Interfaith Education

The purpose of a, of a special focus day is where we actually stop teaching the IB, but it’s an opportunity to focus on the actual mission of of this UWC college. So, why interfaith? Identity and especially religious identity has been used and abused throughout history for political ends.

And to understand why the situation is like this in the current modern society it is really important to learn about religion. It´s really an interesting way to learn more about the people around you and the environment I am muslim and I am connected to foreign country and not a good time for

My religion itself because we have a lot of like, conflict areas now in foreign countries about the Islam and about terrorism by relating them together but like, I thought it may be a good thing that I come and maybe I can change something in people. People´s perspective of Islam

I think our work is to help people reclaim the voice of their religion and represent it in the way that it’s meant to be represented. As a force for love, as a force for harmony, as a force for bridge building in the world.

And looking at this kind of issue, the inclusivity of it If you are a member of that faith what do you believe in so to speak, they unite you with other members but, it excludes others and it’s that exclusion which can be exploited With two seminars to try and increase the

Amount of exposure that students could get to face speakers. My religion or my religious life it’s between me and between god, but, the social life and the rest of our life it´s for all of us together. If you believe or not believe, we are together. To built, the whole and the future.

I think Interfaith is so interesting because you learn more about like, the core part of how people perceive the world and how people think. So it’s not just the superficial culture exchange of oh, this is pretty; but, you learn about the meaning behind the objects and I think it really helps to

Understand other people. People who, maybe doesn’t believe in God, and doesn’t believe in any other religion and they just really listen and they have good questions and they really respect the religion and they respect each other and, they were really happy after it. So, this really surprised me.

#Interfaith #Education

1. The Resurrection of Jesus (Introduction)

ARGUMENT VASKRSENJA ISUSA HRISTA Isusovo vaskrsenje jeste suštinska osnova hrišćanstva. Naša vera na ovome ili opstaje ili propada. Apostol Pavle postavio je ovu osnovu veoma rano, u svom prvom pismu Korinćanima. “Ako Hristos nije vaskrsnut iz mrtvih, onda je naše propovedanje uzaludno, i vaša vera je uzaludna. Tada smo čak i lažni svedoci Boga,

Jer smo svedočili o Bogu da je vaskrsnuo Hristosa, koga nije vaskrsnuo, ako je tačno da mrtvi nisu vaskrsnuti. Jer ako mrtvi nisu vaskrsnuti, onda ni Hristos nije vaskrsnut. A ako Hristos nije vaskrsnut, uzalud vam vera vaša, još uvek ste u gresima svojim. A i oni koji su zaspali u Hristu, nestali su.

Ako samo u ovom životu imamo veru u Hrista, onda nas treba sažaljevati više od bilo koga. Dakle, ako Hristos nije vaskrsnut onda nema ni hrišćanstva, i sve što radimo je uzaludno. Međutim, sa tako velikim ulogom ipak imamo sreće jer je vaskrsenje čudo koje ima više istorijskih dokaza od bilo koje tvrdnje o čudu.

Entoni Flu postao je deista pri kraju svog života ali dok je još uvek bio ateista, priznao je sledeće “Dokaz za vaskrsenje bolji je od čudotvornih tvrdnji iz bilo koje druge religije. Izuzetno se razlikuje i po kvalitetu i po količini…” Pre nego što pređemo na dokaze, moramo postaviti određene temelje.

Mnogi skeptici tvrde da, osim ako nemamo apsolutni dokaz, onda se vaskrsenje nije desilo i ne možemo reći da se desilo. Kao i obično, to nije tačno. Običan skepticizam i postavljanje izuzetno visokog praga neće predstavljati problem u istorijskoj odbrani vaskrsenja. Ako svi dokazi ukazuju na vaskrsenje, a neko ne misli da je to dovoljno,

Samo zato što su proizvoljno postavili prag tako da se ne može dostići, to neće opovrgnuti čitav slučaj, niti će ponuditi bolje objašnjenje za iznete dokaze niti će pokazati da dokazi nemaju zaključak da se vaskrsenje najverovatnije desilo. Možemo da nastavljamo da branimo slučaj vaskrsenja, bez da se brinemo za nekoga sa ovakvom dozom skepticizma.

To zapravo ne predstavlja problem za sam slučaj niti nudi bolje objašnjenje za dokaze. Pa, kako onda branimo slučaj i koji je cilj argumenta vaskrsenja? Cilj ne može biti pokazivanje da je vaskrsenje tačno na način kao što neko može da pokaže da se nešto dogodilo time što će ponoviti eksperiment.

Vaskrsenje je događaj koji se dogodio u prošlosti i ne može se ponoviti. Zato se zaključak može postići na način na koji se pokazuje istorijska činjenica ili na način kojim se zaključuje forenzičko istraživanje. Kao što Avizer Taker kaže, “Istoriografija ne rekonstruiše događaje. Ona ne može oživeti Cezara niti ponoviti bitku kod Akcijuma.

Istoriografija pokušava da pruži hipotetički opis i analizu nekih prošlih događaja kao najbolje objašnjenje prisutnih dokaza. Osoba procenjuje dokaze a zatim zaključuje prema teoriji koja najbolje objašnjava podatke. Ovo može da potvrdi vaskrsenje onako kako bi se pokazalo da se neki drugi istorijski događaj dogodio.

Tu predlažemo više teorija a zatim gledamo koja se najbolje uklapa u podatke. Ako teorija ne podržava podatke, ona se odbacuje kao nedovoljna i kao manje verovatna u odnosu na druge teorije koje bolje opisuju prisutne podatke. Takođe želim da kažem da jedini fer način pristupa prema vaskrsenju jeste pristup metodičke neutralnosti,

Gde onaj koji tvrdi nešto ima odgovornost da to i dokaže. Ako ja kažem da je Isus vaskrsao iz mrtvih, onda moram i da pokažem da ta teorija najbolje opisuje podatke, dok druge teorije to ne mogu. Međutim, ovo je mač sa dve oštrice. Jer ako ja prikažem slučaj, ateista ili musliman

Ne mogu samo da kažu da nisam u pravu i da Isus nije vaskrsao. On ili ona moraju da pruže kontraargumente sa boljim objašnjenjem onoga što oni misle da se dogodilo i moraju da pokažu zašto objašnjenje vaskrsenja nije u stanju da objasni podatke.

D. H. Fišer ističe da je “teret dokazivanja uvek na onome koji donosi tvrdnju, ali takođe i na onome koji opovrgava ili daje suprotstavljajuću tvrdnju.” Naravno, čovek može i da bude suzdržan i da ostane agnostik po ovom pitanju. Ali, to lično ubeđenje ne stvara objektivni argument protiv onoga koji iznosi istorijsku tvrdnju

Niti izaziva ili pobija predstavljen argument. Ako to žele da urade, onda moraju da predlože suprotstavljajuću teoriju i podrže je dokazima i verodostojnošću. Na kraju, za sam argument za vaskrsenje pomaže nam da prvo adresiramo ove tri stvari. One nisu nužno potrebne za slučaj vaskrsenja ali pomažu u celokupnom cilju.

Prvo, mogu se pružiti dokazi o postojanju Boga u vidu formalnih argumenata. Pre nego što pružimo dokaze za vaskrsenje i ustanovimo da je hrišćanstvo tačno, pomaže ukoliko prvo imamo dokaze za opštog teističkog tvorca. Kombinujući argumente iz prirodne teologije sa argumentom vaskrsenja dobijamo bolji, akumulisaniji slučaj za hrišćanski teizam.

Pošto smo ovo već uradili, naš slučaj bi ojačalo to ako već postoje dokazi da Bog postoji i da je u stanju da prouzrokuje takav događaj. Drugo, korisno je stvoriti slučaj i za pouzdanost Novog zaveta. Kad budemo prolazili kroz dokaze, nećemo da pretpostavljamo

Da je Novi zavet inspirisan ili da je precizan u svakom detalju, ili čak i u većini detalja. Samo ćemo se držati činjenica koje podržavaju naučnici i dokazi. Ali, barem bi trebalo da stvorimo slučaj da dokumenti nisu u potpunosti nepouzdani i da imaju dobar istorijski slučaj.

