Christ experienced the

Loss of fellowship with the Father it was through his human nature and not the divine, and so what I’m having a difficult time understanding is how we can appeal to the divine nature of Jesus in order for the sacrifice to be sufficient, while denying that it is the involvement of his divine nature.

This is a tremendous subtlety of Chalcedonian orthodoxy concerning the two natures of Christ. And that is that there is only one person who Christ is, and that is a divine person. It is the second person of the Trinity. There is no

Human person who is Jesus of Nazareth. There is a divine person who has a human nature as well as a divine nature. So it’s not that in virtue of his divine nature that Christ makes atonement; it is that you have a divine person who in his

Human nature bears our sin and punishment, and it’s the person that is divine and is the one who suffers and dies and so forth for our sins, but he does so with respect to the human nature.

#Function #Christs #Human #Divine #Natures #Atonement

Jesus’ divinity and humanity

Foreign I want to go through a little bit of my testimony just because I I don’t recognize a lot of you I mean I recognize some of you some of you might know me some of you might know me as the guy that plays the guitar right that’s

Not who I am I’m a child of God and I have a story and I also have a lesson for you today and I actually want to take you kind of deep in the word this is uh not the milk this would be the meat this is something that requires

Faith for you to understand there’s teachings in the Bible that are called Mysteries and I think the reason they’re called Mysteries is because they require faith for you to understand you can’t analyze them through science you can’t analyze them through human reason and your intellect will do you no good okay

So but before I get to there my name is Jim I did 10 10 years four months in federal prison for manufacturing methamphetamine that’s who I was in the world in the world I was a dope cook I ran around sold drugs and destroyed people’s lives and myself and my family

And everything that was around me um uh the law got me they threw me in prison I dedicated myself to the word you know I tried to make all sorts of deals with God as you do when you’re locked up and you have nothing and you’re stuck and you try to make a

Bargain with them and you know I said you give me 10 years or less and I’ll serve you with all my heart he gave me 12. so now but that one I said you’re going to serve me for the twelve and the reason why I had to do

Such a long sentence was number one that I had a really hard heart and I had a lot of Pride and I know that all of us struggle with those things it’s just a natural thing I think that we’re born with pride even small children when you

Give them toys and they haven’t learned much yet they’re still just little kids and then they got two toys you know that’s my toys you know they’re greedy by Nature they’re prideful and and so that’s one thing that only the Holy Spirit can overcome in us okay it’s only

By Divine appointment It’s Only Life divine inspiration and the Holy Spirit and we can overcome those things but as I’m sitting in prison and I’m going to the chapel I had a buddy that was there in prison with me and he was a Mormon and he said

We go to church with me and he said yeah I said I take what I’ll go to church with you if you’ll go to church with me and I said you bet you know I’ll do that so we went to my church and we’re having a good time and had great things they’re

Pretty good for you enough you got to come to mind so I went to the Mormon service and I sat down and I had kind of long hair back then this was about 2 000 and my hair was a little bit long in prison you know and the Mormon looked at

Me you know in his black pants and his white shirt because they all work pretty much the same thing I’ve never noticed that but yeah there’s two you know that’s what they wear just like the guys in the bicycle anyway he looks at me and he goes to

Obviously you’re not a Mormon right and I know it wasn’t because of the clothes it was because of the hair you know and I said you know you’re right sir and so he said well I’m going to explain to you what we’re all about and so in 15 minutes he explained to me

From pre-mortal existence to the end of time and what the Mormons believe okay and I was just amazed I was blown away you know they were so formulated when I go to church I get a small piece of a puzzle and I take that small piece of

The puzzle back to the sale and I try to fit it in with all the other pieces that I’ve gathered and so I began to ponder why is it that my denomination or my church whether it just be Protestant is more Christian can’t do that same thing

For me so I began to study that with a real passion okay and that study is called Systematic Theology and if you know you went to Theologian school that’s what you would say it’s very technical and all that great stuff but it really doesn’t have any meaning but

Doesn’t have Jesus and the Holy Spirit in it so yeah there’s a lot of things you can do with the Bible you can you can destroy a lot of things with the Bible if you don’t have the spirit of God and so uh so I prayed earnestly and

I studied and I read and I study and I came across this teaching that I want to share with you okay and I came across the answer that I discovered which is the reason why you don’t get a lot of that today in church the whole

