The Disturbing Truth Of The Seven Princes Of Hell

The devil made you do it, but which one? There’s  more to the red guy with the horns, including   the fact that he’s actually seven guys with very  particular specialties to boot. Or cloven hoof. The Seven Princes of Hell are a collection of  fearsome foes spread across various religions  

And cultures, but they find their origins  in the writings of notorious witch hunter   and German bishop Peter Binsfeld.  Binsfeld tortured confessions out   of supposed witches that turned into what  he perceived as the chief villains behind   witchcraft — these seven princes. Each  one lorded over a specific sin and has  

Made appearances across various religious  texts, from the Bible to the book of Tobit. The demon princes have also found their way  into literature. Works such as Paradise Lost   and Dante’s Inferno feature the Princes in various  forms. And demonology experts across the centuries  

Have kept them nice and organized in encyclopedias  like the 1818 Dictionnaire Infernal or Infernal   Dictionary by Jacques Collin de Plancy.  Descriptions differ from source to source,   but a few core ideas remain the same. For  instance, each Prince is his own entity,   and each possesses significant power  that’s been seen throughout history.

For example, Lucifer presided over pride  and Satan presided over wrath. Beelzebub   represented gluttony, Belphegor symbolized  sloth, Leviathan was in charge of envy,   Asmodeus encouraged lust, and  finally, Mammon presided over greed. None of them are friendly by any means,  but here are some untold truths about them.

The name “Lucifer” has many meanings and  interpretations, including light-bearer,   giver of light, morning star, and the  super cool “lightbeard.” The story of   his name comes from his creation by God himself. “Satan at that time was Lucifer, or “the  daystar.” He was the brightest of the angels.”

Lucifer is often conflated with  Satan, and also with Beelzebub,   but they are three separate entities. And in  Lucifer’s case, his name sets him up as one of   the most interesting princes of hell, given the  power he had before his failed rebellion. This  

Failed rebellion gives another interpretation of  what his name means: “he who shuns the light.” The Book of Revelations tells the story of a  battle fought in heaven between Michael and   his angels against the rebel future-demons  and their angels. The leader of the rebels  

Was Lucifer himself. Lucifer was fed  up with the state of the universe. He   saw himself as superior to humankind and  couldn’t understand God’s love for them.   So he convinced a third of the angels to side  with him and rise up against the rule of God.

The war lasted for years. Lucifer turned  himself into a dragon. Fellow demons   Leviathan and Behemoth showed up to help, but  in the end, Lucifer lost the fight and was cast   out. This is where there are several versions  of the story. It’s possible that Lucifer’s  

Rebellion continued after his exile. Perhaps,  knowing how much God loved his humans, it was   Lucifer who corrupted Adam and Eve to stick it  to God out of pride — his deadly sin — and envy. There’s a lot of overlap between historical  accounts of witches and warlocks and the  

Power of demons. Binsfeld himself was a notorious  witch hunter who used confessions obtained through   torture to build out his seven princes of hell.  That being the case, it makes sense that outbreaks   of witchcraft, if you will, are often attributed  to the intervention of a demon or evil entity.

According to Puritan Cotton Mather in Of Beelzebub  and His Plot, Beelzebub was behind the witchcraft   in his backyard. Mather was a prominent figure  in the notorious Salem witch trials. And it’s   interesting that he chose to write about Beelzebub  out of all the other princes of hell. It could  

Be a conflation of the devil and his various  monikers, but throughout history, specific demons   are chosen for specific instances that back up  Binsfeld’s demonic descriptions. For instance, in   the Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and  Cultures by Theresa Bane, Beelzebub is linked to  

Divination and possession, traits that Mather and  his contemporaries piled on the accused witches. On top of that, in Arabic, Beelzebub  means “the patron god of witches.” Beelzebub is often conflated with Satan and  Lucifer, along with the more generic “devil,”   but Binsfeld identified unique characteristics in  each. For instance, Beelzebub has a very specific  

Connection to flies. Flies tend to show up  at demonic events — they were out in force   at the Amityville horror house, for example.  Beelzebub is the demon most often hailed as   the “Lord of the Flies.” So much so that he’s  often depicted as a giant fly himself, though  

There are variations on his appearance including  horns, tails, goose feet, and other delights. However, it’s the connection to flies that  separates Beelzebub from his contemporaries.   According to the Infernal Dictionary, he  has complete power over flies on earth  

And uses them to ruin harvests. And he’s  also the leader of the Order of the Flies,   a specific entourage in hell made up of  all Beelzebub’s lieutenants and underlings. And there’s a third reason he’s known as  the Lord of Flies. Beelzebub, himself, was  

Capable of flying. In fact, his title is sometimes  translated as “Lord of Fliers” for that reason. In what has to be one of the strangest tidbits  surrounding a Prince of Hell, the patron prince of   sloth, Belphegor, has a curious preference when it  comes to sacrifices. According to various demonic  

Grimoires, Belphegor accepts human excrement as  an offering. According to the Infernal Dictionary, “One renders homage to him  on a toilet and […] offers   him the ignoble residue of ones’ digestion.” Or, as the Encyclopedia of Demons puts it, “Belphegor accepts offerings of excrement.” Mm. Mm mm mm.”

What this has to do with his status as  the nefarious figurehead of sloth is a   bit befuddling, but it explains his  frequent representation on a toilet   himself. One such illustration appears  in the Infernal Dictionary, but there are   memes galore depicting the goat-horned  deity in deep contemplation on the can.

While Belphegor was assigned to the sin of sloth,  his abilities actually go much deeper. He was   inventive enough to create devices to do his work,  and even tricked humans into doing his work then   claimed credit for himself. So, in a sense,  sloth gave way to ingenuity. He’s slippery,  

Too. Belphegor’s able to take whatever form  is most beneficial for him in the moment. That meant that Belphegor could appear as anything  from a young girl to a giant phallus — whatever   was necessary to get the job done. When we trace  Belphegor back to his origins as Baal-Peor,  

He was both a sun god and a moon goddess  to the Moabites who worshiped him. Again,   whatever got people to do what he  wanted. Call him a crowd pleaser. Leviathan is the figurehead of envy.  While Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan,   and the like are often conflated, Leviathan  has always been a separate creature who was,  

Quite literally, a monster. More specifically,  a monster of the sea. In the Bible, Leviathan   is the female counterpart to Behemoth, the  male beast on land. If you want specifics,   Leviathan is described in the  Encyclopedia of Demons as: “a monstrous female sea creature  three hundred miles long with  

Eyes glowing as brightly as twin suns.” Although she isn’t named, Leviathan makes an  appearance in Revelations 12:3, when a great   red dragon with seven heads emerges from the  sea. According to Howard Wallace’s article,   “Leviathan and the Beast in Revelation,” this  is the sea monstress fighting the war between  

Good and evil, since Leviathan  was known to have seven heads. Since Leviathan was a sea monster, it makes  sense that the rulers of hell found a use for   her monstrous size — as the gates of hell itself.  Along with swallowing all those guilty of envy,  

Leviathan’s gullet also served as the  general entry point into eternal damnation. This concept arises through Anglo-Saxon  art depicting the fires of hell spewing   forth from a massive mouth.  In the artistic renditions,   and as a concept dating back to the middle  ages, this maw is known as “hellmouth.”

The hellmouth motif can be seen in  various works of Renaissance art,   for instance “The Last Judgment” by Giacomo  Rossignolo, as well as a slew of other examples. Asmodeus is the prince that presides over the  sin of lust. There are many interpretations  

And variations of this dark prince, but  most agree that he looked terrifying. You may think the prince of lust would be sexier,  or, if nothing else, human-like. But Asmodeus is   a three-headed creature. The first head is a  bull, the second is a ram or sheep, and the  

Third is a fire-breathing man. Infernal Dictionary  also adds that he has the foot of a goose and,   because apparently all that isn’t enough already,  he rides a dragon and carries a lance with a flag. Pick and choose which physical traits  from which compendium, you’ve still  

Got a monstrous visage that is understandably  feared throughout his appearances in the Talmud. The Talmud offers one of the best  stories about a prince of hell,   and it occurs in the book of Tobit. As the story  goes, King Solomon asked God for wisdom. Then he  

Made a stupendously unwise decision. Solomon  needed guidance about building the temple,   so he took a rabbi’s advice and bound some  demons to find the instructions given by God. There are multiple versions of this story. In one,  the demon is helpful and friendly. In another,  

The demon is used to build the temple. And in  the third, he deposes Solomon and takes his   place on the throne. In this version, Solomon  unbound the demon as a sort of challenge,   at which point Asmodeus literally punted Solomon  across the world. This left the unwise ex-king  

With the task of retaking his throne, which  — spoiler alert — he does in the end. Still,   for a while there, the temple  was ruled by a prince of hell. It may not seem like a prince of hell thing  to fall in love, but if ever one was going to,  

Surely it would be the prince of  lust, the three-headed Asmodeus. “My dream is of eternity with you.” According to the book of Tobit, Asmodeus  fell in love with a woman named Sarah,   but given that he was a horrid three-headed  demon, he watched from afar, only coming  

Close enough to kill her would-be husband every  time she attempted to marry an actual human man. This happened seven times. Then Sarah met  a man named Tobias and, ever optimistic,   planned to marry for the eighth time. And this  time, with the help of the Archangel Raphael,  

Tobias defeated Asmodeus with a fish heart and  a liver placed over burning coals. Apparently,   Asmodeus couldn’t stand the smell  and fled the scene in horror. While nothing explicitly says that Jesus  had a specific rivalry with Mammon,   it was the Christian Messiah who mentioned  this particular prince by name in Matthew 6:24:

“You cannot serve both God and Mammon.” “You can’t serve God and Mammon  both. Mammon being money.” The simplest interpretation is  that Mammon is the figurehead   of greed. There are countless references  to Mammon in conjunction with capitalism,  

Including links to the British empire and whether  or not it was in service of Mammon. Of course,   this would refer to the figurative Mammon,  being the face of greed and empire,   but the usage of the specific demonic entity  can be seen in the Infernal Dictionary,  

Which states how Mammon taught humanity to  “wrest away” the treasures of the earth. Satan is by far the most common of the seven  princes of Hell to be associated with the   devil in general, but Binsfeld sorted him as the  patron prince of the deadly sin of wrath. He was  

Supposedly the primary opponent of Jesus  in the battle for humanity, but Satan was   so prevalent in the realm of man that his name  became a common noun. In the Hebrew scripture,   there was a difference between the Satan  and a satan. The latter referred to a human  

Adversary or obstacle, while the former  was the actual prince of Hell himself. According to The Devil Made David Do  It… or ‘Did’ He? by Ryan E. Stokes,   early Hebrew writings didn’t necessarily subscribe  to a belief in malevolent beings such as demons,  

Let alone the seven princes. So when  it came time to reprint the Bible,   they used satan as a general term. The word  often took on supernatural connotations,   but the Bible doesn’t commit to  Satan being a specific entity. Elaine Pagels digs even deeper  in The Social History of Satan,  

The “Intimate Enemy”: A Preliminary  Sketch, highlighting how, at the time,   Jews didn’t believe that a satan operated  on his own volition, and that all of these   supernatural beings were of Godly nature  and therefore working according to his will.

#Disturbing #Truth #Princes #Hell

Satan’s LOCATION Exposed! // Fallen Angels, Nephilim & Demons Explored in Detail

In popular culture We’ve all seen countless images of the Satan and usually we see him ruling the fires of hell from the underworld We see pitchforks and horns But what is the Bible actually say about the Satan?

What does it say about his location and his tactics? What does it say about his crew the Fallen Angels and the demonic entities? Well, it’s time to explore in detail what the Bible says about all of this and more Stay tuned

Whenever one decides to grow in their knowledge of God, one of the first things we have to do is Read the Bible for ourselves You see we all have been bombarded with inaccurate and fanciful ideas when it comes to spiritual concepts For instance many of us grew up with this idea that God

Is some giant with a long beard who sits on a cloud somewhere and Such ideas make it harder to believe in God but when you actually read the Bible for yourself, we see that it says God is spirit Which is actually a very practical

Concept many of us grew up with the idea that Satan is a red horned figure who lives underground But when you read the Bible, we are shown what and where? Satan really is And when you get deep into it again, you will find a very practical concept Now

Many of you have seen our previous episode which tells the story of this gangster who goes to hell and In that presentation it shows this image of Satan with horns, and it seems as if he is the ruler of hell

And so here I just want to make the point that the imagery there is not to be taken literally as how Satan actually works because this portion of that episode is Symbolic to show how Satan is largely responsible for those who end up in Hell

So in that episode the images are mostly figurative and often symbolic however in our most recent episode Where we expose one of Satan’s lies the imagery there Can be taken as more likely how Satan works and where he is

So is Satan ruling hell from under the ground well, let’s just jump right into what the Bible says So here Ephesians 6:12 Paul is writing to the effusion church and look what he says about Satan and the forces of darkness

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities the cosmic powers over this present darkness Against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places So here Paul and he’s writing to believers he says we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood meaning humans

He’s saying that our main enemy Satan is rare in the heavenly places We wrestle against the authorities the cosmic powers who ruled the kingdom of darkness the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places Now when we look at the Greek word for heavenly places here score tools

We end up finding the Greek word heavenly places and that is the Greek word at peroneus an Immigrant is is often used to translate the heavenly in heaven Celestial basically something that is existing in the heavens. And so let’s go a little bit deeper than that

By clicking here to see how heaven in the Bible is described and the Greek word of course there shows that heaven in the New Testament refers to what in The air the heavens really in the skies The universe the aerial skies or the universe. So here we see that Paul identifies

The location of Satan the forces of darkness the Satan am not underground Ruling but actually ruling we’re in the heavenly places, which we have just seen in the Greek refers to the universe the skies the airs Basically above us not below and if you study and research the ancient Israelite tradition

You’ll find numerous writings that – the Satan and the forces of darkness existing in the heavens or in the celestial regions in fact according to Israelite tradition there was once a time when Satan and the angels who he convinced to turn against God were banished from God’s presence

And when those rogue angels left the high heaven where God was They weren’t immediately thrown into hell No, they were actually allowed to roam around the universe to roam around the heavens with Satan Interestingly the book of Jude in the New Testament

Actually quotes from an ancient Israelite document. That was well known around the time of Jesus the Book of Enoch Many of you are well familiar with the Book of Enoch And so I’m sure you probably know that most Christian scholars don’t really view it as Scripture

But do recognize it as an ancient Israelite historical document that highlights what many ancient Israelites believed and In the Book of Enoch, there are quite a few interesting narratives They’re one of those narratives tells the story of how many years ago long long time ago

The group of angels who chose to side with Satan Committed a great sin These fallen angels were known as the Watchers and one thing that they watched were How pretty women were on earth in fact some of these Watchers or fallen angels? Decided to marry and even mate with human women

Which was a great great sin in the eyes of God and according to this narrative Whenever an angelic being and a human mate and produce a child the result will be a Nephilim What is a Nephilim a creature that was never supposed to exist a

Diabolical integration of the angelic with human flesh a walking abomination Now this could all just be a great story and very creative however Genesis 6 Says this look what it says in Genesis chapter 6 it shows us one of the main reasons why God sent the flood upon the earth

So here says that when human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God saw That the daughters of humans Were beautiful and they married any of them as they chose

Then the Lord said my spirit would not contend or would not remain in humans forever for they are mortal in their days would be 120 years The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God

Went to the daughters of humans and had children by them and They were the heroes of old men ever known So here we see in this story is talking about what happened, right? Leading up to the flood and it’s showing that the sons of God here

Saw the daughters of human beings and they were attracted to them and they decided to marry them and they had children by the daughters of humans and the product of that were these Nephilim and then here says that they were

The heroes who was it referring to most scholars would say that this is referring to the Nephilim back in those days were the heroes They were great great creatures of strength You see in verse 6 it says that this really disturbed God and it says that the Lord

Regretted that he had even made human beings on the earth His heart was deeply troubled but we know that God Did find favor with Noah and his family and so therefore Noah and his family were saved and the ark God then sent the flood and

Basically wiped out all of humanity and these Nephilim creatures Which in his eyes were just a huge abomination. They were never ever supposed to exist So ultimately we see here that one of the reasons why the flood came is because the sons of God impregnated humans and produced these hybrid Nephilim creatures

Now just like any biblical passage, there’s always going to be various interpretations Some scholars say that the sons of God here may refer to a different race of humans however, it seems that the majority of modern scholars and more importantly ancient scholars view the sons of God here as referring to angelic beings

Why is that? Well remember the story of Job? Job was a righteous, man and He had favor with God and so Satan wanted to test job’s faith and harm him But in order for Satan to do that, he had to first ask God for permission

Look at how it reads job 1:6 it says that the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came with them So here in this scene we see that the angels they came before God and

Satan also came with them and then began to ask God if he could attack job so the interesting thing here is that these angelic beings are being referred to as the sons of God and so that’s one reason why some scholars would say that the sons of God in Genesis 6 refers to

Angelic spiritual beings and specifically in Genesis 6 the Fallen Angels who chose to follow Satan now again according to ancient Jewish literature found among the Dead Sea Scrolls such as the Book of Enoch the Fallen Angels who chose to impregnate human women were immediately

Punished by God and were chained and placed in prison in the darkest region of Hell for doing that and They were placed in a region of hell called Tartarus and so it’s quite an interesting narrative And so the question we have to ask ourselves is is there anything in the Bible that says?

That the angels who sinned with these women were chained up and placed in Tartarus Is there anything in the Bible that mentions that? Well, actually the Apostle Peter alludes to something similar in one of his letters Look at how it reads in

2nd Peter 2:4. So here Peter is talking about the judgment of God and and here he says regarding the angels He says God did not spare the Angels when they sinned but sent them to hell Putting them in chains of Darkness to be held For judgment, but said them to hell now

I always say that whenever you come across the word Hell in either the New Testament or the Old Testament because of modern translations you really have to Investigate the Greek and Hebrew word that was translated into the English word

Hell and one of the reasons is because the word hell is translated from many different words in the New Testament It’s translated from the word Hades Sometimes you’ll see the word hell translate it from the word Gehenna Sometimes it is translated from the word Totaro and these are three different things

And so we want to look here to see what is the greek word behind this translation of hell and to do so We’re just gonna go to tools’ here and we see that it says that if God did not spare the Angels when they sinned but cast them into hell and

The greek word used there is Tatar Oh, what is to taro the deepest abyss of hell to taro? refers to The deepest abyss of Hades of Hades in the Greek it is often referred to as the abode of the wicked dead and so

Being the deepest abyss of Hades we see that to taro is not just haiti’s it’s not just hell – taro is the darkest Probably the most painful region of hades, and that’s where the angels who sinned Were chained and sent to the greek word?

To Taurus hell therefore Judgment Day so pretty pretty scary stuff and So when it says that they were placed there to await Judgment Day in Chains some scholars note that perhaps the great sin that they committed was when they saw the daughters of humans and Married them and then produced these Nephilim and

So those who have a literal reading of the Genesis 6 account? Will likely say that yes Some of these fallen angels committed a sin that allow them to be placed in Chains of darkness until Judgment Day but

What about the other fallen angels who are not locked up in Tartarus? Where are they at? we know that Satan is not locked up yet because we know that he and his crew were still able to Approach God and ask God for permission to attack Jobe

Satan was seen in the heavens with the sons of God and that was after the Genesis 6 account so it seems as if Satan and his crew are still around Now one could say and some do say this one could say that perhaps when Jesus ascended to heaven

Satan was then locked away and Chained up at that point some have made that point and I understand that However, you still do have theologians who would counter that and argue that well even after Christ ascended The Apostle Paul still said that Satan and the powers of darkness are aware in heavenly places

And so seemingly even after the Ascension of Christ Paul is saying that we still war against cosmic powers and high places in the heavenlies that seems to indicate that Satan and his crew have not yet been locked up in Chains in the abyss

In fact, I just thought of something we know that during the thousand-year reign that’s when Satan is locked up into the abyss is likely that then he will be locked up into the same abyss that the Fallen Angels were locked into for sinning with women. Just thought of that

But anyways, so it seems that he is not locked up yet, right, so Is there anything else in the Bible that talks about if Satan is locked up yet or if he’s still out there roaming around well John in the book of Revelation he seems to indicate that

Satan and his fallen angels are roaming in the universe He seems to kind of indicate that and he kind of alludes to such an idea in Revelation 12 In the book of Revelation chapter 12 it describes a battle that will take place between the good and evil angels and in this battle

Satan will end up losing his place in heaven or in the universe and will eventually be thrown down to the earth Look at what it reads in? Revelation 12 7 then war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back

So here we see that Satan and his fallen angel crew Were strong enough to even fight Michael the Archangel and the good angels, but they were not strong enough Liquid it reads in the next verse But he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven

First not and then the great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads a whole world astray? He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him And as you read along here, you will see that after he is hurled to the earth

Then it talks about how the Antichrist will begin to rule with the help of Satan the Beast will then rise and so it’s very very interesting Passage here. Of course, that’s with our passages There are made different interpretations and scholarly opinions on it

Some people believe that this battle between the Angels of Light and the angels of darkness has already happened Some people believe it happened very recently But again, you do have scholars who say that it hasn’t happened yet

Because we’d see in the passage that after Satan is defeated in this battle against the angels of light and after Satan is thrown to the earth and loses his place in the heavenly realms that then the Anti Christ rises and so by that logic

I do understand how some can argue that it seems as if this battle is something that will happen in the near future right before the Anti Christ starts to rule and That might be a reason why it says that once Satan is thrown to the earth It says he is filled with fury

Because he knows his time is short And so this verse seems to indicate that the moment he is thrown down to the earth realm that that will be in the end times because as it says that his time is short and then soon after that we see the

Rising of the beast and the Antichrist and so what are your views on that? You know, do you see? Revelation 12 the angelic battle there as a future event, or maybe you see it as symbolic, you know So there there are many perspectives with that

But again, it does fit into the argument showing that Satan is not Underground the fallen angels are not underground. They are and always have been Roaming the heavens roaming the universe This makes things a little bit more serious because this means that we live in a world that is

Currently under the control of satanic forces and Angelic beings who are above us and if that is the case That gives us a huge clue into how Satan operates You see it is not Coincidence that we live in a world that looks at Satan as some type of preacher

Underground that’s what he wants us to believe that is part of the deception You see as long as we are Looking down We will fail to look up he doesn’t want us to look up because if we glanced towards the sky, what will we see? air the atmosphere

Well, why is that important oh it’s vitally important you see in the air what is traveling Radio waves television signals communication devices the entertainment networks every day Millions of invisible signals are traveling all around us the air and the Atmosphere is the highway of our technological world and who controls that highway?

Well, it’s like what the Bible says in Ephesians 2:1 and as for you you were dead in your transgressions and sins in which you used to live when you follow the ways of this world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air

The spirit who has not work and those who are disobedient Here clearly it shows that Satan is The ruler of the kingdom of the air and the King James Version says that Satan is the Prince of the power of the air My friends whoever controls the airwaves controls the radio waves

The TV signals the communication channels as long as Satan is above us it is easy And practical to understand why his influence is so strong in our world He is in control of the media And not only that but did you know that we now have technology that can transmit ideas

And emotions into individuals based upon the signals that we transmit to them through the air, so If we as humans have reached a point in our mechanical achievement that we can do such things How much more could Satan in his fallen angels with far more advanced technology do the same?

Now we clearly see how the Satan influences our world and so I would argue that even While he is in his remote Location he can still easily Remotely control much of what’s going on in our world? Now I know some of you have some ideas about

The type of technology that is now existing and possibly the type of technology that Satan may have his disposal So, you know, if you are one who has done extensive research on this, please share in the comments your findings as well now as you could imagine with any discussion of

Satan and fallen angels Existing and seemingly being able to roam around the universe this will inevitably bring up a big question an AOC Network is far from a conspiracy channel, but the question can’t really be avoided What about all of the identified sightings of objects that people? Report are they all fabricated?

Or is it possible that some of these? sightings are manifestations of fallen angels Alone in the universe UFO in the form of a bright light is seen descending over the Dome of the rock in Jerusalem The video is said to be taken over the weekend another video from a different angle Whoa, maaaah

Three more US senators received a classified briefing about UFOs at the Pentagon may have heard the pilots and other military personnel been reporting these these kinds of sightings for years a couple weeks ago the Department of Defense even released footage shot by a Navy Super Hornet pilot, Senator Mark Warner

Who is the vice chair of the Intelligence Committee said look, I think it’s important. He told us just this afternoon I think it’s important that the military is taking this more seriously now than they did in the past

So what are they taking seriously those videos you were talking about where these pilots were describing seeing these things up to? 30,000 feet in the air flying at extraordinary speeds hypersonic well over the speed of sound changing direction in the most astonishing ways and

Seemingly defying the laws of physics. I know you think that the government didn’t take the threat seriously enough So let me just ask you point-blank the question. Do you believe that that life from somewhere else while you ran this program? Came here visited it observed. I

Will tell you unequivocally that that through the observation scientific methodologies that were applied to to look at this phenomena that these Aircraft we’ll call them, aircraft are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the u.s Inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of

So I know you’re using your being clear, but I mean the answer is yes My personal I can’t speak on behalf of the government obviously, I’m not in the US government anymore My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we we may not be alone whatever that means

Now if we are going to talk about this We must first consider something very very important We must consider what exactly fallen angels are we know that fallen angels were at one point angelic beings who were on God’s side and scripture shows that angelic beings have a special type of body a

Spiritual body what is a spiritual body a Spiritual body is a type of body that cannot only exist in the physical world But can also interact with the spiritual world

We talked about this in the how you will look in heaven episode and in that episode we explored the scriptures that speak on how Jesus was resurrected in the spiritual body that one day we all will have and that same body is very similar to the type of bodies that

Angels have it’s a body that Can literally exist in two different realms at once? basically this type of body Could go through physical Objects and then become physical again when Jesus was resurrected he was able to do this at one point

He walked through a locked door and then occupied physical space again and Ate fish and he was not hindered by anything. He was not hindered by space or time. And so the spiritual body is incredible and so the question that we really have to ponder at this point is

Do fallen angels still have that? Spiritual body that angels possess or were they stripped of that body after they left God hmm something to think about Share in the comments what you think about that? I do think that you could make the argument That when those angels chose to leave God

Maybe they lost some of their power and beauty in fact There are many who argue that evil possess to them and that they changed somehow To something much more sinister And so yes, you could make that argument But I would still say that I lean towards fallen angels not just being spirits

But still having a spiritual body in some capacity and one reason for that leaning is because in Revelation 12 it says that they were in a battle with the holy angels They lost eventually but they were still able to put up a fight

And so that indicates that they still must have some type of a supernatural body to even be able to Go to war with God’s angels of light now What about demons often people do confuse fallen angels for demons? And that’s understandable I mean

We don’t really talk about this sort of thing in this level of detail in our churches very often Which is why we’re doing it now but actually fallen angels are very different from demons demons are only described in the Bible as evil spirits No, where are they shown to be physical creatures?

They are always described as spirits who really aren’t even that powerful in fact They are often always shown to be looking for someone to possess because they are just spirits who don’t really have power in fact

That’s why they are always trying to possess humans because they need a human body in order to function and Operate in the physical world again and so demons are they just spirits? They they can’t really manipulate physical things without a host

So they really aren’t that powerful and they definitely couldn’t fight with angels. They are just spirits. So Where do demons come from? Well again if you look into ancient Israelite theology the primary idea of where demons come from is the aftermath of the flood

Remember the the Nephilim well many scholars argue that it is likely that when the flood killed those Hybrid creatures their spirits are now. What roam the earth as demons and Of course There are many ancient Israelite writings and there see squirrel documents that refer to this

Such as the Book of Enoch the book of Jubilees and so, you know It gets pretty interesting and it is an important study because if demons are just the spirits of Nephilim We can see why if there are Unidentified objects above us. It is most likely that they aren’t demons

But actually fallen angels Because fallen angels have that angelic body and the angelic body is really described as an interdimensional type of existence for example if you had an interdimensional body you would not have to even travel at light speed to get to a far place in the universe if you had an

Interdimensional body you would be able to move in and out of dimensions and even through portals to traverse the universe and even beyond and So it’s really above our level of understanding I mean we are really talking highly advanced angelic stuff here

But nevertheless it is great to research and as always, you know, we are interested in your thoughts on this So please share in the comments. Do you think that it is likely that? these sightings are actually fallen angels making appearances and

Moving around to observe and to manipulate our world or do you think it’s something else, you know, so something to think about Now I know Someone out there is thinking wait a second. Wait a second Do you mean to tell me that there are evil beings out there flying around who may have?

Advanced technology and power and they are roaming above us. What’s to stop them from coming down and hurting me or doing something else Well good question, but you know what’s holding them back? The power of God Let’s back up for a second. You remember Jobe? he was a friend of God and

Satan and his fallen angels They wanted to hurt Jobe and even though they were more advanced than job They could not harm a hair on his head until Satan first asked God for permission That is HUGE This means that Satan does not have ultimate autonomy. He can’t just do what he wants

He can only do what God allows him to do And if God allows him to do something, it’s always for an infinitely wise purpose that goes beyond our present understanding Now a job was just a friend of God and the Satan had to ask for permission to harm him but you

You are a blood-bought child of God So listen when you understand who you are in Christ, you start to realize why a Fallen angel does not want to come to your house Listen some of you out there Need to start realizing that you have authority in Christ

First of all, you have power in the name of Jesus out of my house and stay away from my family And second of all God’s angels watch over you did you know that read X 1215 Hebrews 13:2 Matthew 18 10

You have angels who watch over you and when you use the name of Jesus They are dispatched You thought this video was just going to talk about fallen angels and Satan No, this episode is not only to expose their location, but also to expose their weakness

When you are a child of God, there is not a fallen angel There is not a demon there is nothing that can come against you Some of you have been in fear, some of you have been worried about the satanic world But my friend let it not be

If you feel that a demon or an evil spirit is around you if you know Jesus It’s time to use your authority and command it to leave Get out and go to hell in the name of Jesus if you know God and have a relationship

With God my friend. The last thing a demon should do is come in your direction They fear it Paul they fear Jesus and if you know God they will fear you too. And fallen angels Will they fear the name of Jesus as well? But you know what else fallen angels fear?