A pošto smo i ovo uradili, to će pomoći našem celokupnom argumentu. Treće, moramo da pokažemo da čuda nisu logični nemogući događaji, a ovo smo takođe uradili. Sada, kada smo dali dokaze za teistički pogled na svet, pokazali da je Novi zavet pouzdan i ustanovili da su čuda barem logički moguća,

Možemo nastaviti sa argumentom za vaskrsenje, uz ovo kao našu osnovu. Zatim ćemo ispratiti sa dodatnim dokazima, prikazaćemo sukobljene teorije i pobićemo prigovore koji postoje. INSPIRING PHILOSOPHY Preveo: Filip Eskić

#Resurrection #Jesus #Introduction

Why Doesn’t God Stop Evil?

You see what the atheist has to say, he’s got to be able to prove that it is impossible or improbable for God to have a morally sufficient reason for permitting these facts of suffering, and that’s a burden of proof which is so

Heavy that no atheist has ever been able to sustain it. [Moderator] Explain that, because the question I was going to ask you is let’s talk about this subject of faith, which is where I was going, so you jumped right where I was headed. When they say

That, okay, explain that idea that you just entered into. [Craig] Take someone’s little daughter dying of leukemia, or getting run over by an automobile. We don’t see why that happened, and we wonder why wouldn’t a sovereign God intervene to stop it? And what the atheist has to say is that it’s either

Impossible or it’s highly improbable that God could have a morally justifying reason for allowing that to occur, but there’s no way given our finitude, our limits in space and time, for being able to make that kind of a claim with any justification. God’s morally sufficient reason for allowing your daughter’s

Death might not emerge until 300 years from now, maybe in another country. Every event that occurs sends a ripple effect through history so that the consequences of any event are simply incalculable and incomprehensible for finite, local persons. So the atheist is making a claim here which is just completely unsustainable;

There’s no way for him to show that it’s improbable or impossible that God has a morally sufficient reason for allowing this evil to occur, and therefore his argument really has no intellectual credibility. It’s a purely emotional argument. [Moderator] And it’s a compelling one, isn’t it?

[Craig] Emotionally compelling, but not intellectually compelling. [Moderator] Correct, and so when somebody says in that moment, in immense pain, I don’t care what good he can bring out of this, [yes] I reject him. And we hear that a lot, [sure] C.S. Lewis drifted towards saying that in his Grief Observed, and

God, when God hears us say those kind of things, okay, his response is one of understanding. Scripture says he too has been tempted in every way, even as we were. [yes] And so God doesn’t shut us off when we

Say that. [Craig] No no, no I think that’s absolutely right. Look at the Psalms, how the psalmist expresses anger toward God, and God where are you, why are you allowing this, why am I going through this? I think the lesson of

The Psalms is come to God with your hurt and your pain and your anger and don’t try to stifle it and suppress it. Let it out and he’ll listen to you. [Moderator] He’ll listen, and if you’ll let him, if you’ll listen to him, as Christopher Hitchens

Acknowledged he gives the only consistent logically constructed plausible answer that frankly even Hitchens acknowledged; you know what? Christianity alone solves this problem. [Craig] Yeah, I remember Bertrand Russell, the great atheist philosopher, once said that no one can sit at the bedside of a dying

Child and believe in God, but when Jan and I were in Paris we met a young minister who was trained and now worked in counseling dying children. And I thought to myself: counseling dying children, what would Russell have said to those children? What could he say? Too bad?

Tough luck? That’s all the naturalist has got to say. As you say it’s theism, it’s belief in God, that provides a hope and a reason for the suffering that its redeemed, whereas in atheism we’re locked in a world that is filled with gratuitous and unredeemed suffering, and there is no hope of escape.

#Doesnt #God #Stop #Evil

Questions Jesus Asks – Where Divinity Meets Humanity

Hi I’m Israel Wayne I’m an author and Conference speaker my most recent book is called questions Jesus asks where Divinity meets Humanity it’s a followup to a previous book that I wrote with new Leaf press entitled questions God asks and this really came out of a Bible

Study that I was doing in the Old Testament initially and I noticed that there were many occasions in the Bible where God ask people questions and I thought this was rather intriguing and then I began to think about how in Jesus ministry was common for him to engage

People with probing questions in fact the very first time that we see Jesus speaking in the Bible in Luke 2 he’s 12 years old at the temple and he is asking questions of the teachers of the law Jesus often had the practice of answering questions that he was asked

With a question and this is a model that I find is really helpful for evangelism and apologetics as we engage with those who are skeptical or those who are uh critical regarding the Christian faith one of the things that I learned from writing the questions Jesus asks is how

Jesus questions tend to dig deeper than the surface they tend to go to the heart of the issue many of us have questions that we ask of God there are many questions that we have like where is God when it hurts or if God is good why is

There evil and suffering in the world but Jesus asks questions of us and these questions help us to assess our biases and assumptions and presuppositions these questions deal with a huge range of our human emotions and experiences things like suffering and pain and relationships and money and

Healing and so many other issues that are engaged in these questions that Jesus asks because these questions are contained in the Holy Scripture they have relevance not only for the people that Jesus asked 2000 years ago but they have relevance for us today one of the things that we learn from studying the

Questions that Jesus asks as we learn about him we learn about his nature and his character John 173 says this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent this is really our primary purpose for our existence is to know God

In Jesus Christ which is one of the main reasons why I wrote questions God asks and questions Jesus asks I want to know Jesus better and you can come to know Jesus better through this intensive study of the New Testament through the questions he asks many people in our day

Are looking for Hope Jesus questions show us that even though he was fully God he was also fully man and he experienced many of the same things that we experienced so we have a high priest who can identify with us who can relate to our suffering and to our struggles

This is a great comfort to us to know that in many of the issues that we face and that we go through in our life Jesus went through those same issues and those topics that are close and near to and dear to our heart are topics that are

Explored within the questions Jesus asks I hope that you will pick up a copy of this book and maybe use it as a family read aloud for Family Worship or just for your own individual Bible study or perhaps for a small group study I think you will be encouraged you will be

Educated and you will come to know Jesus better and know how to relate better uh to others and to love and serve other people better through this study thank you God bless you

#Questions #Jesus #Asks #Divinity #Meets #Humanity

How to Destroy Fear & Become Satan’s WORST Nightmare…

My guest has declared war on the spirit of fear that battles against you fulfilling your destiny. Tables turned. You become the devil’s greatest nightmare, next. [Applause] SR: Welcome, Holy Spirit. I surrender this platform totally to You. Have Your way. Jeremy Johnson pastors multiple churches in the LA area. Jeremy, I love the name of your church, Fearless. How did that come into being? JJ: Yeah, you know what, Sid?

I’m going to have to blame that one on my wife. She read a quote as we were coming up with the name of our church that said, “A scared world needs a fearless church,” and somehow that quote stuck out to her, from Oswald Chambers,

And that’s exactly why we’re getting a group of people to declare war on fear, and what better place to do it than the darkness of Hollywood and the darkness of LA? [Applause] SR: I agree. JJ: So the story of Fearless is my story, and that perfect love came

And found me at an early age, 17 years old. I made Jesus not only Savior but Lord. It actually happened through two of my classmates getting hit by a drunk driver, head-on car collision. Both died. I was at the funeral, and the mom of one of the kids who passed away

Knew that I was a believer and asked me to pray. And when I got up to that mic, I could have shared the gospel with my whole class, and I didn’t, Sid. I heard – SR: Why? JJ: I heard that spirit of fear yelling at me, and I just sat back down.

I said a nice little prayer, and that night one, of my best friends went out and got drunk and high and ended up taking his life at a train because he had no hope, and I remember every day in high school just that voice of fear saying, “You’ve failed.”

Every time I would drive over that tracks, it was just a hopeless time in my life at 17 years old. SR: But every time you would drive over those train tracks where your – one of your best friends got killed – JJ: Yeah. Yeah. SR: – you would be reminded.

JJ: Then about 30 days in, I heard a voice, and it was the Voice of the Lord. It was an audible voice, and I didn’t know who it was at the time, but I just knew something was calling me down those tracks, and so when I’d drive over them, 30 days later,

I got out of my car, and I walked down the tracks what was probably for miles, and I ended up, I believe, where he took his life because his mom had set up a rosary cross with his name, and I just fell at that cross, Sid.