Picture so to speak is because there’s a lot of controversy about a lot of the Peace and and pastors don’t want to add even more confusion to confusion so that’s why you don’t get the whole picture a lot of times you’ll get enough of the picture the most important picture that

You need is a picture of Jesus and salvation amen right amen that’s if as long as you get that right you’re good all the other theologians can squabble about all the other details all they want but the teaching that I want to share with you the name of the teaching is called the

Two majors of Christ and the reason why the Holy Spirit led me to this is because once I grasped this teaching it really opened God’s word up to me about Jesus if it made me understand Jesus in a way that I didn’t understand him before not for confusion okay so if if

This teaching confuses you at all okay don’t listen to it if you don’t grasp it if you’re not ready for it it’s okay just ponder it a little bit just focus on Christ that’s our main thing so the the teaching is the two Natures of Christ

And we want to start in Isaiah chapter nine and you ask the people that like to read or the readers read my podcast what verse uh Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6. for to us a child is born to us the son is given and the government shall be

Upon his shoulder and his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor Mighty God Everlasting father Prince of Peace now obviously you can see from the scripture they’re talking about Jesus unto us a son is born and it shows the titles that Jesus carries and you either said Mighty

God is in there okay so what I want to really stress here is that Jesus is God nobody’s ever told you that if nobody’s ever said hey that Jesus is God that’s one of the first things that you’ve got to come to realize Jesus Is God he’s one

Of the three persons of the Trinity right another really deep teaching Trinity is a really really deep teaching but Jesus Is God okay he is divine some religious bodies uh say for example the Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t accept that Jesus is God they accept Jesus as a human being without a problem but they

Can’t accept them as God okay but the the scriptural proof that Jesus is God is undeniable I’ve only got like three scriptures to prove it but there’s I’ve got a list in here that’s like it’s huge it’s huge okay by the same token you can make the same mistake and not have Jesus

As a human okay and it’s very important that Jesus be divine and it’s very important that Jesus be human for many reasons number one he needs to be divine in order for his atonement to hold infinite power okay did you grasp that in other words ask God whatever he does because

Everything that God does is infinite he’s an infinite being hell is infinite Heaven is infinite he lives infinitely his knowledge is infinite everything about God is infant and so as as Jesus has gone when he does his atonement the power of that atonement is infinite you understand it’s not limited it’s not

Limited by anyone or anything okay so let’s look at one more scripture for Jesus’s Divinity uh Jeremiah 23 and 6 and then if we want we can read John 1 1 you know which is a New Testament scripture that and with 14 of course and then we’ll look at this Humanity

Someone got Jeremiah 23 and 60. in this days Judah will be saved and Israel will dwell safely now this is his name by which we be called the Lord our righteousness all right there’s Jesus Jesus came from the tribe of Judah right and he was the Savior right and he

Was also God okay there’s several texts here I’ll read John 1 1 and 114 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the word loves God so the question is well who’s the word right and I’m just saying well that’s that sounds great but that really confused me

I don’t know how many times I read that scripture in prison I read that John 1 1. I for a year I read that before God revealed what that meant to me right so let me join 14 with it in 14 it says and the Word was made flesh so the word is

Obviously Jesus and dwelt amongst us and we behold his glory the glory of the only begotten of the father will embraced and full of Truth so what I want to really emphasize here is the Divinity of Jesus that Jesus is holy God okay is he the father no there’s the

Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all of them are equal in power in essence okay I know that our human Minds when we think about that when we think about three persons in one being we’re like it’s too much for me so much you know the Jehovah’s Witnesses say it’s too

Much the unitarians say it’s too much I can’t handle that but there are many things that you’re going to discover about God if you can think about that you can try to rationalize and they’re not going to make sense why does God do Miracles why do I exist and stand here

Why do these millions of cells that are in my body choose to live together just the Miracle of Life that your body functions the way it is is a miracle beyond belief the way A Tree Grows is baffled Sciences for years okay they’re still looking at that so there’s a great

Many things that God does that require okay as a matter of fact everything that God does requires Faith every time you read in the scripture where there’s a miracle then Jesus says and your faith has made you whole wow you got any faith faith is that is

The substance from which we grasp God okay and so for us to truly understand that Jesus is divine that he is actually God requires Faith okay so let’s look at Jesus’s Humanity the first question is why is Jesus have to be a human why can’t he just be a spirit that looks