Being thrown into prison like the ones who sent back in Noah’s day were They fear being thrown to the deepest abyss of hell so even a fallen angel Would not want to mess with you because the last thing you do is a mess with a child of God So basically

When your dad is the king of the universe? You can not fear So I just wanted to wrap it up with that truth because I know that this has been an interesting topic

But the most important thing that I could say about fallen angels and demons and any of that is that you have power over them all with the name of Jesus and speaking of power You don’t want to miss the next episode because we’re going to be looking at the power of the first

Christians and Just like how the Holy Spirit used them. I Believe he’s going to use you Get ready god bless

#Satans #LOCATION #Exposed #Fallen #Angels #Nephilim #Demons #Explored #Detail

John Milton – 02

We come to the second lecture on Paradise  Lost Book one. We will begin with   Milton s grand style. We will see the features  of Milton s grand style and then discuss lines   195 to 798. Of course, with reference to certain  selected passages dealing with Satan s size,  

Heaven and Hell, Catalogue of Warriors,  Ecological strain, Building of pandemonium,   Preparation for the debate in the second book.  And then we will pay attention to specific poetic   devices, particularly Epic similes. Matthew Arnold uses the expression   grand style with reference to the use of  blank verse in Milton s Paradise Lost.  

He appreciated Milton for this achievement in  English poetry. But this achievement fell into   a controversy called Miltonic controversy, when  F R Lewis and T S Eliot attacked Milton s use   of language. However, we have spirited defense  of Miltonic style by C S Lewis, William Empson,  

Christopher Ricks and Stanley Fish. It  s a whole debate we have this book by   Christopher Ricks called Milton s Grand  Style to understand all kinds of debates   that have gone into this Miltonic controversy. According to Christopher Ricks,   there are certain features. One: rhythm or music  contributing the sound effects in the poem.  

The second one is syntax, sentence construction  following decorum demanding some long sentence   constructions, inversions according to Latin  style. This is different from the common language   that we use. The next one is metaphor, all  kinds of comparisons, extended comparisons,  

Embedded comparisons, lots of with lots of  allusions we have in Milton. That s a great source   of difficulty for us, and similarly, word play  or pun with words, play with words in different   ways. Milton may use words in different forms  with or archaic meanings or etymological sources  

Or he may play with different  words in different ways.   So, these contribute to Milton s grand  style. We have discussed his grand style   in the beginning so that as we discuss  the passages, we can pay attention to  

These features, rhythm, syntax, metaphor and word  play. And finally, when it comes to poetic devices   and epic similes, we can further reinforce  our understanding of grand style later.   Let s look at Satan’s size; Satan s body was a  monstrous size. How does Milton present the huge  

Body of Satan to us? Prone on the flood, extended long and large,   Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge As whom the fables are name of monstrous size,  

Titaniun, or Earth – born that war d on Jove, Briareos or Typhon. whom the den   By ancient Tarsus held or that sea-beast Leviathan, which God of all his works   Created hugest that swim th ocean-stream: Him haply slumb ring on the Norway foam  

The pilot of some small night- found d skiff, Deeming some island, oft, as seamen tell,   With fixed anchor in his scaly rind, Moors by his side under the lee, while night   Invests the sea, and wished morn delays. The body of Satan was so gigantic, so titanic  

Something like a titan, warring with  Jove. And the sea beast Leviathan is   also brought in such a huge beast, is so huge  that it it could be like an island for a sailor   to anchor his ship. Such is the shape of Satan. Very crucial passage for us to understand  

What is heaven and hell. Farewell happy fields   Where joy forever dwell: Hail horrors, hail Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell   Receive thy new Possessor: One who brings A mind not to be chang d by Place or Time.  

The mind is its own place and in it self Can make a heav n of Hell, a Hell of Heav n.   What matter where, if I be still the same, And what I should be, all but less than he  

Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least We shall be free; th Almighty hath not built   Here for his envy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure, and in my choice  

This is a height of arrogance from Satan. To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:   Better to reign in Hell, than serve in heav n. What is hell? The mind is its own place and  

In itself can make a heaven or  hell, a hell or of heaven.   He may be pushed down from paradise that is  heaven to hell but his mind doesn t change.   He will remain with that ambition to fight  with God to equal or to become superior to God  

And his chief philosophy is better to reign  in hell than serve in heaven. He doesn t   want to be a servant; he wants to be a master.  Master for, master for all things of the world,  

Supreme Being of the world. How can, how can  there be so many Gods with equal power?   Satan does not think about that. Satan I do not  care for God; I want to be better than, more than   God. This is a typical individualistic Protestant  philosophy, which has found excellent expression  

Through Milton s character called Satan. That s  why many critics have found that Milton is able   to express his own independent spirit and mind  through Satan much more than anything else.   Satan has a shield which is compared  to the moon in terms of size.  

His scarce had ceas d when the superior fiend   Was moving toward the shore; from the  burning lake his ponderous shield,   Ethereal timber, massy, large and round, Behind him cast; the broad circumference  

Hung on his shoulders like the moon, whose orb Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views   At ev ning from the top of Fesole, Or in Valdarno, to descry new lands,  

Rivers or mountains in her spotty globe. His spear – to equal which the tallest pine   Hewn on Norwegian hills, to be the mast Of some great ammiral, were but a wand.   Very interestingly Milton brings in the Tuscan  optic glass, the Tuscan artist that is Galileo.  

It seems that Milton had a chance to visit  Italy and at that time he also had the chance   to meet Galileo. Through that uptick, that is  telescope, Galileo used to see the sky, moon,   planets from that place called Fesole or Valdarno.  And this through this by seeing this here, Milton  

Compares the shield that Satan has to the size  of the moon, hung on his shoulders like the moon   and also, he has a spear which our poet  compares to a tall pine, the tallest pine,  

And also it s like a magic wand. We have a simile here in the form of locust.   As when the potent rod Of   Amram s soAmram s son, in Egypt s evil day, Wav d round the coast up called a pitchy cloud  

Of locusts warping on the eastern wind, That ov r the realm of impious Pharaoh hung   Like night, and darken d all the land of Nile: So numberless were those bad Angels seen  

Hovering on wing under the cope of Hell, Twixt upper, nether, and surrounding fires;   In this case, we have locusts, all these angels  were coming together like locusts in the sky,   like a cloud, in the night and  this is referred to in the form of  

Amram s son that is Moses. When Moses came  to Egypt and he wanted to cross Egypt to   Israel, he was given this kind of situation. We have a list of warriors. I have brought them   together in one slide without much description  these are the names, the warriors. He tells,  

Milton tells or request the muse, Say muse their  names then who first who last. The rhetorical   inputs are there: first, next, behind and  all that; Moloch, Chemos, Baalim, Ashtaroth,   Astoreth, Thammuz, Dagon, Osiris,  Isis, Orus, Belial. These are the  

Warriors. They have all negative qualities Gods  and Gods with different kinds of sins from human   sacrifice to lust, so many kinds of ills or  evils that is Gods do, these warriors do.   And these warriors are ready to fight with God and  all of them are ready, they are in place; Satan  

Views or looks at them and then takes  pride. His pride, Satan’s pride:   Distands with pride and,  hard ning in his strength,   Glories: for never, since created man, Met such embodied force as nam d with these,  

Could merit more than that small infantry. That is actual passage we have to look at,   but then how is that infantry great? We have  further connections through all historical   forces or armies described in other epics. So,  we, this kind of description to understand better,  

We need to refer to an annotated edition. All  kinds of battles that were fought in the past or   described in the past in various epics, Milton has  brought in here to show, Satan was ready to fight  

With God. We have to remember, again and again we  have to remember that, Satan is not exactly the   hero but there is a question about that. The, this  whole epic is presented from the vantage point of  

The defeated. God defeated Satan. So, we have a  perspective of this war from the defeated Satan.   We have strength and weakness  analysis in in Satan here.   But he who reigns Monarch in heav n till then as one secure  

Sat on his throne, upheld by world repute. Consent or custom, and his regal state   Put forth   full, but still his strength conceal d; Which tempted our attempt and wrought our fall.  

Henceforth is might we know and know our own, So as not either to provoke or dread   New or provok d or better part remains To work, in closed design, by fraud or guile  

What force effected not: that he no less At length from us may find who overcomes   By force had to overcome but half his foe. It appears that Satan could, could not have   revolted against God if he really understood, if  he had really understood the real strength of God.  

It was appearing like that he could overcome  God but he understood the real power of God   only when God used his power to push Satan and  all other devils down into hell. So now he has to  

Think about different ways, he knows the power of  God so he has to defeat God in different ways.   One of the aspects of this war  and army and all that is about   having lot of wealth, a lot of resources.  We have Mammon also here in this hell  

And there is something to do with  ecology; something very interesting in the   lines highlighted for you in the last  three lines here. Mammon is considered   to be the God of wealth or riches. Or cast a rampart. Mammon led them on,  

Mammon, the least erected Spirit that fell From heav n for ev n in heav   n his looks and thoughts Were always downward bent, admiring more   The riches of heaven’s pavement, trod n gold, Than aught divine or holy else enjoy d  

In vision beatific; by him first Men also and by his suggestion taught,   Ransack d the centre, and with the impious hands Rifl d the bowels of their mother Earth   For treasures better hid. Mammon, the God of riches,  

He was in heaven along with the Satan and  others but he was not happy with the celestial   riches. He was happy with the golden riches or  material riches which were found in below heaven.   So, his eyes were always down, when he came here.  Then along with others he ransacked the center of  

The earth. He rifled the bowels of the earth. He  explored and received or gathered more of wealth   from the Mother Earth. And this is the, this is  this has lot of meaning in the context of the  

Ecological damage that we are doing today. We are  exploring the earth for more and more wealth, for   ourselves forgetting the health of Mother Earth. We have this pandemonium. Pandemonium   is a word which Milton coined  and gave to English vocabulary;  

Demon from demon, where pandemonium is a place  where demons live. All demons live, that is hell.   Mulciber is the man who built this pandemonium.  Mulciber in Greek mythologies Hephaestus and in   Latin or Roman mythology is Vulcan. So here he is presented to us;  

Men call him Mulciber; and how he fell From heav n they fabl d thrown by angry Jove   Sheer o er the crystal battlements: from morn   To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve. A summer’s day, and with the setting sun  

Dropt from the zenith, like a falling star, Of Lemnos, th Aegean isle. Thus they relate,   Erring: for he with his rebellious rout For Fell long before; nor aught avail d him now   To have built in heav n high  tow rs; nor did he scape  

By all his engines, but was headlong sent With his industrious crew to build in Hell.   At pandemonium, the high capital Of Satan and his peers.   The capital, a straw-built  capital like that we have here in  

Pandemonium, that is, hell. In this hall the  devils will assemble to discuss their strategy.   We have a simile. Which, this is a common simile  used in other epics, bees coming together swarming   together: As bees   In spring-time, when the  sun with the Taurus rides,  

Pour Pour forth their populous  youth about the hive   In clusters; they among fresh dews and flowers Fly to and fro, or on the smoothed plank,   The suburb of their straw-built citadel New rubb d with balm, expatiate and confer  

Their state-affairs: So thick the aery crowds Swarm d were strait n d   till, the signal giv n, – Behold a wonder! – they but now who seem d   In bigness to surpass Earth s Giant sons   Now less than the smallest  dwarfs, in narrow room  

Throng numberless, like the Pygmean race Beyond the Indian mount or faery elves,   And it continues. Bees, like bees all of them  have come together and they are reduced in size,   the devils are reduced in size in smallest dwarfs.  And once they are called, once they are given the  

Instruction, they all move from the lake, burning  lake. They, first they move from the lake to the   nearby dry land and then the Pandemonium is built  there and then they enter this Pandemonium for   discussion. It s a wonderful site of their huge  size, size becoming small and small. And also,  

They become numberless. We don t know how many  angels, I mean devils are there. Huge numbers.   These are the closing lines of Book one. Thus incorporeal Spirits to smallest forms   Reduc d their shapes immense,  and were at at large,  

Though without numbers still, amidst the hall Of that infernal court. But far within,   And in their own dimensions like themselves. The great Seraphic lords and cherubim   In close recess and secret conclave sat, A thousand demi-gods on golden seats,  

Frequent and full. After a short silence then, And summons read, the great consult began.   The great consult began. What is that consult  is given to us in Book Two, the consultation   regarding how to fight with God. So, the,  these spirits, angels who turned into devils,  

Incorporeal spirits, spirits without  body, from huge size to small size,   in some from some numbers to numberless and they  have all come to this court, the assembly hall,   infernal, because this is hellish. And there is a  tautological expression in this and in their own  

Dimensions like themselves, there is no other  comparison. They are compared with themselves   and in their own dimensions like themselves.  What is this? We have no idea, this small size;   frequent and full alliteration the different  kinds of words that he uses, conclave,  

Secret place of meeting and consultation. As we saw in the previous lecture some thematic   contrast, all of them apply here, specifically  with reference to the lines 195 to 798. We can   see the comparison or the contrast between huge  size and small size, heaven on the one hand hell  

On the other hand, pride on the one hand humility  on the other, fraud and also force, appearance   and reality, particularly when it comes to the  real strength of, the real power of God, which   Satan and other devils understood after the fight,  after the impious civil war, not before that.  

Their own strengths and weaknesses they understand  and then they think about their own way of coping   with what to do next. There is a spirit up in  heaven and there is a material down in hell  

And we have this crowded or isolated people. All  of them are now crowded, frequent and full in this   infernal court. And one, on the one hand we  have corporeal huge size body and on the other   hand we have incorporeal spirits without  much body or without occupying space.  

So, this kind of thematic contrast we have  especially with reference to this good and evil,   design, the sign of design, the sign of design of  good and evil in hell in Pandemonium we have with   reference to Mulciber, Mammon and many other  devils, list of warriors we have in this.  

We have already looked at the some of the poetic  devices. So, we can quickly look at them; epic   similes we have in leviathan, shieldless moon,  locusts, bees. We have alliteration, just some   examples we have here: Heaved his head, stench and  smoke, sole, hail, horrors hail. Chiasmus we have;  

Greatest example of Chiasmus we can have in terms  of defining hell and heaven: The mind can make   its own hell or heaven, a heaven or hell, a hell  of heaven. We have transferred epithet in terms   of happy fields, his ponderous shield, shield,  ponderous thinking, it is Satan who thinks. So,  

It is attributed to the shield. We have these  epigrammatic sentences better to reign in hell   than serve in heaven, who overcomes by  force hath overcome but half his foe.   So, this using force to win an enemy is only half  the victory but this full victory probably Satan  

Implies through winning God by fraud. We have  the image of ransacking and rifling the earth,   Mother Earth for gold and other resources.  We have the simile in like that Pygmean race   and some other similes also we have. And then  lastly, we have this tautology and in their own  

Dimensions like themselves. There is no additional  meaning we have, it is circumlocution.   The poetic devices in terms of sound effects and  all that we have; it is unrhymed words but we have   noted some occasional rhymes; we have tend and  defend in 183 and 187; repair and despair in 188,  

191 nearby. And then we have pledge and edge in  274 and 276. And similarly, some kind of partial   rhyme we can see in anon, discern,  down in 325 to 327 lines.   We have the wide variety of caesuras and  enjambments the mind is its own place,  

And in itself Can make a heav n of  Hell, a Hell of heav n. The whole   poem uses iambic pentameter in unrhymed  form that s why it is called blank verse.   Here we have a different passage for us  to understand this iambic pentameter:  

With dread of death to fight or foul retreat, Nor wanting power to mitigate and swage   With solemn touches, troubled  thoughts, and chase   Anguish and doubt and fear and sorrow and pain From mortal to immortal minds.  

This and addition of and, polysyndeton you can  see, and this dread of death you can see in terms   of alliteration or flight or foul you can see,  it s a beautiful passage. And Matthew Arnold  

Says take any passage from Paradise Lost from  the poetry of Milton you can see grand style.   We have a number of conventions  for an epic poem. Here are some:   invocation to the muse, statement  of the theme, supernatural element,   heroic characters, descent to hell,  in medias res, list of warriors,  

Epic similes. We have seen all of them in our  first lecture and also in this second lecture.   We will pay attention to some specific epic  similes. Whale, that is, leviathan that is used   to refer to the size of Satan. Similarly, we saw  this shield size, the size of the shield used  

By Satan, the broad circumferences Hung on his  shoulders like the moon and further connected with   Galileo and other things. Locusts, numerous angels  that is, the devils actually, the innumerable   angels that is fallen angels groveling in the  lake of, of fire compared to a cloud of locusts.  

We also have bees the diminished shape of the  devils is presented to us in the shape of bees.   As bees In springtime, when the sun with Taurus rides.   Pour forth that populous youth above the hire In clusters  

That s why we have this frequent  and full crowded place.   In sum, we can see Milton s Paradise Lost as an  epic poem on the grand theme of the fall of man.   Book one of Paradise Lost describes  the background for the entire story.  

It introduces Satan, it introduces theme, it  introduces the preparation of Satan to fight   with God for taking revenge on him by fraud or  force. Most importantly this particular book   presents the mind of the fallen angels in hell and  their building of Pandemonium and their palace.  

Milton displays his astute scholarship in  language, literature, the Bible, philosophy,   different forms of government, etc.,  throughout the poem. Satan’s speeches,   as we have seen, may be examples of the freedom  of speech that Milton argued for in his life.  

There are any number of readings, critical  readings possible. There are many references you   can see on your own, these are some suggestive. We  can attempt religious reading or secular reading,   political reading or didactic reading that  is moral reading, psychological reading   or sociological reading even archaeological  and geographical mapping is possible to do;  

So much of information we have in Paradise Lost. We can also think of scientific approach to   the poem because it is a poem in the  context of growing, advancing science.   We have ecological interpretation, we hinted at  it in the context of Mammon and his attempt to  

Ransack the whole earth. We have feminist  readings of this poem, why do we have Eve   being treated in the way in which Milton  has? It is in the Bible of course.   Milton follows the Bible but then he also includes  his own perspectives on the Biblical theme.  

We have a quotation from William Blake who  admired Milton like nobody else did. Blake said,   The reason Milton wrote it in  fetters when he wrote of Angels   and God, and at liberty when of  Devils and Hell, is because he  

Was a true poet and of the devil’s  party without knowing it.   When we read Shakespeare s Macbeth, we don  t feel bad about Macbeth for killing Duncan.   We sympathize with him and the same case happens  here when we find Satan fighting against God  

Tempting human beings to eat the fruit,  forbidden fruit, and making them lose   paradise. He does all evil things but  then Milton by his poetic language,   by his imaginative effort or endeavor,  enables us to sympathize with Satan himself.  

Finally, we have a summary here. We began this  lecture with Milton s grand style focusing on   sound effects, rhythm and music, syntax, metaphor  and word play. We have seen some examples   of all these characteristics in this poem.  We have discussed some selected passages  

From line number 195 to 798 focusing on Satan  s size, heaven and hell, catalogue of warriors,   ecological strain, building of Pandemonium  and preparation for the debate.   Our analysis of this rhyme, rhythm,  poetic devices, epic similes, all tell us  

About the greatness of Milton s poetry  written in grand style, Miltonic grand style.   We have some references which will help you  further to understand this poem much more.   These are the references. Allusion as a Mode of  Thinking in Paradise Lost is very interesting  

To see. How Milton deliberate, deliberately  suppressed the name of Prometheus, Milton Milton   s Satan is like Prometheus. Prometheus brought  fire from heaven to the earth for human beings and   similarly Satan enabled human beings to eat that  fruit, forbidden fruit and get that knowledge,  

Wisdom or knowledge of the difference between good  and evil or innocence and experience. So that kind   of understanding you can have better from in  a study of Allusion as a Mode of Thinking in   Paradise Lost and many you have; multiple sources,  just a few we have mentioned. Thank you.

#John #Milton

The Demons Of King Solomon: Testament of Solomon Complete Unabridged Series

It is often said that many texts were not included as the bible was translated from its original language to a common language, or were intentionally removed in the course of the numerous translations over the centuries and years.

One of these texts is the Testament of Solomon, which tells of Solomon, son of David, who was king in Jerusalem, and mastered and controlled all spirits of the air, on the earth, and under the earth. By the help of these spirits he built the magnificent temple and all its transcendent works.

It tells of the authorities these spirits wield against men, and by what angels they are made powerless. Let us begin. Behold, when the Temple of the city of Jerusalem was being built, and the workmen were all busy, a demon called Ornias came among them toward sunset he took away half of the pay

Of the master workman’s little boy, as well as half his food. Everyday Ornias sucked the thumb of the child’s right hand, and every day, the child grew thin, although he was very much loved by the king. Thus, King Solomon called the boy one day, and questioned him, saying: “Do I not love

You more than all the artisans who are working in the Temple of God? Do I not give you double wages and a double supply of food? How is it that day by day and hour by hour you grow thinner?” The child said to the king: “I pray you, O king.

Listen to what has befallen all that your child has. After we are all released from our work on the Temple of God, after sunset, when I lie down to rest, one of the evil demons comes and takes away from me one half of my pay and one half of my food.

Then he also takes hold of my right hand and sucks my thumb. And lo, my soul is oppressed, and so my body waxes thinner every day.” When Solomon heard this, he entered the temple of God, and prayed with all his soul, night

And day, that the demon might be delivered into his hands, and that he might gain authority over him. And it came to pass that grace was given to him from the Lord God, by Michael his archangel. Michael brought him a little ring, having a seal consisting of an engraved stone, and

Said to him, “Take, O Solomon, king, son of David, the gift which the Lord God has sent you, the highest Sabaoth. With it you shall lock up all demons of the earth, male and female; and with their help you shall build up Jerusalem. But you must wear this seal of God.

And this engraving of the seal of the ring sent thee is a Pentalpha. Solomon glorified the God of heaven and earth, And on the next day, he called the boy, and gave him the ring, and said to him: “take this, and at the hour in which the demon shall

Come unto you, throw this ring at the chest of the demon, and say to him: ‘In the name of God, Come! King Solomon summons you! And then do come running to me child, without any fear of what you may here from the demon.”

So the child took the ring, and went off; and behold, at the customary hour, Ornias, the fierce demon, came like a burning fire to take the pay from the child. But the child according to the instructions received from the king, threw the ring at

The chest of the demon, and said: “King Solomon calls you.” And then he went off at a run to the king. But the demon cried out aloud, saying: “Child, why have you done this to me? Take the ring off me, and I will give to you the gold of the earth.

Only take this ring off me and give it back to Solomon. But the child said to the demon: “As the Lord God of Israel liveth, I will not stand you anymore. So come now.” And the child came at a run, rejoicing, to the king, and said: “I have brought the demon,

O king, as thou did command me, O my master. And behold, he stands before the gates of the court of your palace, crying out, and supplicating with a loud voice; offering me the silver and gold of the earth if I would not deliver him to you.”

And when Solomon heard this, he rose up from his throne, and went outside into the vestibule of the court of his palace; and there he saw the demon, shuddering and trembling. And he said to him: “Who art you?” And the demon answered: “I am called Ornias.”

And Solomon said to him: “Tell me, O demon, to what zodiacal sign you are subject.” And the demon answered: “To the Aquarius. And those who are consumed with desire for the noble virgins upon earth, these I strangle. While in a trance, I am changed into three forms.

Whenever men come to be enamoured of women, I metamorphose myself into a comely female; and I take hold of the men in their sleep, and play with them. And after a while I again take to my wings, and fly to the heavenly regions.

I also appear as a lion, and I am commanded by all the demons. I am the offspring of the archangel Ouriel, the power of God.” Having heard the name of the archangel, Solomon glorified God, and sealed the demon and set

Him to work at stone-cutting, so that he might cut the stones in the Temple, which, lying along the shore, had been brought by the Sea of Arabia. But the demon, fearful of the iron, continued and said to him: “I pray you, King Solomon,

Let me go free; and I will bring you all the demons.” He was not willing to be subject to Solomon, so Solomon prayed to the archangel Ouriel for succour, and lo! he saw the archangel Uriel coming down to me from the heavens.

The angel bade the monsters of the sea out of the abyss. In the book of Ezra, male sea monsters are named Behemoth, and the female are named Leviathan. The archangel cast his destiny to the ground, the destiny which made the great demon subject

To him, and he commanded the great demon and bold Ornias, to cut stones at the Temple, and to bring to completion the construction of the Temple. Solomon glorified God, and called forth Ornias, and gave him the seal, saying: “Away with thee, and bring to me the prince of all the demons.”

So Ornias took the finger-ring, and went off to Beelzeboul, who has kingship over the demons. He said to him: “Come! Solomon calls you.” So Ornias took the finger-ring, and went off to Beelzeboul, who has kingship over the demons. He said to him: “Come! Solomon calls thee.”

But Beelzeboul, having heard him, said to him: “Tell me, who is this Solomon of whom you speak to me?” Then Ornias threw the ring at the chest of Beelzeboul, saying: “Solomon the king calls thee.” Beelzeboul cried aloud with a mighty voice, and shot out a great burning flame of fire;

And he arose, and followed Ornias, and came to Solomon. When Solomon saw the prince of demons, he praised the Lord God, saying: “Blessed are you, Lord God Almighty, who has given to Solomon your servant, wisdom, the assessor of the wise, and has subjected unto me all the power of he devil.”

Then he questioned Beelzeboul, and said: “Who art thou?” The demon replied: “I am Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons. Solomon demanded that without interruption, the chief of the demons seat close to him, and explain the manifestations of the demons.

And Beelzebub sat next to the king, and promised to bring him all the spirits under his rule. solomon asked of the demon if there were any females among them. And when he told me that there were, the king desired to see them.

So Beelzeboul went off at high speed, and brought unto him a female demon called Onoskelis, who had a very pretty shape, and skin so fair, but her legs were those of a mule, and she tossed her head from time to time. The name Onoskelis means she who has ass legs.

As she stood before the throne, Solomon said to her: “Tell me who are you?” And he said to him: “I am called Onoskelis, a spirit which has been made into a body, and lurks upon the earth, There is a golden cave where I lie, But my most frequent dwelling-places

Are the precipices, caves, and ravines. I have a many sided character, and I pervert men from their true natures. I creep up from nature into the arms of men and strangle them with a noose. But sometimes I do consort with them in the semblance of a woman, especially with those

Of a darker skin. They who share my star with me, they who privately or openly worship my star, know not that they harm themselves, and fuel my appetite for further mischief. They wish to obtain money by the worship and commemoration of me, however, I supply a little to those who worship me fairly.”

Solomon questioned her about her birth, and she replied: “I was born of an untimely voice, born from an echo of the utterance of a man, made in the woods. This spirit is similar to the hebrew spirit and daughter of the voice named Bath kol, as well as the Greek spirit named Echo.

Solomon said to her: “Under what star do you pass?” And she answered him: “Under the star of the full moon, for the reason that the moon travels over most things.” Then he said to her: “And what angel is it that frustrates you?”

And she said to him: “It is he that lives in you.”  By this, she probably meant the spirit of god in Solomon, but Solomon thought that she mocked him, and had his soldier strike her. Onoskelis cried aloud, and said: “I am subject to you, O king, by the wisdom of God given

To you, and by the angel Joel.” So Solomon commanded her to spin the hemp for the ropes used in the building of the house of God; and accordingly, when he had sealed and bound her, she was overcome and made powerless and to do nothing night and day spinning the hemp.

After he had dealt with the succubus onoskelis, Solomon at once bade another demon to be led unto him; and instantly there approached him a spirit, intimidating and menacing, but he was bound, this was the demon Asmodeus. And the king asked him: “Who are you?”

But Asmodeus shot him a glance of anger and rage, saying: “And who are you? And Solomon said to him: “You are subject to me and to be punished by me, you must answer me”  But the demon, with rage, said to him: “How shall I answer to you, you who are born

Of a man, whereas I was born of an angel’s seed by a daughter of man.” No word of our heavenly kind addressed to you earth-born can be too offensive and arrogant.  Behold, my star shines bright in heaven, men call it the Great Bear, some call it the

Dragon’s child, and I keep near unto this star. So ask me not many things; for your kingdom after a little time, will fall, and your glory is but for a season, and short will be your tyranny over us; and then we shall again have

Free range over mankind, so as that they shall revere us as if we were gods, and being men that they are, they shall not know the names of the angels set higher above our kind.” And Solomon, on hearing this, bound Asmodeus more carefully, and ordered him to be flogged

With the whip of ox-hide, and to tell him humbly what was his name and what was his business. And the demon answered him thus: “I am called Asmodeus among mortals, and my business is to plot against the newly wedded, so that they may not know one another, and I sever

Them utterly by many calamities. I waste away the beauty of virgin women, and estrange their hearts.” And Solomon said to him: “Is this your only business?” And the demon answered him: “I tempt men into fits of desire and madness over other women,

When they already have wives of their own, so that they leave them, and go off by night and day, to women who belong to other men; so that they fall into sin and commit murderous deeds. Solomon listened in awe to this demon, this was the same act for which his father – David

Committed murder. He appealed to the demon by the name of the Lord Sabaôth, saying: “Fear God, Asmodeus, and tell me by what angel you are frustrated.” And Asmodeus said: “By Raphael, the archangel who stands before the throne of God.