I – It wasn’t in a church. It’s wasn’t with a pastor. It was that voice that called me down the tracks, and I remember that voice as I wept what felt like for hours because I felt like I had failed God,

This God that was my Savior but who was about to become my Lord. And He said, “I am the God of the second chance.” And, see, today I’m a pastor of a church not because I woke up one day and said, “Wow, it sounds nice to be a pastor,”

But I just that day made a choice for the rest of my life. I’m going to take my second chance, and that’s led me to win souls all over the world and to set people free from fear. SR: That – let me – [Applause]

SR: Let me ask you, what was the difference from before you heard the Voice of God and after in you? JJ: Mm. The difference in me is that I realized that God actually saw me. He cared about me, and He was okay that I was broken,

And He was okay that I didn’t have all the answers, and that perfect love is the thing that kicked fear out. See, it says in the Bible, I John 4:18, I found out since then that, “There is no fear in love.” So when love shows up, fear has to leave.

In fact, the Bible, God commands, “Fear not.” It’s a command. He commands us, “Do not be anxious for anything.” So He only commands it because fear is not just an emotion. It’s a spirit, and He kicks fear out. It’s not us that kick fear out,

Because what happens if you keep facing your fears, and you find a fear you can’t face? Your child is sick or your marriage falling apart, those are fears that are difficult to face, but when perfect love – When you follow perfect love, perfect love over your shoulder kicks fear out –

SR: I hear the words, follow perfect love. What does that mean? JJ: Perfect love isn’t a feeling. It’s a person, and His Name is Jesus. He came near, and He met me right there. SR: Many of you watching right now are saying, “I wish I heard a voice.”

Well, Jeremy needed to hear God’s voice. Each of us has different needs. Jeremy, real quickly, you speak about a man named Cardboard. What do you mean? JJ: I met Cardboard on the streets of LA before I would ever pastor in LA. When I was a college student in Bible college,

We had a traveling ministry, and we ended up at this event that a church was pulling off in Hollywood, of all places. They blocked off the streets, and they chose us to be the final drama for the night, and then I was going to give a salvation message.

Well, when I finally got up there to give the message, over 5,000 people are gathered in the streets of Hollywood. This is wild, and when I get up there, my mic doesn’t work. We did all this work, all the – And so you think it’s going to come on. You’re waiting. You’re waiting.

The sound guy is freaking out. Nothing happens. Over 30 minutes go by, 40 minutes, an hour, and as you know, people are leaving. They’re there for the hot dog, and when it’s over – SR: Of course. JJ: – they’re gone. And so I sat on the end of the stage,

And I thought God missed it. I thought God made a mistake. “God, You couldn’t get the sound on?” And no sound would come on. So I saw McDonald’s across the street, and I said, “I don’t want one of these lousy hot dogs. I want a Big Mac, large fry and a Coke.”

And so I went across the street, and when I went over there, I tripped on something that I thought was trash, but it was a person. I tripped on this guy, and he popped out of a blanket, and he said, “Hello, my name is Cardboard.” And I thought, “Well, that’s a weird name,”

And I kind of scurried out of there. I wasn’t used to LA yet, and I went and got my fry, Coke and drink, and I came out, and I for the first time heard the Lord. And He said just as clear as day,

“Give Cardboard your Big Mac, your large fry and your Coke.” SR: Oh, that’s a toughie! JJ: And I told God – I said, “Get behind me, Satan, in the Name of Jesus.” That couldn’t be from You, Lord, as these – This conviction got stronger, and I finally gave it to Cardboard.

When I did, I woke him up, and as I was walking away, I could just hear him weeping, and I turned around to see what happened, and he began to explain to me. He said, “Who told you to give this to me?” And I said, “Cardboard, you’re never going to believe me.

Jesus told me to give that to you.” And he just wept uncontrollably at – It seemed like for minutes I held him, and eventually he said, “I used to go to that church that puts on that outreach, but I lost my job. I ended up out here, and every year they come out

And tell us how much Jesus loves us.” He said, “But I don’t feel very loved by God, and know what? God is not real. And today I heard a voice, as they were setting up, ‘in the middle of the message today, climb to the top of that building

And, at the middle of the message, jump.'” So he said, “I climbed up there. I had the hot dog in my hands,” and he said, “When I got up there, I came out to the balcony, and you were about to speak.” And he said, “Right when you started to speak,

Your mic cut off. So,” he said, “I climbed back in the window because I didn’t have the instructions after that.” And he said, “I heard another voice that said, ‘Cardboard, ask Me for anything.’ And I said, ‘Okay. If this is You, God, I’m going to be under my blanket,

And I want that speaker to bring me a Big Mac, a large fry'” – SR: Oh, my goodness! JJ: – “‘and a Coke.'” [Applause] JJ: See, that day Cardboard gave his life to Jesus, but, Sid, that day I learned something, that the God that I serve, He always sees the one.

He doesn’t see crowds. I saw 5,000 people, and I thought God missed it, but God didn’t miss it. He didn’t have us cook hot dogs for the 5,000. He didn’t even have me get a sermon ready that I would preach. In fact, I would speak my message without a mic to one guy

That had forgotten his name. His real name was Samuel. So funny that he was hearing the voice of the Lord. SR: And by the way, that’s what Samuel means, hearing God’s voice. Now Jeremy’s ministry – JJ: Wow. SR: – even after this, hit a wall. He was actually ready to give up.

Many of you watching us right now, you’re ready to give up. Then God said, “Are you done yet?” God showed Jeremy something opposite all his logic and opposite all of your logic, too. Be right back. [Music] [Applause] >> We will be right back to “It’s Supernatural!” >> When you submit a prayer request at, we print it out and place it inside of this basket. The basket is then taken to our prayer room where, every morning, each team member selects a stack of prayer requests, reads through them carefully and prays for each one individually.

So if you or someone you know needs prayer, please submit your prayer request to us at or by calling or texting to 704-943-6503. >> We now return to “It’s Supernatural!” [Applause] SR: What did God show Jeremy that made the next time he spoke the most supernatural night of his life? Tell me about that. JJ: Sid, it was so wild. I had this passion to ignite a generation on fire for Jesus,

To know the God that I had met, and I couldn’t seem to do that. I tried everything that I could think of, and every time I would come to youth ministry as a youth pastor, the youth group would shrink. It was like I was the incredible shrinking church.

SR: You had what’s known as a membership drive. He was driving away the members. JJ: There you go. And I remember walking out, and the crowd was smaller. There were so many empty seats, and I just walked right back into my office, and I just remember beating on the wall

As if I was beating on God’s chest, saying, “God, You know my heart.” And I heard the Voice of God say, “Are you done yet? Are you done with all your ideas, all your clever sermons?” And I said, “God, I’m so done.

I didn’t sign up for this. I just want to help people.” And God said, “Okay, then let Me take over.” So He said, “Rip up your sermon. It’s not that good.” So I ripped it up, and He said, “When I –

When you go out there, I’m going to tell you what to say.” And I got the microphone, and when I got the microphone, the Lord said, “Call every sick person on the stage.” So I said, “Okay, God, these are teenagers. Not many of them are sick.”

That night over 30 kids filled the stage in wheelchairs and with sicknesses I had never seen, growths and broken legs, and God said, “Now pray for them.” And so that night, instead of a sermon I prayed for 30 kids on a stage. Sid, I can’t tell you, but it was wild.

Every kid, it’s like as I started praying, I didn’t even believe what I started. And as I started praying, one kid began to yell that, “Your hand is hot! Your hand it hot!” And I said, “God, it’s working. It’s working!” So I prayed, and one kid after another,

Kids were getting out of wheelchairs, throwing – And I’m telling you what, Sid, every kid in the room got saved that night. Every kid got filled with the Holy Spirit. It was – And I remember walking off the stage, and I heard the voice of God say, “Did you like that?”

I said, “God, I could do that with two kids. I loved that!” And so God told me, He said, “Okay, if you like that, instead of working this week, I want you to pray. So 8 hours a day, Jeremy, I want you” –

And I said, “God, I can’t. I’m a youth pastor here. I got a lot of jobs to do,” and God said – SR: A lot of work. JJ: “So you’re telling Me your church will let you go if you pray?” So I said, “Okay, God.”

So He said, “Okay, if anyone wants a meeting, have them come pray with you for an hour, and if they still need a meeting, then meet with them.” Well, guess what? No one really lasted the hour, and 8 hours a day I would pray. That next week, I came to youth service,

And that next week as I was preaching, a young man filled with a demon answered the altar call, and he was – He came to the front, and he then went to the middle of the crowd, and he started dragging a girl out of the crowd.

And I didn’t know what to do, so I just started praying, started praying the Spirit. Within seconds the kid with the demon was at my feet begging me to stop. Well, there’s one thing I didn’t do, Sid. I didn’t stop. I put my head on his head. He flipped backwards and started squirming

All over the front of the aisle, filled with the demon. I said, “Lord, what do I do?” He said, “Well, send him in the back room and have your associate cast it out.” So I was so thankful. “Thank You, Jesus.” My associate went in the back room.