Like a human right and then when he suffers it don’t hurt and when they do all those things it doesn’t really affect him because there are religious denominations that believe that Jesus appeared that he was just an angel that appeared as a human being but it’s incorrect we know that Jesus was

Actually a human being he even refers to himself as the son of man right he cares the title Son of God which emphasizes his divinity and he also carries the title of the son of man which is his humility or Humanity John 8 40. let’s

Take a look at that one and then we have Matthew 26 28 I’ll grab that one Matthew is 26 28 and but now you seek to kill me a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God this is not what Abraham did now if you

Can’t accept somebody else’s testimony right which you know when I go to talk to people and they start to explain something to me and I start to listen to what they’re saying and I start to analyze what they’re telling me right the first thing that I have to consider

Is that they’re a human being right and that as a human being their ability to be honest sometimes is not what it should be right my ability to be honest with myself is sometimes hammering sometimes I tell lies I don’t even know why I told the LIE until I’m caught anything the

Guy’s just look hey check oh yeah well you’re right man I didn’t even realize I was like well this is the words of Jesus Jesus refers to himself as a man okay Jesus who is God is saying that he’s a man okay if we can’t take the testimony

Of man we can take the testimony of God Amen Matthew 26 26. 26-28 this is my blood of the New Covenant which ratifies the agreement and is being poured out for many for the Forgiveness of sins amen so okay if he’s just a spirit and he’s not made of flesh and blood

Right and how is he there’s no blood if he’s just a spirit there’s no blood okay and the reason that Jesus Christ must be human is because he’s making an atonement for the sins of the human race okay it talks about Jesus being the second Adam okay

What we mean is that as Adam was made perfect in the garden and sinned and brought a curse of sin upon all human beings so the second Adam which is Jesus Christ was also born of the flesh okay and brought atonement for us okay it’s by our faith in Jesus Christ in his

Shedding of the blood that we have the remission of sins so if he wasn’t really a human being how could he atone for the sins of human beings right how can a spirit atone for Humanity that wouldn’t make sense it wouldn’t equate in God’s justice right we serve a just God and if

A human being commits a sin or Humanity in general then by Humanity will that have to be justified so it was very important that Jesus be divine in his atonement and be human in his atonement otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to atone for our sins okay so so we see

That Jesus is both Divine and that he’s human but he’s not half human right and he’s not half divine he’s a man and he’s God all in one being here this is the mystery that’s hard for us to comprehend it comes back to the like the

Trinity we’re like man how can that be but we’re going to look at some scriptures where Jesus is going to speak from his human mind and where he’s going to speak from his Divine mind and you’re going to see that there’s times where Jesus Christ will speak and you’ll say he’s not God

And this is where a lot of Errors come in religious denominations but they say we can’t how could God say that right how could God make that statement because that statement is made by a human being and the answer is because Jesus is a human being and he does speak

Just like a man just like you just like me and sometimes he does say things right that would make you think well he can’t be God to say that and so let’s look at a few examples of Jesus speaking in humanity and speaking in his divinity

Okay and there’s even times and I didn’t go that far in his teachings I didn’t think he would have times time to do it where the human part of Jesus speaks of the Divine and the Divine speaks of the human but I don’t think we have time to go that far so

Um let’s go to mark 11. and there’s you know when I first grasp this teaching it was like wow that makes sense you know I mean I can make sense of why Jesus says this sometimes and this other times and there is no contradiction there’s no contradiction

In the word of God amen amen it’s invaluable it’s the book that has withstood the test of time and the scrutiny of every intellectual of every century without blemish okay Mark chapter 11 and we’ll start in verse 12 and we’re going to compare verse 12 with 11 20.

Okay so here’s Jesus right on the morrow then they were coming from Bethany Jesus was hungry so here’s Jesus he’s walking back from preaching and doing you know doing God’s work and he’s hungry obviously he’s a human right he’s hungry like we were before we had breakfast this morning

And seeing a fig tree afar off and it having leaves he came if happily now this is the King James version so yeah with you the terminology kind of is the first most we have an NIV right I started with the Contemporary English version yeah the sacred box of God you

Know the Ark of the Covenant the sacred walks of God very plain terms that’s what I needed at first having leaves he came if happy he might find anything there on and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not yet now

Here’s Jesus who’s hungry he sees a fig tree just like I would I’m gonna go grab me a fig a fig tree got leaves looks like I might have some tasty fruit okay now you’ll see that he gets to the tree and there’s no fruit now we know that God