But the liver and gall of a fish also put me to flight, when smoked over ashes of the tamarisk.  Solomon again asked him: “Hide nothing from me, For I am Solomon, son of David, King of Israel. Tell me the name of the fish which you fear.”

And the demon answered: “It is the Glanos, by name, and is found in the rivers of Assyria. It is why I merely roam about in those parts. And Solomon said to him: “Have you nothing else about you, Asmodeus?”

And he answered: “The power of God which has bound me with the indissoluble bonds of  your seal, knows that whatever I have told you is true. I pray you, King Solomon, condemn me not to go into water.”

Solomon smiled, and said to him: “As the Lord God of my fathers liveth, I will lay iron on you to wear. But you shall also make the clay for the entire construction of the Temple, treading it down with your mighty feet.”

And the king ordered his men to give him ten water-jars to carry water in. And the demon groaned terribly, and did the work he was ordered to do. As an act of caution, Solomon had the liver and gall of the Glanos fish hung on the spike

Of a reed and burned it over Asmodeus, because this demon was so strong, because this demon knew even the future. And this he did, to frustrate this demon’s unbearable malice. After Asmodeus had been bound, Solomon summoned again to stand before him, Beelzeboul, the prince of demons.

And he sat him down on a raised seat of honour, and said to him: “Why are you alone, O prince of the demons?” And the demon said to him: “Because I alone am left of the angels of heaven that came down, For I was an angel in the first heaven.

And now I control all those who are bound in Tartarus. But I too have a child, and he haunts the Red Sea. He is subject to me, and comes up to me on occasions and reveals to me what he has done, and I support him”.

Solomon said unto him: “Beelzeboul, what is your duty, what are your inclinations?” And the demon answered him: “I destroy kings. I ally myself with foreign tyrants. And my own demons I set on to men, so that they may believe in them and be lost.

The servants of God, the priests and faithful men, I rouse in them, desires for wicked sins, lawless deeds, and evil heresies. Fickle men that they are, they obey me, and are led to destruction. I fill men with envy, and the desire for murder, for wars, for sodomy, and other evil things.

Hear me now, I shall detroy the world.” So Solomon said to him: “Bring to me your child, who, as you say, is in the Red Sea.” But Beelzeboul said to him: “I will not bring him to you. But there shall come another demon, one of the wind, called Ephippas.

Him will I bind, and him will I bring up from the deep.”  And Solomon asked: “How is it that your son resides in the depth of the sea, and what is his name?”  “And the demon answered: “Do not ask me, for you cannot learn that from me.

He will come to you by command, and will tell you openly.” So Solomon said to him: “Tell me, in which star do you reside?” And the demon answered: “The one men call the Evening Star.” And Solomon again said to him: “Tell me by what angel you are frustrated.”

And the demon answered: “By the holy name of the Almighty God. If I be commanded by the great name of the power Eleéth, I disappear at once. Solomon was astounded when he heard this, and ordered him to saw up the Theban marbles.

When the other demons saw Beelzeboul, they cried out with a loud voice, howling because of their king.”  Solomon questioned him, saying: “If you would have the chance, would you tell about the things in heaven?” And Beelzeboul said: “Hear, O king, if you burn gum, incense, and sea-bulbs, with nard

And saffron, and light seven lamps during an earthquake, you shall firmly build your house. And being pure, if you light the 7 lamps at dawn when the sun rises, then you will see the heavenly dragons, how they wind themselves along, and drag the chariot of the sun.”

Having heard this, Solomon believed Beelzeboul was mocking him, and rebuked him, saying: “Be Silent this very moment, and continue to saw the marbles as I commanded you”. And by the divine power vested in him, the demon obeyed.

To the Jews, Beelzeboul is the same as Satan, as well as the Canaanite god Ba-al. Some say that Satan and Lucifer are the same, but many others believe they are not one, but are two separate beings, although they were both cast from heaven and rule over hell.

It is believed Satan is Baal-beelzebub, the cannanite lord of the flies and dung, while Lucifer is , well Lucifer, the morning star, the fallen seraphim. Having heard this, Solomon believed Beelzeboul was mocking him, and rebuked him, saying: “Be Silent this very moment, and continue to saw the marbles as I commanded you”.

And by the divine power vested in him, the demon obeyed. And Solomon commanded another demon to present himself. And a spirit appeared before him, with his face high up in the air, but the rest of him curled away like a snail.

The spirit broke through Solomon’s soldiers, and raised a terrible wind of dust on the ground, and carried it upwards, and threw it back on the people and their king, to frighten them. But Solomon stood up from his throne, and came forth, he spat in that spot on the ground

From where the dust was raised, and sealed that spot with the ring of God, and instantly, the wind of dust stopped. This is similar to the magic, some would prefer to call it miracle, that Jesus did in the

Book of John 9 verse 6, where Jesus spat on the ground, and made a clay of the sputum, and anointed the eyes of a blind man with the clay, and the man began to see. And mark 7 verse 33, where he spat and touched the tongue of a man whose speech was impaired,

And the man began to speak clearly. And so Solomon asked the wind demon, saying: “Who are you, O wind?” Then the demon once more shook up the dust, and answered: “What do you want, King Solomon?” Solomon said to him: “Tell me what you are called, and I would gladly ask you a question.”

And the demon answered: “I am Tephras, the spirit of the ashes.” And Solomon said to him: “What is your purpose?” And the demon answered: “I bring darkness upon men, I set fire to the fields; and I bring about broken homes and make them useless.

I am most busy in the summer, but whenever I get an opportunity, I creep into the corners of the wall, night and day, from where I wreck mischief. I am the offspring of the great one, and nothing less.” And Solomon said to him: “Under what star do you reside?”

And the spirit answered: “In the very tip of the moon’s horn, when it is found in the south. There is my star. I have the power to stop the convulsions of the terrible hemi tertian fever; and this

Is why many men pray to me when one is struck with this fever, and I heal them.” And Solomon said to him: “By whose aid do you cure this illness, and do you cause further harm?” And the demmon answered: “No harm is done, for it comes from the angel, by whose power

The fever fades on its third day. So Solomon questioned him saying: “By the power of which angel?” And he answered: “That of the archangel – Azael.” Calling upon the archangel Azael, some call him Azrael, Solomon set a seal on the demon,

Commanding him to carry the great stones, and toss them up to the workmen on the higher parts of the Temple. And by the archangel, the demon was compelled, and began to do as he was bade. After he had dealt with the wind demon Tephras, Solomon ordered another demon to come before him.

And there came seven female spirits, bound and woven together, fair in appearance and comely. And Solomon, seeing them, questioned them, saying: “Who are you?” And they, with one accord, said with one voice : “We are of the thirty-three elements of the cosmic ruler of the darkness.” The first said: “I am Deception.”

And the second said: “I am Strife.” The third: “I am Klothod, which means battle.” And the fourth said: “I am Jealousy.” The fifth said: “I am Power.” And The sixth said: “I am Error.” And the seventh said: “I am the worst of all, and our stars are in heaven.

Seven stars, blue and humble in splendour, and always together. We are called goddesses, and we live together. We change our abode, sometimes in Lydia, sometimes in Olympus, and sometimes in a great mountain.” These 7 spirits are said to be the same as the 7 Pleiades of Greek Mythology, the seven

Sisters who were companions of the moon goddess and huntress – Artemis, as well as the daughters of the great Titan – Atlas, and the sea nymph – Pleione. So Solomon questioned them one by one, beginning with the first, and going down to the seventh, saying: “What is your purpose?”

And the first said: “I am Deception. I deceive and weave snares here and there. I fuel and excite heresies. But I have an angel who frustrates me, It is Lamechalal.” Likewise, the second said: “I am Strife, the strife of strifes. I bring timbers, stones, hangers, and my weapons on the spot.

But I have an angel who frustrates me, It is Baruchiachel.” The third said: “I am Klothod, I am Battle, and I cause the well-behaved to scatter and fall foul one of the other. I have an angel that frustrates me,it is Marmarath.

And the fourth said: “I am jealousy, I cause men to forget their sobriety and moderation. I part them and split them into parties; for Strife follows me hand in hand. I separate the husband from the sharer of his bed, and children from parents, and brothers from sisters.

But why tell so much about my hatred? I have an angel that frustrates me, the great Balthial.” The fifth said: “I am Power. By power I raise up tyrants and tear down kings. To all rebels I give power. But I have an angel that frustrates me, it is Asteraôth.

And the sixth said: “I am Error, O King Solomon. And hear me now, I shall make you to err, as I have made you to err before, when I caused you to slay your own brother. I shall again lead you into error.

I teach men the art of Necromancy, so that they pry into graves. I lead errant souls away from all devotion to God Almighty, and many other evil traits are mine. But I have an angel that frustrates me, It is Uriel.

The incident this spirit of error spoke of, referred to Solomon’s elder brother, Adonijah, whom Solomon executed after he became king. It happened that at the death of the eldest sons of David, Amnon and Abaslom, Adonijah tried to proclaim himself king, for he was next in line for the throne.

But the prophet Nathan, warned David, through his wife Bathsheba, that it was the will of God that Solomon, the younger son, be made king, and as instructed, David proclaimed Solomon king. Adonijah was pardoned by Solomon who begged for mercy, but shortly into the future, Solomon

Would execute Adonijah over a very trivial matter, and the spirit of error claims it was she who made him react so strongly and unreasonably. And so the seventh spirit said: “I am the worst, and I shall make you worse off than you were; because I will impose the bonds of Artemis.

You shall set me free by the locust, for it is by that means that you shall fulfill my desire. If one were truly wise, he would not turn his steps towards me. By her statement, this spirit foretells that the time Solomon shall turn away from God

Was nigh, he shall build altars for foreign gods and worship them. He shall build an altar for the demon Moloch, and offer sacrifices of Locust to him. And It shall come to pass as the spirit foretold, Solomon would become far worse than he had ever been before.

Solomon wondered deeply at this revelation, and sealed them with the ring of God. But since they were so considerable and mellow in behaviour, Solomon only commanded them to dig the foundations of the Temple of God, which was 250 cubits in length.

He bade them to be industrious, and with one murmur of joint protest they began to perform the tasks as commanded. After the 7 sisters of darkness had been bound, Solomon bade another demon to come before him.

And there came a demon having the body and all the limbs of a man, but without a head. And Solomon, seeing him, said to him: “Tell me, who are you?” And he answered: “I am a demon.” So Solomon said to him: “Which are you?”

And he answered: “I am called Envy, For I delight to devour heads, being desirous to secure for myself a head. but I never eat enough, and as I stand before you, I desire to have such a head as yours. Solomon, on hearing this, stretched out his hand against the demon’s chest, and sealed

Him with the ring of God. The demon leapt up, and threw himself down, and gave a loud groan, saying: “I am doomed! where have I come to? O traitor Ornias, I cannot see!” So Solomon said to him: “I am Solomon.

Tell me then how it is you manage to see, when you are without a head.” And the demon answered: “By means of my feelings.” And Solomon asked him: “How do you manage to speak?” And he answered: “I, O King, am wholly voice, for I have inherited the voices of many.

In the case of all men who are called dumb, it is I who smashed their heads, when they were children and had reached their eighth day. When a child is crying in the night, I become a spirit, and move by the means of his voice.

Along the crossroads also do I pass, and whoever I encounter shall be harmed, For I grasp a man’s head with my hands, and with a sword, I cut it off, and put it on to myself. And through my neck, it is consumed by the fire which burns inside me.

I mutilate the dead in the graves, and inflict incurable sores on men’s feet”. And Solomon said to him: “Tell me how you emit the fire? Out of what sources do you emit it?” And the spirit said: “From the Day-star. For here has not yet been found that great demon Elburion, to whom

Men offer prayers and kindle lights. His true name is not known by men. He is invoked by the 7 sisters whom he greatly cherishes. Solomon said to him: “Tell me his name.” But the demon answered: “I cannot tell you, For if I tell his name, I render myself incurable.

He will come when he is called. And Solomon said to him: “Tell me then, by what angel you are frustrated?” And he answered: “By the fiery flash of lightning, and the angel Iax.” Not sure what to do with this headless eyeless demon, Solomon kept him in the custody of

Beelzebul until he summons the angel Iax. As Solomon was still contemplating on what to do with the demon, Envy, he ordered another demon to come before him, and there came into his presence an enormous hound, having a very large shape, and it spoke with a loud voice, saying, “Hail, Lord, King Solomon!”

Solomon was astounded. and said to it: “Who are you, O hound?” And it answered: “I do indeed seem to you to be a hound, but long before you were, O King Solomon, I was a man that wrought so many unholy deeds on earth.

I surpassed all in my vast knowledge of the letters, and was so mighty that I could hold the stars of heaven back, and many divine works did I create. I do harm to men who follow after our star, And I seize the frenzied men by the larynx, and so destroy them.”

Solomon said to him: “What is your name?” And he answered: “I am Rabdos”. And the king said to him: “What is your purpose? And what are the things you can do?” And the demon replied: ”Give me one of your men, and I will lead him away into a mountain,

And will show him a green precious stone tossed to and fro, with which you may adorn the temple of the Lord God.” Solomon, on hearing this, ordered his servant to set off with Rabdos, and to take the finger-ring

Bearing the seal of God with him, saying to the servant: “Whoever shall show you the green stone, seal him with this finger-ring, And mark the spot with care, then bring me the demon at once. The demon showed him a mine of the green stone, and as instructed, the servant marked the

Spot and sealed the demon, bringing him back to the king.  Having decided at last what to do with the demon Envy, as well as Rabdos the hound, that was so huge, Solomon, with his right hand, confined his seal on the two spirits.

He commanded the fiery envy to keep the lamps alight night and day, so that they cast their lights on the artisans at work in the temple, and bade the gigantic Rabdos to keep watch of Envy, and ensure he does not fail in his light bearing duties.

Then Solomon took from the mine of that stone, 200 shekels for the supports of the table of incense, and had his men construct an enclosure round the mine of that stone. This is where the legends of King Solomon’s mines came from.

Before he dismissed Rabdos the hound, Solomon asked him: “By what angel are you frustrated?” And the demon replied: “It is by the great Brieus.” And lead the fiery Envy to do the work they had been bidden. After the demon hound Rabdos had been bound, Solomon bade another demon to come forward;

And there came before him a spirit in the form of a mighty roaring lion. He stood before the king and said: “O king, in the form which I have, I am quite a spirit who cannot be perceived. I leap upon all men who lie prostrate with sickness, coming stealthily along.

I render the man weak, so that his body is enfeebled. But I am equally capable of glorious deeds, for I cast out demons, and I have under my control, many legions of spirits. I am well received by all those who I take possession of, along with all the demons belonging to my legion.

Solomon asked him: “What is your name?” And he answered: “I am the Lion-bearer, Rath.” And Solomon said to him: “How are you to be frustrated along with your legions? What angel is it that frustrates you?” And he answered: “If I tell you the name, I bind not only myself, but also the legions

Of demons under me.” So Solomon said to him: “I implore you in the name of the God Sabaoth, to tell me by what name you are frustrated along with your host.” And the spirit answered him, saying: “He is The ‘great among men,’ who is to come, and

Who is to suffer many things at the hands of men. His name is Emmanuel, it is he who has bound us, and who will then come and plunge us into the deep. By the name Emmanuel, the Lion-bearer refers to the son of God – Jesus Christ

Solomon condemned his legion to carry wood from the thicket. And condemned the great lion bearer himself to saw up the wood, with his powerful teeth, for the burning in the unquenchable furnace of the Temple of God. When the lion bearer had gone, Solomon bade another demon to come forward.

And there came before him a great dragon, terrifying and with three heads. And Solomon questioned him saying: “Who are you?” And the dragon answered: “I am a caltrop-like spirit, and as I have 3 heads, so are my activities of 3 kinds. I blind children in women’s wombs, and twirl their ears round.

And I make them deaf and dumb. And I smite men in the limbless part of the body, and cause them to fall down, and foam, and grind their teeth. But there is a way to frustrate me. That cavalry outside the walls of Jerusalem, appointed to guard that spot, is an angel

Of great counsel, who now openly dwells on the cross. It is he who frustrates me, and to him am I subject.” “O King Solomon, listen. In the place where you sit, stands a column in the air, of purple. The demon called Ephippas has brought it up from the Red Sea, from inner Arabia.

It is he that shall be shut up in a skin-bottle and brought before you. But at the entrance of the Temple, which you have begun to build, O King, lies a storage of much gold, which you can dig up and carry off.”

Solomon, on hearing this, sent his servants to dig into that spot, and they found the gold just as the demon told him. Solomon said to the dragon: “What are you called?” And he answered: “I am the crest of dragons.”

And Solomon sealed him with the ring and bade him to make bricks in the Temple, since he had hands. After he had sealed the crest of dragons, Solomon bade another demon to present himself. And there came before him a spirit in woman’s form, that had a head and half a body, but

Without any limbs, for they were invisible, and her hair was disheveled. And Solomon said to her: “Who are you?” But she answered: “Nay, who are you? And why do you want to hear concerning me? But as I stand bound before your face, if you would learn, Go then into your royal storehouse

And wash your hands. Then sit down afresh before your tribunal, and ask me questions; and you shall learn, O king, who I am.” And Solomon did as she told him, so that he might hear of her deeds and the extent of

Her powers, so that he might suppress them, and manifest them to men. He sat down, and said to the demon: “What are you?” And the demon said: “I am Obizuth as men call me, and I do not sleep nor tire.

By night, I go round over the world, and visit pregnant women who are due to give birth, divining the hour I take my stand.As the woman goes into labour and as she pushes forth the

Child, I go in for the child and make sure it does not live, for I strangle it to death. But if I am not lucky, I retire to another place, and look for the next child and the next.

I do not retire unsuccessful even for a single night, for I am a fierce spirit, known by many names and able to take on many forms. Indeed, Obizuth is a fierce demon, a very terrible one. Known as Abyzou in European myths, and as Hal in Persian myths, she is said to cause

Miscarriages and the death of new-borns, motivated by envy for what she could never have. She was once human and could not beget a child, for she was infertile. Some say she is the same as the Geek medusa, Medusa’s head turned into a demon, but this

Is likely not so, as they share no similarities, except that sometimes Obizuth appears with a head full of snakes, similar to a gorgon, but as she said, she is a spirit of many forms. And Solomon asked her, saying: “Where is your residence, Obizuth?”

And she answered: “Here and there do I roam, and like the sun, from the east to the west do I go my rounds. But as it is now, you have sealed me with the ring of God, yet you can do nothing.

I stand bound before you, but you will not be able to command me, For I have no work other than the destruction of children, the making their ears to be deaf, the working of evil to their eyes, the binding of their mouths and tongues with a bond so they shall

Not speak, the ruining of their minds, and the affliction of pain in their bodies. I can be of no other service.” When Solomon heard this, he again slowly beheld this demon and marveled at her appearance. Her lower body was no where to be seen, for it was hidden by the darkness, or perhaps

She had none. Her voice was clear, her eyes were bright and shiny, and her long but unkempt hair was tossed wildly like that of a dragon. And he said to her: “Tell me by what angel you are frustrated, O evil spirit?”

And the demon answered me: “By the angel of God called Afarôt, who is better known to men as Raphael. by him am I frustrated, now and for all time. If his name be written on a woman in childbirth, then I shall not be able to enter her and harm her child.

Having heard this, Solomon sealed Obizuth, and ordered her hair to be bound, and that she be hung up in front of the Temple of God; so that all the children of Israel, may see her as they passed, and glorify the Lord God of Israel, who had saved them from this evil,

By the authority, wisdom and power he had given to Solomon, their king. When the evil Obizuth had been dealt with, Solomon again ordered another demon to come before him. And rolling itself along, came a spirit in the appearance of a half man half dragon,

Having the face and hands of a man, as well as the body and limbs of a man, but its feet were those of a dragon; and it had dragon wings and tail on its back. And when the king beheld it, astonished, he said to it: “Who are you, demon, what are you called?

And from where have you come and what is your purpose? Tell me.” And the spirit answered and said: “This is the first time I have stood before you, O King Solomon. I am a spirit made into a god among men, but now brought to nothing by the ring and wisdom

Bestowed onto you by God. I am the so-called winged dragon, and although I pair with quite many women, only those of fair shape do I bed. I copulate with them in the form of a winged spirit, And she on whom I have leapt goes

Heavy with child, and that which is born of her becomes eros. But since such offspring cannot be carried by men, the woman in question breaks wind. Such is what I do. If you are not satisfied, then all the other demons nested within me, whom you have equally

Disturbed and bound, will tell you the whole truth. ‘And if you so wish, those composed of fire will burn up the logs which are to be collected by them for the building of the temple. As the demon said this, and to demonstrate, there went forth a spirit from his mouth,

And it consumed the wood of the frankincense-tree, and burned up all the logs which we had placed in the Temple of God. And seeing it, Solomon marvelled at what the spirit had done. He asked the dragon-shaped demon, saying: “Tell me, by what angel are you frustrated?”

And he answered: “By the great angel which has its seat in the second heaven, and which is known in Hebrew as Bazazeth. And accordingly, Solomon invoked his angel, and sealed the dragon-shaped demon, condemning him to saw up marbles for the building of the Temple of God.

After the man dragon had been bound, king Solomon commanded another demon to come before him. And there came before his face another spirit, in the form of a woman, but with 3 heads, one in the middle, and two other heads by the sides, each with hands.

This was the spirit Enepsigos, known in Greek Mythology as Hekate or Hecate, the shapeshifting goddess of witchcraft, Necromancy and of the night. And Solomon asked her, saying: “Tell me, who are you?” And she said to him: “I am Enêpsigos, known among men by a myriad of other names.”

And Solomon said to her: “By what angel are you frustrated?” But the spirit said to him: “What do you seek, why do you ask? I undergo changes, like the goddess I am called. I change into a shape and I change again into possession of another shape.

Therefore do not be desirous to know all that concerns me. But since you are before me for this much, hear me. My abode is in the moon, and for that reason I possess three forms. At times I am magically invoked by the wise as Kronos, At times, in connection with those

Who bring me down, I appear in any form of any shape and size. And other times, I come down in the form as you see me. but I am frustrated by the angel Rathanael, who sits in the third heaven. This then is why I speak to you.

Your temple over there cannot contain me.” But Solomon did the thing he always did. He prayed to his God, and invoked the angel whom Enépsigos spoke of, then he sealed her with a triple chain, fastening the chain beneath her with the seal. He bound her with unbreakable chains.

And When he had done this, Enepsigos calmly looked at him and prophesied, saying:”This is what you do to us, King Solomon, is this how you treat us? Harken unto me, after a time your kingdom shall be broken, and this Temple shall be riven asunder.

All of Jerusalem shall be undone and conquered by the King of the Persians and Medes and Chaldaeans. The vessels of this Temple, which you make, shall be put to the service and worship of the gods; and along with them, all the jars, in which you shut us up, shall be broken by

The hands of men. And then we shall go forth in great power here and there, and be disseminated all over the world. We shall lead astray the inhabited world for a long season, until the Son of God is stretched

Upon the cross, For never before has there risen a king like him, the one who will frustrate us all, whose mother shall not have contact with any man. Who else can receive such authority over spirits, except he, whom the first devil will seek to tempt, but will not prevail over?

His name is Emmanuel. But for you, O King Solomon, your time is evil, and your years short and evil, and to your servant shall your kingdom be given.” Emmanuel, as mentioned before,refers to the son of god – Jesus Christ.

Solomon was shaken by the words of these spirits, for this is the third spirit to foretell his doom, but Of course, he would not acknowledge these prophecies, until they came true. He refused to believe their words; but when they were realized, he then understood how powerful these spirits are.

And right before his death, he would write this Testament to the children of Israel, and give it to them, so that they might know the powers of the demons and their shapes, and the names of the higher angels, by which these fallen angels are frustrated.

When the triple headed goddess, Enepsigos, had been bound in chains and dismissed from his presence, Solomon commanded another spirit to come before him. And there came before his face a demon, whose front the shape of a horse, but its behind was that of a fish.

He had a mighty voice, and said to the king: “O King Solomon, I am a fierce spirit of the sea, and I am greedy of gold and silver. I am such a spirit that rounds itself and comes over the expanses of the waters of the

Sea, where I trip up the men who sail there. I transform and round myself into a wave, and then throw myself at ships and come right in on them, and loot whatever money and treasures I may find.

That is what I do, for that is my way of getting hold of money and men. But I am not covetous of men’s bodies, For I have no use for them. I take the men, and whirl them round with myself, and hurl them so far away, casting them up out of the sea.

But Beelzeboul, ruler of the spirits of air and of those under the earth, and lord of earthly ones, has a joint kingship with us in respect that each one of us tell him of our deeds. Therefore I went up from the sea, to tell him of mine, only to be assaulted by bringing

Me here. I also have another character and role. I transform myself into waves, and come up from the sea, And show myself to men, so that those on earth call me Kunospaston, because I assume a human form.

As I pass up into men, I send forth a certain nausea, and cause them to be sea sick. I came then to take counsel with the prince Beelzeboul; and he bound me and delivered me into your hands. And I am here before you because of this seal, and you now torment me.

The waters of the sea sustains me. Behold now, in two or three days the spirit that stands before you and converses with you will weaken and fail, because I have no water.” And Solomon said to him: “Tell me by what angel you are frustrated.” And he answered: “By the angel – Iameth.”

And Solomon commanded that the spirit be thrown into a glass vessel filled with ten jugs of sea-water of two measures each1. And he sealed the mouth of the vessel round above the marbles and asphalt and pitch.

And having sealed it with his ring, he ordered it to be deposited in the Temple of God. After the demon seahorse had been sealed within a glass vessel, Solomon ordered that another demon be led unto him. And there came before his face an enslaved spirit, having obscurely the form of a man,

Very tall and large, with gleaming eyes, and bearing in his hand a sharp blade. This spirit was a Nephil, a member of the Nephilim, a race of Giants mentioned in the Christian bible, the children of the sons of God with the daughters of men. And Solomon asked him: “Who are you?

And the spirit answered: “I am a lascivious spirit, a lustful spirit who had risen from a giant man who died in the massacre during the time of the giants.” And Solomon said to him: “What do yo do on earth, and where is your dwelling place?”

And the spirit answered: “My dwelling is in fruitful places, but here is what I do on earth. I seat myself beside men who pass along and among the tombs of the dead, and in untimely season I assume the form of the dead; whereby if I catch any one, I at once destroy him

With my sword. But if I cannot destroy him, I cause him to be possessed with a demon, and to devour his own flesh, and the hair to fall off his chin.” Solomon said to him: “Do you you have fear for the God of heaven and of earth?

Tell me by what angel you are frustrated.” And the spirit answered: “He who frustrates me is he who is to become the Saviour, a man god whose name, if written on anyone’s forehead, will defeat me, and in fear I shall quickly retreat.

Likewise, if any one bears his sign on him, I shall be in fear and go no closer.” Like the spirits before him, this giant made reference to no other than Jesus Christ, the son of God. As soon as he heard this, Solomon glorified the Lord God, and shut up this demon like

He did the rest. After the Giant spirit had been bound, Solomon commanded another demon to come before him. And there came before his face thirty-six spirits, most of their heads shaped like animals, but in themselves they were in human form; having faces of all sorts, faces of asses,

Faces of lion, faces of oxen, and faces of birds. These were the spirits of the Zodiacal circle, and of the 36 constellations called Decans in ancient Egyptian astronomy. And Solomon, on seeing them, wondered, and asked them, saying: “Who are you?”

But they, of one accord with one voice, said: “We are the thirty-six elements, the world-rulers of darkness, and O King Solomon, you will not wrong us nor imprison us, nor lay command on us. But since the Lord God has given you authority over every spirit, in the air, and on the

Earth, and under the earth, we therefore also present ourselves before you like the other spirits, from ram and bull, from both twin and crab, lion and virgin, scales and scorpion, archer and goat-horned, water-pourer and fish. Then Solomon invoked the name of the Lord Sabaoth, and questioned each in turn as to

What was its character. He bade each one to come forward and tell of its actions. And the 36 spirits came forward in three’s, each set of 3 belonging to one Zodiac circle. The first 3 decans came forward, and introduced themselves as the decans of the first zodiacal

Circle, the one known as Aries or the ram. and Solomon questioned them, saying: “What are you called?” The first spirit said: “I am called Ruax, and I cause the heads of men to be idle, and I pillage their brows. But If I hear the words, ‘Michael, imprison Ruax,’ I retreat at once.”

The second said: “I am called Barsafael, and I cause those who are subject to my hour to feel the pain of migraine. If only I hear the words, ‘Gabriel, imprison Barsafael,’ I retreat at once.” And The third said: “I am called Arôtosael. I do harm to the eyes, and grievously injure them.

Only let me hear the words, ‘Uriel, imprison Aratosael’ and I’ll retreat at once. The fourth spirit was not given account of, or perhaps he declined to introduce himself, but from what we gather from the Decans, the 36 groups of constellations used in ancient

Egyptian astronomy, the same constellations these spirits represent, his name was Horopel. The fifth spirit said: “I am called Iudal, and I bring about a block in the ears and deafness of hearing. If I hear, ‘Uruel imprison Iudal,’ I retreat at once.” And The sixth said: “I am called Sphendonaêl.