He said instantly, the demon came out of the kid, and I said, “God, why did You have me do that?” He said, “Because he was trying to take over the service where I was going to set people free.” And so that night I told all the teenagers, “See? I told you, it’s real.”

Every teenager got saved again that night, and as I was walking back, God said, “Did you like that?” I said, “No, God, I didn’t like that, but I’m so glad You’re with me.” And He said, “Then pray another week.” So I said, “God, another week?” So for another week, 8 hours a day,

By the second day I noticed the lights were on in my – off on my secretary’s office, and I looked out, and she was praying, too. And then the next day, 10 teenagers showed up, and they began to pray with me, too.

By the end of the week, Sid, we had over 100 teenagers gathered in that room, crying out to Jesus. I’ll tell you what, Sid, we didn’t need flyers anymore. I didn’t need cool, catchy things anymore. We didn’t even have to have the free pizza anymore. Kids were coming to Jesus

Because they met a Jesus who sets free, who heals, who is alive and well and supernatural. [Applause] JJ: That’s when God took over our youth ministry. SR: Boy, I’ll tell you something on what you just said, especially towards the end, it was like the level of the presence of God started rising.

He’s up to something important. It’s time to silence fear. Whether you’re a student, have a secular job or a housewife or in ministry, you have an amazingly good destiny. When we return, Jeremy will teach revelation knowledge about the spirit of fear and pray for you to be fear-free, fearless. Be right back.

[Music] [Applause] >> We will be right back to “It’s Supernatural!” >> Call or go online at, and you can start walking in the fullness of your God-given destiny with Jeremy Johnson’s brand-new book, “Declare War on Fear: Dethrone the Spirit of Fear That Wars Against Your Destiny,” plus receive his brand-new and exclusive three-part audio CD teaching series, “Become the Devil’s Greatest Fear,”

Yours for a donation of $35. Shipping and handling is included. Ask for offer number 9898. JJ: Fear is not going to go away by leaving it alone. You must dethrone the spirit of fear. You must declare war on fear. God told me this. He said, “David didn’t just fight Goliath. He killed Goliath.”

You’re going to become a giant-killer. It’s time to stand up and get some new ammunition. >> Kick fear out of your life for good with Jeremy’s new book and exclusive audio CD series that will show you how to overcome the taunts of fear and silence the intimidation that keeps you

From having more abundance in your life; confront fear with the Heavenly power of perfect love; be delivered from the shackles of fear and instead walk in confidence and joy; be healed from wounds received in church, within families and at work and be set free from the hurt of rejection by others;

Move quickly from feelings of suffering as a victim and stand victorious; neutralize fear’s greatest weapons of anxiety, depression and worry; defeat fear, so you can move in the miraculous and fully release your destiny; dethrone the spirit of fear that has attacked you and tries to take over your life;

Make the devil run, the demons flee and make hell nervous as you live a fearless life. JJ: Fear has been the greatest battle in my life. I really believe that through my story, you will find your fearless self. I encourage you today, if you’re tired of it,

Why not make a new decision and declare war on fear yourself? >> Call or go online at and receive the brand-new book by Jeremy Johnson “Declare War on Fear: Dethrone the Spirit of Fear That Wars Against Your Destiny,” plus receive his brand-new and exclusive three-part audio CD teaching series

“Become the Devil’s Greatest Fear,” yours for a donation of $35. Shipping and handling is included. Ask for offer number 9898, or send your check to Sid Roth “It’s Supernatural!” P.O. Box 39222, Charlotte, North Carolina 28278. Please specify offer number 9898. >> We now return to “It’s Supernatural!” [Applause] SR: Okay, Jeremy. JJ: Yes? SR: What would you say is the devil’s greatest fear? JJ: I believe the devil’s greatest fear is a fearless you. The devil is more afraid of you than you are of fear, and really the devil is afraid

Of you finding out your identity in Christ. The Bible is very clear that, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Well, fear is just awe. It’s just worship. When we worship God, we have to worship nothing else. When we fear the Lord, we have to fear nothing else.

Here’s how I say it. Both your worry and your worship enthrone a spirit, and for far too long, I’ve enthroned the spirit of fear in my worry. But God is saying, “If you’ll declare war on fear, and you’ll become a son or daughter, and you’ll worship

Me, then you can dethrone fear and put Me back on the throne.” Sid, for a long time, I looked at the brokenness of my life and thought, “How could God see anything great in me?” I brought something on the show that I didn’t tell you about, but –

SR: No. JJ: – the Lord told me to bring a puzzle on the show. See, I believe that life is kind of like a 1,000-piece puzzle, and at first it’s clean and nice, but after a while, life has a way of dumping out on us,

And it’s a little bit here and a little bit there, and I’ve found that many times, I’m trying to go God with my piece. I don’t know if you can see that in the camera, but many times, I try to go to God with my piece,

And I say, “God, what do You see in this? How could this ever be used? God, I was cut here. I was wounded here. I was abused here. I was walked out on here, and for many years, I’ve been trying to put the puzzle together

And find greatness in it, and it causes fear, fear and anxiety and depression and worry.” And the Bible says this, if you give your life to Him, you’ll find it, but if you keep it, you’ll lose it because I’ve found that only the master of the piece

Has the ability to see the picture – SR: The whole picture. JJ: – at the end – [Applause] JJ: – while you hold the brokenness. And, Sid, I just feel like for someone out there that is watching this, and you’ve lost the top of the box.

You’ve lost sight, or maybe you’ve never even seen – SR: The picture. JJ: – the picture of what – see, God – Vision gives purpose to pain, and when God begins to show you the vision of what He has from the pieces – See, when you look at a puzzle finished,

You never are you really awed by the picture. It’s really that you’re awed by – that someone would take the time to put 1,000 pieces together, that they had the masterful eye to see wholeness in the brokenness, and that’s our God. That’s our Jesus. [Applause] JJ: Can I say something to them?

If you’re watching right now, I just felt like this was for you. This wasn’t a part of this – the moment, but I felt the Lord said, “Bring a puzzle and dump it out on Sid’s new table.” And maybe you’re watching and you feel like this,

And you don’t know how God could ever use you, and fear keeps lying and lying and lying. Well, I dare you today to declare war on fear and to pursue Jesus – [Applause] JJ: – and to say, “Jesus, I give You not just the good parts of me, but I give

You all of me. I give You the brokenness. I give You the addiction. I give You that pain when I was 5. I give You that death that I went through in my family. I give You my broken marriage,” and you watch what the master of the piece is going to do.

I just prophesy right now. I prophesy over that person that, at a young age, you went through a trauma. You went through tragedy. I see you out playing with your friends, and someone got hurt, or someone got hit by a car even, and there’s trauma that’s there.

There’s triggers that come with simple things. You purposely lock yourself away. The gifts of God in you have been stopped because of you stopping them and allowing the enemy to rule through the throne of your ear, and you speak out what he tells you.

And I just declare right now, in Jesus’ Name, over your life, I declare every stronghold broken. I declare every chain broken. I declare trauma be healed. God, even use the pain. God, use the scars, use the wounds. See, the thing I want to tell you is that my Jesus,

He does not come to make bad people good, but to make dead people live. When I met Him – [Applause] JJ: – at 17 on those railroad tracks, I didn’t go from being bad to good. I went from being dead to being alive, and God wants to give you that same life today.

If you’re there watching this, and you are riddled with fear, God wants to remove the death and the fear and the anxiety and the depression, and He wants to replace it with joy, life to the abundance, freedom, and all you have to do right there is receive that gift.

If you’re watching, if you’d pray this prayer with me – Dear Jesus. SR: Dear Jesus. JJ: Today. >> Today. JJ: Come into my life. >> Come into my life. JJ: Remove all the death. >> Remove all the death. JJ: Remove all the fear. >> Remove all the fear. JJ: Remove the shame.

>> Remove the shame. JJ: Be my Lord. >> Be my Lord. JJ: And my Savior. >> And my Savior. JJ: Here’s my life. >> Here’s my life. JJ: I hand it to You. >> I hand it to You. JJ: Use it. >> Use it. JJ: For Your Glory. >> For Your Glory.