Knows all things so why didn’t Jesus just you know tap into the Divinity you know I can check it out before he wasted all the energy to go over there and get mad at it right okay and and there’s some controversy as to why Jesus does this some people

Believe that Jesus chooses right to not use his Divine mind in certain instances to relate to our experiences okay he says that Jesus has uh not only bore infirmities but it was tempted in every way that we were tempted okay and so there’s certain times where and and I

Think that it’s pretty accurate to believe that that he actually shuts off his Divine mind and just operates in the human just goes with it right just like me and you in this case it gets to the tree and guess what there’s no figs so what does he do that’s right

And Jesus answered uh there was no fruit and Jesus answered and said unto it no man eat fruit of thee henceforth and his disciples heard it so Jesus curses the fig tree okay we read in chapter 20 right where the tree is withered so here we see Jesus demonstrating his divinity in that

He has the power and authority over nature that he tells a tree to die and it dies right he tells a man to rise up and live the man rises up and live whether it be spiritually dead or physically dead it doesn’t matter so we

See that in his Humanity Jesus goes to a fig tree and in his divinity he curses the tree that will produce the fruit for his Humanity amen amen kind of deep too deep for you guys all right let’s go to the next one Luke 22 42 22-42

Okay here’s Jesus in the garden right in this scripture right here baffled me for a long time when I first read this but the first uh I’ve been a Christian since uh 2000 so you know I it’s I’ve studied a lot that’s really really studied a lot

That and not that that makes me any better than anybody else sometimes after all this study I wish that I wish the Christian I was on the very second day was the day that I got saved man you know what I mean sometimes I wish I

Could just go back and just make it like that sometimes I think that the more I know the worse off I am but that’s not the case it actually brings us closer to Christ but there’s something that that childlike love when you have across from the very beginning it’s a very very

Special time amen and it was for me anyway on my face uh so here we go we got Luke 22 42. and this is the words of Jesus and he’s in the garden and he’s praying he’s about to be crucified and he knows what’s coming right and he says father

If thou be willing remove this cup from me nonetheless not my will but die will be done okay we can see where Jesus speaking in his Humanity right and in his prayer and in his Union with the father is asking just like we do some days right I’ve had days like that you

Had days like that where you say God man just don’t let me go through this I can’t handle it you know don’t let me get divorced don’t let you know me lose my job uh my finances are a mess or anything physical that we experience whether it be an ailment or pain you

Know your back is thrown out whatever I don’t know how many times in my life especially being in prison I say God and can you just let this cup pass just let it slide by just let me sneak through you know and I didn’t put the put as your will on

The end though most of us don’t most of us just pray for what we want but let your will done let your will be done part doesn’t come till way later when we’ve matured as a Christian and we really trust God you know when we really really have faith in

Him and we’re walking in that Faith right and that’s a growing that’s a growing thing but that in my Humanity I’m asked just like Jesus you know what God just take this away from you just don’t let me experience this right and God says you know what my will stands

You will pass through the fire and you will pass unscathed or you’ll pass through the fire and you’ll experience what I wanted you to experience then you’ll learn what I want you to learn that that’s my job as their father is to teach you all things okay so here we see Jesus

As a human he’s down on his knees and he’s praying to God just like we do and he’s asking God to prevent the tragic things that happen in life from happening to him if it’s possible so let’s look at 11 20 now same oh I’m sorry I’m sorry

Let’s look at John 18 36 sorry about that John 18 36. Jesus answers now this is where Jesus is being questioned by Pontius Pilate and and I think that this particular scriptures only found in John but for sure anyway so Jesus is giving an answer as to who he is okay conscious

Mind says well who are you you know and he says my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would not my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews but now is my kingdom not from hence in

Other words what Jesus is saying is I’m not from this world I’m from heaven right that’s where I came from if if my people were here right now they would smash you like it’s done in heaven but I’m not from this Kingdom so we see Jesus saying in his divinity I’m Divine

I’m a Divine being that was sent here right and as my mission is not to fight you there’s another scripture and I think that it’s also in John where he says that no Authority was given unto you unless it was given by my father right Pontius Pilate tells him hey don’t you

Know that I have the power to have you killed or let you live and Jesus says you know what you don’t have anything on me you don’t have anything that wasn’t given by my father who my trust completely right so we see that Jesus speaks in the humanity just like you and