I cause tumours of the parotid gland, and inflammations of the tonsils, and tetanic recurvation. If I hear, ‘Sabrael, imprison Sphendonaêl,’ I retreat at once.” These spirits from the 4th to the 6th were the 3 decans of the Zodiacal sign Taurus or the Bull.

The Seventh spirit said: “I am called Sphandôr, and I weaken the strength of the shoulders, and cause them to tremble. I paralyze the nerves of the hands, I break and bruise the bones of the neck, and I suck out the marrow.

But if I hear the words, ‘Araêl, imprison Sphandôr,’ I at once retreat.” The eight said: “I am called Belbel. I distort the hearts and minds of men. If I hear the words, ‘Araêl, imprison Belbel,’ I at once retreat.” And the ninth said: “I am called Kurtaêl.

I send colics in the bowels, and I induce pains. If I hear the words, ‘Iaôth, imprison Kurtaêl,’ I at once retreat.” These spirits were from the 7th to the 9th the 3 decans of the Zodiacal sign Gemini or the twins. The tenth spirit said: “I am called Metathiax.

I cause the reins to ache. If I hear the words, ‘Adônaêl, imprison Metathiax,’ I at once retreat.” The eleventh said: “I am called Katanikotaêl. I create strife and wrongs in men’s homes, and send on them hard temper.

If any one would be at peace in his home, let him write on seven leaves of laurel the name of the angel that frustrates me, along with these names: Iae, Ieô, sons of Sabaôth, in the name of the great God, shut up Katanikotaêl.

Then let him wash the laurel-leaves in water, and sprinkle his house with the water, from within to the outside. And at once I shall retreat.” And The twelfth said: “I am called Saphathoraél, and I inspire partisanship in men, and delight in causing them to stumble.

If any one will write on paper these names of angels, Iacô, Iealô, Iôelet, Sabaôth, Ithoth, Bae, and having folded it up, wear it round his neck or against his ear, I at once retreat and dissipate the drunken fit.”

These spirits from the 10th to the 12th were the 3 decans of the Zodiac sign Cancer or the Crab. The thirteenth spirit said: “I am called Bobêl, I am also called Bothothêl, and I cause nervous illness by my assaults.

If I hear the name of the great as thus, ‘Adonaêl, imprison Bothothêl,’ I at once retreat.” The fourteenth said: “I am called Kumentaêl, and I inflict shivering fits and torpor. If only I hear the words: ‘Zôrôêl, imprison Kumentaêl,’ I at once retreat.”

And The fifteenth said: “I am called Roêlêd, some call me Soubetti. I cause colds, frost and pain in the stomach. Let me only hear the words: ‘Iax, bide not, be not warmed, for Solomon is fairer than eleven fathers,’ I at once retreat.”

These spirits from the 13th to the 15th were the 3 decans of the Zodiac sign Leo or the Lion. The sixteenth spirit said: “I am called Atrax. I inflict upon men fevers, irremediable and harmful. If you would imprison me, chop up coriander and smear it on the lips, reciting the following

Charm: “The fever which is from dirt. I exorcise thee by the throne of the most high God, retreat from dirt and retreat from the creature fashioned by God.’ And at once I shall retreat.” The seventeenth said: “I am called Ieropaêl.

On the stomach of men I sit, and cause convulsions in the bath and on the road; and wherever I be found, or find a man, I throw him down. But if any one will say to the afflicted into their ear these names, three times over, into

The right ear: ‘Iudarizê, Sabunê, Denôê,’ I at once retreat.” And the eighteenth said: “I am called Buldumêch. I separate wife from husband and bring about a grudge between them. If any one write down the legends on paper as follows: ‘The God of Abram, and the God

Of Isaac, and the God of Jacob commands you — retire from this house in peace,’ and place it in the ante-chamber of his house, I at once retire. These spirits from the 16th to the 18th were the 3 Decans of the Zodiac sign Virgo or the Virgin.

The nineteenth spirit said: “I am called Naôth, and I take my seat on the knees of men. If any one write on paper: ‘Phnunoboêol, depart Nathath, and touch not the neck,’ I at once retreat.” The twentieth said: “I am called Marderô. I send on men incurable fever.

If any one write on the leaf of a book: ‘Sphênêr, Rafael, retire, drag me not about, flay me not,’ and tie it round his neck, I at once retreat. And The twenty-first said: “I am called Alath, and I cause coughing and hard-breathing in children.

If any one write on paper: ‘Rorêx, do pursue Alath,’ and fasten it round his neck, I at once retire.” These spirits from 19th to 21st were the 3 decans of the Zodiac sign libra or the scales. The 22nd spirit was also not given account of, or perhaps declined to share details of

Himself, but he is called Audameoth. The twenty-third spirit said: “I am called Nefthada. I cause the reins to ache, and I bring about dysury. If any one write on a plate of tin the words: ‘Iathôth, Uriêl, Nephthada,’ and fasten it round the loins, I at once retreat.”

And The twenty-fourth said: “I am called Akton. I cause ribs and lumbic muscles to ache. If one, on copper material, taken from a ship which has missed its anchorage, engrave this: ‘Marmarath, Sabaôth, pursue Akton,’ and fasten it round the loin, I at once retreat.”

These spirits from the 22nd to the 24th were the 3 decans of the Zodiac sign Scorpio or the Scorpion. The twenty-fifth spirit said: “I am called Anatreth, and I rend burnings and fevers into the entrails. But if Ihear: ‘Arara, Charara,’ instantly do I retreat.” The twenty-sixth said: “I am called Enenuth.

I steal away men’s minds, and change their hearts, and make a man toothless. If one writes: ‘Allazoôl, pursue Enenuth,’ and tie the paper round him, I at once retreat.” And The twenty-seventh said: “I am called Phêth. I make men consumptive and cause hemorrhagia.

,If one exorcise me in wine, sweet-smelling and unmixed by the eleventh aeon, and say: ‘I exorcise you, Pheth by the eleventh aeon to stop,’ then give it to the patient to drink, and I shall at once retreat.”

These spirits from the 25th to the 27th were the 3 decans of the Zodiac sign Sagittarius or the Archer. The twenty-eighth spirit said: “I am called Harpax, and I send sleeplessness on men. If one write ‘Kokphnêdismos,’ and bind it round the temples, I at once retire.” The twenty-ninth said: “I am called Anostêr.

I give rise to uterine mania and pains in the bladder. If one powder into pure oil three seeds of laurel and smear it on, saying: ‘I exorcise thee, Anostêr. Stop by Marmarath,’ at once shall I retreat.” And The thirtieth said: “I am called Alleborith.

If in eating fish one has swallowed a bone, then he must take a bone from the fish and cough, and at once I retreat.” These spirits from the 28th to the 30th were the 3 decans of the Zodiac sign Capricorn or the Goat.

The thirty-first spirit said: “I am called Hephesimireth, and I cause lingering disease. If you throw salt, rubbed in the hand, into oil and smear it on the patient, saying: ‘Seraphim, Cherubim, help me!’ I at once retire.” The thirty-second said: “I am called Ichthion. I paralyze muscles and contuse them.

If I hear ‘Adonaêth, help me!’ I at once retire.” And The thirty-third said: “I am called Agchoniôn. I lie among swaddling-clothes and in the precipice. And if any one writes on fig-leaves ‘Lycurgos,’ taking away one letter at a time, and write

It, reversing the letters, like so, ‘Lycurgos, ycurgos, kurgos, yrgos, gos, os.’I retire at once.” These spirits from the 31st to the 33rd were the 3 decans of the Zodiac sign Aquarius or the water bearer. The thirty-fourth spirit said: “I am called Autothith. I cause grudges and fighting.

Therefore I am frustrated by Alpha and Omega, if written down.” The thirty-fifth said: “I am called Phthenoth. I cast evil eye on every man. Therefore, the eye much-suffering, if it be drawn. frustrates me.” And The thirty-sixth said: “I am called Bianakith. I have a grudge against the body.

I lay houses to waste, I cause flesh to decay, and all else that is similar. If a man write on the front-door of his house: ‘Mêltô, Ardu, Anaath,’ I flee from that place.” These spirits, from the 34th to the 36th, were the 3 decans of the Zodiacal sign, Pisces, or The fish.

Having heard all of this, Solomon commanded them to fetch water in the Temple of God, but they resisted just as they warned him they would. And Solomon prayed to the Lord God to cause the demons to be bound and made to approach the Temple of God.

Then he condemned some of them to do the heavy work of the construction of the Temple of God, and Some of them, he shut up in prisons. and Others, he condemned them to wrestle with fire in the making of gold and silver, sitting

Down by lead and spoon, And to make ready places for the other demons who would also be confined. After the 36 spirits and the spirits before them had all been bound. Solomon had much quiet in all the earth, and spent his time in profound peace, honoured

By all men and by everything under heaven. With the help of the demons, he built the entire Temple of the Lord God, his kingdom was prosperous. His army was with him, and the city and people of Jerusalem had serenity, rejoicing and delighted.

All the kings of the earth came to him from the ends of the earth to behold the Temple which he built to the Lord God. And having heard of the wisdom given to him, they paid homage to him in the Temple, bringing

Gold and silver and precious stones, bronze, iron, lead, and cedar logs. They brought him woods that do not decay, for the equipment of the Temple of God. Among them also, the queen of the South, being a witch, came in great concern and bowed low before Solomon.

She tried all of his wisdom, and he instructed her, according to the wisdom imparted to him. Behold, one day, one of his workmen, of ripe old age, threw himself down before the king, and said: “King Solomon, pity me, because I am old.”

Solomon bade him to stand up, saying: “Tell me, old man, all you will.” And he answered: “I beg you king, I have an only-born son, and he insults and beats me publicly, and plucks out the hair of my head, and threatens me with a painful death. Therefore I beg you, avenge me.

And Solomon, on hearing this, felt pity as he looked at his old age; and commanded that the child be brought to him. When he was brought, Solomon questioned him whether his father’s accusations were true. And the youth said: “I was never so filled with madness that I

Would strike my father with my own hand. Be kind to me, O king, For I would not dare commit such impiety, poor wretch that I am.” On hearing this from the youth, and not sure which to believe, Solomon urged the old man to reflect on the matter, and accept his son’s apology.

However, the old man would not, and insisted he would rather let him die. And as the old man would not yield, Solomon was about to pass sentence on the youth, when he saw Ornias the demon laughing. He was furious at the demon laughing in his presence; and ordered my men to lead the

Two men outside for a moment, and bring Ornias forward before his tribunal. When Ornias was brought before him, Solomon said to him: “Accursed one, why did you look at me and laugh?” And the demon answered: “I pray thee , king, it was not because of you I laughed, but because

Of this ill-fated old man and the wretched youth, his son. For after three days his son will die untimely; and lo, the old man desires to foully make away with him.” Solomon said to the demon: “Do you speak the truth?” And he answered: “It is true; O king.”

And Solomon bade them to remove the demon, and that they should again bring before him the old man with his son. He told them to make friends with one another again, and supplied them with food.

Then he told the old man to bring his son to him again after 3 days, and they saluted him, and went their way. When they were gone, Solomon again had the demon Ornias brought before him and said to

Him: “Tell me how you know this;” and he answered: “We demons ascend into the heavens, and fly about among the stars. And we hear the sentences which go forth upon the souls of men. With this knowledge we come, and whether by force of influence, or by fire, or by sword,

Or by some accident, we unleash our act of destruction, thereby carrying out sentences upon those they were pronounced. For men who are not sentenced to die untimely by disaster or by violence,If a man does not die by some untimely disaster or by violence, then we demons appear to them in our human

Nature, and walk among them and be worshiped by them. Solomon again questioned the demon, saying: “Tell me how you can ascend into heaven, being demons, and intermingle with the holy angels.” And he answered: “Just as things are fulfilled in heaven, so also are they fulfilled on earth,

For there are principalities, authorities, and world-rulers, and we demons fly about in the air; and we hear the voices of the heavenly beings, and survey all the powers. But as we have no ground on which to alight and rest, we lose strength and fall off like leaves from trees.

And men seeing us imagine that the stars are falling from heaven. But it is not really so, O king; we fall because of our weakness, and because we do not have anything to lay hold of; and so we fall down like lightning in the depth of the night and

Suddenly, and we set cities in flames and fire to the fields. Finding it hard to believe, Solomon, ordered that the demon be guarded for five days. After the five days had expired, Solomon called for the old man again, and was about to question him about his son.

But the old man came to him in grief and with a sad face. And Solomon said to him: “Tell me, old man, where is your son? And why do you look gloomy?” And he answered: “Lo, I have become childless, and now sit by my son’s grave in despair,

For it has already been two days since he died.” And Solomon, on hearing this knew that the demon Ornias had told him the truth. The queen of the South saw all this happen, and was marveled. She beheld the temple of God with all of its great works and precious stones, and donated

A shekel of gold, and one hundred myriads of silver and of bronze. After the revelation of Ornias the demon, Solomon one day received a letter from the king of the arabians, which read as follows; “To King Solomon, all hail! Lo, we have heard

About the wisdom bestowed on you by the Lord, and that you are a merciful man. We know you have been granted understanding over all the spirits of the air, and on earth, and under the earth. Right now, in the land of Arabia there is a spirit of the following kind: at

Early dawn, caused by this spirit, there begins to blow a certain wind until the third hour. Its blast is so harsh and terrible, that it slays man and beast. And no spirit can live upon earth against this demon. I pray you then, forasmuch as the spirit is a wind, come

Up with a solution according to the wisdom given to you by the Lord you God, and accept to send a man able to capture it. If you would do this, King Solomon, I and my people and

All my land will serve you till death, and all Arabia shall be at peace with you, if thou will perform this act of righteousness for us. We pray you, despise not our humble prayer, and suffer not to bring to nothing, the province under your authority. because

We are supplicants, both I and my people and all my land. Farewell to my Lord. All health!” Because he had a pressing matter to attend to, Solomon gave the letter to his servant, telling him to remind him of it after 7 days. What was this matter? Even though the temple

Had been built, it had not been finished, for there was a great stone, lying there in front of the temple, the corner stone which Solomon desired to lay in the head of the corner for the completion of the Temple. But try all they might, none of his workmen could

Lift tht stone, not even when combined, and neither could any of their equipment. For days, Solomon wondered what this could be. surely he knew this was no ordinary stone, for it was the same stone the crest of dragons spoke of some time back, the stone which had

Been brought up from the red sea by Epphipas the wind spirit of Arabia, and perhaps only he could lift and place it at the exact spot desired by the king. After seven days, being reminded of the letter of the King of Arabia, Solomon called his

Servant and said to him: “Prepare your camel and get yourself a leather flask, and take also this seal. Go into the land of Arabia to the place in which the evil spirit blows; and there untie the flask, and place the ring in the mouth of the flask, and hold them towards

The blast of the spirit. When the flask is swollen and blown out, you will know that the demon has been trapped into it. Then hastily tie up the mouth of the flask, and seal it securely with the seal-ring, lay it carefully on the camel and bring it to me quickly. If

On the way the spirit offers you gold or silver or treasure in return for letting it go, see that you are not persuaded. But listen to it without swearing to release it. And then if it points out to the places where there are gold or silver, mark the places and seal

Them with this seal. And proceed to bring the demon to me. Now go, and fare thee well.” The youth did as he was bidden and entered the land of the Arabians. And when the people of that region saw him, they could not believe that he would be able to catch the spirit.But

When dawn came and the blast began, the youth stood up and laid the flask with the ring in its mouth on the ground before the spirit’s blast, and as the spirit blew the winds, it was sucked right into the flask by the ring. Seeing the flask had swollen up, and knowing

The spirit was inside, the youth promptly tightened the mouth of the flask, and sealed it in the name of the Lord God of Sabaôth. Thus, thedemon remained within the flask. The youth remained in that land for three days to make Sure this spirit had been conquered,

And indeed the spirit no longer blew against that city. And all the Arabians knew that he had safely captured the spirit. As the youth made his way back to Jerusalem, the Arabians sent him forth with much honour and precious gifts, praising the God of Israel.

When he arrived, he at once laid the leather flask in the middle of the Temple for the king to see. And when Solomon went into the Temple, still distressed about the corner stone which could not be lifted, the flask

Stood up and walked Seven steps towards him, and then fell on its mouth and bowed to him. Solomon marvelled that even while shut inside the bottle the demon still had power and could walk about. And so he bade it to stand up, and the flask stood up on its feet, all blown out.

Solomon questioned the spirit, saying: “Tell me, who are you?” And from within, the spirit answered: “I am the jinn called Ephippas, that is in Arabia.” And Solomon said to him: “Is that your true name?” And he answered: “It is.

And wheresoever I will, I alight and set fire and blow the winds and do as I please.” Solomon said to him: “By what angel are you frustrated?” And he answered: “By the only-ruling God, that has authority over me. It is he who is to be born of a virgin and crucified

By the Jews on a cross, He whom the angels and archangels worship. He does frustrate me, and enfeeble me of my great strength, which has been given me by my father the devil. And Solomon said to him: “What can you do?” And the spirit answered: ”I am able to remove

Mountains, and to overthrow the oaths of kings. I can wither Beautiful trees and make their leaves to fall off.” And Solomon said to him: “Can you raise this great stone, and lies at the corner of the Temple?” And the spirit answered: “Not only

Can I raise this stone, O king; but also, with the help of the demon who presides over the Red Sea, I will bring up the pillar of air, and will stand it where you wish in Jerusalem.” So Solomon released him from the flask, and at once, the spirit girded himself up, and

Lifted the stone effortlessly, and went up the stairs, with the flask tailing behind him, and laid it down at the end of the entrance of the Temple, just where it was meant to be. And Solomon, beholding the stone raised

Aloft and placed on a foundation, said: ‘Truly the Scripture is fulfilled, ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone.’ For this is not mine to grant, but God’s, that the demon should be strong enough to lift up such a great stone and deposit it in the place I wished.”

After the Jinn Epphipas demonstrated one of his powers to the king, Solomon bade him to bring to him the demon of the red sea, the spirit he so much spoke of to him, so that he could also witness his powers.

But it was a trick, Solomon was not so interested in their demonstrations, he wanted to contain the spirits, to bring them to nothing, both of them. And as commanded, Ephippas led the demon of the Red Sea with the column of air.

And they both took the column and raised it aloft from the earth. once they were both under the massive column holding it up in the air, Solomon quickly sealed the 2 spirits on that very spot from both sides, so that they could do nothing

But stand day and night, year after year, holding up the column, so that they would never again shake the entire earth from the depths of the sea, nor blow destructive winds upon the earth, for as long as he Solomon had power over them. He had outwitted the two spirits.

And Solomon questioned the other spirit which came up with the pillar from the depths of the Red Sea, saying: “Who are you? What are you called? And what is your purpose? For I have heard many things about you.”

And the demon answered: “O King Solomon, I am called Abezithibod, and I am a descendant of an archangel. I Once sat in the first heaven, of which the name is Ameleouth. And now I am a fierce spirit with a single wing, plotting against every spirit under heaven.

I was present when Moses went in before Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and It is I who hardened the king’s heart. I am he whom the magicians, Iannes and Iambres invoked with Moses and Aaron in Egypt. I am he who fought against Moses with wonders and signs.“

Solomon said to him: “How were you then found in the Red Sea?” And he answered: “In the exodus of the sons of Israel, I hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and excited his heart and that of his ministers. I caused them to pursue after the children of Israel, And Pharaoh followed me with all

His army. I was present there, and we pursued them together. But when we all came up upon the Red Sea, and it came to pass that the children of Israel had crossed over, the water returned and hid all the host of the Egyptians and all their might.

The water hid me too as I remained in the sea thenceforth, being trapped under this pillar. But when Ephippas came, being sent by you, he freed me, and fetched me up to you. Having heard this, Solomon commanded the spirits not to disobey him, but to remain supporting the pillar.

And they both swore, saying: “As long as the Lord your God liveth, we will not let go of this pillar until the world’s end. But whatever day this stone falls, then shall be the end of the world.” As he writes this testament in his final days, Solomon says to his readers: “Watch.

The spirits have remained upholding the column until this day, for proof of the wisdom bestowed onto me. Look there, and you will see the pillar of enormous size, hanging in mid air, supported by the winds. These were the spirits appearing underneath, like the invisible air, supporting it.

And if one looks fixedly, the pillar is a little oblique, being supported by the spirits; and it is so to this very day. The demons had all been silenced, the temple of the lord was complete, his kingdom was prosperous and at peace.

He was wealthier than any king before his time, blessed with unfathomable wisdom and given power beyond mundane comprehension, the spirit of God was with him, and he had dominion over all the spirits of the air, on the earth and under the earth. What more could King Solomon ask for?

All lands far and near were subject to him, And Solomon began taking wives of his own from every land. He took so many that they were countless, yet he would not stop. One day he marched against the Jebusaeans, and there he saw a fair dame called Jebusaean,

Daughter of a man: and fell violently in love with her, desiring to take her as his wife, in addition to his many other wives. And he came to the Jebusaean priests, who were priests of Moloch, and said to them: “Give me the Shulammite as a wife.”

But the priests of Moloch said to him: “If you love this maiden, go in and worship our gods, the great god Raphan and the god called Moloch.” In fear of the glory of God, Solomon could not do as they bade him, And said to them: “I will not worship a strange god.

What is this proposal that you compel me to do so much?” And they said: “It is our custom, laid by our fathers.” And when Solomon answered that he would on no account worship strange gods, the priests instructed the maiden not to sleep with him until he complied and sacrificed to the gods.

Deeply conflicted, the king slowly began to succumb to his lustful desires. On a fateful day, that fair maiden, that crafty Eros, brought him 5 Locusts, and laid them beside her, saying: “Take these locusts, and crush them together in the name of the god Moloch; and then will I sleep with you.”

And Solomon did it, the worst thing he and his fathers could ever do. By sacrificing Locusts to the god Moloch, he had fulfilled the prophecy of the worst of the 7 sisters of the cosmos. And at once the Spirit of God departed from me, and he became weak as well as foolish

In his words. At the wish of the maiden, he built a temple of idols to Baal, and to Rapha, and to Moloch, and to many other spirits, worshipping and making sacrifices to them. He had fallen into error, just like the spirit of error told him he would.

Thus, God turned his back on Solomon, and his glory departed from him; and his spirit was darkened. The power vested in him was brought to nothing, and he lost his dominion and control over all the spirits of the air, of the earth, and under the earth.

They were finally free from his Tyranny, and the once great king, became an object of ridicule, not only among these spirits, but also among all men who once held in high esteem and reverence. What madness could make a man fall so low, as to give up everything of great importance,

For something so inconsequential, for pleasure that is fleeting? And so it came to pass, that the words of the great Asmodeus, and of the 7 star sisters, and of the powerful triple goddess Enepsigos, had all been fulfilled. Therefore, in his last days, Solomon wrote out this Testament, so that whoever sees it

May avoid the very mistakes he made, and attend to the last things, and not to the first. So that they may find grace for ever and ever.

#Demons #King #Solomon #Testament #Solomon #Complete #Unabridged #Series

Queen of Hell – Mother of Demons – Bride of Satan

Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained.  In today’s video, we’re going to discuss Lilith,   the queen of hell, mother of  demons, angel of prosti.tution,   killer of pregnant women and infants, Adam’s first  wife, and seducer of men. We’re going to start off  

By looking at a couple of allusions to her in  the Old Testament. Following that, we’re going   to look at early influences that originated in  Mesopotamia, and finally, we’re going to look at   the tide of information presented in various  works published throughout the Middle Ages. Let’s get into it.

Lilith barely features in scripture: she’s  absent from the Quran and doesn’t appear in   the New Testament; it’s only in the  Old Testament that she’s included,   and even then, her inclusion depends either  on the translation or on the interpretation.

In the Book of Genesis, which is the first book  of the Old Testament that describes the Cosmogony   (the creation of the universe) and the  anthropogony (the origination of humanity),   the creation of women is described  twice, each with different wording,  

Which has led to some interesting theories and  stories that endeavor to reconcile the two. The first instance reads as follows: “So God created man in his own image,   in the image of God created he him;  male and female created he them.”

One interpretation of this passage is that  God created the first man and the first woman   simultaneously, which, by this  reckoning, places it at odds   with the second instance in which the  creation of the first woman is described. Here’s the passage that  describes the second instance:

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon  Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs,   and closed up the flesh instead thereof; and  the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man,  

Made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.  And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones,   and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called  Woman, because she was taken out of man.” To reconcile the two accounts, one version, such  as the one given in the Alphabet of Ben Sira,  

Which we’ll expand on later, explains that  the woman created at the same time as Adam   in the first passage is a different person  than Eve, the woman created from Adam’s rib   in the second passage. Moreover, this version  holds that the woman created in the first passage  

Is actually Lilith, making her Adam’s first wife.   Again, we’ll cover this part of lilith’s  story in greater detail later in the video. The other mention of Lilith in the Old  Testament is given in the Book of Isaiah,   though her inclusion by name depends  on the language and the translation.

In the JPS parallel Hebrew and English version  of the Tanakh, Isaiah 34:14 reads as follows: “And the Wild-cats shall meet with the jackals,  and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; yea,   the night-monster shall repose there,  and shall find her place of rest.”

Night monster is indistinct and ambiguous, but  many other translations, either of the Tanakh or   of the Old Testament, have seen various monsters  and animals substituted in, including: Lilith,   night specter, night creature, night hag,  Lamia (a female monster of Greek origin that  

Preys on children), night bird, and screech  owl. This last is especially interesting   because it parallels a detail of the Queen of the  Night plaque, which is nearly 4,000 years old,   made in ancient Babylon sometime between  1800 – 1750 BCE. It depicts a winged woman  

With talons for feet standing on two lions  flanked by a perched owl on either side.   Who this figure is isn’t known for certain, but  the list of possibilities has been whittled down   to just a few candidates: Ishtar,  goddess of war and sexual love,  

Ereshkigal, ruler of the underworld, or the  demon Lilitu, who became later known as Lilith. And this takes us into the part of the  video that looks at Lilith’s origins. Lilith, a female demon infamous for  preying on infants and pregnant women,  

And for copulating with sleeping men, thereby  birthing a plethora of demons into the world, is   a central figure in Jewish demonology. You could  say that Lilith, as conceptualized in Jewish lore,   is but one expression of an archetype, that of  the demon who targets infants and pregnant women,  

That seems to rear its head across cultures and  millenia, particularly in the near East. If this   is tracked backwards through time, it looks as  though Lilith’s origins can be connected back   to ancient Mesopotamia. She briefly  features in the Epic of Gilgamesh,  

A Sumerian work, and she’s identified with Lilu  and Lilitu, respectively, male and female spirits   of ancient Babylon – both of them notorious for  attacking infants and women in labour. Another   figure who shares this MO is Lamashtu, either  a goddess or demon, who endangered women during  

Childbirth and even abducted infants as they  suckled at their mother’s breast. In appearance,   she was a hideous amalgamation of many animals,  having the head of a lion, the talons of a bird   of prey, the teeth of a donkey, a body covered in  hair, blood-stained hands, and long fingers with  

Long nails. Another variety of demon germane  to Lilith is the Ardat-Lili, which rendered   men impotent as a sort of revenge for itself not  being able to copulate. Sometimes women were also   targeted and rendered infertile. In appearance  it looks like a wolf with a scorpion’s tail.

Much of the best known information surrounding  Lilith comes from the Alphabet of Ben Sira,   a work thought to have been written sometime in  the Geonic period, which lasted from the late   sixth to the mid-eleventh centuries CE. The third  part describes Ben Sira recounting 22 stories to  

Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. One of these  gives an alternative anthropogeny. Rather than   Eve being created from one of Adam’s ribs, it  describes Lilith, not only as the first woman,   but also as being created from the earth just as  Adam was. Unfortunately, their relationship is  

Characterized by acrimony and incessant fighting,  and ultimately, Lilith refuses to submit to Adam;   so she invokes God’s name and flies  away. Three angels, Senoy, Sansenoy   and Semangelof, are sent after her, and they  eventually catch up with her; but she negotiates  

Her way out of the encounter, promising to be  repelled by any amulets bearing their likeness,   which is why thereafter such amulets were used to  ward her off, safeguarding those she preyed on:   pregnant women and infants. Furthermore, she also  accedes to 100 of her children perishing each day. 

Here’s a quote that describes this: “He also created a woman, from the earth, as He   had created Adam himself, and called her Lilith.  Adam and Lilith immediately began to fight.   She said, ‘I will not lie below,’ and he said, ‘I  will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you  

Are fit only to be in the bottom position, while  I am to be the superior one.’ Lilith responded,   ‘We are equal to each other inasmuch as  we were both created from the earth.’   But they would not listen to one another.  When Lilith saw this, she pronounced the  

Ineffable Name and flew away into the air…. The angels left God and pursued Lilith, whom   they overtook in the midst of the sea… They told  her God’s word, but she did not wish to return.   The angels said, ‘We shall drown you in the sea.’ “‘Leave me!’ she said. ‘I was created only to  

Cause sickness to infants. If the infant is male,  I have dominion over him for eight days after   his birth, and if female, for twenty days.’ “When the angels heard Lilith’s words, they   insisted she go back. But she swore to them by  the name of the living and eternal God: ‘Whenever  

I see you or your names or your forms in an  amulet, I will have no power over that infant.’”  In one account, after the fall of man, which  resulted in the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the  

Garden of Eden, the first man and the first woman  became separated for 130 years. During that time,   Lilith returned to Adam and copulated with him in  his sleep; supposedly the son that resulted from   their coupling turned into a frog. Another  account, the one given by Rabbi Eliezer in  

The Book of Adam and Eve, claims that at one time  Lilith was bearing Adam 100 children per day. The   Zohar depicts Lilith as “a hot fiery female who at  first cohabited with man”, who “flew to the cities  

Of the sea coast” when Eve was created. The cabala  portrays her as the demon of Friday, who appears   as a naked woman with a snake’s tail for legs.  Another description maintains the nude upper body,   but gives her a column of fire for legs. And in  Talmudic Lore, Lilith is presented as an immortal  

Demon who will continue to plague mankind until  God eradicates evil from the face of the earth. Eventually, a profusion of early traditions  coalesced, and from them emerged two predominant   activities associated with Lilith: the strangling  of newly born children and the seduction of men.  