JJ: I want to be fearless. >> I want to be fearless. JJ: Amen. SR: Amen. [Applause]

#Destroy #Fear #Satans #WORST #Nightmare

Jesus is always human and divine

Hi I’m father Jim Martin I’m a Jesuit priest and author of Jesus a pilgrimage and I’m here with 10 things to know about Jesus Jesus is always fully human and fully divine now I know you probably know that the humanity and divinity of Jesus is an article of our Catholic

Faith but it’s an important to remember that Jesus wasn’t divine at some times and human and others in other words it’s not as if Jesus puts his divine hat on one day and his human hat on the next day it’s not as if he’s human when he’s working in the carpentry workshop in

Nazareth and divine when he is performing miracles no he is fully human and fully divine at all times sometimes I like to challenge people and say that Jesus is divine when he is sawing a piece of wood and he is human when he is stilling a storm healing the sick or

Raising someone from the dead it was hard for the disciples to understand this and it’s hard for us to understand it too it’s a real mystery but it’s essential for our faith to remember that Jesus is fully human and fully divine at all times I’m father Jim Martin author of Jesus a

Pilgrimage god bless you

#Jesus #human #divine

Why You Need Jesus As Your Substitutionary Atonement — @MyNameIsJackieHill

How are you saints i heard about 1200 of you i said how are you  saints okay because i’ve seen about 50 of y’all   getting starbucks all day so i know you’re woke  uh i i i say this every tgc conference that i  

Have the opportunity to teach it i i need to let  you know i’m from a country called black church   okay you might have heard me say that before  what that means is when someone is speaking or   teaching it’s not a monologue it’s a conversation  okay so when when i say something that moves  

You in your spirit you have the right and  the authority and the permission to talk   back to me you can clap you can speak in the  tongue just find a translator but don’t throw don’t throw no shoes though okay you can do  everything else but don’t throw your shoes  

Up here unless i like them throw the other  one and i’m gonna take it take it back home   please turn in your bibles to genesis chapter 22. say amen when you got it sorry to get verse one it says after these things  god tested abraham and said to him abraham and he  

Said here i am he said take your son your only  son isaac whom you love and go to the land of   moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering  on one of the mountains of which i shall tell you  

So abraham rose early in the morning  saddled his donkey and took two of his   young men with him and his son isaac and he  cut the wood for the burnt offering and rose   and went to the place of which god had told  him on the third day abraham lifted up his eyes  

And saw the place from afar then abraham said  to his young men stay here with the donkey i   and the boy will go over there and worship and  come again to you and abraham took the wood of  

The burnt offering and laid it on isaac his son  and he took in his hand the fire and the knife so   they went both of them together and isaac said to  his father abraham my father and he said here i am  

My son he said behold the fire and the wood  but where is the lamb for a burnt offering   abraham said god will provide for himself the lamb  for a burnt offering my son so they went both of  

Them together when they came to the place of which  god had told him abraham built the altar there   and laid the wood in order and bound isaac his son  and laid him on the altar on top of the wood then  

Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to  slaughter his son but the angel of the lord called   to him from heaven and said abraham abraham and  he said here i am he said do not lay your hand on  

The boy or do anything to him for now i know that  you fear god seeing you have not withheld your son   your only son from me and abraham lifted up his  eyes and looked and behold behind him was a ram  

Caught in a thicket by his thorns horns and  abraham went and took the ram and offered it   up as a burnt offering instead of his son so  abraham called the name of that place the lord  

Will provide as it is said to this day on the  mount of the lord it shall be provided let’s   pray lord i thank you for this moment thank  you for your word i thank you for your spirit  

I thank you for your church i thank you for our  feelings and our emotions and how they are so   involved in the way we read your scriptures i pray  that you would do whatever it is that you want to  

Do with us in this moment i pray that you would  help me that you would use me that you would speak   in jesus name amen this narrative opens up  with the words after these things god tested  

Abraham i think before we even get to the nature  of the test we need to know something about the   one being tested we are introduced to abram his  original name in genesis 12. when out of nowhere  

God calls abram an idol worshiper to leave his  home leave his family leave his country and then   god gives abram a promise he tells them that he  will make him a great nation and that all the   families of the earth shall be blessed through  him we also learn some about his wife’s arrive  

And how she is barren they have no children which  makes god’s promise a smidge complicated because   if abram is going to be a nation then abram needs  a child in genesis 15 god speaks to abram again  

This time he expands on his original promise he  made he tells abram he’s going to give him a son   but not only that god gets all built now the  science guy on him and tells him to head outside  

Look at the stars and that the amount of stars  he sees is the amount of offspring abram will   have this is a big promise because remember abram  ain’t got no kids sarah’s womb is bearing barren  

So abraham is like god how i know that’s going  to happen this is the jhp version by the way so god backs up his promise by entering into  a covenant with abel a covenant is a promise   made between two parties to perform certain duties  one party might promise to share their resources  

Their strength and protection while the other  party promises their loyalty if abram were one   of us hypothetically speaking and he wanted  to buy a house in 2022. he would have to get   a realtor get on zillow redfin whatever’s  your your thing find a house hopefully his  

Credit score is in order that’s a word for some of  y’all know some of y’all in the 500s god is able   he’s able to do exceedingly and abundantly  above all we can never ask i think his lender  

Would then have to give him a decent loan to  purchase the house when it’s time to close on   the house he would sit down with a lawyer with  a realtor they would give him a big old stack of  

Papers for him to sign these papers and contracts  between him and the bank he’s getting the loan   from the contracts have a bunch of words but the  bank is basically saying hey we promise to give  

You this money you promise to give us the money  back if you don’t you’re going to be homeless so   when you purchase a home then you are entering  into a loose kind of covenant both parties  

Are making a promise to do a certain thing and  if one party fails to keep that promise there’s a   consequence in abram’s cultural context covenants  weren’t ratified by signing a bunch of contracts   they were a little bit more dramatic than that  what would happen is that uh they would get  

Some particular animals who would be killed sliced  in half laid side by side creating a path for both   parties to walk through the bodies by making a  covenant this way the parties were reenacting what  

Would happen to them if they didn’t do what they  said they would do is them saying if i don’t keep   my promise to you let me be put to death like  these dead animals that i just walked through   to establish his covenant with abram  then god has abram get a heifer  

A goat a ram two birds basically the whole  meat section of the grocery store and abram   cuts the animals in half except the birds because  that’s odd and lays them side by side usually both   parties that are ratifying the covenant would walk  through the animals but this time shockingly abram  

Isn’t awake for the ceremony abram goes into a  deep sleep similar to the one that adam went into   in genesis 3 and the bible says that a great and  dreadful darkness came over him but what i don’t  

Want you to do is take this as a abram laying  down and taking a nap taking going to bed it’s   probable as some commentators say that he is made  unconscious by god’s presence and as that happens   god manifests himself as a smoking  fire pot and a flaming torch and god  

Himself walks in between the dead animals  god himself all alone walks in between   their bodies walks in between their blood and  by doing so god is saying that he is putting   his very own nature on the line so as to make  sure that this covenant is maintained remember  

Abram asked god to give him evidence that god  was going to do what he said he would do and god   responded by saying if i don’t give you what  i promised you the blood will be on my hands  

Now that didn’t convince abram that god was worthy  to be trusted i don’t know what else god could do   moving forward you might be thinking okay now god  then showed up as a pot in the torch and walked  

Through some heifer blood sari is definitely  going to get pregnant next week but nope abram   and sarah just get old and older and older making  god’s promise seem that much more impossible   in genesis 17 when abram is 99 and sarai is 90  god shows up again adding even more specificity to  

His promise he tells abram that sarah will have a  son from her own womb whose name will be isaac in   genesis 18 god shows up again and tells abram now  named abraham that this time next year god will  

Give him a son sarai now called sarah was being a  little nosy don’t know if you remember the story   she heard what the lord had said and the text  says that by this time the way of women had  

Ceased with sarah what does that mean it means  sis ain’t got no time in the month no more okay her uterine lining ain’t shedding  nothing but dust she ain’t used always she ain’t had kotex in her cabinet in decades and now god is saying it’s a  women’s conference i can say that

Now god is saying she’s going to give birth  to a son which is absolutely crazy so sarah   laughs she like god must don’t know how old i am  how in the world am i going to have a whole baby  

This is one of my favorite parts of the bible  the lord says to abraham because sarah had   laughed when god said what he has said uh  god says why does sarah laugh is anything   too hard for the lord to which sarah responds  like she ain’t talking to god i didn’t laugh