Me and he speaks in his divinity okay so one more I got one more for you Matthew chapter 4 verse 1. I think okay so here we are and Jesus is being tempted by the devil okay I I don’t know about you guys but when you first read

The Bible right and you said okay Jesus is gone right well then what’s the devil doing there right what does God and the devil have to do with each other and Jesus is really God why is the devil there tempting and that’s just not possible everybody knows that the

Picking order in Heaven Is God angels and demons humans so this provides logic but the reason is because Jesus must be tempted because he’s in his Humanity now whether the devil knows that Jesus is being a God or not I don’t know I’ve never really answered that question I’ve never really

Pursued that question in the Bible to find out but I’ve always thought that he didn’t or I don’t think the devil would be there I don’t think the devil would waste his time he would have died before Dr cross yeah yeah so um so here’s Jesus and let’s read

Starting one then when Jesus was left in the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted by the devil and he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights and the temperature came to him and said that if you’re the Son of God command these stones to be made bread so here we see

That just like you and me right Jesus and his humanity is being tempted by the devil and you’re going to experience this if you don’t know this or I know you know this already but you have an enemy the word declares that there is opposition

Stand for to what you believe in to all that you’re about and that enemy is the devil okay and he’s come to kill steal and destroy I know that you guys have heard that okay but just as Jesus was tempted so you’re tempted in your Humanity okay and in your Divinity in

Other words if you truly possess the Holy Spirit don’t we also share in Christ in the fact that not that we’re God I would never claim that but that we have a peace of God in us and that we are clothed in humanity and that we share more with Jesus than we thought

That yes sometimes we speak like a man sometimes we speak the word of God huh amen and sometimes in our infirmities we cry out and let this cup pass and sometimes in our divine strength we say we’re not from this Kingdom right that we’re from the kingdom of God okay okay

I want to read one more scripture dear I can’t see the clock so I didn’t bring my watch all right you got 20 minutes 20 minutes uh let’s go to John 18 and 4. you know all those 10 years in prison I got stuck on the gospels I literally was

In the gospel for like 10 years I just couldn’t get out of the gospels I couldn’t get to the Epistles I couldn’t I mean I did a lot of Correspondence courses through the mail and uh so like they sent me the uh Old Testament you know two-year old

Testament study so I did the two year old testament study and I did the two-year New Testament study and I just kept getting drawn back to the gospels especially John I don’t know what it is about the Gospel of John but when I was a man it’s all that

All right eighteen and four Jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him went forth and said unto them whom seek ye okay so here’s Jesus in his human form right Jesus is a man using his divinity to know all things okay so so this is where we differ with

Jesus okay there there’s a lot of things that you’re going to read in the word of God and you’re going to say you know what I’m just like Jesus right and it’s Humanity I’m just like Jesus and and his divinity sometimes I’m just like Jesus sometimes I can be super

Spiritual sometimes I can be filled with the Holy Spirit and I’ll get pumped up and I’ll pray and I’ll share I’ll get the word in me and I’ll go out and God will send someone to me and they’ll say something and I’ll know exactly what to

Say I’ll know that God wants to speak through me wants to speak life into this person right then and there I don’t know how many times it I went to the Walmart right by my house right around 40th and Thomas and there’s a Walmart right there

And there right this big this guy from our church and he’s sick I mean he’s sick sick he’s and he’s trying to work in the Walmart is the greatest they say him not to be the greeter in the sick but it’s okay it was in my appointment

Amen that’s where he was supposed to stand or I wouldn’t have found him in the Walmart so he’s standing there now remember what’s up I’ve been sick for two weeks I spent all my money on the doctor you know I said man let me pray with you so

I prayed with him I went into Walmart I did my shopping and God said you know what you need to give him some money the prayer was great fantastic idea however that’s not what he needs right he needs money he just spent all his money on the doctors he

Told you that hello wake up McFly you know me and my wife blessed him with some money right and so there’s there’s times where those Divine appointments we share with Jesus and we have to recognize those and we have to recognize our Humanity right just like Jesus okay uh

So we got one more that joins with that scripture okay Jesus whom do you seek and they answered him Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus said unto them I am he okay this this particular passage in scripture but let me finish the reading and then I’ll uh and Judas

Also which betrayed him stood with them as soon as he had said unto them I am he then all the people around fell backwards to the ground okay this particular piece of scripture is where Jesus is talking about his divinity a matter of fact he is emphasizing his divinity in a way that

Is causing a physical reaction that the people that are around him because of the command when he’s saying I am God I am he I am who I am I am the I am I am Yahweh that the people fell down so here we see Jesus using his authority right to not

Only demonstrate that his humanity is ineffective he’s a human being but that he’s also a Divine it is also Divine uh everybody fell down this particular passage of scripture is all and it’s only in John when you read it you’re like wow you know Jesus they come up to

Arrest Jesus and you Jesus I am and everybody falls down what a great passage I think this has an authority you know I keep trying but it doesn’t work for me I know nobody Falls can you repeat that passage please okay I’ll read it the address uh 18 uh John 18.