Regarding the latter, it was thought that  anytime a man woke up with wet undergarments,   made so by the nightly discharge of seed, it was  indicative of Lilith having paid them a visit   and seducing them in their sleep. And in this she  was thought so prolific that a virtually infinite  

Number of demonic spawn were attributed to her,  said to be her brood – legions upon legions   sired by unwitting men as they slept. Apparently,  people were so wary of her erotic powers   that in some Jewish communities it was commonplace  for sons not to accompany their father’s as their  

Bodies were laid to rest in graveyards, sparing  them the shame of bearing witness to all their   demonic half-blood siblings, those conceived when  Lilith seduced the father. Because of this, In the   Zohar as well as other sources, Lilith is known  by many colourful appellations that denigrate  

For lasciviousness and wantonness. These include:  the black, the wicked, the false, and the harlot.  In Zoharaistic cabal, Lilith, along with  Eisheth Zenunim, Naamah, and Agrat bat Mahlaht,   three angels of prostitution, was one of the  consorts of Samael, a figure with many identities,  

Not all of them evil, depending on the version;  among them were: the great serpent with 12 wings,   a prince of hell, and another name for Satan,  especially in Jewish lore. As conceptualised in   Kabbalism, Lilith was given preeminence, becoming  the principal and permanent partner of Samael –  

Basically, in effect, crowned queen of hell. And that’s it for this video! If you enjoy the   content please LIKE the video  and SUBSCRIBE to the channel As always, leave your video suggestions down below

#Queen #Hell #Mother #Demons #Bride #Satan

What Does Hell Look Like?

Když vidím slovo “peklo”, jaké obrazy to ve mě vyvolává? Nejčastější odpovědi asi budou oheň, kostlivce, zlý duchové, červená barva. A možná přijde i na mysl sám Satan. Když se vyobrazuje peklo, je to vždy s těmito prvkami, které popisují místo. Ale proč? Jak jsme se k tomu bodu dopracovali?

Je potřeba se vrátit k základní myšlence pekla. Koncepce pekla nebo nějakého podsvětí existoval ve většině náboženství a mytologií nejrůznějších kultur. Ale já se chci zaměřit na peklo z pohledu židovství a křesťanství. Kolem 8 století pr. Kr. Bible Židů neboli Starý zákon odkazoval na posmrtný život jako Šeol.

V překladu to znamená hrob nebo místo smrti Šeol byl popisován jako bezútěšná temná jáma kde mrtví setrvávali ve stavu tiché existence, Očekávali vzkříšení těla, kdy spravedliví budou bydlet v Boží přítomnosti a zlí budou prožívat muka I nejhlubší podsvětí je kvůli tobě rozrušeno, čeká na tvůj příchod, probudilo kvůli tobě přízraky všech vojevůdců země.

Všechny krále pronárodů přimělo vstát ze svých trůnů. Ti všichni se ozvou a řeknou tobě: „Také jsi jako my pozbyl síly? Už jsi nám podoben! Do podsvětí byla svržena tvá pýcha, hlučný zvuk tvých harf. Máš ustláno na hnilobě, přikrývku máš z červů.“ Teď jsi svržen do podsvětí, do nejhlubší jámy!

V 1 století po Kr. se v novém Zákoně popisuje Ježíš peklo jako věčný oheň “Ghenna”. “Ghenna” je existující údolí nacházející se za hradbami Jeruzaléma Králové toto údolí používali k obětování dětí. Později se stalo skládka, kde oheň neustále plál. Ježíš použil tuto známou prokletou lokalitu jako názorný obraz posledního soudu zlých

Kde bude pláč a skřípání zubů. Ghenna je konečným místem, kde tělo a duše jsou sjednoceni, aby zde na věky byli odděleny od Boha. Svádí-li tě k hříchu tvá ruka, utni ji; lépe je pro tebe, vejdeš-li do života zmrzačen, než abys šel s oběma rukama do pekla, do ohně neuhasitelného.

V mnoha variantách textu, je slovo peklo lze nahradit slovem Gehenna. V knize Zjevení se píše Moře vydalo své mrtvé, i smrt a její říše vydaly své mrtvé, a všichni byli souzeni podle svých činů. Pak smrt i její říše byly uvrženy do hořícího jezera. To je druhá smrt: hořící jezero.

Právě v těchto biblických textech nalézáme původ našich představ o pekle. Jsou plné děsivých obrazů, ale většina popisů jsou záměrně ponechána v mlze a někdy se přímo protiřečí. Nechci tím diskreditovat Písmo. Vyzývá čtenáře, aby se popral s neznámým. Je nám, řečeno, že peklo je neuhasitelný oheň,

A zároveň je úplnou temnotou, přičemž oheň dává světlo. Jak se to dá zkloubit? Zákony pekla nám nedávají smysl. Oni nemají dávat smysl. Mají být spíše odstrašující, drtit naše duše, než aby poskytli pochopení našim smrtelnému rozumu. Tyto mlhavé obrazy, které nám biblické texty dávají dávají prostor pro interpretaci.

A jsou dva umělci, které zásadně ovlivnili naše představy o peklu Dante Aleghieri a Hieronymus Bosch Bylo to na počátku 14 století, kde italský básník Dante vydal své dílo Božská komedie. Filosofie této epické básně je směs biblických prvků, nauky katolické Církve, mytologie a tradice se středověkými a islámskými kořeny.

Výsledek je báseň v první osobě, která popisuje protagonistu Dante na jeho pomyslné cestě posmrtným životem peklo, očistec a nebe. V první části díla se peklo popisuje jako jako 9 soustředěných kruhů v zemi každá postupně se menšící. A každá představující stupňující se zlo. Hříšníci jsou trestáni dle jejich činů.

Scéna vrcholí ve středu země, kde Satan je drží v otroctví. Předpeklí, chtíč, obžerství, chamtivost, hněv. kacířství, násilí, podvod a zrada John CIardi, americký básník překladatel Danteho díla Božská komedie, říká “Zákon Danteho pekla je zákon symbolické odplaty. Jsou potrestány podle toho, jak hřešili. Například v 8 kruhu kouzelníci ve smyslu věštce

Astrology a další žliprorokové kteří zneužívali své duchovní schopnosti, aby zkoumali budoucnost, mají nyní svých tělech své hlavy přetočené a jsou nuceny chodit pozpátku, a to po celou věčnost. jak jsem nakláněl hlavu ještě více, jsem viděl, že každý úžasně vypadal zkřivený mezi bradou a hrudníkem. jejich tváře se krčily směrem k jejich zadkům

A byli nuceni chodit pozpátku, protože dopředu neviděli. John Ciardi připomíná tedy ti, kteří se snažili proniknout do budoucnosti nevidí ani před sebe. Na zemi se snažili předstihnout čas a proto musí věčně kráčet pozpátku. A protože čarodějnictví je deformací Božího zákona, tak jsou těla čarodějů deformována v pekle. Na přelomu 15 a 16 století

Nizozemský malíř Hiernymus Bosch oživil peklo ve svých nádherných groteskách o pekle. Poprvé v díle Poslední soud. A později v Zahradě pozemských slastí. Tyto obrazy vznikli v době Reformace, kdy laici začali pro sebe interpretovat Slovo Boží a už nespoléhali na Církev jako prostřednici. I Bosch nalezl tuto novou nezávislost a

Opustil biblickou verzi pekla, která představovala ohnivé tresty a zatracení. Místo toho vymyslel podzemní bojiště plné děsivých surrealistických tvorů, které měli zálibu v mučení křehkých hříšníků. Bosch maloval monstra se lví hlavou ovládající meče, ptačí muže neustále zvracející kostky ženy roztrhané psy muže znásilněné démony. Výsledkem je bezútěšný portrét chaosu a utrpení neskutečného rozsahu.

Bosch ztvárňuje peklo tak děsivě, že je horší než naše nejhorší noční můry. Od počátku filmu na konci 19. století peklo bylo populárním tématem. Na jedné straně se jednalo o náboženské filmy, které představovali peklo z duchovního hlediska: filmy představující zničující izolace pekla, nekonečné temnoty, nebo prohra ďábla v Utrpení Kristovo…

Či film z roku 1911 o Dantovo Infernou. Tento film nádherně oživuje noční můru, kterou představuje Dantovo peklo. s strašidelnými obrázky a pomocí barevného tónování zdůrazňující 9 kruhů pekla vedoucí dolů až na dno, kde najdeme Satana, který pojídá Jidáše. Jiné filmy se pojali peklo z hlediska emocí.

V tomto případu se peklo stává místem sebereflexe. V konfrontaci s peklem se protagonisté zamýšlí nad svou morálkou, svými touhami a svou hříšností, za účelem změny života. V dalších filmech je peklo hrozbou, která má přijmout hlavního protagonistu dojít ke smíření a obrácení.

Jsou také filmy, ve kterých se jak hlavní protagonista, tak sám ďábel zdráhají převzít odpovědnost za vedení pekla. V tomto filmu je peklo představováno jako osobní vězení, přesahující jejich největší strachy. Tato komedie podává překvapivý pohled na peklo, jako místo, kde člověk nemůže utéct před představami svých nejhorších nočních můrách.

Peklo z perspektivy emocí se soustředí na vnitřní konflikt. Peklo z fyzické perspektivy se soustřeďuje na vnější konflikt. Bolest, utrpení, mučení, zkáza… Proto se fyzická perspektiva pekla často představuje v horror filmech nebo alespoň v scifi či fantasy filmech s prvky horroru. V těchto filmech, peklo je ohnivou hrozbou; definitivní protivník.

Naši hrdinovou mohou přitom vstupovat do pekla, kde bojují o přežití. Jako v těchto filmech. Nebo se to může týkat pekla, které vstupuje do našeho světa. Hrdinové přitom náhodou narazí na brány pekla jako v těchto filmech nebo se jedná o osobu, která je personifikací pekla v podobě Satana, padlého anděla, démona,

Který opouští peklo, aby pokoušel naše hrdiny. Například v těchto filmech. Peklo bylo vyobrazeno v desítkách filmů, ale nemyslím si, že je lepší interpretace než ve filmu “Jak přicházejí sny”. A to zejména proto, že zahrnuje všechny 3 typy muk: duchovní, duševní a fyzické. Nepřítomnost Boha, trápení kvůli oddělení od milovaných osob

A bizarní formy trestu jako tzv. moře tváří. Film “Jak přicházejí sny” je téměř moderním převyprávěním Danteho “Inferna”. Prožijeme cestou peklem s průvodcem strašlivé pekelné stoky plnými unikátními tresty Peklo je mnohotvárné Místo bolesti, nepochopitelného utrpení Místo, které představuje naše nejhorší strachy a noční můry Místo, které lze různě interpretovat a vnímat.


The Untold Truth Of Fallen Angels

Pop culture is filled with depictions of fallen angels, once holy beings that have succumbed to sin. But how and why did the idea of fallen angels even come about in the first place? Here’s the untold truth of fallen angels.

Fallen angels are basically angels that have given up on the good and righteous path and turned to evil, right? Well, not necessarily. It’s true that Jewish and Christian traditions believe that fallen angels were originally just as holy as any of the other angels, but fell when the most beautiful of them – Lucifer

– decided to rebel and enticed others to go with him. But in Hindu traditions, it’s a little different. They believe that the creator god, Brahma, actually made some angelic beings good and some evil from the very beginning. Why? Because it’s meant to illustrate the natural order of things, and balance in the universe.

And fallen angels don’t even exist in Islam, where traditions says that all angels are good, including the ones tasked with overseeing those whose evil souls have landed them in hell. These angels are lording over hell, yes, but they aren’t fallen, as they are still doing divine work.

There’s another explanation for Satan there, too, and it basically says he’s not an angel, he’s a jinn: a creature made from fire and free will. Put a pin in that, because there will be more about this pesky “free will” stuff later.

Historically, those who believe in fallen angels typically have believed them to be responsible for things like tempting mortals into sin. And fallen angels are tricky about it, too, sometimes masquerading as good angels as they torment and tempt. How do believers know all this?

Well, these days, most of it comes from the non-canonical Book of Enoch, which was written about 350 B.C. The text claims to be the revelations of Enoch, who was taken up to heaven and told the universe’s deepest secrets, then shown just what would happen during mankind’s ultimate judgment.

Enoch shows up in other texts as well, which claim he lived to be 365 years old, and eventually told his tales to his son, Methuselah, who lived to be an impressive 969 years old. Strangely, even though the stories of Enoch were influenced by the mythology of places

Like Babylon and, in turn, influenced Judaism and Christianity, the only place that all 100 chapters of the book survived was Ethiopia. And among those chapters was a fascinating explanation on fallen angels. One of the most widely told tales of fallen angels says it was Lucifer who rebelled against

God and brought a bunch of angels down with him, but the story told in the Book of Enoch is very, very different. It tells a story of lust. According to the Book of Enoch, long before the Great Flood, angels and humans met and mingled pretty commonly, and the inevitable happened: children.

Those sons and daughters of angels were a race of 450-foot-tall giants. The angels started teaching their giant offspring evil ways, and God not only imprisoned them, but subjected them to judgment and sent the flood to hit the reset button on his creations.

Enoch, the story says, tried to speak on behalf of the angels and their giant children, but sadly, a lot of the texts are missing. We do know that Enoch was the one God selected to act as an intermediary to the fallen angels,

Instructing him to tell them what their punishment would be for their transgressions. They were to be condemned to the ends of the earth, with an eternity of punishment to follow. Early Jewish writers considered Enoch to be a prophet, but when Christianity started to

Adopt his teachings, he largely fell out of favor with Judaism. Christian writers then took the Book of Enoch with them when they converted isolated areas of Ethiopia in the fourth and fifth centuries. Though the Book of Enoch was lost to the rest of the world, it was preserved in Ethiopia,

And was finally brought back to Europe in 1773. In the meantime, though, with the Book of Enoch to guide them, Christian scholars and writers had centuries to let their imaginations go wild, leading them to the really convoluted origin of Satan as a fallen angel. See, that’s not actually in the Bible.

But theologians turned themselves into pretzels trying to explain how Satan exists in the first place. The reasoning went like this: God created everything in the universe, and therefore, God created Satan. But the only things God creates are good things, so therefore, Satan must have been good at one point.

He also needed to have the free will to turn bad. But since he clearly wasn’t human, he must therefore have been a fallen angel. Clearly, these scholars went to the Princess Bride school of logic and reasoning. “You must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you

Would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me!” Oh, and once more, there’s that free will thing. Don’t worry, it’ll come up again! According to the Book of Enoch, the first batch of fallen angels was each responsible

For teaching humanity about a specific sin. Asbeel, for example, was repsonsible for teaching humanity about sex, so thanks very much for that. Tamiel, on the other hand, taught humanity about demons and spirits. And then there’s Shernihaza, who is apparently responsible for that race of giant half-angels.

Those giants, if you remember, led to the imprisonment and punishment of the fallen, as well as the Great Flood, which was brought to cleanse Earth of their gigantic sins. Perhaps the strangest fallen angel of all, though, was Penemue, who was credited with

Giving mankind something that led to all kinds of evil: the written language. With writing came knowledge, and that, of course, is really really bad, because it might lead to…free will. The big lesson you’re apparently supposed to learn from fallen angels?

That knowledge and free will are bad and will get you killed, so the only way to remain safe is to choose ignorance and obedience. Funny how that works. Maybe the biggest diversion The Book of Enoch takes from the regular Bible is its depiction of the Garden of Eden and the fall of mankind.

Everyone knows the traditional story from the Bible: a serpent, usually associated with Satan, tempts Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (there’s that whole knowledge is bad thing again) and then, boom, goodbye, paradise!

In the Book of Enoch, though, it’s not Satan who tempts Eve, it’s a fallen angel named Gadreel. And then this jerk also went on to give humanity weapons and armor and teach us all how to kill each other. Sounds like Gadreel has a lot to answer for! Quick, describe a fallen angel!

There are probably some scowly faces, bat-like wings, maybe even some horns or cloven hooves, right? Maybe a double chin…who knows. But it wasn’t always like that. In early Christian art, fallen angels looked pretty much the same as their holier counterparts.

One of the earliest representations of the idea that there were angels and fallen angels opposing each other in an otherworldly battle is featured in an ancient mosaic in Italy. Jesus is in the middle, and on one side is an angel in red with some sheep, representing the home team.

On the other side are the bad guys, a figure thought to be Lucifer or Satan, standing with some goats. He’s wearing blue, which is the color of the damned, plus he has goats, so we know he’s the bad guy, but otherwise he doesn’t seem all that bad.

The mosaic even suggests fallen angels kept their iconic halos, which at the time were a symbol of power, not holiness. It wasn’t until the middle ages that images of fallen angels started turning more grotesque. During that time, something weird happened: Creatures from ancient Babylonian texts, called

Lilitu, began to be associated with Adam’s non-canonical first wife, Lilith. At the same time, parallels were drawn between Satan and the ancient Canaanite deity Beelzebub, and the ancient Roman half-goat, half-man god of nature, Pan. In the 14th Century, these pop culture influences led Dante to describe Satan as lording over

The depths of hell while sporting bat wings. And that in turn influenced the 17th century author John Milton to describe fallen angels in his work Paradise Lost as the sort of grody monsters we think of today. Remember those theologians who turned themselves inside out trying to explain how Satan existed?

Well, they faced the same issue with the rest of the fallen angels, and came up with some typically convoluted explanations. Until the 12th century, “pride” was the typical answer as to why fallen angels fell. But that meant God would have had to create something with a crippling, all-powerful amount

Of pride, and that didn’t fly. So scholars came up with the idea that angels had been created with a natural love that allowed them to love God, themselves, and each other. It’s the last part that scholars in the Middle Ages believe caused the fall of the angels.

After Lucifer fell because his love was a selfish love of power, the other angels who fell did so because they loved Lucifer. God was largely an absent, distant figure, after all, and Lucifer was their friend. Rather than condemning themselves to struggle for the acceptance of an unreachable father,

Perhaps they followed their brother into exile. It’s kind of heartbreaking, when you think about it, especially once you add love to free will and knowledge as things too dangerous for mortals to contemplate. According to the Mirabilia Journal, one of the most convoluted bits of theology that

Grew up around the legend of fallen angels is the way Christian writers used it to excuse and promote the persecution of the LGBTQ community. Scholars have long debated about whether fallen angels and demons are capable of love, with many believing that instead, fallen angels are consumed with lust, a desire to use others

For their own ends. Indeed, Christian writers as far back as the apostle Paul himself warned women about the danger of attracting the attention of a lusty fallen angel. But since they didn’t write anything about fallen angels having lust for members of their

Own gender, early scholars decided that meant that there was something so fundamentally wrong about the idea that even fallen angels wouldn’t do it. This kind of self-satisfied circular logic was used as an excuse for centuries of persecution, which still continues today.

Our contemporary view of fallen angels might suggest that they kind of got off easy. After all, though they might be in hell, they aren’t exactly at the mercy of the demons there, because they…kind of are those demons, right? Well, not exactly.

According to the Jewish Virtual Library, the seven archangels (those are the leaders of the good angels who stayed loyal to God) count the punishing of the fallen angels among their heavenly duties. Each one of the archangels was in charge of particular facets of the otherworldly life:

Jeremiel, for example, keeps watch over the souls in the underworld, while Michael protects Israel, Gabriel is the overseer of Paradise, and Uriel leads the host. They’re the ones with direct access to God, and they’re also in charge of punishing the fallen. Punish how?

Take Azazel, who according to some sources was the one who taught mankind how to make weapons rather than Gadreel. According to the Watkins Dictionary of Angels, Azazel was punished by Raphael, who put him in chains, threw him in a pit full of sharp rocks in the middle of the desert, and brought

The darkness down on him while he waited for his condemnation after the final judgment. That doesn’t sound so great after all. And it’s a pretty steep price to pay for expressing love and free will! Better luck next time, fallen angels. Check out one of our newest videos right here!

Plus, even more Grunge videos about your favorite stuff are coming soon. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell so you don’t miss a single one.

#Untold #Truth #Fallen #Angels

Baphomet: The Templar Knights’ Dirty Secret (Angels & Demons Explained)

Today’s episode is brought to you by Wondrium   Many of us are familiar with the Knights Templar  – or simply, the Templars – a Catholic military   order formed in the mid 12th century who rose  to surprising heights of power in such a short  

Space of time. The Knights themselves were often  thought to be some of the most skilled warriors   in Crusades and donning foreboding armour, those  that were not without their distinct white mantles   bearing the red cross, they were  certainly a force to be reckoned with  

And not one that you’d want to be on the bad  side of. But most of the Templars weren’t   actually fighters but were instead more  like financiers and those more interested   in the economic infrastructure throughout  not just in their own Christian kingdom,  

But the rest of the world too. In fact, it can be  argued that given the global reach of the templars   during their century long operation, that  they were the first multinational corporation.   But when the Holy Land was lost and support  for the order waned, rumours about the Templars  

Began to circulate, those very rumours which  came to cast a most ominous and spine-chilling   shadow around this most suspicious group.  In fact, these rumours became so palpable   that King Phillip IV of France, who happened to  also be in debt to the order – took advantage  

Of the Templars’ decline and seeking to erase his  debts, had many of the Templars arrested, tortured   and executed. After harassing Pope Clement V for  long enough, the Pope disbanded the Templar Order,   but those rumours that had permeated the air  would live long throughout the ages and spur  

On speculation that the Templars were far more  sinister than one might’ve realised… perhaps even,   owing to the supernatural. Amongst those rumours  was the idea that the Knights Templar worshipped   not the Christian god to whom their operations  seemed to revolve around, but instead a more  

Fiendish and hellish deity known as Baphomet. Today’s video is brought to you by Wondrium.  [You’ve heard me talk about The Great Courses  Plus before… well, the folks behind The Great   Courses are making big moves to create even  better, broader, bigger, and more mind-blowing  

Educational experiences—and giving you even  more reasons to love learning. Enter, Wondrium:   where you can find all of the tried and  true Great Courses Plus content plus more!]  Wondrium is a subscription on-demand video  learning service that features lectures and  

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Gain access to a library of over 11,000 videos  and lectures about… well, pretty much anything   from science, maths, history, literature or  even the more creative arts like photography.  If you’re enjoying hearing about the demons in  my recent videos, you might like to explore the  

Origins and the theme of evil within various  religions and a really insightful course that   supports this is ‘Why Evil Exists’ by Charles  Matthewes (PHD). Why Evil Exists dives into   the concept of evil throughout human history  and examines both the historical and religious  

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Right now, Wondrium are offering a free trial, so  if you love learning as much as I do, be sure to   head on over to  to gain access to a lecture library of over 10,000   videos or hit the link in the description below. And now back to Baphomet…  

Amongst the crimes that the Templars were accused  of, some were more outrageous than others.   Accusations of the usual heresy, homosexual  activity and spitting and or urinating on the   cross were all quite typical, but the latter  of these crimes – the spitting and urinating  

On the cross were thought by some historians to  have actually been conducted by the Templars so   as to mentally prepare them for violations  they might have been forced to commit should   they have been captured. But interestingly, there  exists accounts that the spitting on the cross was  

Also a ritual commanded by the cult of Baphomet  and that this was seen as an initiation process   within the Knights Templar. With this idea, the  Templars, or at least a sect of them, were not   actually Christians and were using the image of  Christ as a guise for much more sinister antics. 

In his book The Knights Templar and their  Myth, Peter Partner states that one of the   main accusations made against the Templars  was their worship of the deity Baphomet,   but that the description of Baphomet  varied from confession to confession,  

Leading many to believe that the Templars who were  accused of this were tortured for their admissions   until they just made something up. Some were  resolute in their denial of Baphomet and explained   that they knew nothing of this deity, but others  would confess that they had worshipped the deity  

And described him as being anything between  a severed head to a being with three faces.   Others spoke of it taking a zoomorphic form and  possessing limbs and features incongruent with   the standardised image of God. Yet despite these  accusations, there did not seem to be any concrete  

Evidence from this time period that suggests  the Templars were in league with Baphomet,   further suggesting that those who confessed did  so out of desperation to end their suffering.  Another idea proposes that the Templar  Knights who were posted in the Crusader states  

Had come to adopt Islamic doctrine into their own  beliefs and either discovered a dual faith, or   had outright converted. This would of course have  been viewed as the utmost heresy in a time where   Medieval Christians believed that the Muslims  were idolaters and that the prophet Muhammed  

Was a false prophet. In fact, Muhammed would have  been referred to as Mahomet in Old French and by   some, it was believed that the name Mahomet was  at some point transformed into Baphomet. Mahomet   would also become ‘mammet’ in old English and as  one might imagine, it would become the definition  

Of a false god. It might also be the case that  Baphomet had more Byzantine Greek influence   and that the name Baphomet originated from the  Greek name for Muhammed – Moameth. This is further   substantiated by the fact that the Templars were  exposed to Greek culture in the first crusade  

And would have come to learn of Moameth  and the sinister reputation he had   amongst the contemporary Greeks. BIblical scholar Hugh J Schonfield argues   in his book The Essene Odyssey that the word  Baphomet came about with the Atbash substitution  

Cipher in mind – a complex system which replaces  the first letter of the alphabet for the last,   and the second for the second last and so on.  Using this system, the word Baphomet becomes   ‘Shofya’ which can be interpreted as the name  Sophia – meaning wisdom. With this, not only  

Does Baphomet become a more androgynous figure  as the name Sophia is adopted, but also comes to   stand for sagacity and intelligence – elements  that perhaps the Templars were keen to absorb.  Another idea regarding the Templars  association with Baphomet comes from a  

Belief that the Templars were actually gnostics  and thus, subscribed to polytheism. Of course,   Baphomet was thought to be one of these deities  that they worshipped, though given their secrecy   it’s possible that this was kept under wraps so as  to avoid public outcry and political admonishing.  

Furthermore, some ideas – chiefly from Viennese  Orientalist Jacob Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall,   suggests that Baphomet was indeed an  androgynous figure based on various stone   antiquities that share the same name. These  Baphomets were thought to be hermaphrodites   and possessed additional limbs or even features  that were placed in unconventional places.  

Hammer-Purgstall argued that many of these  stone ‘Baphomets’ were inscribed with Arabic,   furthermore suggesting an Islamic origin,  but this link is hard to determine.   There are also claims by Hammer-Purgstall that the  Templars carried these Baphomets in their luggage   and that these were indeed articles that  served as idols, but again these claims  

Are almost certainly born out of assumption. By the mid 19th century, Baphomet would become   popularised by the French esoterosit and poet  Eliphas Levi who likened Baphomet to that of the   Sabbatic Goat. In fact, in his book Dogma and  Rituals of High Magic, he illustrated his own  

Idea of Baphomet that would become known as the  Goat of Mendes. It’s likely that this followed   the account by Greek writer and geographer  Herodotus, who spoke of the God of Mendes   (Mendes being an Egyptian city) as having a goat’s  face and a goat’s legs. Levi depicts the deity  

As a winged humanoid goat that much like  Hammer-Purgstall’s idea, also possessed   breasts and thus adopted a more androgynous form.  There was also a torch sported atop the goat’s   head where the sign of a pentagram can also be  found. Baphomet’s hands are also positioned to  

Form the sign of the occult, according to Levi,  with one hand pointing up to promote kindness   and love and the other pointing down to promote  judgement and limitation. It was believed by Levi   that the positioning of Baphomet’s hands  promoted the perfect harmony between mercy  

And justice – one hand that expressed love  and the other which expressed judgement.   One of his arms is female and the other is male,  yet again incorporating the blend of both sexes   and forming something of a representation  for everyone in existence. The torch  

Positioned between his horns was thought  to be either symbolic for intelligence   or symbolic for the soul itself, which through  Baphomet could elevate beyond the physical state.  Levi tells us himself in Dogma and Rituals  of High Magic: “The beast’s head expresses  

The horror of the sinner, whose materially  acting, solely responsible part has to bear   the punishment exclusively; because the soul is  insensitive according to its nature and can only   suffer when it materializes. The rod standing  instead of genitals symbolizes eternal life,  

The body covered with scales the water, the  semi-circle above it the atmosphere, the   feathers following above the volatile. Humanity is  represented by the two breasts and the androgyne   arms of this sphinx of the occult sciences.” The depiction of Baphomet by Levi  

Was also believed to have been a  symbol for a more heretical tradition   that existed outside of typical religious belief  and that the symbol stood for the emancipation   of humanity and a perfect social order. He  would also come to speak of his own belief  

In the ‘astral light’ that shone from between the  horns of Baphomet – that which was a magical light   that promoted the progressive idea of blending  religion and science. Or at least, advocated a   social system that championed both religion  and science without one impeding the other. 