Then god was like no but you did  let’s be clear but in all seriousness i think we all need to remember the reality of  god and that there is nothing too hard for him   all of us have something in our life  where this truth needs to be applied  

It may be the salvation of a family  member the restoration of a marriage   deliverance from addiction the opening of a  barren womb the resources to adopt the power   to forgive the ability to put to death your  favorite sins whatever it is god can do it  

Because this is the thing god is not like anyone  you have or will ever know he has no limitations   he is the one that made the heavens and the earth  he is the one who has all power he is completely  

Sovereign always strong and never tired but  unbelief will move you to construct a god in   your own image and therefore you will start  to believe that either god has a weakness and   cannot do the impossible or that god isn’t good  and therefore he won’t do the impossible for you  

Which isn’t to say though everything  we ask of god he is obligated to do   god is god so he has the right to move however  and whenever and wherever he pleases but the   challenge is this to believe that god is god  which means god can answer my impossible prayers  

And god can give me an impossible  faith to still trust him if he doesn’t   is anything too hard for the lord in genesis 22  or 21 the impossible happens it says the lord   visited sarah as he had said and the lord did  to sarah as he had promised and sarah conceived  

And bore abraham a son in his old age at the  time of which god had spoken god is not a liar   so by quickly walking through genesis chapter  12 to genesis 21 we are clear on three things  

God has promised to make a nation out of  abraham that all families of the earth will   be blessed through him and that god will do this  through abraham seed isaac with that in mind now   when we get to genesis 22 the first two verses  should be shocking it says after these things god  

Tested abraham and said to him take your son  your only son isaac whom you love and offer him   there as a burnt offering if you’re like me the  first time i read this passage i was like now god  

You promised this man that all nations of  the earth will be blessed through his seed   isaac you don’t make covenants you don’t walk  through blood and became pots and stuff and now   you’re telling him to sacrifice the son he done  waited decades for not only that god’s promise  

To abraham hinges on isaac being alive it’s  crazy but what helps us to give us some pause is   the beginning of this verse and how it begins by  saying that this is a test the concept of testing  

Is all throughout scripture usually it’s explicit  like in exodus when god said he allowed israel to   be in the wilderness for 40 years to test them or  in luke 4 when it says that the holy spirit led  

Jesus in the wilderness to be tested god tests for  two reasons usually to reveal and to refine when a   test is used to reveal something what is exposed  is whatever is in your heart testing reveals  

What you really believe if you really have faith  if there are a few idols hiding in a corner   somewhere a little pride that you didn’t know you  had which is such a merciful thing for god to do   because i don’t know if you know this we  tend to think really highly of ourselves  

The natural state of the sinner as described in  romans 1 is that we think we are wise when we are   full so we may have a self-conception that has  nothing to do with reality but also we can get  

Therapy we can take enneagram tests enneagram  three wing four and b as be as self-aware as   possible and even then it is impossible for you  to discern everything about yourself so in god’s   sovereign compassion he will allow your kids  to act up so you can see how impatient you are  

He’ll let your money get funny so you can discern  your greed or your distrust in god’s provision   tests reveal but tests also refine peter  said in first peter 1 6 though now for   a little while if necessary you have been  grieved by various trials so that the tested  

Genuineness of your faith more precious than gold  that perishes though it is tested by fire imagine   who you’d be if you didn’t go through anything if  your faith was never challenged if life never got   hard intense if you never had any angst or  confusion or anxiety about what to do or where  

To go and and who to trust without the refiners  fire what would the quality of your life look like   i can bet that it might be easier but  would it be fruitful why because tests   purify your faith it is only fire that refines  gold and it is only trials that will refine  

You and yes i know trust me no discipline seems  enjoyable at the time but it will yield the   peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who  are trained by it circling back to genesis 22   since this narrative is fr as a test we can know  that whatever god is doing with abraham it will  

Reveal something to him and reveal something out  of him and what greater test is there for abraham   than for god to tell him to sacrifice his son the  son he loves note that this is the first mention  

Of the word love in the bible which is really  fascinating to me that it’s set in the context of   sacrifice and not self-centeredness but that’s a  completely different conversation anyone one thing   about this test is that if you’re  familiar with abraham’s story at all  

If you followed his life up until this point you  know that this test actually isn’t unfamiliar   do you remember when god commanded abraham in  the beginning in genesis 14 what he commanded   him to do he told him to leave his country leave  his family leave his home and go where god wanted  

Him to go abraham then is well acquainted with  god telling him to sacrifice stuff that he loves   since abraham was called he was repeatedly tested  so even though sacrificing isaac is an extreme   test god didn’t start there he has been readying  abraham’s faith so as the test got more intense he  

Had the stamina to endure it charles spurgeon said  this he said the lord knows how to educate you up   to such a point that you can endure in your  years to come what you could not endure today  

Just as today he may make you stand firm under a  burden which ten years ago would have crushed you   into dust perhaps this is the reason you don’t he  read anything about abraham pushing back or asking  

Questions he just he just gets up and obeys verse  three abraham rose early in the morning saddled   his donkey and took two of his men with him and  his son isaac and they cut the wood for the burnt  

Offering and arose and went to the place of which  god had told him in other words abraham obeyed   immediately why because he had faith the writer  of hebrews says that faith is the assurance of  

Things hoped for the conviction of things not seen  another way to see it is that faith is an inner   certainty regarding things you cannot see that  engages your will leading you to act in relation   to what you believe i’ll say it again because  y’all taking notes faith is an inner certainty  

Regarding things you cannot see that engages your  will leading you to act in relation to what you   believe for example you ever seen one of those  team-building exercises called the trust fall   it’s weird basically one person stands on  a platform with their eyes clock closed and  

Their arms folded looks like they’re  about to die beneath them behind them   are co-workers or their team standing in the line  with their arms out ready to catch not the bouquet   but the person the reason it’s a trust fall is  that the person on the platform can’t see nobody  

Can’t see the people behind them so they have  to trust what they cannot see but it wouldn’t   be enough for them to just say they trusted their  team like yeah i trust you and stay there that’s   not good enough words are easy trust is actually  realized when the person chooses to fall backwards  

The inner certainty gave them confidence that  their team would catch them even though they   couldn’t see them and that certainty engaged  their will which was why they chose to fall i   use this example because faith cannot be separated  from behavior faith is at work in abraham because  

Remember god has made him a promise and isaac  is a pivotal piece of that promise is isaac dies   the promise does too the irrationality of it all  doesn’t seem to hinder abraham though i think any  

Rational person would be like um god this test  ain’t it there has to be another way tell people   to steal my donkeys and burn down my tents but  don’t make me sacrifice my son but the thing  

Is abraham isn’t like me he doesn’t barter with  god he is certain that god is going to do what   he said he would do because he is god so because  he believes and trusts god he behaves accordingly  

It says that he woke up early in the morning  cut the wood that he would sacrifice his son on   and he goes to the place that god told him to  go to then we finally get an idea of what’s in  

Abraham’s mind in verses five and six look at  it it says on the third day abraham lifted up   his eyes and saw the place from afar then abraham  said to his young men stay here with the donkey  

I and the boy will go over there and worship  and come again to you do you hear his faith   somewhere in between god telling him to sacrifice  isaac and him getting the wood he has concluded   that after he has killed his son isaac is  going to come back how does he know that  

Who or what is he trusting to make  him so certain it’s simple he believes   god not merely the promise of god but the person  of god because the promise is only trustworthy   because the one who made the promise cannot lie  so so it’s the very nature of god that abraham has  

Considered and in so doing he has reckoned that  because god cannot lie he is obviously going to do   something to ensure that isaac ultimately doesn’t  die the writer of hebrews said this by faith   abraham when he was tested offered up isaac  and he who had received the promises was in  

The act of offering up his only son of whom it was  said through isaac shall your offspring be named   he considered that god was able even to raise  him from the dead wait we are in genesis 22 right  

Amen no yes okay so we are centuries before  elijah raises a widow’s son from the dead   we are we are centuries more for when jesus  raised lazarus easter ain’t on abraham’s radar   he don’t got a clue about pastel outfits and shiny  white shoes there has yet there has yet to be an  

Empty tomb for him to base his faith on so how  is it then that abraham knew the very concept of   resurrection was even possible i think that before  abraham rose early in the morning while he thought  

About what god was calling him to do and that it  meant that he have to put his son to death i think   i think abraham remembered his own body and  how god had brought life from death before  