And starting in four okay so it’s four fives and six seven four five and six the reason that I share this particular teaching right is because you’re going to encounter people that have a different view okay and they’re going to come to you and I used to debate

Um with the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons in prison just because they were lost souls you know and they were like the hardest ones to get so I went after the hardest one I said God sent me after the hardest ones and God said go to the Jehovah’s Witness for a little while

Right okay and that’s an experience let me tell you because you know what no religious body equips their people to defend against you than any other denomination most people that aren’t experienced will go with them and they’ll get chewed up you’ll come out of there and you’ll be

Feeling raggling it’s like man I gotta go study some more this guy just ate me up right but what you need to understand for yourself not the ear do after the Jehovah’s Witnesses and I found out later that really wasn’t the way to go I mean I did it very softly you know

Because these were my friends I told them look let’s have a Bible study together I said okay so we all brought our Bibles you know they brought their New World Translation and I brought my Bible and we came to an agreement that we were using the same book but we

Didn’t come to the same conclusion right and so I got to the point I said okay well okay well we’re using the same book but we don’t have the same conclusion so we need to come to a conclusion about who Jesus is that’s the only thing that

I really focused on because I figured if they just got the Jesus was God then everything else would fall into play and so I said okay I tell you what uh this week you bring the scriptures that you tell me that Jesus isn’t God and then

Next week I’ll bring the lunch so they brought theirs and I listened to it I said very interesting it’s very interesting and you know I’ll have mine actually they never showed up again but anyway the reason that I share this is so that number one you’ll have a

Deeper relationship with Jesus knew his word that when you read his word and when he says something right it doesn’t sound Divine don’t be surprised okay because Jesus is a man right he’s a man just like you just like me the one exception that you might find to that is

That you know the Holy Spirit on his conception it says that the Holy Spirit hovered around his conception so whether he had a sin nature or not is kind of debatable you know if in order for him to be the first Adam I would think that

He would have to have been like Adam without that sin nature you know that it would be like that but that he’s a human being just like you and me and there’s going to be times where he speaks in his humanity and then there’s going to be

Times where he speaks in his divinity and if you don’t have a good balance of that right if you don’t have a good balance of that then you’re going to fall into one of these calls and that’s where these Cults are going to come at

You from they’re going to come at you I had a guy in prison I don’t remember what denomination but he come to me and he says hey you clean the train I suggest I do he said can you explain it to me I said well certainly I

Can so I began to expound on the Trinity for him and he started hackling me and I said you know hold up did you really want to understand this or are you just trying to bash me you know and he said and he wasn’t the same sky in the world

But he said uh well he said you know at the Jordan River when Jesus is baptized if Jesus Is God what is he Evangelical sin because who’s that voice in heaven I said I said no that that’s the Trinity that they’re all three there there’s Jesus in the water the holy spirit’s

Coming down to the father’s and what better example do you need of this tell me that you know but he was quite a character so you should have a good balance of of Jesus as humanity and a good balance of Jesus Divinity there’s even other scriptures where it talks

About the blood of God all right we’ll come across that wow how can God have blood God can’t but Jesus did and Jesus was God Amen and so when when you read your word and and I assume that all of us read some of the gospels right are we all official people

I’m gonna have still stuck in the gospel it’s like I’m here later it’s good news it’s all there when you’re in the gospels and you’re reading about Jesus and Jesus is speaking when you hit those red letters right you get those red letters okay think to

Yourself okay Jesus is a man and Jesus Is God and he’s both people and one being and that he can speak from his human human mind and he can speak from his Divine mind that he can speak from his human consciousness and that he can speak from his Divine Consciousness and

That he can even speak from his Divine towards his humanity and his Humanity towards his new Divine and at that point it gets a little crazy you know but in us and likewise we also are human being and as born-again Christians we are also Divine we’re not