But many might be wondering why a goat was  used for Baphomet’s face at all – other than   the possible inspiration that Levi may have  drawn from Herodotus. Well, Herodotus did   speak of goats being revered creatures in  Egypt and that by one of his observations,  

He saw a woman having sex with one – thus was the  prominence of the goat in the region of Mendes.   Furthermore, some goats that were worshipped  were even believed to have been given ceremonial   burials when they died and that public  mourning of the goat was not uncommon. 

Fans of Aleister Crowley might also be interested  to know that the Occultist recognised Baphomet   as the ‘hieroglyph of arcane perfection’ and  that this deity was a reflection of ourselves.   Baphomet would become an important figure  within Crowley’s cult of Thelema in the early  

20th century and he would also be recognised by  Crowley’s writing as an androgynous being that   stood for life and love. As anyone who’s studied  Crowley for more than a minute, you’ll know that   sex magic played an integral role in his beliefs  and according to Crowley, Baphomet was also  

Symbolic of the ‘magical child’ that was produced  through such sex magic. With this in mind, it was   believed by Crowley that Baphomet represented  the convergence of opposites; especially in this   instance where the magically infused child would  be conceived through the physical act of sex.  

Both magic in the ritualistic copulation  and the biological fusing of sperm and egg   would in a sense become a representation of  Baphomet, he who resembled the opposites.   Interestingly, this is not the first time that  Baphomet has been addressed as a deity who marries  

Up the opposite elements, for Levi himself in  his illustration of the Goat of Mendes details   him as having the Latin word Solve (meaning  dissolve) on one arm and the Latin word Coagula,   (meaning coagulate) on the other- yet again  supporting this idea of two opposites coinciding. 

But let me know of any tales that you might have  heard in regards to Baphomet in the comments below   and as always, if you’ve enjoyed today’s episode,  then don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up   and don’t forget to subscribe  for more content just like this. 

Until next time

#Baphomet #Templar #Knights #Dirty #Secret #Angels #Demons #Explained

Angelology Explained in Obsessive Detail

This investigation is sponsored by Wondrium. Angelology is the study of angels, a class of supernatural beings thought to act as the intermediaries between God and humanity. And for the most part, they’re benevolent creatures. But also extremely complex, and sometimes quite scary. In today’s investigation, we’ll be focusing

Specifically on Christian Angelology from a Biblically-accurate perspective, and yes… we’re going to get obsessively detailed with it. While many do believe in the literal existence of these beings, you don’t have to be Christian or even religious to appreciate this deep fascinating lore. Today, we’ll discover a number of alien-like

Angelic species, some of which are rarely talked about. And we’ll break into their inner workings, from the hierarchy of Heaven, to the way angels actually think and behave. And of course, we’ll assess the very limits of their incredible powers.

All of this is guaranteed to throw any angelic preconceptions you had out the church window. But be warned, it’ll get downright bizarre at points, and you’ll come face-to-face with some of oldest still-unsolved mysteries in history. Hey fellow Seekers, welcome. I’m Mr. Mythos. If you’re a fan of strange and ancient mysteries

With research so deep, you’re guaranteed to fall down the rabbit hole – you’re in the right place. I humbly ask that you give this video a like, and ding the notifications bell so you don’t miss any of the rare info we’ll be digging into every video. And if

You love it, don’t forget to share this video with a friend. But before we dive in, I want to share with you a bit of an origin story of how I came to become Mr. Mythos. And I’m serious when I say it goes back to today’s sponsor, Wondrium.

Back in 2012, Wondrium used to be called The Great Courses, and they offered video lectures from the world’s foremost experts on the coolest topics from history, religion, philosophy, science, and more. As a freshman in university, I was still trying to figure out what to do

With my life, and The Great Courses ended up being my way to explore different interests. But there was one course in particular that made me realize where my true passion was, and this course was titled “Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad”.

This lecture series painted a profoundly complex picture of who these four sages were as actual people, based on historical evidence. And not only was I blown away by their stories, but I became passionately interested in the religions they founded. Especially after I

Rewatched it like 5 times. And this ultimately led me to start my channel. Today, you can watch this exact course on Wondrium, as well as enjoy unlimited access to all their lectures, courses, and documentaries, on topics like “Board Games of the Ancient

World”, “Why Evil Exists”, and “The Big Questions of Time”. As a relentless seeker of knowledge with a wide variety of interests, it really doesn’t get much better than this. And Wondrium is offering all of my viewers a free trial! Go to,

Or click my link in the description to start your free trial today. Thanks again to Wondrium! The world of angels awaits us. Angels are mentioned approximately 200 times throughout the Bible, split almost evenly between the Old and New Testaments. But despite their many appearances, angelology is considered

A particularly difficult study, because there are very few explicit descriptions of these beings and even fewer explanations on their nature. When they do show up, the focus tends not to be on the angel itself, but instead the revelations and prophecies they bring.

And while it’s true that the secrets are in the little details, this vagueness has led to a long history of misunderstanding. In modern day, for example, angels have a remarkably endearing reputation. Most people imagine them as patient, compassionate, and loving beings. All of this is inaccurate, unfortunately, because it definitely doesn’t

Match the angels in the scripture. Their behavioral traits, heavenly priorities, and hidden nature are a big part of what we’ll be covering today, but before all else, we’re going to meet the angels themselves. Admittedly, it’s a little unconventional diving straight

Into the action before tackling the core of these beings, but that’s the way angels do it – they just kind of pop out of nowhere. Speaking of which, angels aren’t very good at making first impressions. And if an angel decides to visit you, it’s a virtual guarantee

That they’ll strike fear in your heart. We know this because in most angelic visitations recorded in the Bible, the first thing they usually say is “Be not afraid”, “Don’t be afraid”, or simply, “Fear not”. This commandment is said 144 times – considerably

More than any other heavenly instruction. It’s literally double compared to the 72 times people are commanded to “Love God”. You’d think that the glory of God’s messengers would be an enrapturing and blissful experience, but clearly that’s not the case.

Believe it or not, there are more than a handful of good reasons why angels are worthy of your fear, all of which we’ll get to in due time. But why was fear the default reaction upon first sight? Well, while it’s 100% Biblically-accurate to say that angels sometimes appeared as regular-looking

Humans, it’s likely that was the rare exception. The very few explicit descriptions of angels tend to be so insane that many have interpreted them as possible visitations from extraterrestrials or interdimensional beings. Which is not surprising, because some of these heavenly creatures are downright alien nightmares. The most unforgettable description of angels

In the Bible is undoubtedly that recorded by a captive slave of the Babylonians at the bank of a river in the remote wilderness. This visitation is found in very first chapter of the scripture bearing the name of this soon-to-be prophet: the Book of Ezekiel.

According to his first-hand account, Ezekiel looked up to the North and saw the heavens open up. Flying at him from out of a great fiery cloud was the Old Testament God himself, Yahweh, sitting on His sapphire throne. And who else seemed to be driving this heavenly

Vehicle, but a troop of angels. As they charged at him from the Heavens, Ezekiel described them, QUOTE: “… in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, but each of them had four faces

And four wings… their feet were like those of a calf and… they had human hands… Each of the four had the face of a human being… each had the face of a lion… the face of an ox… [and] the face of an eagle… The appearance of the living creatures was like

Burning coals of fire or like torches… The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning… I heard the sound of their wings, like the roar of rushing waters, like the voice of the Almighty…” End Quote. These four fiery four-headed angels witnessed

By Ezekiel are today identified as cherubim. And while they do sound terrifying in all aspects, at least their features are somewhat recognizable. The same can’t be said though for the other four angels flying alongside them. Some call these creatures the ‘Thrones’, but I prefer the Hebrew term ‘Ophanim’

Which means ‘wheels’. And that descriptor is pretty accurate, if these wheels were from the fourth dimension. Ezekiel’s words say it all, QUOTE: “As I looked at the living creatures [the Cherubim], I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature… [the wheels] sparkled like topaz… Each appeared to be made like a wheel

Intersecting [another] wheel… Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were full of eyes all around.” End Quote. I think we all agree that these psychedelic, wheels-within-wheels covered in eyes, flying at you from Heavens, would have been a terrifying experience. We’ll revisit the Cherubim and Ophanim soon

Because there’s so much more to say about them, but before we really get to know our angels, it might be a good idea to know exactly where they rank in the angelic hierarchy. The scriptures speak many times of an “assembly” or “council” of angels, but that’s just

The tip of the iceberg. From Heaven to Earth, God’s ethereal domain is apparently a very complex bureaucracy, with various ranks, roles, and governing duties… and special terms for each, such as “dominions”, “powers”, “principalities”, and “archangels”. Though the Bible is rich with these descriptions, it lacks a clear rundown of the surprisingly

Intricate angelic hierarchy. Thankfully, angelologists are a dedicated bunch, and from the many little hints the scripture contains, it only took them a few centuries to figure it out. Since the birth of Christianity, the forefathers and thinkers of the Church studied the hierarchy

Of angels relentlessly. And finally in the 4th century AD, they joined forces for one final task – to establish a consistent classification, which they dubbed the ‘9 Choirs of Angels’. Each of these 9 choirs can be thought of as a rank in the angelic hierarchy, and these

Ranks are organized based on those angels’ proximity to God in Heaven. And for the most part, this was meant as a literal measure of distance from His holy presence. But 9 Choirs is quite a lot, and the number barely fits on two hands, so in the 5th century

AD, the Christian Neoplatonist Dionysius decided to simplify things. In his magnum opus, ‘The Celestial Hierarchy’, Dionysius explained, QUOTE: “Theology has given to the Celestial Beings nine interpretative names, and among these our divine initiator distinguishes three threefold Orders.” End Quote.

These three orders that neatly divide the 9 Choirs are known as the ‘3 Spheres of Angels’, a concept that heavily influenced the development of the Eastern Orthodox Church. So beginning with the 1st Sphere, if you thought that archangels like Michael and Gabriel would

Be the ones closest to God, well, the answer is ‘not even close’. The first sphere are the angels that see God directly and remain in His presence, and thus they’re thought to be His divine attendants. Dionysius writes, QUOTE: “[This] is the first Order of Celestial Beings which are established about God, immediately encircling

Him: and in perpetual purity they encompass His eternal Knowledge in that most high and eternal angelic dance… they know pre-eminently many divine matters.” End Quote. Because of their proximity to God, these are the angels responsible for communicating His

Will to the angels of the lower second and third spheres. However, each of these choirs definitely play their own unique roles. And they each happen to be made up of a unique species of angel. Alright, so for the first choir of the first

Sphere, as we might expect, the first is also the closest to God, and these are the seraphim. Above all else, the seraphim are the dedicated worshipers of God, and their seemingly endless legions are depicted in constant, intense adoration and worship of His perfect holiness,

Flying around His chariot and throne and singing their praises day and night in a never-ending loop. The Bible makes sure to clarify that they never stop, by the way. Not even for a second. In the Book of Isaiah, the prophet Isaiah describes his own hypnotizing encounter with these beings, QUOTE:

“I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne… Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy

Is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips… and my eyes have seen the

King, the Lord Almighty.” Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand… With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”” End Quote.

So, from this, we’re actually given several revealing details. And the first thing to point out is just how incredibly humble these creatures are. The seraphim use four of their six wings specifically to cover themselves in humility, hiding whatever radiance their

Appearance might have, and making sure that all the glory in the room goes to God. This is the traditional belief, but some fringe theories argue that the seraphim are actually forced to cover themselves to avoid blinding or incinerating the human witnessing them.

No person has ever seen what’s under their wings, so we really don’t know. Moving on, the act of touching a hot coal to Isaiah’s mouth in order to atone for his sins shows one of the more unique duties of these creatures – that they’re agents

Of cleansing, to assure that no one stands before God in an impure state. Like many other angelic beings, as we’ll soon see, the seraphim have a very close association with fire. Not only did they handle hot coals and fill the temple with smoke, but their

Actual name ‘seraphim’ is a Hebrew word that roughly translates to ‘burning ones’. And I really do mean a rough translation, because in other parts of the Bible, the word seraphim, as well as it’s singular form, seraph, are used not to describe an angel,

Oddly… but some kind of flying serpent. So the true meaning of this word remains a unsolved mystery, but considering the distinct yet deliberate uses of this word in the Bible, some scholars have argued these may be intentional hints as to the seraphim’s true appearance.

Think about it: all that we know about these angels’ appearance is incredibly general… we know they have a face, six wings, and an unspecified number of feet. And that’s about it. While historical art might depict them as human-like, that’s biblically-inaccurate.

But if we follow the actual trail of hints in the scripture, the seraphim of the first Choir might arguably be described as ‘fiery flying serpents’. Which, of course, are dragons. Moving on to the second choir, we’ve already had the pleasure of meeting these friends of Ezekiel. This rank is occupied by the Cherubim,

Who are likely the most human-like angels in the third Sphere. That should say a lot, because by definition, cherubim are chimeras, hybrid creatures composed of the body parts of different animals. Ezekiel described them as having four faces—that of a man, lion,

Ox, and eagle – as well as four wings and the feet of a calf, which implies that they’re hooved. As for the four faces – from a symbolism standpoint, these have been interpreted in many convoluted ways, but the simplest answer

Is that the man represents humanity, the lion represents wild animals, the ox represents domestic animals, and the eagle represents birds, and birds in the Bible are often a symbol of far-seeing wisdom. On that note, the word ‘cherub’ is actually a Hebrew

Term that translates to ‘Fullness of Wisdom’. Like the seraphim, the cherubim almost always remain in close proximity to God, whether He’s sitting on his sapphire throne or riding his flaming chariot. So what exactly do they do in His presence? Well, when Ezekiel saw

These beings, they were the ones responsible for making the wheels of God’s chariot move. Similarly, the Second Book of Samuel describes God as literally mounting the cherubim, flying through the sky, and soaring on their wings. So it wouldn’t be a stretch to say these

Creatures are like horses, and His means of locomotion on Earth, and perhaps all throughout the Universe. But without a doubt, the Cherubim are known to play another role, and interestingly, some assigned to this role are forced to leave God’s presence. In the Book of Genesis, where after Adam and Eve were expelled from

The Garden of Eden, God assigned a troop of cherubim to guard the Garden’s east-side entrance, and patrol the path leading to the Tree of Life. But considering that these beings are capable sentries and protectors, and most of them remain at their master’s side, it

Seems very likely that the cherubim could also be God’s personal guard, much like how a king requires nearby protection at all times. This is suggested by the fact that the books of Isaiah, Psalms, and 2 Kings all use a very specific phrase describing God as, QUOTE: “enthroned between the cherubim” End Quote.

Furthermore, metal sculptures of specifically cherubim, and no other angel, were used to decorate both King Solomon’s Temple and the Ark of the Covenant, with strong implications that their imagery provided some kind of protection. So while it’s never explicitly stated, guard

Duty might actually be the primary role of the creatures of the Second Choir. But there is one often forgotten connection to make with the cherub… the most powerful testament that these beings are far more complex and capable than the scriptures describe.

The same Ezekiel who first witnessed these creatures, 28 chapters later, went on to record the words delivered to him from God… words which recounted the origin of a certain Biblical figure, QUOTE: “You were anointed as a guardian cherub,

For so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you… and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled

You, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.” End Quote. Some of you may recognize these infamous verses as the story of the angel Lucifer’s fall from Heaven, and his transformation into Satan, the Devil. Seeing how Jesus Christ referred to Satan as “the ruler of this world”, this really emphasizes just how little we

Know about what sounded thus far like a rather simple creature. Therefore, it would be wise to apply this same sort of thinking to all other angelic species too. But if you think we’ve reached the bottom of the barrel of the mysteries of the Cherubim,

There’s actually one final puzzle to confuse things completely – And that’s that the Book of Revelation describes an angelic species that sounds an awful lot like a hybrid of both seraph and cherub, QUOTE: “…round about the throne, were four beasts

Full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were

Full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” End Quote. So, like the seraphim witnessed by Isaiah, these creatures have six wings and are in

Constant singing worship of God. And like the cherubim seen by Ezekiel, three of the four creatures have the face of an animal, with the fourth having the face of a human. However, all have only one head each, unlike the traditionally four-headed cherub. So…

Did John, the author of the Book of Revelation, describe this creature accurately? Or might he have seen the seraphim and the cherubim, but accidentally mixed them together when remembering his vision? But what’s even weirder is that it seems John also threw a third angelic species into the mix, because he deliberately used the

Same disturbing description twice… that each creature was ‘full of eyes’. A terrifying profusion of eyes happens to be a main feature of the angels next on our list – the Third Choir, and the lowest of the First Sphere. Finally, we return to the unforgettable Ophanim, the literal wheels of God’s chariot. These

Make up the Third Choir. As described by Ezekiel, each of these angels are made up of two intersected wheels, both covered in eyes. He didn’t clarify whether these eyes looked human, but it’s usually interpreted that way. That doesn’t make

Them any less alien though, and this particular feature is only one of the Ophanim’s many oddities. To begin, the wheel-within-a-wheel appearance conjures a strong feeling that this creature might not be from this dimension, and this theory is actually backed up by Ezekiel’s observation that the ophanim never seem to

Shift their position despite any change in direction. The prophet reported, QUOTE: “As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the [cherubim] faced; the wheels did not change direction as the creatures went.” End Quote.

So, if we take a step back from the scripture, and look at this from a modern scientific lens, there’s actually some sense to be made of this visual phenomenon. According to mathematical theory, if creatures from the fourth dimension or beyond exist, they’d

Be more than capable of navigating our dimension, much like how we in the third dimension can navigate a 2-dimensional video game. But due to these creatures existing in a more geometrically complex space, our ability to actually see them is extremely limited. In most cases,

A higher-dimensional creature will simply be invisible to us, unless they make themselves visible at a very specific angle. And in the case that they do, their movement will be visually confusing or impossible for us to comprehend. The interdimensional theory definitely has some credence, especially with the traditional

Religious belief that angels are residents of the ethereal realm. That said, this mystery isn’t the only one stemmed from the strange descriptions of the Ophanim’s movement. In Ezekiel’s account, he makes it clear that the Ophanim don’t move on their own, but are set into motion and even steered by the cherubim. QUOTE:

“When the living creatures [the cherubim] moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose… the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.” End Quote. If the ophanim require the cherubim to move, then we really have to wonder if the ophanim

Are actually independent angelic creatures. The eyes definitely make them appear to be alive, but what if they’re literally just wheels? This is worth think about, because Ezekiel goes out of his way to identify the cherubim as ‘living creatures’, while describing the ophanim as not much more than freaky-looking wheels that don’t move on

Their own. On the other hand, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 4Q405, does explicitly identify the ophanim as angels. And the apocryphal Book of Enoch describes them as celestial beings who actively perform a function – guarding of the Throne

Of God. But since that’s the same role as the cherubim, again, they seem to be directly tied to those beings. So this is yet another unsolved mystery. But returning back to Biblical canon, Ezekiel’s vision isn’t the only description of the

Ophanim. The Book of Daniel also contains a vision of God’s throne, and states, QUOTE: “His throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.” End Quote. Again, we see a clear association between angels and fire. In Ezekiel’s vision, he

Only mentioned them ‘sparkling like topaz’, but it’s possible this was just a poetic interpretation of the Ophanim’s blazing flames. And that about covers the First Sphere. But before we jump down the Second Sphere, there are two other mysterious beings mentioned in the Bible that you may have never heard

Of, or never considered might be unrecognized species of angels. And this is where we’re really getting obscure, but as any theologian will tell you, the scripture is heavily embedded with hidden information and little secrets that require a very close

Look. And these two creatures might be examples of that. Definitely let me know whether you think these are angels in the comments below. The first of these is mentioned only once in the Bible, and specifically in the Book of Genesis. After God banished Adam and Eve,

QUOTE: “At the east of the Garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the Tree of Life.” End Quote. This verse seems to imply that just like the cherubim, this flaming sword was assigned

To guard the entrance to Eden. Traditionally, it was interpreted as a weapon given to the cherubim, however, there are reasons to believe this flaming sword may actually be a living entity, an angelic species unlike any we’ve encountered thus far. First off, this sword is apparently capable of movement, turning in every direction at

Its post. And the actual Hebrew term used to describe this sword, ‘lahat chereb’, literally translates to ‘flame of the whirling sword’, which not only emphasizes its movement, but doubles down on its fiery nature, implying that the object or creature itself is more

Flame than sword. And of course, the association with fire makes the angel theory all the more likely. Unfortunately, since this is the only mention of this strange flaming sword in Biblical canon, we’re left to wonder what this thing may have actually been. As for our second speculative angelic species,

The Second Book of Kings describes the following, QUOTE: “There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire… and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried…” End Quote. This was the last time the Prophet Elijah was seen on Earth, making him one of the mere

Handful of humans believed to have entered Heaven alive. This vision though, of burning chariots and horses in the sky, was seared into the mind of Elijah’s protégé Elisha, who would inherit the role of God’s chosen prophet. And apparently, Elisha inherited

These chariots and horses too. While it’s implied that only Elisha could see them, others beings wholly unaware… make no mistake – these beings were apparently very real, and their presence would be vital to some of Elisha’s greatest military victories. The following is one such event involving this haunting invisible army of his, QUOTE:

“When the servant… got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more

Than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” End Quote.

Alright – the natural question to ask first is whether these horses and chariots are one angelic species, or perhaps two. Strangely, none of the verses that mention these creatures describe any riders or drivers in the chariots, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to wonder whether

The chariots themselves are alive, much like the wheels of God’s throne, the Ophanim. This mystery doesn’t end with Elisha though, because the Book of Zechariah contains an instance where the Prophet Zechariah met an angel riding on a red horse, and not long

After, he encountered four chariots, each powered by strangely colored horses, but no angels riding them, QUOTE: “There before me were four chariots coming out from between two mountains… The first chariot had red horses, the second black, the third white, and the fourth [spotted]—all of them powerful. I asked the angel who was

Speaking to me, “What are these, my lord?” The angel answered me, “These are the four spirits of heaven…”” End Quote. So, if we interpret this passage literally, the angel is calling each of the four chariots and their respective horses a single being,

Counting exactly ‘four spirits of heaven’. And while he doesn’t refer to them as angels, calling them ‘spirits of heaven’ strongly implies it. What’s confusing though is that Zechariah’s chariots are very different in appearance and number, compared to Elisha’s flaming legion. Nonetheless, these beings really seem to fit

The bill, and it’s possible that there are still hidden details about them waiting be uncovered by a careful reader. It’s now time to dive into the Second Sphere – and it’s very much unlike the first. Instead of boldly discovering new angelic species, we’ll get to experience the joys of Heaven’s bureaucracy, because, while

We have no idea what these angels look like, we do know what they do… and the creatures of the second sphere are essentially middle-management. While First Sphere passes down orders and communications from God, the second sphere makes God’s will happen. They do this by assigning duties to the third sphere angels below.

Dionysius describes those in the second sphere as, QUOTE: “true Lords, perpetually aspiring to true lordship… and they providentially fashion themselves and those below them, as far as possible, into the likeness of true lordship. They do not turn towards vain shadows, but wholly give themselves to that true Authority.” End Quote.

So be assured that Heaven’s middle management are ethical, inspiring beings, which is good, because these 3 angelic choirs are pretty darn important. On top of being essentially Heaven’s project managers, they also use their own special powers to regulate the forces

Of the universe. As before, the Bible is our source for this sacred knowledge, specifically the key details found in the Epistle to the Ephesians. The first choir of the second sphere is known as the ‘Dominions’. These are angels of leadership, the ‘true Lords’ Dionysius was raving about. The Dominions’ role is

Simple – they make the commandments of God known to the lower spheres and assign duties to their subordinates wherever they see fit. The second choir of the second sphere is called the ‘Virtues’, and this angelic group is responsible for the continued operation

Of the universe and its worlds, including our own. The Virtues are sometimes referred to as the ‘Spirits of Motion’, because they’re believed to be responsible for natural cycles such as the changing of the seasons and the orbits of celestial objects. Simply put, they exercise complete control over the elements of nature.

The third and lowest choir is referred to as the ‘Powers’, and their primary responsibility couldn’t be more different than the two choirs above them – because the Powers are, in fact, warrior angels, the angelic choir assigned by God to be Heaven’s primary military

Force in the never-ending war between Good and Evil. They engage in spiritual combat against the demonic choirs of Hell, Satan’s own counterparts to the Powers. In my video “Demonology Explained in Obsessive Detail”, we explored the distinctly military-like hierarchies of the fallen angels and their demonic legions. But this lore comes less

From the Bible, and more from the reasoning and speculation of Christian mystics and occultists. So where did they get these ideas in the first place? Well, it was probably inspired by the lore of the Powers, which is 100% canon. In countless Biblical verses beginning in the

Book of Genesis and spanning all the way to Revelation, ancient Hebrew military terminology is used to describe the angelic army’s chain of command, combat operations, and even their base camp. So to the credit of the demonologists, if Heaven is so equipped to battle against

Their enemy, this simple fact suggests that Satan’s legion poses a very similar threat. Certain Bible verses also confirm that Hell is a tough enemy. One of the most famous quotes from Revelation depicts the Powers staving off an invasion of Heaven, QUOTE:

“And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. And the dragon and his angels waged war.” End Quote. The dragon, of course, is the devil, Satan. And his angels are what Christians refer to

As fallen angels. There is quite a bit to cover on those guys, so fallen angels are going to get their own video sometime next month, and we’ll be covering the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim, and even Satan himself. But back to the Powers, these angels are so

Skilled in combat that defending Heaven and the universe might not be the only role they play. Many theologians speculate that these Heavenly soldiers may also be God’s mercenaries, the specific term being the ‘destroyer angels’, sometimes known as the ‘angels of death’.

Their terrible destructive potential serves at least one known purpose – to pass merciless judgement on us humans. The raw punishing power of the destroyer angel is shown in the Second Book of Samuel, QUOTE: “And when the angel stretched out His hand

Over Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD relented from the destruction, and said to the angel who was destroying the people, “It is enough; now restrain your hand.”” End Quote. It says a lot when God has to tell a destroyer angel they went a little too far with their

Destroying. But if you’re looking for raw numbers, in the Second Book of Kings, a single one of these angels killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers overnight, with such ease that the Hebrews didn’t even know what happened until they woke up the next morning and saw the

Mountain of corpses. But that’s still baby damage compared to what was prophesized in the Book of Revelation, where just four angels judge the entirety of mankind, and end up killing one-third of the world’s population. But while the roles played by the Powers definitely

Emphasize the violent side of these beings, at the end of the day, they’re actually not so different than the two choirs above them, the Dominions and the Virtues. All angels of the second sphere help regulate the universe at large, and the Powers are simply responding

To that which offsets or threatens the moral balance established by God. Finally, we reach the third sphere, the holy angels furthest from God and the closest to humanity. These are the angels who we meet most in the Bible, the ones who delivered

Commandments, revelations, and assistance to people. Unlike the spheres above, the third sphere is in continual, direct contact with our kind. These are the beings that popularized the only somewhat-accurate idea that angels are messengers, the inter-communicators between God and humanity. In fact, in Greek, the word

For angel is ‘angelos’, and in Hebrew it’s ‘mal`ach’, both of which literally translate to ‘messenger’. However, this term was used in the old sense, when a messenger wasn’t only a deliverer of messages, but had the far more general goal of doing the

Bidding of their master and carrying out their will. That being said, angels delivering communications from God was extremely common in the Bible. While there are countless examples, the best known is in the Gospel of Luke, where the archangel Gabriel delivered two positive pregnancy

Prophecies, alerts of the incoming births of John the Baptist and later Jesus Christ. This was much to the shock of the husbands, of course, since John’s mother was far past menopause, and Jesus’s mother was a virgin. So some of these angels were definitely messengers

As we think of them today. But as we dive into the third sphere, you’ll see that their roles were far more than just this. To begin, the first choir of the third sphere are actually the angels most of us probably considered the closest to God. And we wouldn’t

Be at fault for believing so, because the Bible and other religious texts really seem to place so much emphasis on the power and importance of these beings, who are, of course, are the archangels. There is a lot of ground to cover on the archangels, so we’ll actually

Revisit them in depth in just a few minutes, but for now, here are a few key details about them. The archangels are typically thought to be the very few angels the Bible actually refers to by name, and whenever they show up, it’s

Usually a critical moment for humanity. Their primary responsibility is to communicate and execute God’s plans for mankind. And as the archangels’ title implies, they are the chief angels of the highest authority… at least in the third sphere. The second choir of the third sphere is known as the ‘Principalities’, and each of these

Angels are assigned to their own domain on Earth. They oversee their assigned community, whether it be a humble town or an entire kingdom, providing protection and guidance. They do have a very particular trend in the Bible though, because the Principalities seem to

Be heavily concerned with events where power is transitioned between earthly rulers. These are the times when they very directly influence the course of history, such as appearing to kings to give advice and prophecies. The role of the Principalities naturally requires

These angels to be in constant observation of their domain. And this brings up another name for these angels… the Principalities are also known as the ‘Watchers’. The Biblical Aramaic term that’s usually translated to ‘watcher’ is actually an adjective meaning ‘ever-awake and always watching’. That alone can help explain why

These particular angels have been the subject of strange and disturbing theories, fueled ever further by the Bible’s characteristic lack of explanation. In traditional belief though, the Watcher’s main purpose is to observe the movements of humans, particularly those in power, and report their actions directly to God. But on occasion,

They’re also known get involved and directly influence the course of history. In the Book of Daniel, there are 3 explicit mentions Watchers doing this, two of which repeat the same description, QUOTE: “a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven” End Quote. This deliberate detail that the Watcher was

A ‘holy one’ seems to imply that there are also unholy Watchers. And this is a bit more than concerning, because not only are they constantly observing and reporting, but also actively influencing the leaders of this world. The third choir of the third sphere are the ‘personal guardian angels’, the last and

Lowest of the 9 angelic choirs. In Christianity, it’s strongly thought that all believers are assigned their own guardian angel, and this idea actually does have Biblical roots, specifically from the Book of Psalms, Psalm 91, QUOTE: “If you say, “The Lord is my refuge, … he will command his angels concerning

You to guard you in all your ways…” End Quote. So to answer the popular question, ‘does everyone have a guardian angel?’, the Biblically-accurate answer is… they’re only assigned to true believers. These angels are shown many times helping believers in danger – for example, in the

Gospel of Matthew, an angel warns Joseph to take Mary and the baby Jesus and flee to Egypt for their survival. Other guardian angels are shown answering desperate prayers, and even comforting believers in their time of death. However, there’s one big exception.