So surely he could do it again unless you think  i’m just making up stuff i want you to remind   your romans 4 19 which says this he abraham did  not weaken in faith when he considered his own  

Body which was as good as dead or when he  considered the barrenness of life or lifelessness   of sarah’s womb the word dead here literally  means corpse-like so then god had to resurrect   their bodies in a real sense so as to give  them the power to create life in the form of  

Isaac abraham had the audacity to say that  he and isaac would go worship and return   because he remembered that god had did it before  in 1953 this guy by the name of henry malaysian   went in for brain surgery to treat his  epilepsy during the procedure the doctor  

Removed a piece of henry’s brain affected  his memory especially his short-term memory   and one recording a doctor doing a study this  on netflix by the way i ain’t making it up a doctor doing a study on the brain in  memory asked henry if he remembered what  

He did yesterday henry said i don’t know the  doctor asked him again what he did that morning   henry said i don’t remember that either then they  asked him if he knew what he’d do tomorrow to   which henry responded whatever is beneficial you’d  expect henry to have some kind of loose schedule  

I’m gonna wake up i’m gonna get some coffee  i’ma watch the news but he didn’t because   henry couldn’t tell you what he would do tomorrow  because he couldn’t remember what he did yesterday   he answered the question the way that he did  because the portion of henry’s brain that was  

Removed affected henry’s ability to make new  memories and since henry couldn’t remember the   past he had no context for how to imagine  his future without his memories henry had   no expectation when abraham thought about the  sacrifice that he had to make in the future  

He remembered the resurrection in the past and  that if god could do a miracle then then god   could do a miracle now almost all of us have  a hard time trusting god to do what he said  

He would do in his word through his son and  it might be because we have a memory problem   how quickly we forget that he made the heavens and  the earth that he split the sea and delivered his  

People out of bondage how he brought life from a  dead womb we forget how faithful he’s been to us   and our family how he’s provided for us when we  didn’t even ask how he’s protected us from all  

Kinds of mess but when trials show up now all of  a sudden is i don’t know if god is going to come   through i don’t know if god is going to do this  i don’t know if god is going to do that i don’t  

Know if god is going to show up hasn’t god always  showed up hasn’t god always been good hasn’t god   always been faithful just because you change your  mind every six seconds doesn’t mean that god does  

He is the same god today as he was yesterday  some of us don’t need to fast we need to remember   and it isn’t isn’t this true that the word  of god has provided for us 66 books worth  

Of memories of who god is and how god works which  will inform our faith so that we can obey without   hesitation because abraham has faith in his  god he is willing to sacrifice his only son the text says abraham took  the word of the burnt offering  

And laid it on his son isaac he took in his hand  the fire and the knife and they went both of them   together to the place that god had told  him i want to be clear about something   a burnt offering was a total sacrifice there  were other offerings that would allow you  

To sacrifice an animal and the priest  could take a portion of it home to eat   but a burnt offering was the one offering where  the whole animal was totally consumed the process   went something like this as described in leviticus  1 a male animal without blemish was taken  

The offerer would lay his hand on the animal which  was symbolic of the transferring of the offer   ascends onto the sacrifice an act of atonement  then they’d kill the animal blood would be   collected and thrown on the altar then the animal  would be cut into pieces and arranged on the wood  

Then the animal would be burned and totally  consumed and as the smoke of the animal   rose towards heaven it was said to be a pleasing  aroma to the lord and god told abraham to do that  

To his son the son he loved if this were not a  test god’s character would be questionable at best   seeing that god himself said that human sacrifice  was detestable in deuteronomy 12 and 18.   but since it is a test sacrificing isaac or at  least being willing to do it resolves god of any  

Guilt and refines abraham of any potential sin  this test solidifies abraham’s loyalty to god   over and above love for his son it is clear  that abraham has a deep affection for isaac   god even acknowledges it by saying take  your son your only son isaac whom you love  

And this love is natural this love is good  we should love our children they are good   gifts from a creative god but how easy it is  to take these good gifts and make them god   isaac was special he was the promised  child the seed through whom the whole world  

Would be blessed abraham had parted ways with  his son ishmael years earlier so this was the   only son he had and maybe god knew abraham’s  potential abraham was an idol worshiper before   he was called so it wouldn’t have been out of  character for him to worship something other than  

God maybe god knew that the son he loved could  become the lord he worshiped so to set him free   from any inkling of idolatry god had to put him in  a position to choose and he did he built the altar

He laid the wood he took some rope and wrapped  it around his son’s body so he couldn’t move   and i can only imagine the pain because it  wouldn’t be a sacrifice if it didn’t hurt   a sacrifice isn’t a sacrifice  if it doesn’t cost you something  

This body on this altar is his boy who  he saw every day ate dinner with every   night on the altar he probably looked at  him and saw his own features in his face   alongside fear but either way even with all the  faith in the world sacrificing what you love is  

Devastating but even then god must be worthy of it  all and abraham knows that so with inner certainty   engaging his will leading him to act in a way that  is relative to what he believes he takes the knife  

Ready to slaughter his son then he hears his  name verse 11 abraham abraham and he said   here i am he said do not lay your hand on  the boy or do anything to him for now i know   that you fear god seeing you have not  withheld your son your only son from me  

If there was any doubt who abraham’s god was  this moment made it clear god had refined   abraham’s heart removing any other allegiances  and now he’d revealed it to for god to say   i know that you fear god this anthropomorphic  language god knows everything so it doesn’t  

Mean that god didn’t know it it means that  god is affirming that abraham’s faith is real   and isn’t that what we all want the affirmation  that our faith is authentic because there are   those who will present themselves before jesus  with a bunch of evidence for why they deserve  

Glory did not prophesy in your name did not cast  out demons and perform miracles on your name i   think some of us in this room we would say god  did not preach and expose at the passage correctly  

Did not tithe didn’t i go to seminary and  lead worship and go on mission trips and   vote though certain ways surely that’s proof  of my faith all of which looks impressive   it looks like power it looks like the fruit of  faith but jesus turns to these kinds of people  

And calls them workers of lawlessness god forbid  you have to wait till judgment to find out who   you really are but the irony of it is this the  very act of looking to what you’ve done for jesus  

As evidence of that you know jesus might be the  proof that you don’t because the truly faithful   ones know that they have never done anything  apart from jesus so when they stand before god   they stand before him like the men and the parable  of the talent saying this is what i’ve done with  

What you have given me and do you know what  the master will say to them he’ll say well done   my good and faithful servant and that  is the point of everything my friends   when all the tests and all the trials and all  the pain and all the angst and all the discipline  

And all the suffering is over the point of it  all is that the god of the glory the judge of   the universe the one who cannot lie seated on the  judgment say will say i know that you fear god  

Verse 13 and abraham lifted up his eyes and  looked and behold behind him was a ram caught   in a thicket by his stars and abraham went and  took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering   instead of his son so abraham called the  name of that place the lord will provide  

This moment right here is an  act of substitutionary atonement   instead of isaac being sacrificed  the ram is killed in his place   with substitution one person takes the place of  another bearing the penalty that we reserved for   someone else if isaac was killed as a burnt  offering a few things would have happened  

He would have experienced the death and thus  he would have been separated from his father   he also would have experienced the desecration  of his body as it burned in the fire   and all of this would have happened at  the hands of his father it is because  

God provided the ram that saved isaac from death  separation and destruction but there’s a problem   with all of this sacrificing the burnt offering  functioned as atonement abram and isaac were both   sinners and the wages of sin is dead god’s  justice had to be satisfied by virtue of blood  

Being spilled a life being taken either their  own life or somebody else’s life so the realm   was not only sacrificed instead of isaac before  isaac but even then the ram wasn’t good enough   why because hebrew 10 4 says it is impossible  for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin  

Meaning that this ram though it was a sacrifice it  wasn’t a sufficient one if anything this ram was a   shadow pointing forward to a better sacrifice  one that would not be accomplished by jehovah  

Providing a ram in a bush but by jehovah jireh  providing his son in the flesh and who is this son   i’ll tell you first of all the son was  born to a woman by virtue of a miracle  

His mother wasn’t barren but she was a virgin  named mary who by all accounts should not have   been able to get pregnant seeing as though she  had not been with a man but because nothing is   too hard for the lord she conceived by  the power of the spirit the son grew up  

Learned obedience through what he suffered  being tested by the devil to turn stones   into bread and to worship and thus love  anything more than god but he resisted   every single time to which god publicly affirmed  that his son’s faith was real by saying that this  