God and we can never throw the thrill of God obviously but we have the Holy Spirit in us and so there’s times in your life and in my life where we’ll come to a situation and no matter how spiritual we’ve been the week before no matter how much we’ve prayed and you

Know done all the stuff that we come up and something snaps in us and we speak in our humanity and you know what all we can do in those instances is repent and say you know what God I don’t want to be like that I want to

Be more like Jesus give me more of the Divine Right give me more of the Divine all right and there’s going to be times where you have a Divine appointment and you’ll roll up somewhere and God will speak nice and clear to you and tell you

What to do right and then you’ll find that you’re also human and that you’re also a divine sometimes you’ll speak from your human mind sometimes from your Divine sometimes you’ll speak from your Humanity about your Divinity and sometimes from your Divinity about your experience but that you’re just like Jesus amen

Amen any questions too deep okay that was awesome yes brother and when I was in federal prison I had to be a threatened too long sometimes when they’re running around saying alive yeah I mean not everybody was supposed to have guidance but these guys were trying to teach that we were little guys

That was like you know yeah I mean yeah um basically the way that they get away from that scripture in John 1 1 right is that they don’t capitalize the G okay and and the and and how that came about was when they when they translated the New World Translation the scholars that

Did that were not authorized to do that and that’s why it is printed by the Jehovah’s Witnesses people you know the Watchtower publication company and all that because they don’t have they wouldn’t have any other sponsors but basically you can change one letter in one of the Greek

Words and give it a totally different meaning totally different meaning from meaning of the same Essence to meaning a mix of something right and if you’re curious about that particular word I’ll pull it I I got that it’s in my study I have a big old thing if you want the whole

Thing of it I’ve got a huge bigger one it’s called a summary of Christian doctrine it’ll kind of give you a little overview of some of the the names of Christ and of what you know what his titles hold and what they mean and about some errors about that particular what

You’re talking about whether the word god should have a capital letter or a small letter and it all revolves off of one letter the letter i that they insert in the Greek word okay very crazy the biggest problem I had as a Christian in prison was this this they had this they

Have this saying in prison I don’t know if they got a mistake or if they had it in the beds basically a couple places I were at if you’re weak or if you’re scared go to church yeah so I had to deal with that the whole time you know I

Mean you know it’s like hey you know I’m just trying to and then once somebody’s family member was sick guess what they’d come and ask me to pray for them it’s okay though yeah yeah this was a just awesome teaching by the way um I read I think every time I read it

I go man that doesn’t really sound like Jesus is when the syrup Phoenician woman yes um wakes him up and he says why would I give right what’s meant to be at the king’s table the dogs and I’m like you know you know Jesus is Love man you know he just loves

Everybody you know we you know and so for me to read that with my mind I was like dick you know so I I’m trying to find it I can’t find it for the life of me but um at any anyways my knee says that and she says

Even the dogs eat from the scratch on the table yeah she just fires right back and I’m just saying hey even the even the little dogs eat the eat the scraps from the King stable kind of thing but I think that’s the one thing because I can

Say okay well he cursed the Fig Tree yeah he was hungry and he didn’t get what he wanted and he said you’re not getting no one will look from you and then um he uh had righteous indignation um which is Justified anger when he went and cleansed the temple right of the

Money changers and everything like that but but I mean you just straight up called this lady what he was calling there was a a gentile there you go so that you know I don’t know received any Revelation on that particular message no but you know what there’s a book lightness

You got a response yeah I actually do okay the significance seems to be for one thing that God’s a covenant God and um it’s a big deal because in this situation This Woman’s got no rights we’re talking about rights and privileges right we’re we’re seated at

The right hand of Christ right now we have rights and privileges we may not take advantage of them we may not realize them but you know the spiritual credit card in your wallet that’s Limitless it’s Limitless on getting everything you want to need if it’s in

Line with God’s word right we may not take advantage of it we may not use it we may not think about it in this case she had she didn’t have the credit card she didn’t have the perk she didn’t have the plan she couldn’t and she couldn’t sign herself up

She was outside of the will of God at that moment and and God for whatever reason allowed her to kind of like still humiliate herself or humble herself and still press in by faith and she’s one of the she’s like one of the first examples of someone who crossed as they say she