Helping people out might not always be part of God’s plan, and guardian angels don’t make exceptions to His will. It’s important to learn this lesson before putting your safety in their hands, as the Epistle to the Hebrews warns, QUOTE: “Some [true believers] faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were

Put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword… Persecuted and mistreated… They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground. These [believers] were all commended for their faith, yet none of them

Received what had been promised, since God had planned something better…” End Quote. Even Jesus Christ himself, the mortal incarnation of God on Earth, was not immune to the plans of God. When Jesus was arrested in the Gospel of Matthew, he asserted, QUOTE:

“Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” End Quote. The ending of this well-known event is no

Surprise. Not a single guardian angel came to save Jesus from the cross, because his successful crucifixion was required by God’s master plan. Regardless, the personal guardian angels are without a doubt the furthest angels from God, because they remain so close to humanity. In fact, the Epistle to the Hebrews states

That these angels often walk among us in a human form, totally indistinguishable from the everyday people of our community. Therefore, beyond protecting us, it’s strongly believed that these beings are actively involved in testing our faith and character, so remember

To always treat strangers kindly. And that wraps up the 9 choirs, the 3 spheres of angels ranked according to their proximity to God. But as promised, we’re gonna take a far closer look at the archangels, because every angelologist should know exactly who

These famous angels are. To begin, I’ll mention again that the archangels have a very important job, at least from the perspective of us humans, because they’re responsible for carrying out God’s plans for mankind. These are truly capable and blessed

Angels, far more powerful than the majority of their angelic peers in Heaven, Hell and on Earth. But to be clear, the entire Bible only identifies one specific angel as an archangel, and that is Michael, who’s referred to with that

Title in the Epistle of Jude. And the only other canonical mention of the term ‘archangel’ is found in the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, which only mentions the voice of an archangel without identifying them. While these mentions are enough to show that this angelic rank

Exists, it’s absolutely possible that Michael may be the only one to hold this rank. But most Churches and believers think otherwise. Most Christian traditions venerate exactly 7 archangels, although their exact identities differ depending on what source or authority they rely on. For example, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church identifies the seven Archangels as

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Phanuel, and Sachiel, a list taken from the Book of Enoch. The Ethiopian Orthodox tradition is unique in the Christian world though because they treat the Book of Enoch as Biblical canon, as opposed to apocryphal lore.

In a similar manner, the Eastern Orthodox Church identifies the 7 archangels as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel, and they took this from the expert on angelic hierarchy, Dionysius, whose work was a huge influence in their tradition. While the Eastern Orthodox Church openly acknowledges the existence of thousands of archangels,

Interestingly, they only venerate these 7 by name. But you’re probably wondering – 7 is a very specific number, so where does this concept actually come from? Well, even though it’s not part of the Jewish canon, it actually derives from early Jewish mystical writings, and specifically the Book of Tobit, written

In the 3rd century BC. In this work, one of the most commonly venerated archangels, Raphael, makes it known, QUOTE: “I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve him.” End Quote.

The Book of Tobit, by the way, is considered canon today by both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, despite neither agreeing on who exactly these 7 archangels are. So clearly, this muddy realm of Christianity remains in the throes of identity crisis to

This day. However, there are three angels that are virtually recognized by all major Christian traditions as holders of this rank. Michael is the most obvious, due to his rank being canonical. And we just met Raphael. And the third archangel agreed to hold this

Rank is Gabriel. Finally, there’s a very common fourth angel that’s not universally accepted, but nevertheless is agreed to be an archangel by many Christian traditions, and that’s Uriel. So let’s take a minute and explore these four angels, and perhaps speculate on one more.

In Hebrew, the name Michael translates to “Who is equal to God?”, and that’s meant as a question, by the way. From the earliest days of Christian artwork, Michael was usually depicted in a militaristic role, holding a spear or sword, and using this weapon to pin

Satan to the ground. If we assume that the rank of archangel has its own sub-hierarchy, Michael would definitely take the crown as the most important, because out of all the places on Earth, God designated him as the defender of Israel. The Book of

Deuteronomy reads, QUOTE: “For you [Israel] are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.” End Quote. As the one given responsibility over God’s

Land, people, and greatest treasure, we have to assume that Michael’s power is the highest of all angels. However, there is one disturbing exception. The only angel arguably more powerful than Michael is Satan. We know this because in Epistle of Jude, it’s recorded QUOTE:

“But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”” End Quote. Clearly, Michael refrained from offending or challenging Satan directly, and that showed that Michael actually held fear of the Devil’s

Powers. That being said, the Book of Revelation prophesized that he would eventually edge a victory over the infamous fallen angel, who took the form a giant red dragon with seven heads, seven crowns, and ten horns. This battle was intense

And a close match, but in the end, Michael did win. There are two things to consider though. The first is that this battle takes place in a future timeline, and it’s unknown how much time and effort Michael took to finally gain the strength to defeat the Devil. The

Second thing is that while Michael and his army were technically victorious, they only ended up casting the red dragon out of Heaven and onto Earth, where the dragon continued to attack other targets, seemingly unharmed. That really speaks to how powerful the Devil

Is, who according to the Bible, was not an archangel, but a mere cherub. The next archangel that always makes the list is Raphael. Despite not being named in the Bible, he’s the key figure of the Book of Tobit, a scripture considered canon by the

Largest Christian denomination in the world, Catholicism. In the Book of Tobit, Raphael is sent by God to assist the main character, a pious man named Tobit who suffers many problems, the main ones being issues in his marriage, lack of money, a demon named Asmodeus haunting

His sister, as well as the fact that Tobit couldn’t see anything, because he was blind. In Hebrew, Raphael’s name translates to “It is God who heals”, so it shouldn’t be surprising that Raphael solved Tobit’s problems completely. And while the story of the Book

Of Tobit is definitely more complex than that, Tobit himself had a very happy ending thanks to this archangel. We saw that Michael embodied both the role of the Archangel and the Principality, as an assigned authority of Israel, and similarly, Raphael is clearly associated with two distinct roles. The Book of Tobit strongly implies

That he’s an archangel, and no one can deny that he was also the personal guardian angel of Tobit. And like other guardian angels, Raphael also disguised himself as a totally normal human being. In artwork, there’s the popular image of Raphael helping Tobit

Catch a huge fish, but when shown alone, he’s usually depicted holding a staff, alluding to his healing nature. The Book of Tobit from the 2nd century BC is actually not the first to mention Raphael as an archangel, by the way. That honor goes

To the Book of Enoch, written in the 3rd century BC. So, the idea of the archangel Raphael is truly ancient, even if it isn’t Biblical canon. The third entity found in every list of the 7 archangels is Gabriel, the angel who famously

Delivered the most important prophecy in the Christian Bible – that the virgin Mary would give birth to the mortal incarnate of God himself, Jesus Christ. Gabriel’s name is specifically mentioned four times in the Bible, and while he’s not specifically identified as an archangel, the simple fact that he’s given a name and

Plays such an important role in the scripture makes it seem very likely. In fact, the Bible only ever mentions four angels by name – Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, and Abaddon. And if you’re wondering who Abaddon is, he’s only mentioned once, and

The Book of Revelation seems to imply that he’s a fallen angel, calling him the ‘angel of the Abyss’. Other than that, the Bible doesn’t say… but maybe for my follow-up episode on Fallen Angel Demonology, I’ll see if I can dig more up.

But back to Gabriel, not only is he canonical, but he’s clearly quite special to be mentioned 4 times by name. It’s also hard to believe that God would entrust such a significant task, the prophecies regarding the birth of Jesus, to any rank other than an archangel.

So it’s not surprising that Gabriel is a staple on these lists. So despite his name, which translates to “the Might of God”, it’s clear that Gabriel’s specialty is not combat or destruction, but that of a herald and messenger. Centuries before his appearance in the New Testament, Gabriel actually shows up twice

In the Old Testament’s Book of Daniel, written in the 2nd century BC, both times delivering messages to the prophet. First, he prophesized the fates of four great empires of the world – which scholars today agree were those of Babylon, Medo-Persia,

Greece, and Rome – and he foretold the rise of a fifth and final kingdom from Heaven, which Christians usually interpret as a reference to the Second Coming of Christ. In Gabriel’s second visitation, he delivered the cryptic prophecy of the so-called ‘seventy

Sevens’, which has the honor of being recognized as the most convoluted and difficult set of verses in the entire Bible. I’ll read a portion of it to you, and see if you can guess what the heck Gabriel is actually talking about, QUOTE:

“From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ … After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death… The people of the ruler

Who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary… War will continue until the end… He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination

That causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” End Quote. As you may have guessed, most Christians interpret this as a prophecy of both Jesus Christ and the Antichrist. And as for the numbers, that’s where scholars and mystics tend to argue angrily,

Because these are definitely supposed to be used to calculate exact dates, but the math quickly gets very complicated. There’s a reason why this thousand-year-old puzzle remains unsolved. Anyway, Gabriel’s depiction in most artwork is actually inspired by an ancient legend, that when he appeared to Mary, he held a lily

In his hand as a symbol of her virgin purity. But other artworks, especially in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, show Gabriel with a mirror and lantern, both of which signify his role as the herald of the hidden mysteries of God. There is a fourth archangel venerated by a

Significant number of Christian traditions, and he’s certainly one of the most popular angels in occult and esoteric literature. His name is Uriel, which translates to “God is my Light”. While Uriel never actually appears or does anything in the Bible, he’s an incredibly busy archangel according to the masses of

Biblical apocrypha written about him. According to these non-canonical stories, Uriel has done everything from flying Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist and his mother to Egypt, to controlling demons in the construction of the body of the first man, Adam. Apparently

Uriel was even one of the cherubim assigned to guard the entrance to Eden. But this wasn’t his only station. The Book of Enoch referred to Uriel as the Heavenly overseer of Tartarus, a deep pit and pitch-black prison in Greek mythology, which is mentioned in the New Testament

As a synonym for Hell. As you can see, Uriel has been a pretty popular angelic figure. And while I mentioned he was described as a cherub, other angelologists have variously identified him as a seraph, a flame of God, and even the face of God,

Among other descriptors. In any case, it’s not easy to figure out who Uriel really is, with the main commonality between these stories simply being the idea that Uriel is an archangel among the ranks of Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. In most historical artwork, Uriel carries a thick book or a papyrus scroll, both of

Which symbolize wisdom. But I like to believe that text contains the secrets of who this archangel really is. Uriel is yet another lore puzzle where there’s a thousand pieces scattered across the table, and less than a handful of them actually fit the true narrative.

But with these four archangels covered, there’s one final, very unique angel I’d like to speculate on, and this being might actually take the crown of the most holy of all angels. Far before the advent of Christianity, Jewish theologians poured countless hours into identifying

A certain angel who showed up again and again in the books of the Hebrew Bible. Spanning from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Zechariah, and many in-between, this angel is never named, but instead branded by the deliberately vague descriptor – ‘the angel of the Lord’.

The events that involve this mysterious angel range anywhere from mundane to some of the most vital moments recorded in the scripture. There are exactly 53 mentions of this particular angel, ‘the angel of the Lord’, with particular emphasis given to the definite article ‘the’,

In his title. The angel of the Lord is always mentioned in singular form, with the strong implication that there is only one in existence. Which makes it all the more interesting because this angel is unquestionably the most frequent angel encountered in the scripture, one whose

Involvement in Biblical events dwarfs that of both Michael and Gabriel combined. There’s also one other reoccurring trait that identifies this being as the very same being in all encounters, but we’ll get to that in a minute. This angel’s most famous appearance was

Arguably in the Book of Exodus, when he appeared to Moses, who was then just a humble shepherd, not yet aware of his destiny to become a prophet. QUOTE: “Moses was tending [his] flock… and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness

And came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush.” End Quote. And here’s where the potential answer to the mystery becomes apparent. QUOTE: “Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up… When the Lord saw that

He had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!… I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.” End Quote.

To many scholars, it seems quite clear that the angel of the Lord literally distinguished himself as Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament, and even spoke as God in the first person. And this very telling trend continues in many other encounters, where in the case that the

Angel doesn’t at least hint at his own identity, the person they’re appearing to clearly acknowledges exactly who they’ve just met. For example, in this angel’s very first appearance in Genesis, he delivers a prophecy to an Egyptian slave. While the angel of the

Lord never indicates who he is or why he appeared to her, and simply delivers a prophecy, nevertheless, the encounter ends with the slave’s following reaction, QUOTE: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”” End Quote. This interpretation that the angel of the

Lord is literally God Himself is so widely accepted that many English translations of the Bible, including the King James and New King James versions, capitalize the word ‘Angel’ in all mentions of the angel of the Lord. But here’s where people really butt heads

With the details. The angel of the Lord is almost definitely an angelic incarnation of God… but are we dealing with a Theophany, or a Christophany? Alright, we’re in need of some definitions here. A Theophany is a visible manifestation of God the Father on

Earth. And a Christophany is a preincarnation of God the Son, aka Jesus Christ, and basically a visible manifestation of Jesus before the events of his human incarnation in the New Testament. And this may seem like a weird detail to get hung up on, but it’s one people

Talk about for good reason. All explicit references to ‘the angel of the Lord’ end with the Old Testament, and for such a prominent figure, his absence in the New Testament is incredibly apparent. The only reasonable solution connects the

Angel’s absence to the fact that Jesus Christ was on Earth as a human. As a bit of a metaphor, it’s like in the comics – when Superman shows up to save the day, Clark Kent suspiciously goes missing. But that’s just putting two-and-two together, and at least for the angel of the

Lord, no one can really say for sure. So now that we’ve met the angels, and even have a few names – it’s safe to say that there’s still much more to reveal about these beings. And while there are so many mysteries, you might be surprised how much

Angelologists actually have figured out. Angels are in no way perfect beings, and they also express some bizarre characteristics and certain limitations that will make you wonder just how deep the lore goes, and what these beings truly are. The Bible never specifies exactly when the creation of angels occurred, but the Book

Of Job states that they were present when Earth was first formed. And the traditional belief is that all angels are born flawless and without sin. But note that that doesn’t mean all would remain this way. So from what little we know about their creation,

The natural follow-up question would be ‘why’, exactly, God made these creatures. And similarly, the Bible doesn’t say much, only stating the obvious, QUOTE: “For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible… all things have been created through him and for him.” End Quote.

While the scripture may not speak straightforwardly about these beings, it absolutely does hide subtle patterns that reveal some surprising truths. Though angels may seem completely occupied in serving God’s will, they also have traits that are uniquely ‘angel’. So let’s strike some comparisons and unlock what these beings truly are – and aren’t.

And the end, we’ll return to the question of ‘why’, and try to provide an answer to their mysterious existence. To begin, we need to understand the differences between angel and man. The Epistle to the Hebrews states that God made humankind, including the mortal-incarnate Jesus Christ, QUOTE: “a little lower than

The angels” End Quote. Traditionally, ‘a little lower’ is thought to refer to our literal proximity to God in Heaven, much like the order of the 3 Spheres, but some theologians have speculated that more might be hiding in this statement. According

To the Bible, both humans and angels are God’s creations. So, might it be possible that we share peculiar similarities… and just how wide is the gap between our 2 kinds? Well, one of the most consistent words used to describe angels in the scripture is simply

The word ‘holy’. What the descriptor ‘holy’ actually means for them though is still up for debate, but some scholars interpret this as meaning angels possess a personality similar to God, and mirror many of His behaviors, desires, and values.

The human counterpart to this then is that, according to the Book of Genesis, humans were created in God’s image, which many strongly argue that this refers to a similarity to God in our physical appearance. So according to these theories, humans and angels both

Reflect aspects of God, but in very different ways. Of course, neither of these are perfect mirrors. On a related note, according to Genesis, we humans were formed from clay or dust. So, as for what material angels were made from, or what forms their essence, it’s not entirely clear. While Islam, another Abrahamic religion,

States that God made angels out of light, the Christian Bible fails to provide the specifics, and instead, we’re left to interpret the many references to so-called ‘angels of light’, and the fact that many angelic visitations are accompanied by a blinding brightness.

However, just as often, many angelic events are accompanied by blazing flames, and fire, of course, is a natural source of light. By this point, we should all be well aware that fire seems to be their most closely associated element, with many descriptions of angels

Not only raining fire on their victims, but being enveloped in flames, and ascending towards Heaven in a blaze, like some sort of rocket ship. But I’d expect most theologians to argue that angels are neither made of light nor flames, but something else entirely. Several Biblical verses describe angels as invisible

To humans until God ‘opens our eyes’ to them. This is because angels are in no way physical beings, but instead visitors from the ethereal spiritual world, another dimension of space and time that we simply can’t comprehend nor perceive unless they allow us to.

So to explain the light and flames, they might simply be a blinding, in-your-face reminder of the sheer brilliance of the glory of God. Kind of like a uniform telling you who they work for. And then we have the most inherent difference

Of them all. The Gospel of Luke explicitly reveals that angels are immortal, and cannot die. And yes, that includes the fallen angels in Satan’s army – hence the eternal fire prepared for them as referenced in the Gospel of Matthew. So angels never die, but they

Can be subdued. That obviously separates us completely from these beings, but that’s not to say there’s no relatable ground. For example, us humans love music, and so do angels. Some angels sing songs, and other play instruments. The two favorite instruments of angels are undoubtedly harps and trumpets. There are many instances

Of trumpets in association with Heaven and God, but on the flipside, the harp is in a bit of a more grey-area. While Revelation definitely describes good angels as playing harps, the Book of Isaiah closely associates the noise of harps with the former archangel

Lucifer, who became Satan after his fall from Heaven, and who is speculated by many theologians to have once been Heaven’s finest musician. In fact, the Book of Ezekiel argues that Lucifer may have been more than just a master of the harp, QUOTE:

“The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you [Lucifer] on the day you were created.” End Quote. Timbrel is another word for a tambourine, and pipes are flutes. While Satan might have been a one-angel band, this love for music is something definitely

Shared by all angels, and humans too. But aside from that wholesome connection, angels may also share a negative trait with humans. These beings are susceptible to lust, and they seem to specifically favor human women. The main evidence for this is found in the Book of Genesis, where it’s said that the

‘sons of God’ lusted for earthly women and copulated with them, and even had hybrid children with them, known as the Nephilim. Later on, the Epistle of Jude confirms that these ‘sons of God’ were indeed angels, QUOTE: “The angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode… having

Given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” End Quote. There are of course many mysteries surrounding this specific topic that we’ll tackle in the follow-up. But in terms of our investigation, this does imply two interesting observations…

The first is the fact that angels are vulnerable to temptation and can make conscious choices to disobey God’s will. The second is that they are somehow capable of procreation, at least with human women. Genesis clearly states that they had children with them, and this

Is a real mystery because what sense does it make for an immortal being to procreate? And assuming that angels are ethereal, non-physical beings… how is that even possible? Well, there might actually be an answer to that one. In the scripture, angels do, on rare occasion, assume a physical human form, and perhaps

That comes with the necessary reproductive organs. Speaking of which, when angels do take a human form, it’s almost always male. There is literally only one possible instance of female angels in the Bible. The Book of Zechariah describes the following, QUOTE:

“I raised my eyes and looked, and there were two women, coming with the wind in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between earth and heaven.” End Quote. Some argue that this was just a holy hallucination,

And that no angel has literally manifested as female, and thus angels are inherently male. But logically speaking, there’s no reason for angels to be bound to a single sex, because they almost definitely have no sex. And I mean that biologically. As we know,

Angels aren’t physical beings, but ethereal. They don’t possess material bodies, and thus, there’s no good reason to believe they can be female or male. On a related note, in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus mentioned that angels don’t marry one another – another big separation between our two species. Jesus didn’t really explain

Why, but if angels don’t have a sex and don’t procreate with each other, there doesn’t seem to be any point to wedding in holy matrimony. So other than music, carnal lust, and the apparent ability to procreate, there’s not much else we have in common with these truly

Alien beings. Despite this, they’ve never been a stranger to humans, and in the Bible, they interact with us all the time, leaving us a host of subtle details that prove just how different they are. For example, language is no barrier to angels,

And they have no problem communicating with any person. In every visitation, 100% of what they say is perfectly understood, with not even a hint of confusion – at least in the literal message being communicated. Because the actual implications of these messages

Tended to be pretty shocking. But there may be a reason for this phenomenon. Compared to humans, the way angels communicate appears to be far beyond any concept of language in general – For example, the Book of Revelation tells of an angel simultaneously speaking

To, QUOTE: “every nation and tribe and language and people…” End Quote. So from these verses, it seems likely that angels communicate telepathically and without words, just a message plainly understood by the recipient. But despite their apparent non-use of language, little contradictory details in the Bible

Have led some theologians and occultists to believe that angels do, in fact, possess a language of their own – And this angelic tongue is thought to come with a full vocabulary and even syntax. I actually investigated this in my video “Enochian, the Lost Language

Of Angels”, so if you’re interested in this mystery, I’ll leave a link in the description. Moving on, the Second Book of Samuel states that angels possess an ability to know ‘everything that happens in the land’, the land being their assigned domain. Similar to how their

Non-use of language hints at telepathy, the belief that angels simply know all happenings at all times across a large geographic region, strongly suggests that they may have other psychic powers, such as a perfected ability to remote view – to see across time and

Space. Note that this doesn’t mean they’re omniscient, and more on that in a minute. While their intellect is certainly beyond us humans, there’s yet another aspect inherent to angels we simply can’t rival. The Second Epistle of Peter plainly asserts that, compared

To any mortal, angels are ‘greater in might and power’. Perhaps the most famous instance of this superhuman strength was the angel who rolled away the massive 4-ton bolder that locked Jesus in his tomb. But beyond sheer muscle, some angels do have

Legitimate superpowers, according to the many vivid descriptions of lone angels coming down and eliminating armies overnight, or obliterating cities in a fiery meteorological downpour. Demons are scary, but I, for one, definitely would not want to pick a fight with an angel.

But speaking of superpowers, it’s also worth exploring the obvious fact that angels can fly, as they’re consistently depicted as coming down from Heaven and ascending back up, but how this actually works is somewhat interesting. In the scripture, some angelic

Species rely on wings, such as the seraphim and the cherubim, and those without wings, like the ophanim, seem to be reliant on those with wings in order to move through the air. This implies a less magical and more practical locomotion, at least during their time in

Our physical realm. Angels do have one specific and major limitation compared to mortals, however. The First Epistle to the Corinthians states that at the end of days, QUOTE: “Do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? … Do you not know that we will judge angels?” End Quote.

So eventually human believers will be governing over the same angels who are currently governing over us. The reason why – the Bible never explains. But until that destiny is fulfilled, angels still have power we humans simply can’t match. It’s important to stress though that angels, no matter how powerful they are, are still

Far below the might and ability of God. To begin, they are certainly not omniscient. Jesus himself confirms this in the Gospel of Matthew, saying that both he and the angels of heaven don’t know the exact way the End of Days will play out, and that the only one

Who knows is God. So despite the many verses of angels conveying revelations and prophecies of events in both the short and long term future, it’s implied that they don’t know much beyond what God allows them to know. The First Epistle of Peter again confirms

This, but also throws in a rather revealing detail, QUOTE: “… the things that have now been told to you [by the gospel of God]… Even angels long to look into these things.” End Quote. This verse strongly implies that angels are

Curious, and want to know more. Similar to angels lusting for human women, this really pushes the notion that angels are capable of both emotion and free will, and in just a minute, we’ll explore that complexity in more depth. Angels are also not omnipresent. The Bible speaks of angels traveling to specific places

At specific times, and there are even instances of angels being somehow imprisoned in a physical location. For example, the Book of Daniel records this testimony from an angel, QUOTE: “The prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the

Chief [angels], came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.” End Quote. This is interesting, simply because it shows that, on Earth, angels can be captured and imprisoned, and held against their will. One

Has to wonder how the king of Persia managed to capture an angel for even a short period time, because the Acts of the Apostles writes that angels can pick locks with ease, fly open the doors of prison cells, and make chains drop to the ground like nothing. But apparently,

It’s possible. Especially with lesser angels. But an Archangel like Michael, who freed this lesser angel, clearly wouldn’t be so easily subdued. But as we’re making this comparison of angels to God, there really doesn’t seem to be any competition, because the belief is simply that God’s power is boundless. But that

Presents a serious logical problem –the main function of angels seems to be carrying out His will, but we know that God can do everything, so He obviously doesn’t need angels to do anything on His behalf. There is one accepted solution to this puzzle.

It’s arguable that angels aren’t doing things on behalf of God, but rather, God actually does it all directly through his angels, much like a puppet controlled by a hand. And while the puppet solution does help explain ‘how’ He uses them, the question remains

As to ‘why’ God created the angels, and why needs His angels in the first place. The 12th century Jewish philosopher Maimonides gives the answer, QUOTE: “God, glory and majesty to Him, does not do things by direct contact. God burns things

By means of fire; fire is moved by the motion of the sphere; the sphere is moved by means of a disembodied intellect, these intellects being the ‘angels which are near to Him’… thus totally disembodied minds exist which emanate from God and are the intermediaries

Between God and all the bodies [objects] here in this world.” End Quote. Basically, God’s holiness is so intense that He requires, or simply prefers, some form of separation between Himself and his lower creations. And that answer does align

With the idea of the 9 choirs and 3 spheres of angels, where only the highest actually work directly with God. But while the puppet and separation theories do help explain the existence of these beings, it calls into question their nature. Are angels independent actors, or do they ultimately lack free will?

Last year in my demonology video, I made a rather controversial statement along these lines… that angels essentially operate as robots, programmed by God to do his bidding… and at the time, I was speaking from the perspective of the puppet interpretation. But many of

You disagreed with me, and after researching this video, I have to say, you all were absolutely right. So I want to take a minute to prove why I was wrong. Let me explain… The Bible states that all angels were created

As moral creatures with the power of choice. We know that angels definitely experience temptation, but unlike us humans, angels can never rightfully be described as falling victim to temptation, because these beings inherently know the difference between what’s good

And what’s evil. The Second Book of Samuel states that angels are able to fully discern between good and evil, no matter how subtle. And the Book of Jude confirms that angels who abandon the righteous path are punished for eternity, and are never forgiven.

The reason for this is that angels have completely free will, much like humans. Compared to us though, angels don’t make mistakes. They make informed decisions. So while God is pretty forgiving to humans, as we’re naturally sinning creatures, it’s only expected that angels will face the ultimate consequences for their fully conscious sins.

All this considered then, it’s actually rather astonishing that one-third of all angels made the decision to follow Satan, according to the Book of Revelation. But that just goes to emphasize how complex these beings are, and that the way their minds reason these decisions is far beyond what us humans can comprehend.

But that’s not to say that we don’t have some understanding, because today, we’ve covered incredible ground. We learned about the species of angels, what they look like, how they rank on the hierarchy, what they do, what powers they possess, how they serve

God’s will and even how they defect from it. So by watching this video in its entirety, I hereby grant you the deserving title of Amateur Angelologist. But stay tuned, because we’ll be exploring the dark side of these beings in our follow-up, Fallen Angel Demonology. Until then – thank you for watching.

If you haven’t seen my video “Demonology Explained in Obsessive Detail” that’s my deep dive into the other end of the spiritual spectrum and a must-watch if you’re interested in this stuff. Or if you can’t get enough of these angels, I recommend you check out

“The Overly Complex Ritual to Summon a Guardian Angel”. These two videos, as well as a whole playlist of my demon and angel content are linked in the description below. Shout out to my patrons, your support truly makes the difference in helping bring these

Obscure topics to light, and it seriously means a lot me and helps keep the channel going. If you want to join in, I’ve got links in the description where you can make a one-time donation or pledge monthly if you wish. 100% goes back into these videos, so

Thank you again. I’m Mr. Mythos, you guys are awesome, I’ll see you in the next one. Peace!