Is my beloved son with whom i am well pleased by  then or but then the scenario for which the son   habit was born came to pass the night before the  son had prayed to his daddy prayed to his father  

Said that he wanted this cup to pass from him  he was in a position where he had to choose he   had to choose either his will or his father’s will  and he did this son was made to carry his own wood  

On his own back as he walked toward the top of  a mountain and while up there this son’s body   was secured to the woods so that he couldn’t  move the people said if you are the son of god  

Come down the cross what they didn’t understand  is if he came down they would have had to go up   in his place not dying for them but receiving  the penalty of death that belonged to us because  

It’s easy to forget that since i was born a sinner  and the wages of sin is death that if jesus did my   sins i would have had to pay for my own that even  if i sinned once that meant i deserve the judgment  

That through this death i would be eternally  separated from the life of the father that i would   endure the the pain and the desecration of eternal  destruction and that all of this would happen   at the hands of god the father but for these  people to tell jesus to come down the cross  

They clearly didn’t realize that if he came down  there would be no substitution and that the reason   he stayed is because he loved them to death maybe  they didn’t remember that day when abraham was   asleep and god himself walked through a line  of death walked through blood making it known  

That he was going to keep his promise and do you  know what on the cross god got blood on his hands   god became man so that he could die so as to  maintain a covenant relationship with his people  

There he was god in the flesh being killed like  an animal being slaughtered like the animals   that he walked through becoming a lamb that he  promised to be and there were no rams this time   there was no voice to cry out from heaven to  stop it there was only silence and then those  

Three hours and the dreadful darkness of god’s  presence was the only begotten son whose very own   father was pleased to crush him jesus became  sin so that you could be declared righteous   jesus died so that you could have life jesus  was bruised so you could be healed jesus rose  

From the dead so that you could too that is  the beauty of substitution jesus is the ram   and the bush and jesus is the son who returned  from the dead to worship with his daddy and now   it is through this son jesus that all  who have faith in his name are called  

The sons and daughters of abraham and look at us a  people from every tribe and every tongue and every   nation a church that has lasted for centuries  with millions of saints that have gone before  

Us and who will come after us and if you just look  into the crowd don’t we look like stars what god   promised to abraham in genesis 12  has been realized in us the children   of the promise is there anything too hard for  the lord lord we thank you for this day we thank  

You for your faithfulness we thank you for your  nature and how you have revealed it through christ   by the spirit in the scriptures we pray god that  this would be more than words that this would be  

More than knowledge that it would actually inform  the way we do life the way we love people the way   we engage on social media the way we engage with  our families and our friends in our local churches  

I pray that it even changes the way we pray that  we would pray with power that we will pray with   confidence knowing that we are praying to a good  and a faithful god we love you in jesus name amen

#Jesus #Substitutionary #Atonement #MyNameIsJackieHill

A Fully Catholic Life? Or a Secular One, With Patches of Catholic?

– We don’t often so much have Catholic cultures, but we have secular cultures with Catholic patches. And so, what I mean by that is what we celebrate, what we spend our time on, what we get dressed up for, what we prioritize in our free time is often the same things as everybody else.

Right? And so, we’ll go to mass or we’ll say some prayers, but that’s kinda the thing we do over here and then for the most part, what we’re listening to, all that, it’s really pretty much the same as everybody else, because the faith hasn’t really sunk in.

And so the image I had is, like, we don’t want… We don’t want our faith in the… Yeah, we don’t want the faith to respond to and sink into our lives like chocolate chips in some cookies, right? So it’s like, oh, here, there might be a lot of chocolate chips,

But they’re sort of scattered. You want it, like… The yeast, you want it in everything, right? And it gets in there and it’s deep and it animates everything. – Thanks so much for watching this segment from the Poco A Poco Podcast. If you wanna watch a full show, head on right over here.

If you want to support the podcast, head on over to Whether it’s a one-time gift or a monthly donation, we really appreciate your support. And also, don’t forget to tell your friends about the Poco A Poco Podcast, all right? Little by little.

#Fully #Catholic #Life #Secular #Patches #Catholic

Jacob Teaches of the Atonement of Jesus Christ | 2 Nephi 6–10

I have great anxiety for our people. I am desirous for the welfare of their souls. Teach them the words of Isaiah, and speak unto them for their sakes. The Lord has shown me that those who were at Jerusalem, from whence we came, have been slain and carried away captive.

Nevertheless, the Lord has shown unto me that they should return again. And He will be merciful unto them, that when they shall come to the knowledge of their Redeemer, they shall be gathered together again to the lands of their inheritance. And there are many things which have been spoken by Isaiah

Which may be likened unto you, because ye are of the house of Israel. For the Lord God will fulfil His covenants which He has made unto His children; and for this cause the prophet has written these things. I have read these things that ye might know

That He has covenanted with all the house of Israel. I know that ye know that our flesh must waste away and die; nevertheless, in our bodies we shall see God. I do not understand. How can our flesh waste away and die, but in our bodies we shall see God?

As death hath passed upon all men, there must needs be a power of resurrection, and the resurrection must needs come unto man by reason of the fall; and the fall came by reason of transgression; and because man became fallen they were cut off from the presence of the Lord.

Wherefore, there must needs be an infinite atonement. O the wisdom of God, His mercy and grace! For behold, if the flesh should rise no more our spirits must become subject to that angel who fell from before the presence of the Eternal God, and became the devil, to rise no more.

O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way for our escape. Wherefore, death and hell must deliver up their dead, and hell must deliver up its captive spirits, and the grave must deliver up its captive bodies, and the bodies and the spirits of men

Will be restored one to the other; and it is by the power of the resurrection of the Holy One of Israel. He cometh into the world that He may save all men if they will hearken unto His voice; for behold, He suffereth the pains of all men,

Yea, the pains of every living creature, both men, women, and children. And He suffereth this that the resurrection might pass upon all men, that all might stand before Him at the great and judgment day. And He commandeth all men that they must repent, and be baptized in His name,

Having perfect faith in the Holy One of Israel, or they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God. Wo unto all those who die in their sins; for they shall return to God, and behold His face, and remain in their sins. Remember, to be carnally-minded is death,

And to be spiritually-minded is life eternal. I would speak unto you more; but on the morrow I will declare unto you the remainder of my words. -Amen. -Amen. It must needs be expedient that Christ— for in the last night the angel spake unto me that this should be His name—

Shall come among the Jews. But they at Jerusalem will stiffen their necks against Him, that He be crucified. But behold, thus saith the Lord God: When the day cometh that they shall believe in me, that I am Christ, then have I covenanted with their fathers that they shall be restored in the flesh,

Upon the earth, unto the lands of their inheritance. Seeing that our merciful God has given us so great knowledge concerning these things, let us remember Him, and lay aside our sins, and not hang down our heads, for we are not cast off; nevertheless, we have been driven out

Of the land of our inheritance; but we have been led to a better land, for the Lord has made the sea our path, and we are upon an isle of the sea. Cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves— to choose the way of everlasting death

Or the way of eternal life. Reconcile yourselves to the will of God, and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved. Wherefore, may God raise you from death

By the power of the resurrection, and also from everlasting death by the power of the atonement, that ye may be received into the eternal kingdom of God, that ye may praise Him through grace divine. -Amen. -Amen. Amen.

#Jacob #Teaches #Atonement #Jesus #Christ #Nephi

On the Function of Christ’s Human & Divine Natures in the Atonement

I was wondering if you could clear this up for me. So… argues that Christ’s suffering was equivalent to our eternal damnation on account of the infinite dignity of Christ. So he appeals to the divine nature of Christ and that absolves the issue. But earlier this morning you mentioned that when Christ experienced the

Loss of fellowship with the Father it was through his human nature and not the divine, and so what I’m having a difficult time understanding is how we can appeal to the divine nature of Jesus in order for the sacrifice to be sufficient, while denying that it is the involvement of his divine nature.

This is a tremendous subtlety of Chalcedonian orthodoxy concerning the two natures of Christ. And that is that there is only one person who Christ is, and that is a divine person. It is the second person of the Trinity. There is no

Human person who is Jesus of Nazareth. There is a divine person who has a human nature as well as a divine nature. So it’s not that in virtue of his divine nature that Christ makes atonement; it is that you have a divine person who in his

Human nature bears our sin and punishment, and it’s the person that is divine and is the one who suffers and dies and so forth for our sins, but he does so with respect to the human nature.

#Function #Christs #Human #Divine #Natures #Atonement