Crossed the line by the grace of God the God said I’m sorry but little dogs don’t get what my children get yeah and she’s like yeah the little dog still get to eat from the crumbs of that counter drop and he’s like you know what woman and you are stubborn you trust you

Acknowledge who I am you’re in and that was a big deal so that’s that seems to be was you as a gentile yeah and so was the Centurion he’s the Roman yeah and it was just too totally different reactions from Jesus yeah one was I’ve been seeing

Faith like this in all of Israel and Jesus marveled at him which and it’s a good thing when Jesus Marvels at you right yeah amen and then the other one was like broad get out of here you know what are you thinking yeah Jesus sees the heart of it yeah but he still

Humbled herself there’s a really good book uh it’s by a guy named FF Bruce it’s called the hard Saints of Jesus and it hits all of those you ever read that Tom man that’s a hard book right there it’s a really good book If you ever you could probably even PDF

It online but you know when he’s talking it’s a spirit though so you know when whenever you talk harshly or turn over tables and as simple because the people were you know selling some and all that people they love the principality that they right you know so that’s why when

You see it’s harsh words and my brothers there’s a time and place for everything yeah there’s nothing wrong with being angry uh the principality and as long as you as long as you you get it out but you know again it’s a word you choose

And as long as they’re uh out of love and it’s biblically directing us where you know there is something wrong with the Rage of course but yeah there’s again there’s there’s a time for that and that’s what’s so interesting we picture Jesus as a loving awesome you know kind of just just

Walking along and not in Beauty and Grace where she was but there’s also the that’s that lion and lamb too yeah that lion needs to come out once in a while so there was a time when the Bible was being formulated right and this is an iniquity and there’s a guy called

Marciano Marcel and marcion didn’t like the god of the Old Testament right but he liked the Jesus guy so he just kind of cut out all the mean stuff about Jesus and just left all the good fluffy stuff and made his own Bible and started

His own set yeah I mean and uh that’s what led to them formulating what’s in the Cannons or the Bible what it is today to prevent people from doing that from cutting out God’s justice in God’s commandment against sin and his demand for righteousness and just holding on to

His love and all the easy fluffy stuff you know so there’s definitely you know Jesus not that he ever sinned but there are times where Jesus had to draw a hard line too and then there’s times where his compassion is overwhelming you know where where he’ll say why don’t uh the

One without sin till the first time the great thing about it is he always will give us an escape yes so uh whenever you tip it don’t feel guilty or shameful just just listen to our god that tells you to go to yeah brother in the back did you have

Something you wanted to add I seen your hand up well I was gonna say uh Paul Paul always said you know the gospel is for the Jew first and then to the gym you know so Christ came to Israel first and uh and then it was after that that you know it was

It was given to us you know uh and the woman as well you know she wasn’t part of Israel and and actually when the disciples came back and saw Jesus sitting under well and talking to this woman they were like what are you doing talking to him you know what or

What what are you doing talking to her right you know what and because her people in Israel didn’t have anything to do with each other you know so there’s a lot there that you can find that would explain that you know it was like he’s staying at home

You know you call him a lady a dog well that’s you know it’s a Humanity in Christ and Christ being Jew talked to this woman but it actually it actually brings about the documents to the Gentiles it’s like um I forget where it was but Jesus called it too PR you name

Two people that were saved in the Old Testament and and the Pharisees were offended that he brought up these two names with us because they were gentile people back in the Old Testament you know what I’m talking about the right now Jesus was talking and he was saying how

Look back in this day the woman was visited by the prophet that had nothing to eat Elisha visited this one the name of the leopard was field and these were the only two that God had named last year that’s you know he just brings the gospel full round to not only until he’s

Used within 10 towels as well and he does that yeah his Humanity speaks any other questions uh I want to thank you Brothers for letting me share I’m sorry I’m not here every Saturday I work on Saturday mornings I work from seven to noon at a busy little Garage in Tempe

Uh working on cars and getting drinks and all that fun stuff these days yeah hey man but I’ll try to get here as much as I can you know I’d love to spend time and get to know some of you guys better I know most of you

But not all of you some kind of new basis and uh you know thanks for letting me share with you and I hope that that opens up God’s word a little bit to you that when you read the red red lettering in the Bible if you have read that

Arrival then you’ll hear Jesus speaking you know and with a little more depth and I hope that you’re a little more confident to stand behind the truth that Jesus is God and that Jesus is a human being amen amen that’s great thanks Jim thank you

#Jesus #divinity #humanity