#Angelology #Explained #Obsessive #Detail

John Milton – 01

We are going to discuss the poetry of one of  the most important poets in English poetry, John   Milton, from the 17th century. We have examined  the poems of metaphysical poets like John Donne,   George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and Andrew Marvell.  They also belong to this 17th century, some early  

17th century and some going on into the later part  of the 17th century like Andrew Marvell. In fact,   Andrew Marvell and John Milton were close friends  and good friends. They helped each other.   If John Milton helped Andrew Marvell  to get a job in the government,  

Andrew Marvell actually saved Milton from death  when the there was a change in government that is   after the Restoration. We will see the historical  and literary context in which Milton imagined,   Milton spoke for the freedom of speech, Milton  worked for the people and the government,  

And also improved himself by self-study,  to write the best epic, the first epic,   the first complete full-fledged epic  in English, that is Paradise Lost.   In this course, we will see Book 1  and, in this lecture, we will see lines  

1 to 194. In the next lecture, we will see the  rest of Book 1. We have some selected passages,   dealing with Invocation to the Muse, The Lake,  The Burning Lake in which we find all the devils,   including Satan, and then Satan coming out of this  Lake, addressing the devils to think about their  

Plan of action for the next activity, that is they  have some Hope of Revenge he speaks about. And we   will analyze the selected passages and conclude  this lecture and then move on to the second   lecture dealing with lines 195 to 798 of Book 1. Similar historical context or incidents have  

Shaped Milton as well. The appointment of  William Laud as Archbishop of Canterbury in   1621 actually caused some of the serious problems  in English society when Laud was trying to impose   certain rituals from the Roman Catholic Church  practices. And this was possible because of  

This support from King Charles the I as well, who  became the king in 1625 after his father s death,   that is, King James death in 1625. As a mission,  Charles also wanted to unite the two churches,   Church of Eng Church of Scotland  with the Church of England.  

That led to one part of the Civil War, that is  called the Bishops War of 1639 and 1640 together,   they made up with the support from the  Parliamentarians caused this English Civil War.   It was a decisive and divisive event leading to  the emergence of two parties, two kinds of people,  

One supporting the king, that is, Tories, another  supporting the Parliamentarians, that is, Whigs,   leading to The Protectorate, that is, the  Commonwealth from 1653 to 1660, but then,   it did not last. The people s aspiration to have  their own government without their king did not  

Last long. In 1660, monarchy was restored  with the arrival of King Charles the II   The literary context is also similar but  certain incidents, certain intellectual currents   which took place in 17th century shaped Milton  much more than other poets. For example,  

Francis Bacon s book, The Advancement of  Learning and another book, Novum Organum actually   contributed to the scientific thinking, scientific  temper, against which Milton was writing his   Christian epic poem about God, heaven, hell and  earth. A different kind of knowledge has arrived;  

New knowledge has arrived from this geocentric to  heliocentric world. But Milton was one of perhaps   one of the last Renaissance scholars  to retain or maintain the same old   geocentric view in his greatest epic, Paradise  Lost. Other poets like metaphysical poets,  

Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, Vaughan and Marvell,  they were writing more of religious poetry.   As opposed to Cavalier poets like Thomas  Carew, Sir John Suckling, Richard Lovelace,   who were writing more of secular poetry,  we have two interesting poets who were very  

Popular during this time, but we don t know  about much about them today, that is, one is,   Edmund Waller, another is Abraham  Cowley. Abraham Cowley, we have seen   that Johnson, Dr. Johnson was writing a life  of Cowley rather than a life of John Donne.  

We have important books from Robert Burton, Thomas  Browne and Thomas Hobbes, to shape up this English   thought, English society, English philosophy  at this time. Science took the decisive shape   in the form of the Royal Society in 1662. More of  exploration not only of this geographical space,  

But also the inner realm, what man is capable  of, what we can discover in this world, what we   can discover with our own eyes, that is where this  empirical philosophy, empirical approach to life   was beginning to take shape during this time. John Milton has a rich life.  

He was a defender of various political and social  causes. Surprisingly, this freedom of speech,   he had enough freedom of speech, but then it  was not enough. He was an independent thinker.   He wanted to express his ideas, not only his own  ideas; anybody must have this freedom of speech.  

He was also a republican supporting  the Parliament. And interestingly,   he was also supporting remarriage, because his  own first wife, after immediately after marriage,   left him and returned to him much later. So, he began to ask a question, just because  

A woman leaves a husband, why should a  husband remain single for a long time?   Later on, he married another lady and  one more lady. He had three wives,   but two of them died of childbirth, unfortunately.  Milton attempted various forms of poetry and  

Also prose, in both Latin and English. In fact,  Milton was a polyglot; he knew many languages,   even Hebrew. He could read original Hebrew. And today he is remembered for some of his poems,   including this Paradise Lost. Some  other well-known poems like Lycidas;  

And Samson Agonistes is actually a tragedy  and Areopagitica is a prose tract in which   he has spoken fiercely for the freedom  of speech. As we have already noted,   Milton is considered to be one of the four  pillars of English poetic tradition, the other  

Three being Chaucer, Spenser and Shakespeare. We have chosen to discuss Paradise Lost, that too,   Book 1 only. We have 12 books totally. But we  will deal with only one book, and that too we will   have some selected passages. What is this whole  Paradise Lost about which was published in 1667 in  

10 books and later in 1674 in 12 books to conform  to the tradition of 12 books in Virgil s Aeneid?   When Milton was a young man, he planned to  write a grand epic, a great epic for England,   based on English history, that  is, the legends of King Arthur.  

He actually trained himself for six years for  this task. He devoted himself to the study of   all texts, available philosophy, religion,  science, everything that was available to   him. He was preparing himself to write only  the greatest epic, that was his determined  

Task. That was his ambition in life, apart from  his ambition of contributing to the English   church, English society that is the state.  It was a huge task he set for himself.   He composed the epic of Paradise Lost  in 1667, that is, he published it. He  

Started writing it around 1663 or so, he  published the ten books in 1667 and later   on expanded two of his books into four books  and then made it up as twelve books in 1674.   He also wrote a sequel to Paradise  Lost called Paradise Regained in 1671.  

But this one has only four books. It deals  with the arrival of Christ to redeem humanity.   This Paradise Lost is a celebrated English  epic poem in blank verse unlike other   heroic epics which have this heroic couplet. We have some major characters like God, Satan,  

Adam and Eve, some angels and devils we have.  This particular epic poem is known for this   Grand Style. Mathew Arnold and other critics  after him have identified the style of Milton as   Grand Style and it has come to be called Miltonic  Style after the author of this poem John Milton.  

We will spend some time specially in  the next lecture on this grand style.   What is this Paradise Lost again? What  does a contemporary like Pullman Philip,   Pullman say on this great epic? According to  Pullman, it is a great revenge story. Revenge  

Stories are always popular, as we have in films  and also in books and other stories. He says,   I think it is a central story of our  lives, the story that more than any other  

Tells us, what it means to be human. But  however, many different it is told in   the future, and however many  interpretations are made of made of it,   I don t think the version created by  Milton, blind and ageing, out of  

Political favor, dictating it day by day  to his daughter, will ever be surpassed.   It is one of the greatest epics, we have, one of  the greatest revenge epics we have in English.   And nobody can surpass it, Pullman says, and  probably no other poet can do that. Wordsworth  

Attempted an epic in English. He also was toying  with the idea of writing about historical matters   concerning England. But, then, later he  chose to write about his own self; that we   will see when we come to romantic poetry. What do we have in Paradise Lost, Book 1?  

As the picture shows us, we can see Adam and  Eve in the Garden of Eden near this apple tree,   or tree of life, where we have Satan in  the form of a serpent, and speaking to Eve,  

Tempting her to eat this apple. The result of that  eating forbidden fruit is their being sent out   of this paradise by Michael from, that is, God,  through Michael from this paradise. We have Satan   receiving them here downwards and these, our great  grandparents, they left the paradise for the earth  

To suffer the misery of the human condition. This particular book, Book one has 798 lines.   It has, the whole book actually begins  with this verse and also the argument,   where we have some summary of this book. Every  book has this kind of summary at the beginning.  

In this Book one, we have Invocation to the Muse,  Statement of the Theme, Introduction of Satan,   other characters like Beelzebub  and many other devils,   and the size, the huge size, the monstrous size  of Satan is given much importance in this book.  

And also, we come to know certain insights into  what makes heaven, what makes hell from the mouth   of Satan himself. And then as an epic convention,  we have a list of warriors that is catalogue   cataloguing of all the warriors who are  participating in this war with God led by  

Satan. We have the construction of Pandemonium,  the capital city of hell. And, then, in this   Pandemonium, in this hall, we have  a discussion by all these devils   led by Satan on the future course of action. Milton deliberately chose to write blank verse.  

And so, he has explained, why he chose to write  his epic in blank verse in this particular section   called The Verse, in his book, The Paradise Lost.  Milton, Milton justified using blank verse in his   epic poem Paradise Lost. He says, The measure is English heroic verse  

Without rhyme, as that of Homer in Greek,   and Virgil in Latin. Rhyme being no necessary adjunct or true ornament   of poem or good verse, in longer works especially.   But the invention of a barbarous age, to set off wretched matter and lame meter.  

He did not want to follow this rhyme; he did not  want to follow these typical other kinds of heroic   couplets and things like that. At the same  time, he wants the readers that this lack   of rhyme is not exactly a defect, but it is a  deliberate design that he has brought into this  

Poem Paradise Lost. So, he claims that, this is  the first epic in English to use blank verse.   We are already familiar with blank verse being  used in other contexts in poetry and drama,   particularly in the Elizabethan contexts,  the whole many of the plays were,  

Most of the plays were written in blank verse. But here for an epic poem, we have this use of   blank verse. Later on, other poets will employ  this, including Wordsworth for his own epic,   The Prelude. This use of blank verse in the  context of Restoration society in poetry is a  

Kind of going against the grain of his own age  of rhyming verse particularly John Dryden and   later on Alexander Pope. But the primarily,  Johnson was familiar with and concerned with   Dryden, because he was his contemporary. When Milton published his Paradise Lost in 1667  

For the first time, he did not publish this  argument, that is, summarizing the whole book   and presenting it at the beginning of every book.  It seems when readers wanted to have this kind of   summary of every book, remember Milton s  Paradise Lost is not that easy to read,  

Because it has its own Miltonic style, Grand  Style. That means, some effort the reader has   to make to understand what Milton has written. So, readers wanted to have this summary at the   beginning, so he has given this summary in the  form of an argument. He received the suggestions  

From the readers, particularly the publishers to  include a summary of each book in the expanded   edition in 1674. This particular poem deals  with man s disobedience, the loss of Paradise,   the fall of man due to Satan s revolt against  God and his temptation of man to eat this  

Forbidden apple, to get this knowledge of the  difference between innocence and experience.   And so, this poem deals with the, the entire  group of devils, the chief of which is   Satan and all other fallen angels in hell.  The mis miserable condition of the devils  

In the Burning Lake is presented to us in this  particular book, Book one. But Satan, though he   has fallen, has not lost lost his motivation, his  inspiration, or his energy to fight with God. So,   he is he self-motivates himself and then he  motivates his own fallen angels by his speeches.  

We have a list of warriors and then  the how this Pandemonium is built,   that is by Malciber, that is mentioned.  And then we have the big preparation   for the debate on war with God, direct or indirect  war, by force or fraud. We have this kind of  

The beginning of that, setting up of that  meeting we have at the end of Book one.   So, we begin with this Invocation, we  have some selected passages. We will read   these passages one after another and please pay  attention to the highlighted words, so that you  

Can understand the kind of emphasis that we lay on  certain special words and phrases or even lines.   Of Man s first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste  

Brought death into the world and all our woe, With loss of Eden, till one greater Man.   Restore us and regain the blissful seat, Sing, Heav nly Muse, that on the secret top.  

Or Oreb or of Sinai, didst inspire, That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed   In the beginning how the heav ns and earth Rose out of chaos; or if Sion hill.  

Delight thee more, and Siloa s brook that flow d Fast by the oracle of God, I thence   Invoke thy aid to my advent rous song. Milton the poet, the narrator of this poem,   invokes the muse, the classical muse.  Normally we have this calliope, the epic muse  

For every poet. So here Milton invokes the muse,   the classical muse, but when he comes to this  heavenly muse, when he comes to this secret top,   the shepherd and all that, he indicates that he  doesn t stop with this classical muse of epic.  

He also includes the Christian epic, or Christian  muse, the heavenly muse, the holy spirit, that   inspired Moses, that is a shepherd, so, this Oreb  and Sinai, this mountain area where Moses received   this law from law for human beings from God. So, he wants to, Milton wants to, receive  

That kind of blessing from the heavenly  spirit, the heavenly muse to write his   adventurous song. Certain words and phrases,  for example, this Oreb, Sinai, and things like   that are highly allusive. That is, one source of  difficulty with Milton is the Latinate diction,  

The Latinate diction. Another is the  classical allusion or allusion to the   whole range of knowledge that  Milton was familiar with.   It is said, he is only, he is the only  poet with so much of scholarly learning.   All other epic poets did not have so  much of self-trained learning. So,  

As a result, we will be facing challenges because  of this enormous range of scholarship from Milton.   But we can overcome these difficulties with a  good annotated text. The text that we are using   from Representative Poetry Online, we can use  many other texts also. It has enough annotations  

To help us, some points of explanation  which will help us to understand the poem.   The invocation continues. That with no middle flight intends to soar   Above th Aonian mount, while it pursues, Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.  

And chiefly thou, O spirit, that dost prefer Before all temples th upright heart and pure,   Instruct me, for thou know  st, thou from the first   Wast present, and, with mighty wings outspread. Dove like sat st brooding on the vast Abyss,  

And mad st mad st it  pregnant: What in me is dark   Illumine, what is low raise and support, That to the height of this great argument   I may assert Eternal Providence And justify the ways of God to men.  

This is the task, Milton has set for  himself to justify the ways of God to men,   to assert eternal providence, to deal  with the story of the first disobedience.   The fruit of which man had to bear, that is to  that is to be thrown out of this Paradise and  

Suffer forever without any kind of relief except  through Jesus Christ, the arrival of God. So here   in this passage, we can see how Milton daringly  says, Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.   Nobody has attempted this kind of  epic poem. But this is, scholars have  

Noted that, this is a kind of paraphrase from  another Italian poet. For that kind of influence   study and all that some annotations may help us.  But what we have to notice in this passage is   the spirit, the Holy Spirit becomes very clear,  when he mentions this simile like expression  

Dove like sat st brooding on the vast Abyss,  Dove, this Holy Spirit, or this Holy Ghost   blessing, knowing everything. And so, he seeks the  blessing of this Holy Spirit to enlighten what is   dark in him and raise his morale, support him, so  that he can assert eternal providence and justify  

The ways of God to men. This is not an ordinary  task. In poetry, in blank verse, to write a poem,   that too when science was advancing, to  destabilize this Christian view of the world,   that is the center earth is the center of  the world, there is a heaven above, there  

Is a hell down, this is an old traditional view. It was being stabilized, at this time Milton was   still, with conviction, writing.  He was a Puritan, a Protestant,   a Puritan not in the sense of very strict rigid  Puritan, but in the sense of an independent  

Thinker, in the sense of a free thinker. He  was writing, a man with, with conviction,   he was writing this epic for his readers. The invocation continues further.   Say first – for Heav n hides  nothing from thy view,  

Nor the deep tract of Hell  – say first what cause   Mov d our grandparents in that happy state, Favour d of heav n so highly to fall off   From their creator and transgress his will For one restraint, lords of the world besides?  

Who first to seduc d them to that foul revolt? Th infernal Serpent, he it was, whose guile   Stirr d up with envy and revenge, deceiv d The mother of mankind, what time his pride,  

Had cast him out of out from  heav n with all his host.   In this particular passage we find the cause,  the result, the effect; the mother of mankind,   that is, Eve was tempted by this  infernal serpent, that is, Satan.  

What for, to because of his own envy, because  of his own desire, strong desire for revenge   against God s punishment for Satan and his  colleagues to be thrown out of heaven into hell.   So, Satan, Satan s strategy was not to fight with  God directly, but fight God through human beings,  

By destroying human beings. Of rebel Angels, by whose aid, aspiring   To set himself in glory above his peers. He trusted to have equall d the Most High   If he oppos d; and with ambitious aim. Against the throne and monarchy of God,  

Raised impious war in heav n and battle proud With vain attempt.   Satan s attempt to wage a war, civil war,  impious war against God was a vain attempt.   He did that out of pride. He wanted to equal  God, the Most High, that was his ambitious aim.  

Why should why he should be second to God, he  did not, he could not, Satan could not, accept   the fact that he could be less than God. That  is where the pride, that is where the arrogance   led, Satan to fight against God. And  when he started this along with others,  

Naturally God with all his power was able  to win over Satan and his team. And then   this particular defeat, did not allow Satan to  remain silent. He could not accept it, though   it was a vain attempt. So, to prove his arrogance,  to prove his pride in himself, to prove his desire  

For ambition, he continues his restless war with  God. It is an eternal war between good and evil.   The invocation is over. Milton invoked the muse,  on the one hand classical muse, on the other hand   Christian muse. Any power on earth to help him to  write the greatest epic, specifically Classical  

Muse and this Christian muse, Holy Spirit to  write this rhyme or poem un-attempted yet.   Now we find Milton describing the hell.  This hell is a Burning Lake. And here again,   if you use if you if you pay attention  to the language, you will see how it is,  

Though it is hell, how beautifully  Milton describes hell, you can see.   Let s begin. Him the Almighty power   Hurl d headlong, flaming from th ethereal sky, With hideous ruin and combustion, down  

To bottomless perdition there to dwell In adamantine chains and penal fire,   Who durst defy th Omnipotent arms. Nine times the space that measures day and night   To mortal men, he with his horrid crew Lay vanquish d, rolling in the fiery gulf,  

Confounded though immortal. But his doom Reserv d him to move wrath; for now the thought   Both of lost happiness and lasting pain, Torments him; round he throws his baleful eyes,   The Almighty hurled him Satan headlong, flaming  through the ethereal sky, celestial sky.  

In all members of Satan s team, they were  all hurling down, falling down into hell, to   bottomless perdition, endless adamantine,  or condemnation. This is a lake   of fire, where these devils are bound  in chains and they are in misery.  

They are fallen and they are vanquished,  they are confused, they are, but remember,   they are also immortal angels. They were  they were created angels, immortal angels,   but then here they suffer, unlike other  angels who are remaining with God. The  

More of torment comes to Satan because he knows  what is happiness, he knows what is pain now.   When he compares this to more suffering Satan has,  and his eyes are full of woe, suffering, misery.   This hell is like a dungeon.  And in this dark dungeon,  

It is amazing to see Milton using this expression  darkness visible. In 20th century, William   Golding has a novel called Darkness Visible to  specifically deal with this kind of good and   evil conflict or conflict between good and evil.  Darkness is visible. So, this Burning Lake in  

The dungeon, this heaven, or in this hell is  darkness, but it is visible. This is oxymoronic,   this is a contradiction, but this is the real  real picture that Milton produces for us.   At once, as far as Angels ken, he views The dismal situation waste and wild,  

A dungeon horrible on on all sides round, As one great furnace   flam d; yet from those flames No light, but rather darkness visible.   Serv d only to discover sights of woe, Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace  

And rest can never dwell, hope never comes, That comes to all, but torture without end   Still urges, and a fiery deluge, fed With ever-burning sulphur unconsum d.   In this passage, when Milton describes hell,  he also keeps in mind other kinds of hell,  

Particularly the hell described by Dante in his  Divine Comedy where we have a reference here.   Hope never comes, that comes to all. Abundant  all your hope, those who come here is what is   written on the entrance of the hell in Dante s  Divine Comedy. And that kind of memory or trace,  

Milton brings in here in his own hell as well. This is a dungeon, this is dismal, horrible,   woeful, sorrowful, full of torture. These words  we have underlined to draw our attention to the   kind of emphasis that Milton pays to the suffering  in hell. In spite of all this suffering, misery,  

Torment everything, Milton allows his Satan  to rise as a great inspirer, motivator. Satan   has not lost hope, so he addresses the devils on  many occasions. And here we have some examples.   Once he was very happy, he had excellent  thoughts, he had excellent company.  

Join d with me once, now misery hath join d In equal ruin, into what pit thou seest.   From what highth fall n. So  much the stronger prov d  

He with his thunder- and till then who knew The force of those dire arms? Yet not for those,   Nor what the potent victor in his rage Can else inflict, do I repent or change,   Though chang d in outward  luster, that fix d mind  

And high disdain from sense of injur d merit, That with the mightiest rais d me to contend,   And to the fierce contention brought along. Innumerable force of Spirits arm d,   That durst dislike his  reign and, me preferring.  

In this motivating speech for  this, for his fallen angels,   he talks, talks about his own status as a  preferred leader, as a leader with support   from many other colleagues. And we can see his  own toying of toying mind repent or change,  

Fixed mind and all that. Now we can pay attention  to this to content and contention. This is one   example where we can see how Milton uses the same  word content in a verb form and in another case  

Contention as a noun form, plays with words. Word play is a characteristic of Milton s   grand style. And in the first case joined and a  line beginning with joined and ending with joined,   it is a rhetorical feature called epanalepsis.  There are many such rhetorical figures,  

Only when we pay attention, only when we closely  read, only when we are drawn to the sounds and   words, the senses, the etymological roots, the  syntactical structures, we will be able to enjoy   the Miltonic poem, epic that is Paradise Lost. Everything is doleful, sorrowful, tormenting,  

Woeful, miserable. In this kind of  condition, nobody would have any hope.   Abandon all your hope, those  who come to those who come here,   that is what Dante says. But Satan who has come  to hell, doesn t abandon his hope. Here we have  

Milton saying. Milton, that is Satan, saying, All is not lost- the unconquerable will,   And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield:   What is else not to be overcome? There is nothing  that is impossible to overcome for Satan.  

And what is else not to be overcome? That glory never shall his wrath or might   Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace With suppliant knee and deify his power,   Who from the terror of this arm so late Doubted his empire, that were low indeed;  

That were an ignominy and shame beneath This downfall:   Satan cannot accept the fact that  it is a shame, it is an ignominy,   this downfall is shameful, he will not accept.  All is not lost; he has his unconquerable will.   That will to independence of Satan,  that is the first disobedience against  

God. The second disobedience is by  man, by eating this forbidden fruit.   Here we find that courage never to submit or yield  from Homer, Ulysses, not to yield, not to submit,   we have in Satan, the kind of inversion we have in  this particular line, that glory never shall his  

Wrath or might extort from me. The glory that he  has in himself, as an angel, as he may be fallen,   but he is an angel, like he is immortal. He has  his own spirit. So, we will pay attention to this  

Later when we come to poetic device.  That s why we have underlined it here.   This kind of revengeful feeling comes to him  because of this tyranny of God or tyranny of   heaven. He says, Satan says, the authority  of God is something which is intolerable,  

Tyrannical. That s why there is a statement  of this expression in this specific passage.   Since by faith the strength of Gods And this empyreal substance cannot fail,   Since through experience of this great event  

In arms not worse, in foresight much advance d. We may with more successful hope resolve   To wage by force, or guile eternal war, Irreconcilable to our grand foe (that is God,)  

Who now triumphs and, in th excess of joy Sole reigning, holds the tyranny of heav n.   Milton saw the king, Roman Church, or any  form of authority as a source of tyranny and   that is a kind of purest expression against  tyranny that we have here through Satan.  

Now what kind of mind does Satan have? He has a  subverting mind, subversive mind. So, he addresses   the devils, fallen Cherub, that is the second  order of angels, the first one is Serafin,   Fall n Cherub, to be weak is miserable, Doing or suffering: but of this be sure,  

To do aught good will never be our task. But ever to do ill our sole delight,   As being the contrary to his high will Whom we resist. If then his providence  

Out of our evil seek to bring forth good, Our labour must be to pervert that end.   And out of good, still to find means of evil; Which oft times may succeed so as perhaps  

Shall grieve him, if I fail not, and disturb His inmost counsels from their destin d aim.   God is meant to do good all the time, even to  fallen angels. From evil also God decides to   bring out the good, but Satan says,  his objective is to pervert that.  

Our sole objective is, our sole delight  is to do evil, even in good. That s what   Satan s philosophy. So, he appeals to all  his colleagues, let s continue to do evil.   let s continue to do evil. And this  is a Satan who will say later on,  

Evil be the my good in another book. These passages in line numbers from one to 194,   we have some thematic contrast that probably  holds good for the entire book epic:   obedience and disobedience. Obedience to God  is paradise; disobedience to God is hell.  

The conflict between good and evil  represented by God and Satan. Haven is bliss;   hell is perdition. Peace with God, or war  with God is the option we have, the conflict   between good and evil is presented to us. And  in this conflict angels and devils participate;  

We have light on the one hand in the heaven  and darkness visible in hell. We have high   heaven and low hell. We have all these  three regions of heaven, earth and hell,   this is a kind of geocentric view  that Milton presents in this poem.  

God created the world, the  angels and human beings.   Some of the angels became devils by disobeying  God. And these angels, particularly Satan,   he disobeyed God, he didn t stop with  that. He received punishment from God,  

He was not happy with that. He wanted to fight  with God, but the only way he thought he could   win over God is to make human beings disobey  God. So, we have two kinds of disobedience:   first disobedience by Satan, the next,  second disobedience by human beings.  

That s why human beings themselves did  not commit this crime of disobedience.   There was another agency that s why human beings  have, according to Milton and Christianity,   have this possibility of redemption. Whatever  sins we commit, we have this redemption, sense  

Of redemption through Christ or through divine  grace. Those who disobeyed, including Satan,   they were pushed down to hell from heaven by God.  They took some nine plus nine, nine days nine   nights, something like eighteen days they took to  reach. Such a long distance from heaven to hell.  

And similarly, for the disobedience by human  beings, human beings were thrown out of Eden;   they had to move from Paradise to Earth to suffer  endlessly. But of course, with some hope.   We have a number of poetic devices, we indicated  some of them as we read the passages, selected  

Passages, we have pun, word play endlessly in all  places. The first one is fruit, fruit is apple,   fruit the result, the effect of eating that  fruit. I noticed something very interesting, defy   is defiance, disobedience. But within this, we  have deify, obedience, or accepting, glorifying  

God. Simile we have dove-like in the case of Holy  Ghost; we have parallelism in construction, in,   what in me is dark, illumine,  what is low, raise and support.   We also have Latinate diction in combustion,  perdition, adamantine, penal when it comes to  

The description of hell. We have images of  hell like lake of fire, darkness. We have a   number of hyperbatons, examples, a variety of  word orders, different kinds of word orders.   We have actually Milton imitates Latin in English.  That glory (never shall) [his wrath or might]  

Extort from me. I have indicated certain  ways through which we can rearrange this   passage. His wrath or might, never  shall extort that glory from me.   That s how we can rephrase it. Similarly, the next one,  

We may with more successful hope resolve to wage  by force or guile eternal war. We may resolve   to wage by force or guile eternal war with  more successful hope. In the first case,   we see that glory, object coming to the front. And  in the second case, we have object is, subject is  

Retained in the first position. But it is subject  and verb, they are split with an adjunct with   more successful hope. So, this kind of play with  subject position, object position and the way,   way in which he organizes words, is something  remarkable, contributing to this through syntax,  

He contributes to this Miltonic  style, that is the grand style.   Sound effects, that is the first characteristic  of Miltonic style. He wanted to have freedom in   using language. That s why he chose blank  verse for his epic poem Paradise Lost.  

He could manipulate English language in any way  he liked without restriction. Sometimes in spite   of this freedom that he wants to enjoy, some end  rhymes all we have in certain places, like in line   number 148 and 151, where ire rhymes with fire.  We have a number of alliterations, first, fruit,  

World, woe, restore, regain, sing, secret, heaven,  hides, mother of mankind, ambitious aim.   We also have anaphora, say first, say first he  tells or requests Holy Ghost, that is the muse.   We have, disyllabic words, monosyllabic words  in iambic pentameter as well. We have a number  

Of variations in pause and this run-on line and  end-stopped line. We have some examples here,   Restore us and regain the blissful seat, Restore us and regain the blissful seat,   Sing heavenly muse, that on the secret top Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire.  

So, we can see various kinds of play with sound  effects that Milton creates in his poem.   On the whole, we have this great poem, Milton  s Paradise Lost, which is an epic poem on the  

Grand theme of the fall of man. It begins with the  invocation to both epic and the Christian muses.   It presents the Burning Lake in which Satan and  his colleagues have found. It suggests scope for   revenge by force or fraud against the tyranny  of God by Satan. Satan offers an encomium,  

Praise to pervert the design of God, and Satan  offers an encomium to pervert the design of God   and turn good into evil, to hurt God and his  creations. Milton s poetic and linguistic devices   construct the grand style of his epic. In sum, we have the historical and literary  

Context which actually shaped Milton to write his  great epic Paradise Lost in 12 books. The book we   have chosen is Book one. And in this lecture,  we have discussed from lines from one to 194.   Within this, we have some selected passages  dealing with invocation to the muse of  

Pagan muse or Classical muse. And then we  have the Christian muse, that is Holy Spirit.   The invocation we found in four sections.   This invocation specifically asks for help to  write an epic which has never been attempted by  

Any poet anywhere. We find Satan in the  Burning Lake and him addressing his devils,   raising some hope in them for revenge against  God, by drawing their attention to their own   pride in being themselves, being immortal, being  powerful. But it takes time to realize that he  

May not be equal to God, but he will not resist  from this temptation of fighting against God.   We have interesting references for you. We  have used this text from Representative Poetry   Online from the University of Toronto Library.  We have the reference; you can collect it or  

You can use any other source. We also  have another book by Pullman, Pullman,   Pullman. He has edited this volume, Paradise  Lost, whole entire book we have. You can read this   introduction and also this Book one from here. Some, some critical references we have in  

Typological Aporias. This will guide us or let  us know about the kind of difficulties we have   in reading this poem. Aporia, this undecidability,  indeterminacy in meaning in language, has its own   capacity to undecide the meaning. So how Milton  does it, or the language used by Milton does it in  

Paradise Lost, you could see that using  contemporary critical terms. Thank you.

#John #Milton